Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from January 13, 2015 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting January 13, 2015: Bunches of brass and woods, with Samuel Vas-Y

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Artist Track Album Label Format Approx. start time
Slavic Soul Party  140   Favoriting Bigger  Barbes Records    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Veveritse Brass Band  Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels   Favoriting SDTK: Brasslands  Meerkatmedia    0:04:39 (Pop-up)
Raya Brass Band  Riffcloud   Favoriting SDTK: Brasslands  Meerkatmedia    0:11:50 (Pop-up)
Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band  Majko, Majko / Ekremov Čoček   Favoriting No Strings Attached  Rounder    0:15:18 (Pop-up)
Charlie Haden & the Liberation Music Orchestra  Dream Keeper   Favoriting Dream Keeper  Blue Note    0:20:28 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ralph Towner / Paolo Fresu 





0:36:59 (Pop-up)
Michael Winograd  Arrivals/Departures   Favoriting Bessarabian Hop      0:43:16 (Pop-up)
The Nightingale Trio  Bezrodna Nevesta (Bulgarian)   Favoriting Letya      0:48:24 (Pop-up)
Mavrothi Kontanis  Zafeiria Elnal ta Matia Sou   Favoriting Wooden Heart      0:51:55 (Pop-up)
Black Sea Hotel  Pusta Mladost   Favoriting The Forest Is Shaking and Swaying      0:55:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ralph Towner / Paolo Fresu 





1:01:15 (Pop-up)

Live performance and chat with Samuel Vas-Y
Self-described Singer Song Scribbler Samuel Vas-Y (pronounced vazz-EE) began life in France but uses Dublin as his homebase, picking up influences from both and a lot in between. On his most recent album, "Tickly Teeth," Samuel (who also uses the surname Arnold) presents a playful blend of familiar and foreign, with little touches of Serge Gainsbourg and Jeff Buckley popping out of the mix. Samuel Vas-Y is working on a new album and played a few tunes for Irene
Samuel Vas-Y  Dervish Dance   Favoriting Tickly Teeth    CD  1:06:13 (Pop-up)
Samuel Vas-Y  Hurt   Favoriting       1:11:33 (Pop-up)
Samuel Vas-Y  Leave Your Dancing Until Then   Favoriting       1:18:54 (Pop-up)
Samuel Vas-Y  Coucou   Favoriting       1:24:44 (Pop-up)
Samuel Vas-Y  My Head of Curls   Favoriting       1:31:54 (Pop-up)
Samuel Vas-Y  Millionaire of Hours   Favoriting Tickly Teeth    CD  1:38:03 (Pop-up)
Samuel Vas-Y  Jungle Dream   Favoriting Tickly Teeth    CD  1:41:30 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ralph Towner / Paolo Fresu 





1:45:31 (Pop-up)
Weyes Blood  Land of Broken Dreams   Favoriting The Innocents  Mexican Summer    1:48:14 (Pop-up)
Sidsel Endresen and Stian Westerhus  Boom Boom   Favoriting Bonita  Rune Grammofon    1:52:46 (Pop-up)
Iasos  I Passion You a Leap of Love-Flame / Rainbow Canyon   Favoriting Celestial Soul Portrait  Numero Group    1:55:07 (Pop-up)
Yannis Kyriakides/Andy Moor  Hell Breaks Loose   Favoriting Life is a Billion Heartbeats  Unsounds    2:02:49 (Pop-up)
Gulaab  Sing, Gevatter Tod, Sing   Favoriting Ritt Durch den Hades  Merlin's Nose    2:07:33 (Pop-up)
Nathan Bowles  Chuckatuck   Favoriting Nansemond  Paradise of Bachelors    2:10:31 (Pop-up)
Don Bikoff  Guzzi on Hallowed Ground   Favoriting Hallowed Ground  (Don Bikoff)    2:16:28 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ralph Towner / Paolo Fresu 





2:20:52 (Pop-up)
Johanna Warren  Everyone I Know   Favoriting Fates      2:29:58 (Pop-up)
The Barr Brothers  Static Orphans / Love Ain't Enough   Favoriting Sleeping Operator  Secret City Records    2:33:26 (Pop-up)
Sherita  Through Years   Favoriting       2:40:13 (Pop-up)
Loscil  Sea Island Murders   Favoriting Sea Island  Kranky    2:44:26 (Pop-up)
Big Lazy  Swampesque   Favoriting Don't Cross Myrtle  Tasankee    2:52:29 (Pop-up)
Caitlin Canty  My Love For You Will Not Fade   Favoriting Reckless Skyline      2:55:45 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ralph Towner / Paolo Fresu 



ECM Records 


2:59:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:02pm
Van in DC:

Hi Irene and everyone.

Wow, you weren't kidding Irene when you said very soon you will be having a lot of folks come in.

Looking forward to Samuel Vas-Y tonight, but really Bikoff next week!

