Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from October 3, 2014 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting October 3, 2014: Put The Needle On The Cats and Dogs (Meow Woof Moo October Imaginary Mix)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
SUW RmX Project  Cats vs Dogs (Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow)   Favoriting   no label  2014      *    
Andre Nickatina  3 A.M. (SUW remix)   Favoriting Raven In My Eyes  Dogday Records  1998        0:01:39 (Pop-up)
Snoop Doggy Dogg  Who Am I (What's My Name)? [shortened edit]   Favoriting Doggystyle  Death Row  1993        0:06:17 (Pop-up)
Ice Cube  Man's Best Friend   Favoriting Death Certificate    1991    woof moo meow woof dog gat    0:07:14 (Pop-up)
Evidence  James Hendrix (StepBrothers)   Favoriting Cats & Dogs    2011        0:09:06 (Pop-up)
New Kingdom  Calico Cats   Favoriting Heavy Load  Gee Street/Island  1993  LP      0:12:34 (Pop-up)
De La Soul  Dog Eat Dog   Favoriting             0:15:46 (Pop-up)
Pseudo Slang  Chill Out $ (feat. A.L. Third)   Favoriting We'll Keep Looking    2009        0:19:04 (Pop-up)
Chali 2na  Graff Time   Favoriting Fish Outta Water  Decon  2009        0:21:52 (Pop-up)
L.T.B.  Yo Start The Show   Favoriting   First Time Recordz!  1989  12"  First in a 3 record set of old school Bay 12" records - This particular record is so rare that I sold a copy of it for $400 on eBay few years ago…..then I sold another copy for another $400 - ca- ching ! glad I got dupes of all these rekkids…….    0:24:36 (Pop-up)
Kool Rock Jay & DJ Slice  It's About Time   Favoriting   C.O.D. Records  1988  12"  More of that classic Bay Area ole skool hip-hop …...before getting signed to Jive Records    0:30:35 (Pop-up)
Keisha Boom  Let's Dance   Favoriting   Tandem  1989  12"  more rare late 80's Bay Area rap 12" singles    0:34:42 (Pop-up)
Devo-Cholesterol  Lipid Real Good (PTNOTR mix)   Favoriting   No Label  2014    Following my recent check-up when my doctor who informed me that I have to "watch my cholesterol" I began to do some research on a topic that I knew little about beyond hearing the term all the time. That led me to an online tutorial that I recorded for future reference in which I learned of the term "lipid" (meaning: any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. They include many natural oils, waxes, and steroids) which immediately made me think of the Devo song "Whip It" - hence this hastily assembled mix of the 1980 Devo single with that medical overview of cholesterol.  *   0:37:36 (Pop-up)
Marvelous JC  Trim Hunter   Favoriting   Insane Beats Records  1990  12"  Miami Bass - Had to throw in a song that samples "Whip It"    0:38:41 (Pop-up)
Le Juan Love    I Still Feel Good  Luke Skyywalker Records  1988  LP  more of that classic Miami BASSSSSSSS    0:41:14 (Pop-up)
Doug Benson  Dog (SF) joke   Favoriting             0:44:21 (Pop-up)
Beat Junkies  Alley Cats (Juxtapose) feat Dannu of Writer's Block   Favoriting World Famous Beat Junkies Vol. 2            0:45:08 (Pop-up)
Dilated Peoples  The Reversal   Favoriting Directors Of Photography  Rhymesayers Entertainment  2014      *   0:47:03 (Pop-up)
Evidence  You   Favoriting Cats & Dogs    2011        0:49:59 (Pop-up)
L'Orange feat Blu  Need You (LNRP Mixshow Edit)   Favoriting     2014        0:53:19 (Pop-up)
Bert Brown  Hollerin (PTNOTR remix)   Favoriting             0:56:06 (Pop-up)
Issac Clark  do the dog funk   Favoriting   Miro Recordings    7"      0:57:08 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9/27 5:59pm
Billy Jam:

This first week in October radio show will be dog and cat themed - mainly at beginning and end of this one hour show - with in between both new and old music including some throwback hi-energy, fast BPM stuff from the late 80's - including Miami Bass and some rare Bay Area hip-hop 12" singles - all clocking in at around 128bpm- 130bpm …..Today we nod our heads to the hip-hop beats and give thanks to W F M U. The generated funds will go to buy much-needed audio gear for our recently opened Monty Hall performance space on the first floor of our building in Jersey City, NJ. Note that if you pledge your dollar support you can enter your pet (not just cat or dog, but goldfish, snake, turtle, pigeon, budgie, or dingo etc.) with his/her name and at end of this month we'll choose a winner. Note that with a $50 pledge you can choose either our Illuminati Cat T-shirt or our Under(water) Dog T-shirt (as seen here on this playlist) and that for $100 you will get both T-shirts as well as a DJ Premium. THANK YOU in advance for your support to this show.
Avatar 7:01pm

i wish the swag wasn't so irresistable - i want the premium (Billy your last premium is ledgendarylisten),all the shirts, all the stickers , to go to monty and pogo my balls off- i am a WOOFMOO slushpuppy , drink my soul, it's pledged
Beeeeeeeweeeeeeely time - time for me to be embarrsingly happpy
Avatar 7:01pm

Avatar 7:02pm
Studio B Ben:

