Favoriting A440 / Stochastic Hit Parade with Bethany Ryker: Playlist from November 28, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting November 28, 2014: A440 Extended Play - fill-in for Bryce w/Ysaÿe, Rochberg, Josquin, Schubert, Partch and friends at the table

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Harry Partch  Even Wild Horses   Favoriting       0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Kurt Weill  Aufsteig unf Fall der Stadt Mahagonny: Act II: Hurrikan Euch Aufrecht!   Favoriting       0:30:49 (Pop-up)
Henry Brant  Autumn Hurricanes: 1955: Eleven Hurricanes   Favoriting       0:34:56 (Pop-up)
Kalevi Aho  Chamber Symphony No. 2 for 20 strings, II. & III. (1992)   Favoriting     Tapiola Sinfonietta directed by Stefan Asbury  0:42:46 (Pop-up)
Caroline Shaw  Partita for 8 Singers, No. 2 Sarabande   Favoriting Room Full of Teeth  New Amsterdam Records    0:56:54 (Pop-up)
Josquin Des Prez  Secunda Pars (c.1511)   Favoriting     Dufay Ensemble  1:00:58 (Pop-up)
Henk Badings  Missa Antiphonica for double choir - Benedictus (1985)   Favoriting     The Atlanta Singers  1:05:03 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Andrew Bird 

Skin   Favoriting

Weather Systems 



1:17:54 (Pop-up)
John Zorn  Amour Fou (1999)   Favoriting Madness, Love and Mysticism  Tzadik    1:19:04 (Pop-up)
          1:45:39 (Pop-up)
Franz Schubert  Piano Trio No. 2 in E-flat Major, Op. 100/D929 II. Andante con moto (1827)   Favoriting     Trio Bamberg  1:46:15 (Pop-up)
Maurice Ravel  Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50, I. Modere & IV. Final (1882)   Favoriting       1:57:03 (Pop-up)
Eugene Ysaÿe  Violin Sonata in E Minor, Op. 27, No. 4   Favoriting     Leonidas Kavakos, violin  2:22:09 (Pop-up)
Eugene Ysaÿe  10 Preludes, No. 1 Unisons / No. 7 Sevenths / No. 10 Tenths   Favoriting     Daniel Stepner, violin  2:22:50 (Pop-up)
George Rochberg  Caprice Variations: 44 Scherzo, after Mahler Symphony No. 5 (1970)   Favoriting       2:29:16 (Pop-up)
Alfredo Casella  6 Studies, Op. 70: IV On Repeated Notes   Favoriting       2:31:34 (Pop-up)
Claude Debussy  12 Etudes: No. 9 Pour les notes Repetees, version for orchestra (1915)   Favoriting       2:34:03 (Pop-up)
          2:39:17 (Pop-up)
Leoš Janácek  Sinfonietta   Favoriting       2:39:43 (Pop-up)
Sergei Prokofiev  Death of Tyblat from Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64 (1935)   Favoriting       2:41:39 (Pop-up)
Gustav Mahler  Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp Minor, II. Stürmisch Bewegt   Favoriting       2:46:51 (Pop-up)
Ryan Lott  Beautiful Mechanical (2011)   Favoriting       3:00:51 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

happy friday, behany! diggin
Avatar 12:05pm

Good afternoon Miss Ryker, common.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

I am TUNED to A440 today. Hello, Bethany!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

hey mugsy
Avatar 12:09pm
adrian in mpls:

wow, a Friday Stochastic Hit Parade! Lovely!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Three hours of Stochastic 440 ! ! : )
...Think you can find enuff - ? :p ...
Avatar 12:17pm

Bonjour Bethany ! Glad to hear you.
We were talking about how we missed your show for it's never ending stream of good classical music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- that's right we were.
Tom Washington:

Very good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm

So Bryce is too busy waiting in line for great deals on Dustbusters and boomboxes and sacks full of kittens at the Rockaway Townsquare Mall to show up today, eh? That bastard!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

Ike, I for one will accept any excuse to welcome Miss Bethany.
Avatar 12:37pm
Bethany Ryker:

Greetings everyone! @Ike, you nailed it. Feel free, y'all, to muse on Bryce's whereabouts, and I'll be sure he gets the full report!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm

Agreed, Parq! Nice to know that Bethany, unlike Bryce, is not a raving consumerist who waits in line at 5 a.m. to trample people for more heavily discounted 60-inch HDTV sets and CHUD food and bulk railroad ties. Go Bethany!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
Sem Chumbo:

Bulk railway ties? I didn't see that. Damn, probably all gone now. This puts me in a black Friday mood.
Good afternoon, Bethany, and all youse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Andrew Waterloo:

that reminds me.. I need to buy peanut butter
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
Rob W:

Carolyn Shaw's Partita for 8 voices - great!
Phillip (Brooklyn):

This is great 3 long hours of Bethany :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

I am really enjoying this show. Bethany should do more fill-ins or get her own show.

Your signal has reached a small island called Funen, in Denmark.
Wicked world!
Phillip (Brooklyn):

It's "Black Friday" and I'm still here home haven't moved an inch
Phillip (Brooklyn):

I was trampled under foot once by crazed bargain hunting customers once before. I like all my organs where they are
Phillip (Brooklyn):

@bethany I remember when you had a 3 hour show was the Sunday/Monday overnight
Avatar 12:57pm

this is so cool ! thanks for the great music Bethany !
Avatar 12:57pm

hi Bethany! a lovely treat to hear you here today for a full three hours, YAY!!! Happy-Day-After-Thanksgiving to you and all WFMU-ers out there!

Sublime, what a great change from blaring commercials.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
Rob W:

By the way, Carolyn Shaw won a Pulitzer for this profound and beautiful work at age 30! Thanks for playing it Bethany.
Phillip (Brooklyn):

My friends:( once again they gave me a flu shot and I got the flu again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Rob W:

Beautiful choral set, this is great...
Phillip (Brooklyn):

Holding down a mild fever/chills/naseua with some OTC stuff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm
Irene Trudel:

What a lovely piece this is by Henk Badings. Otherworldly harmonies!
Avatar 1:05pm

How excellent to get a long-form A440!

Nice show for an unnecessarily hectic day.
Phillip (Brooklyn):

@bethany I'm going to download your 3 hour show. It will be such a comfort to hear when I'm going to sleep tonight
Avatar 1:10pm

Greetings to Bethany, music lovers, non-shoppers and hypochondriacs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm
Irene Trudel:

So nice to be able to listen to you in the afternoon, Bethany!

what was that playing just now, during your wonderful recap?
Phillip (Brooklyn):

Bryce and Kurt are probably shopping in the BiG And Tall section of marshals or tjmaxx
Avatar 1:15pm
Bethany Ryker:

@Blurry, that's an early instrumental version on the song 'Skin Is, My' that's on his album Weather Systems. I entered it in the playlist :)

Thank you! What a great musical feast today after the stuff fest last night.
Phillip (Brooklyn):

@bethany we miss you! Please come back to us soon:-(:::
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- expanding my appreciation for John Zorn! - & amazingly performed as well...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm
Andrew Waterloo:

Just remember that every gift received from Bryce will stretched out, abstracted, and heavily processed.
Avatar 1:35pm

I once saw John Zorn premier a piece before a Milton Babbitt piece, and ol' Boppin' Babbitt was there. Feels weird to say I saw John Zorn open for Milton Babbitt.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Streaming live from Burger Hill on our sleds. What fun!
Avatar 1:43pm

@RRN63 Got the invite, thanks. I'm not on Facebook. Nor will I ever be.

love the show! so glad you played the schubert!
Avatar 1:48pm
Bethany Ryker:

@dan! I had forgotten about that trio's Kubrick ubiquity!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

I really enjoyed your show but I should go to sleep now. Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm
Gaylord Fields:

Bethany, I'm being swept away! The silver lining of your being relegated to fill-ins on this schedule is that we get to behold this in three-hour chunks instead of 60-minute bursts.
Avatar 2:02pm
Bethany Ryker:

That. right there, that moment where Ravel unleashes...and you're thinking...this is a *trio*? Because it sounds like the whole world collided.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm
Irene Trudel:

This Ravel piece is one of my all-time favorites. Totally in agreement about "That Moment."
Avatar 2:07pm