Wow, usually we get all those strings from your show. Very interesting change of pace, thanks.
Avatar 9:07pm
Van in DC:

Tips for brass players: Don't be brass players outside...in 0 degree weather...in band...like I was once. Em brochure becomes Ouch!brochure!
Avatar 9:08pm
Van in DC:

Strings next week with Bikoff!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:13pm

Evening, everyone :)
Avatar 9:13pm
adrian in mpls:

evening all! hope everyone is comfortable and warm.
Avatar 9:14pm
Van in DC:

The real mystery in a brass segment is will there be any Maynard Ferguson - greatest trumpeteer ever? Conquistador...wow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The Golden Festival is 1/17 at Grand Prospect Hall. Transpacific Sound Paradise will be broadcasting live and Irene will help bring it to us. Yay!
Avatar 9:15pm
Van in DC:

I stopped doing Twitter for new years resolution, so miss out on all of that stuff. Like Soundcheck, etc.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:17pm

Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels could be the anthem for all the critters in this neighborhood!

My family used to take me to Yugoslav cultural events at Prospect Hall. I even have some 16mm movies of us there.
Avatar 9:20pm
Van in DC:

Sax & Violins always works for me. And you can carve that in Brass, Percussively.
Avatar 9:24pm
Van in DC:

As an aside - as of this very minute, the DVD we expected to be out by now (hoped I mean) of KaTe's Before The Dawn concerts is still missing in action. Not available. I guess it will be really good when it finally premieres.

Wow! Cool stuff, Rob. Was Grand Prospect Hall main Yugoslavian or just Slavic or not even that specific… Just Eastern European… There’s a Polish history to that part of the Slope that is all but washed away right now.
Avatar 9:26pm
Van in DC:

This seems like actually a rare treat for brass fans.

Thanks Irene, for this set.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi everybody! Just settling in for the evening here. Jake, as I was told when I first visited, the Grand Prospect Hall was an old German Opera House many moons ago. The Golden Festival took up residence there a few years ago, and the hall seems like the perfect setting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29pm
Irene Trudel:

Robert, you should post some of those movies to You Tube. I'll be there were some long-forgotten musicians who played those events. is there sound to go with it?

I really don't know, Jake. I know only from my few experiences there as a child. Not sure whether the content was specifically Croatian or also Serbian. I do seem to recall the titles in the outdoor movies they showed were in the accented Roman alphabet, not Cyrillic.
Avatar 9:29pm
Van in DC:

I went to an old German opera house in Frankfurt, WEST Germany. Many many moons ago. I think to see David Sylvian in concert. Or Japan. I forget.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29pm
Irene Trudel:

Van, as for the KaTe video, I can be very patient. These things take time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm
Irene Trudel:

Oh, and here's a link to the Golden Festival schedule. Rob W. and I will be broadcasting live from the Ballroom starting at 6pm EST. goldenfest.org...

Not sound movies, sorry, Ms. Trudel. I haven't even run them thru the Bell & Howell in many years, hope they haven't deteriorated too badly.

Mostly nitrate stock in the family movies. Only some of the later ones were on acetate, so better preserved.

Some 50' reels, some spliced into 200-400'.
Avatar 9:37pm
Van in DC:

Irene - Doug S. knows but maybe nobody else...did you know I was a music major in college? Performance? I intended to go to Juliard. Anyway, I could work my way around a few instruments. Brass mostly. Trombone, trumpet...etc.... which means I would be a starving high school band teacher today if I had kept that path lol

The fascinating thing to me about Park Slope is how it used to have a Little Italy (3rd Avenue between President & Union to 5th Avenue) and a Polish/Slavic area in the teens 20s. Virtually gone now. Happy some small remnants are still alive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Irene Trudel:

Wow, Robert, sounds like those are in great need of preservation/sharing. And Van, I did not know this about you. We all have a little music in our backgrounds whether as players or enthusiasts.
Avatar 9:50pm
Van in DC:

You nailed it Irene. I remember my own mother asking me when I was very young, "Why does music mean so much to you?" She just didn't get it. She never understood. And I was sad about that.
Avatar 9:52pm
Van in DC:

Avatar 9:54pm

Or as someone dear to me once said, I dont get it, you only care about music and politics.
i replied, what about the Yankees?
Avatar 9:54pm

Good evening Irene, Van and all.

@Van: bouzouki, I'd guess.

Oh yeah, good evening Irene and all.
Avatar 9:56pm
Van in DC:

Hi KP! I am happy someone else understands :)

Not sitar, I agree. No idea what though. Bouzouki? okay..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Irene Trudel:

Sybil & Van, both wrong. It was the Oud. Hi KP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Matt from Springfield:

Ah, wonderful Black Sea Hotel! A Trio Bulgarka for this decade!