Oh my Billy Jam this is amazing.
Avatar 7:02pm

Avatar 7:02pm

oh, this is a thing of beauty, billy jam.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Loving this!
Avatar 7:02pm

oh, wow
Avatar 7:02pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

This is TIGHT Billy! LMAO!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

This is cat / dog gold!
Avatar 7:03pm

speechless. so damn good

Billy jam, the weirdos expect this now, and you don't let down
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

happy friday billy jam and everyone! great shut up weirdo thing!
Avatar 7:04pm
Studio B Ben:

/standing ovation

That mash-up was INSPIRED!
Avatar 7:05pm
Studio B Ben:

I've said it before, but CATS RULE EVERYTHING AROUND ME
Avatar 7:05pm

Billy Jam shines like a star
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Woof meow, indeed.
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

Oh yes, oh yes! This. Choice.

cats off to you Billy Jam, great show as always
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

Do'yawanna meow wit me?

lay it down!
Avatar 7:10pm
Studio B Ben:

Involuntarily head nod syndrome in full effect today.

yup its billy time
Avatar 7:11pm
Billy Jam:

hey all - good to have you on board including ALF - did u hear your track played last week ALF? - glad u all liked my mix of SUW's cats and dogs from few weeks back - had to do it :)

Cats+dogs+Billy Jam=genius.
Avatar 7:14pm
Billy Jam:

hey ADA - how are you?
Avatar 7:16pm
Billy Jam:

hello to Studio B Ben, P-90, RWNN, Spidermank and all else
Avatar 7:16pm

is the show nearlly over - coz i am already Billoverloadedly Jammed - Boooom,, so glad we are all here , luvatcha Billy ,luvatcha commenters of excellent taste - lets mind meldtttttttt yeeehawwwwoofmeeyowwsers
Avatar 7:17pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Yup I heard it Billy! Joe McGasko!

really excited to see DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist tomorrow night for the Renegades of Rhythm Tour!!! I've never seen them together but have studied their mixes for years, huge inspiration.
Avatar 7:18pm
Billy Jam:

If you need any reason to pledge support to this show (above others on WFMU) then this reason alone is worth considering - the amount of time I put into pre-editing songs like this one which had approx 23 curse words to take out
Avatar 7:18pm
Studio B Ben:

@ADA - Holy cow, that would be amazing.
Avatar 7:19pm
Billy Jam:

hey ADA - will be in SF by tom. night for that show -will look for you

awesome, nice! I'm going with Cutfresh actually who used to intern with you. I want to stay after and try to get a handshake my ticket signed hopefully
Avatar 7:24pm

Uncle Michael played a Chali 2na tune last week on the Give the Drummer Some stream, and I immediately went, isn't that the guy from Jurrasic 5?
Benny in BK:

this is the bomb -this whole show is killing it.....thank you BillyJam and WFMU
Avatar 7:35pm

yeh what benny said

damn good show billy
nothin like it any where
Avatar 7:40pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

88. yes.
Avatar 7:45pm

can we just end this show early i cant take anymore - oh damn i fergot this is WFMU , the joy never stops , you always Whip it Billy , but helldamninit yoo izz Jamminit tonite
Avatar 7:46pm

was that tj miller?
Avatar 7:47pm

baseball hip hop. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:47pm

Thanks for all the work you put in on the show, Billy Jam! You are loved, my friend. Your show always puts me in the mood to forget about the work week and begin the weekend just riiiight. Cheers!
Avatar 7:48pm
Studio B Ben:

Has everyone seen this? Sick freestyle flow. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 7:48pm

different version. www.youtube.com...
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

wonderfully stated, chris. i feel the same. friday is not friday without this!
Avatar 7:49pm

yes - everything Chris said and everyone else says and knows it . we love you Billy you got something special goin on , thanks for sharing , respect.
Avatar 7:51pm
Studio B Ben:

Agreed. Billy Jam with the magic touch, coming out through the radio to turn things gold.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

I hear a Grover Washington "Mr Magic" guitar sample here? Thanks for the music Prof. Jam!
Avatar 7:53pm
Billy Jam:

Avatar 7:56pm

hahahah Three hours ? do you think we can handle it? yeeehaaaw , money is gonna spew like love spurts hahahah schweeeeeeeeeet
Avatar 7:57pm

thanks billy jam! great show
Avatar 7:58pm

Phew, my laptop is finally unfrozen. Thanks for a great show Billy Jam!
drew w:

twice i typed out my heart as to how much I like billy's show and at some point this thing jumped to some other page, is there a character limit here?
Avatar 8:08pm
Billy Jam:

thanks Drew - thanks to all who pledged their support to this special October silent mara show - next week will be another special themed one - taking it back 25 years ago
drew w:

go BACK to 3 hrs? I guess I missed those anyway billy now that this seems to work, in a nutshell, 30 yr listener and on/off supporter of fmu, never paid much attn to rap/hiphop, but I really like your show, I consider it the 'real' hip hop
Avatar 8:15pm
Billy Jam:

thanks Drew for 30 years - let's hope for another 30 :)
drew w:

i like your picture of the needle in it's obvious place, I just recently got a modern turntable so my sons could see how things work. nice to get my old stuff digital, and now the son who's into music is buying vinyl
drew w:

Go home already. Have a good one!
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