Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from October 17, 2014 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting October 17, 2014: Put The Needle On The Radio Rewind Part II: KALX Call-In Raps with G-Spot 1988, 1989, 1990

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Artist Track Album Label Year New Approx. start time
SUW RmX Project  Don't Forget To Donate To Billy Jam   Favoriting Silent Marathon 2014  WFMU  2014  *    
SUW RmX Project  Give Captain Hook A Hand (I'm In Target)   Favoriting Silent Marathon 2014  WFMU  2014    0:01:35 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX June 25 1989   Favoriting   KALX  1989    0:02:31 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX June 25 1989 part II   Favoriting         0:05:05 (Pop-up)
LL Cool J  Jingling Baby   Favoriting     1989    0:07:00 (Pop-up)
Twin Hype  Do It To The Crowd   Favoriting   Proflie  1989    0:09:33 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX June 25 1989 part III   Favoriting   KALX  1989    0:11:30 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX Jan 14 1990   Favoriting   KALX  1990    0:14:07 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX Jan 14 1990 part II feat Davey D   Favoriting   KALX  1990    0:20:28 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX Jan 14 1990 part III   Favoriting         0:24:26 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX Jan 14 1990 part IV   Favoriting         0:33:01 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX Jan 14 1990 part V feat Big O and The Giant   Favoriting     1990    0:35:21 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX Jan 14 1990 part VI feat L.B.   Favoriting         0:39:44 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  call in raps KALX Jan 14 1990 part VII feat Paradise   Favoriting         0:46:21 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  BEST of CALL-IN raps 1988+1989   Favoriting         0:46:52 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  BEST of CALL-IN raps 1988+1989 part 2   Favoriting         0:51:27 (Pop-up)
KALX call-in raps with Billy Jam + G-Spot  BEST of CALL-IN raps 1988+1989 part 3   Favoriting         0:55:20 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:






0:58:48 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 10/15 3:39pm
Billy Jam:

THANK YOU all very much for breaking a record (not vinyl :) and reaching the silent marathon goal of this show at the half way mark - WOW! THANK YOU good listeners…..really appreciate it…….Now we (as a whole) have to reach the overall WFMU goal of this one month silent marathon….that will help us in getting the new performance space all set up…..but again THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH
Avatar 7:00pm

feck the "shhhh" dump the "cashhh" in the recepticles provided,,,hahahah Beeeeellllly Jammmm time , twistin melons maaan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Marcel M:

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

billy jam! spidermank, marcel! good friday to you!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

another killer RmX, Billy Jam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Marcel M:

Whats up common! I actually forgot it was friday for a minute before I read that... !!!!
Avatar 7:03pm

ouch this is intense SUW remix , i am flipping out ,,,, hey common , chris, Billllly , Marcel n everyone --wow , best SUW remix segway ever
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

yes! tis friday! hey chris! spidermank, i got to play drums this tuesday. so good!
Avatar 7:05pm

Suddenly... a portal appears... leading to the East Bay of 1989. Is *that* what that earthquake was really about?
Avatar 7:05pm
Billy Jam:

TODAY ON WFMU: RARE BAY AREA CALL-IN RAPS from 1988, 1989, 1990 KALX radio shows I did with my man G-Spot - call in raps from all over including Berkeley, Richmond, Albany, San Francisco but mostly from Oakland - East, West, and North Oakland and over beats like Too $hort's "I Ain't Trippin" instrumental. Really good stuff too in my opinion that includes so many references to crack that I had not listened back to until now - 25 years later harking back to a time when there were "new jacks" and when having a "car phone" was a big deal….with callers including regulars like L.B. and Big-O) Tashima, Lil Mitch (not Bitch) - Davey D calls in and under his rap name G-Jam/Billy Spot diss the Niners and spit a rap medley including his covers of PE and DU - A fair ratio of female rappers - more than today ---- and Kerry P whose mom busted him for being on the phone midway during his rap - listen closely and u will hear some crazy shit
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Hey, common, spidermank! happies to ya both...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

call in raps are awesome
Avatar 7:07pm
Billy Jam:

hey SeanG, Spidey, Chris (go SF Giants!), Dawights in Alameda, Common, and all else tuned in today…..YEAH

thank god then pledge some $ for billy jam
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Tails wagging. Congrats on meeting your goal!
Avatar 7:11pm

yaaay common got some skin slappin action, :) ,cant live without it once you tasted aint a moment wasted - juss like PTNOTR -historic

i have a complaint Billy - you is shakin my neighbours house
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

yep, spidermank! yep
Avatar 7:14pm

awww E,Billy you helped him out bigstyle so effing sweet geeza
calllins roooooolllll
Avatar 7:17pm
Billy Jam:

I can't believe that before this show even started that we already reached the GOAL (gol!!!!!) for this SHOW….thanks people…..I also feel a lil bad for indicating two weeks ago (week one of this Silent Mara) that I could change the show to 3 hours when the scheduling is actually beyond my control…it is station manager Ken who decides who is on when…..not to say that I cannot submit a wish to change times…..Anyways to compensate - especially loyal generous good listeners like Spidermank in Manchester UK - what I would like to propose is that I go to your house and do a live WFMU radio show from your living room. U down Spidey? All I need is an Internet hook-up……and I can be there on (say) Friday March 6th, 2015…Let me know if u are down?
Avatar 7:17pm

wikkid ,
Marty in Baltimore:

man this show is amazing
Avatar 7:21pm

Why yawl bustin Davey D's balls? lol
Avatar 7:21pm

Spanking me beats Billy Jam. I think I just heard Spidey exploded himself all over his drum kit.
Avatar 7:27pm
Billy Jam:

at Dawgisht - hah hah - that was a regular thing we used to do back then….so much fun……So Spidermank if u are down to do that email me (billyjam@wfmu.org) over weekend so we can make plans as I am booking all Euro flights this weekend…..thanks…….PS these days my man Gary "G-Spot" Baca is a DJ on KPFA and KPFK
Avatar 7:29pm

Deffo Billy , juss checked with my missus we not snowboarding so its deffo on Billy , 1 hour of your show is all i can handle , i have to listen to each show about 50 times before i get every beat , every rhyme so dont sweat the 3 hours geeza and the 6 th march is perfect , i am stoked ,- berd you gottit right and wow big up fer berd you long time listener , ow good is this, wow can't wait . Aint no bluffing we gonna be puffin it UK mank style ..wikkid stokeddddddddd
Avatar 7:29pm
Billy Jam:

the earthquake references in this rap are because the October 1989 earthquake that devastated the Bay Area had only been few months earlier……Also love how - later in this show - one of the callers does what you know is a real freestyle when he does a play by play of the 49ers game on TV at same time as radio show
Avatar 7:29pm

This guy here is the best out of all of them so far (talking about the Earthquake, Task Force, etc)... other than the 4-year old Lil Mitch. lol

Dude, this shit is GREAT! We don't have spontaneous fun stuff like this any more--everything has to be "successful." Love how it was so long ago, there was a football team in L.A.! Bring back call-in raps in 2014!!!
Avatar 7:31pm
Billy Jam:

What we did on the radio back then could not be duplicated today - since now rap is mainstream…..back then we had a dedicated diehard audience starved for rap/hip-hop - and we had built up a strong following…….

Well, it's spectacular, man--I'm digging the shit out of regular ol' folks just bringing' it. This is no different than a hootenanny they'd have in the 1840s in the Appalachians. The poets and musicians bring you the news. Love it!
Avatar 7:34pm
Billy Jam:

This guy - who sometimes used other names so as to not be blocked - is pretty darn good - he is the one who does the 49ers freestyle later
Avatar 7:35pm
Billy Jam:

hey MARK thanks….hey Jon, Ken from Hyde Park, Marcel M and all else tuned in - really appreciate it…...
Avatar 7:35pm

we got to get something like this shit flowing again , it is beyond the pale , so feckin deep . Your live shows always pickup this vibe Billy . callins are risky but frisky effing cool
Avatar 7:41pm
Billy Jam:

Spidey - just talked with G-Spot about that very thing today and he suggested in new year on KPFA we do it…so maybe it will happen..I think I tried this on WFMU few years ago but not much reaction to it…..Frankly even on KALX or anywhere today I do not think that this could be done…it had a non-stop line of people (many regulars) trying to get in on the air - so much that we had to allow one person one rap on the air…..Back then it was so different - hip-hop was a small community with few outlets….Today the audience is too broad and too segregated with too many other places for hip-hop to hear it…>BTW I will be on KALX on Monday next week (they are having their fundraiser this week)
Marty in Baltimore:

shit I could listen to this all night long.....just incredible
Avatar 7:44pm

Pretty great stuff

the station peaks on fri@7 billy. dont thank me dogg
Avatar 7:48pm

"Today the audience is too broad and too segregated" you said it Billy , fear rules us fools , until we turn, a tsunami of voices are yelling the same song inside, we are just kept down outside, peace n love n respect for fighting back Billy and WFMU peoples. so many talented calliners , wow wot a show cant wait to hear it again and again

I love this stuff. Loved it before. Still do.
Avatar 7:52pm
Billy Jam:

tnx JakeGould -
SHOUT OUT AND MUCH LOVE TO ALL THE LISTENERS - hey where is Rapper With No Name (shout him out from the archives)….THANKS for supporting WFMU, shout out to G-SPOT (KPFA/KPFK)…TNX to WFMU's SAMANTHA for board-op duties today. Up next MR FINE WINE "Downtown Soulville" - Next week on WFMU is SINGLES GOING STEADY when for a week most DJs spin all 45s. Me too -or rather my special invited guests - DJ ENKI (45 Sessions Bay Area), DUST-ONE (Virginia DJ/producer who just released a 45 single featuring DJ Quest), and show regular DJ ALF
Sam in Staten Island:

wish it went longer
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

I'm hella late to the party! Thank goodness for the archives! Hope you all have a great weekend! Laterzzzz!
Avatar 7:56pm
Billy Jam:

yo ALF - couldn't answer phone when u called just now…on the air…..looking forward to next week's mix

this show has been pure gold
Avatar 7:56pm

Well, this is a fun peek into yesteryear, thanks!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

It's cool Billy!
Avatar 7:57pm

unbelievable show , i cant keep up i neeed to rewind
Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

thank you Steve…..hey NGH…….this has been fun for me too since I only heard these old shows again for first time in 25 years very recently as I digitized and edited them for here
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