Hi Irene and Trukeepers!
Avatar 9:58pm
Van in DC:

Wow. Ouch(d)

Belated thanks for the Charlie Hayden. I was busy cooking while it was on and it brought a smile to my face. (Wish I could be at the tribute, but it's good to be listening here too!)

Oud, really? You know, I was going to say that, and then I thought, nah, can't be.

Well, they are close relatives.
Avatar 9:59pm
Van in DC:

MATT! Yo & hellos
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- magnificence. Gets better to be here after Irish pub trad as Winter goes on...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
Matt from Springfield:

Oud, North African instrument?

Yo yo yo hi Van! I *can* make it to the U Street show this Thursday! :)
Avatar 10:00pm
Van in DC:

So many esteemed folks coming in - howdies all!

Matt - I will be there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm
Matt from Springfield:

@RRN63: Like lightening your step early in a winter evening, and with this music lighting a fire late in a winter night...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Van: Wonderful, I'll mark myself with some FMU apparel, as per usual hoping someone recognizes it (this time - it's a sure thing!)
Avatar 10:02pm
Van in DC:

Matt - I will be wearing my black Woof-Moo t-shirt. And maybe a Woof-Moo scarf on top of my Woof-Moo hoodie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- wull, it's -4°F here - so light bloody something once I'm back indoors !
Avatar 10:07pm
Van in DC:

Matt - Kawehi puts on a pretty awesome show. I'm sure you will love it. She is something else.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Robert: That sounds awesome, about Yugoslav dancing home movies. Is your family from there? I'm part Slovenian myself. I rescued some local (Steelton PA) folk LPs from my grandmother's house--Slovenian "tamburitza" and "tumbala" style bands.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10pm
Matt from Springfield:

@Van: Lookin' forward to it!

@Irene: Awesome--youth ensemble! "Čoček", that seems to be Macedonian?

Matt, Mother's side was Croatian, although my cousin thinks Grandma was Serbian. I've got some Yugoslav 78s & LPs. I played some once for friends and was surprised to have them identify one track as "Buffalo Gals". I didn't know that song in English!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12pm

greetings Irene and everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Matt from Springfield:

That's great, Robert! Glad you keep the older music around.

Greets coelacanth!
Avatar 10:18pm
Van in DC:

I think I need to go find a tourniquet for my arm. Bleeding to death. hopefully be back on archives.

Syd Barrett meets Bobby Darin! Very cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Irene Trudel:

Van, take care of yourself! Matt, the Čoček Youth Ensemble is local, but I guess Macedonian in spirit. They played at the top of Rob's broadcast from Golden Festival last year.
Avatar 10:22pm

Awesome guest.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm
Matt from Springfield:

Yeeech, be careful Van! Take care, stop the blood, and don't forget the antiseptic!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23pm
Matt from Springfield:

Okay, thanks Irene!
Good thing the Golden Festival keeps the local Balkan spirit alive and gives it a venue to perform. And thank you and Rob for covering it year after year too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24pm

'reminds me a teensy-bit of Arnaldo Baptista's mellower stuff.

sounds great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Matt from Springfield:

♥♥♥♥ Coucou!!! Très belle!
Avatar 10:32pm

hey Irene and folks! this is just what i need in this night of pre-semester email madness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37pm
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks Samuel, great tunes, great performance!

Evening steve!
  Swag For Life Member 10:41pm

Merci, Monsieur Vas-Y.
Avatar 10:42pm

hey Matt! good to see ya
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42pm
Matt from Springfield:

Always good to see you, as well.

hi irene and everybody on the list. great guest. happy to get to learn about him. love the show irene

Liking this show tonight!
Avatar 11:44pm

Pic looks like a young Tina Yothers, with the flute.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49pm
Matt from Springfield:

Spacey sounds! Lovin' em!
Avatar 11:50pm

I was a Mallory boy myself

Man, am I late to the party. Hi Irene, off to the archives.
  Swag For Life Member 11:55pm

Thanks, Irene!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm
Irene Trudel:

Glad you all liked Samuel and the show tonight! Catch you next Tuesday evening.
Avatar 11:58pm

Nice closer

See ya, Irene. Super show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am
Matt from Springfield:

Wonderful show, loved it! Thanks Irene!

Have a good night everyone!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Sean in Bristol UK:

Irene, wonderful show as always, many thanks,
Avatar 10:53am
Van in DC:

Oooh thanks for that Don Bikoff. Always a pleasure to listen to his fantastic fingers
Avatar 1:13pm
Van in DC:

Amazing how you find some of this stuff Irene. Really enjoying the Loscil track...had to do a search for them to investigate a bit :)


I have never heard of "self-erasing ambiance" as a style before...interesting.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:16pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Forgot to add, thanks for the great set from Samuel Vas-Y
Avatar 1:28pm
Van in DC:

Ooooh I loved the Caitlin Canty too!! She'll be live on Jeffrey's show on Saturday! Woo-hoo! I'll be sure to at least catch up on archive! Thanks for the notice Irene!
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