So glad I'm home to hear this brilliant show.
Thank you, Bethany!

bethany, i wish you were on the schedule with a three hour show again. this music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
Gaylord Fields:

Will we reach a point some day when one can gauge the level of approval for a piece by the amount of coughing at its conclusion?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
Irene Trudel:

Yeah, the chorus of coughs is pretty hilarious! I especially noticed it the few times when I've had the chance to mix a live broadcast WQXR. The pause can be lengthy depending on whether it's flu or allergy season. At least they have enough awareness to wait.
Avatar 2:16pm
Bethany Ryker:

Irene, those audio moments have REMIX written all over them!!

love the combination of works!! first time i listen to one of your shows, thanks bethany: very sympathic, very passionate, love it.
Listener Schned:

As to atrocious audience behavior, I struggle to follow the logic of someone who's paid a hefty ticket price, yet finds it necessary to go to, like, Duane Reade, right beforehand. Then they rustle through their tacky plastic bag the whole time - aarrrgh!!
Nice to hear A440 in real time - your programming, in archived form, made my summertime weekly Metro North rides an aural adventure, separating my mind completely from the workaday world-
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:17pm
Gaylord Fields:

The antithesis of that phenomenon, of course, is Cage's 4'33", where coughing during the performance is never discouraged, as it IS the performance, to some extent.
Avatar 2:18pm
Bethany Ryker:

Because his silver-lining comment melted my heart, I have to indulge in a semi-insider moment and say, I LOVE YOU, GAYLORD!
Avatar 2:19pm
Bethany Ryker:

Or has that reached the mainstream??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm
Gaylord Fields:

@Bethany Riker: I don't believe I LOVE YOU GAYLORD has shown up on Know Your Meme yet, but nonethesess I'm pleased and honored to spur on one of WFMU's longer-running inside memes for you.
Avatar 2:25pm
Bethany Ryker:

Bless that sweet DJ Keili, it is!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm
Just Ted:

Hi. I really like your show. I've heard it a few times now, but have not been able to comment until today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm

What a rare and welcome treat, being able to hear this show live.
Is it wrong to rejoice that Bryce is still sleepy from yesterday's tryptofu?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm

Now, with the Janacek, I'll be thinking of Murakami's 1Q84 the rest of the afternoon. This is a good thing.
Avatar 2:38pm

Tybalt. Tyblat is a character from another play with digestive issues.
Doug Wieselman:


Playing the hits ! Nice to hear you - happy end of the year. See you in 2015
Avatar 2:42pm

Ha! The Mahler 5!

Thanks for busting out a fave of mine.

(and parts of this movement bring us right back to the storminess of earlier in the show)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45pm
Irene Trudel:

Avatar 2:46pm
Bethany Ryker:

@Jeff, yep - with the tempo marking "Stürmisch Bewegt", I had originally grouped it with other TEMPESTUOUS pieces from weeks back, and with today's stretched-out duration finally got to include it. You're right on!
Avatar 2:48pm

Irene says that, and... POP!

I'm listening to Elaine Stritch singing Ladies Who Lunch

Must return to Mahlerville. Er, Mahlerstadt?
Avatar 2:51pm

We were just mourning your departure the other day, on some show; can't recall now the show. But good to hear you now.
Avatar 2:51pm

Thank you BR for this great masterpiece! <3
Avatar 2:52pm

Well, time to cook some lunch. Nice to hear you do a 3 hour set (although I only heard 2). Thanks!
Avatar 2:57pm

Oh, minor typo alert: "Death of Tyblat"?
Avatar 2:59pm

(oh yeah, @fleep was already on this)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm
Irene Trudel:

Excellent show, Bethany! It was exactly the kind of music I needed today. Thanks so much!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm
Gaylord Fields:

Exquisite, Bethany! Thank you!
Avatar 3:00pm

We want you back.

That was a terrific show, long live free form radio! Come back soon Bethany and have fun on whatever roads you are gunning down
marmalade kitty:

cool show!

Very happy to hear you today!

Thanks, Bethany.

I hate to say it, but I think I might prefer the 3-hour guerilla fill-ins to the scant one hour a week I was so used to.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

3-hour A440? Sign me up!
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