Favoriting Dance With Me, Stanley with Stashu: Playlist from January 24, 2015 Favoriting

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This isn't the kind of show you take home to your family. Get your polka shoes on and get ready to rumble.

Monday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 10th, 8pm - 9pm: Stashu and her Co-Host Joe McGasko

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Favoriting January 24, 2015: Hej Górale!
The Gorals (Polish: Górale; Slovak: Gorali; Cieszyn Silesian: Gorole; literally "highlanders") are a group of indigenous people found in southern Poland, northern Slovakia, and in the region of Cieszyn Silesia in the Czech Republic (Silesian Gorals). There is also a significant Goral diaspora in the area of Bukovina in western Ukraine and in northern Romania, as well as in Chicago, the seat of the Polish Highlanders Alliance of North America. Traditional Gorol wooden house (drzewiónka) near Filipka mountain meadow in Silesian Beskids Young Gorals of Żywiec (pl: górale żywieccy) during performance at 43rd Week of Beskid Region Culture in Żywiec In Poland they live in the region of Podhale of the Tatra Mountains and parts of the Beskids (Cieszyn Silesia, Silesian Beskids, Żywiec Beskids). In present-day Slovakia they live in 4 separate groups: in northern Spiš (34 villages subdivided in two groups), Orava and Kysuce (2 villages) and smaller groups in 7 other enclave villages in northern Slovakia. Goral of Podhale – member of Trebunie-Tutki folk band from Zakopane Gorals are part of a continuum of Carpathian Slavic highlander groups, including Hutsuls, Lemkos, and Boykos. The various dialects spoken by the Gorals descend from Proto-Slavic from the Eastern Lechitic, Old Polish area, superimposed by Slovak. In other words, the language is of Polish origin, but has been influenced by Slovak in recent centuries. In addition to Polish, the language contains some vocabulary of other origins, including Slovak, Vlach, and words of uncertain origin that have cognates in other languages of the Carpathian region. Mazurzenie may occur. For most Gorals today, the decisive factor in their self-identification with a nationality is not ethnic but territorial. For example, those living in areas under a long tradition of belonging to the Polish state identify themselves as Polish, while those living in Slovakia have identified themselves as Slovaks, with notable exceptions to this rule on both sides of the border. While the origin of the Goral dialect is Polish,[1] the language of Gorals in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic is gradually shifting and increasingly becoming more similar to the literary standard in their respective countries. Silesian Gorals of the Czech Republic identify themselves on the nationality level as Poles and are members of the Polish minority in Zaolzie, which is proved by their communal activity – annual Gorolski Święto festival held in Jablunkov (Jabłonków) is a showcase of a local Polish Goral traditions and is organized by the PZKO (Polish Cultural and Educational Union). This Gorol festival preserves the traditions of the Polish nationality group in Zaolzie.[2] It is the largest cultural and folklore festival in Zaolzie area gathering thousands of spectators each day of festivities. However, in none of the towns and villages of the area the Poles form a majority and some local Gorals identify themselves on the nationality level as Czechs. In this respect the village of Hrčava (the second easternmost village in the Czech Republic), with vast majority of citizens declaring Czech nationality, can be mentioned. In this village the Poles form only a 2% minority.[3] Local Gorals formed (as indigenous people) a majority in the past. They speak the regional dialect in everyday communication. Historically, the issue of their ethnic identity has been controversial and resulted in claims and counterclaims by both Poland and Czechoslovakia. Gorals, like many other peasant communities in Central Europe, determined their own ethnic identities within the nation state system during the 19th and early 20th century.[4] Although nationalist propaganda was generated by both Poles and Slovaks, this process of the Gorals' identification with a nationality was still not complete when the border was finalized in 1924. A notable example were Ferdynand Machay, a priest born in Jabłonka, Orava, Piotr Borowy from Rabča, Orava and Wojciech Halczyn from Lendak, Spiš, who went to the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 and, during a personal audience, lobbied president Thomas Woodrow Wilson to sign these lands over to Poland. After the world wars, some of the Gorals who had opted for a different national identity to the state they found themselves in emigrated to their chosen side of the border.[citation needed] On the other hand, in the present day, some Gorals opt for the ethnic identity of the neighbouring state, rather than the one they live in[citation needed]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorals

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Let the comments party begin!         
Happy End  Jak Sie Masz   Favoriting      
Electro Halny  Hej Janiczku   Favoriting      
Chorus  Zabawa   Favoriting      
Anna Jantar  Baju Baj   Favoriting      
4d4mi  Czarny Chleb   Favoriting      
Choir! Choir! Choir!  Tenderness   Favoriting   General Public (cover)   
Strachy na Lachy  Pila Tango   Favoriting     0:23:51 (Pop-up)
Casablanca  Maly Statek   Favoriting     0:29:25 (Pop-up)
Bolter  Daj Mi Te Noc   Favoriting     0:33:06 (Pop-up)
Fokus  Definicja   Favoriting     0:36:05 (Pop-up)
Big Dance Polka  Ram CIam Ciam   Favoriting     0:39:23 (Pop-up)
Donatan  My Slowanie   Favoriting   Clio  0:41:45 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:



Johann Strauss Waltzes 

0:45:47 (Pop-up)
Helena Vondráčková  Fanfan   Favoriting   Thank you Kurt!  0:58:59 (Pop-up)
Mieczyslaw Fogg & Henryk Wars  Ja Lubie Gwizdac   Favoriting     1:01:52 (Pop-up)
Gonethorian2  Smurfs Theme   Favoriting     1:05:09 (Pop-up)
Me & My  Dub-I Dub   Favoriting     1:07:09 (Pop-up)
Dr. Bombay  Hurry Hurry Hurry   Favoriting     1:10:09 (Pop-up)
Papaya  Hero   Favoriting     1:13:19 (Pop-up)
Playahitty  The Summer is Magic   Favoriting     1:17:37 (Pop-up)
Erasure  Love to Hate You   Favoriting     1:22:29 (Pop-up)
Black Box  Ride on Time   Favoriting     1:26:15 (Pop-up)
Bomba Estéreo  Pure Love   Favoriting     1:31:39 (Pop-up)
Frikstailers  Crop Circles   Favoriting     1:36:07 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:




1:39:22 (Pop-up)
Odyssey  Native New Yorker   Favoriting     1:51:54 (Pop-up)
Anna Jantar  Tyle Slonce w Calym Miescie   Favoriting     1:57:04 (Pop-up)
Wanda i Banda  Fabryka Marzen   Favoriting     1:59:46 (Pop-up)
Pulp  Disco 2000   Favoriting     2:03:29 (Pop-up)
Czerwone Gitary  Kwiaty we Wlosach   Favoriting     2:07:57 (Pop-up)
Harry Nilsson  Think About Your Troubles   Favoriting The Point!    2:10:07 (Pop-up)
La Yegros  Viene de Mi   Favoriting     2:12:54 (Pop-up)
Bomba Estéreo  Cosita Rica   Favoriting     2:16:39 (Pop-up)
Tamzara  Ger Ger Yavroom   Favoriting Armenian Dance Party    2:21:07 (Pop-up)
Bar Eddie Mekjian  Kuzunuh Guzel   Favoriting     2:25:19 (Pop-up)
Susan Zagon  Spanish Gypsy Dance   Favoriting     2:29:27 (Pop-up)
Susan Zagon  Tango   Favoriting     2:31:36 (Pop-up)
Susan Zagon  Indian Love Call   Favoriting     2:35:33 (Pop-up)
Torsten Fenslau  Klangwerk   Favoriting     2:37:44 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Richman  That Summer Feeling   Favoriting     2:52:52 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  1/22 2:02am

mountain dancers ov poland 1973 thee high tatra mountians<inquiring minds want to know> never ask a guy dancing with an axe for footnotes...<pole axes>do strippers in poland pole dance?<shake that axe>third line in polish anthem: poland is not yet lost- "what thee alien force has taken from us" who were thee "aliens"? with thee third partition ov poland<1795>poland was removed from thee map, attempted cultural eradication. catherine II and stanislaw august poniatowski relationship from allies to opponents. lovers to war <honey, i think we've grown apart> will this be on thee test?
Avatar 7:23am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Hej hej hej!

I moved to Hawaii just so I wouldn't have to stay up late to listen

I can't wait, not unlike the NU SHOOZ hit song
Avatar 2:49am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

(sharpening my axe) Rich H is doing a nice job of transitioning into this as-yet-unborn show!

Bongiorno a tutti!
Avatar 3:03am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

"carcass" = "tusza" in Polish according to GoogleTranslate. Morning DJ Stashu!

Whoops! New playlist: Carcass = Szkielet.

You mean `carcass' in polish? I have to say, your pronunciation is REALLY good!

I dunno. Look here. en.bab.la...
Avatar 3:04am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

@Jake. I think "szkielet" = "skeleton". Close tho'.

“What we have instead is a very expensive process in Europe for cleaning chicken carcasses.”

Once thing Eastern Europeans have with ethnic groups everywhere: Constantly cleaning something connected to or a part of a chicken.
Avatar 3:06am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

Is this going to be music to efficiently clean chicken carcasses by, then?

FWIW, the play list background and the text don’t mix well. Hard to read here.
Avatar 3:07am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

@Jake ctrl-A dude!
Avatar 3:07am
DJ Stashu:



Maybe the text could be blueish? Also, yeah… karkas… Us Poles and the obvious.

`carcass' can be `tusza' (usually something that has been already processed for consumption) or `truchło' (closer to carrion, but not exactly since carrion is `padlina')
Avatar 3:10am
DJ Stashu:

I don't know why I didn't know that. Once I saw it I knew.

When refered to human body, you say `zwłoki', but it can refer animal's body too, and I believe it is the best translation of `carcass'.
Avatar 3:14am
DJ Stashu:

Whats the proper way to say squirrel carcass?

According to Google Translate, “Nadmuchiwane Wiewiórki Tuszy”
Avatar 3:17am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

I'm getting "wiewiórka tuszy"

`truchło wiewiórki' most literally, but common people would usually say `martwa wiewiórka' as in `dead squirrel'
Avatar 3:17am
DJ Stashu:

OK thanks for researching!
Avatar 3:18am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

"Nadmuchiwane" = "inflatable"

How to pronounce: “Nahmooocheewanyeh Weevoorkey Toozee”

`tusza wiewiórki' works, but it suggests you would like to eat it at some point.
Avatar 3:19am
DJ Stashu:

Phonetics are fun :)

Also, I really am mesmerized by this animation of Polish borders over the centuries. It kind of explains how much shit Poles have taken over the years. www.youtube.com...

Thank you for the color shift!
Avatar 3:25am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

That acoustic/choir version of "Tenderness" reveals a beautiful song that was originally lost beneath the original's 80s production. Nice find DJ Stashu!
Avatar 3:26am
DJ Stashu:

Avatar 3:31am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

@Jake Thanks for that animation link. Mesmerising, as you say. It almost looks like a living entity.

hello stashu. new rose colored glasses...i did a little research earlier<few days ago>but i didnt learn it in another language. kinda makes me dizzy...<but i like being dizzy>
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 3:34am
Mike Noble:

good morning from flatbush
Avatar 3:35am
DJ Stashu:

Gutten morgennnnnnnnnnnn

You’re welcome, Elf. There was another animation I saw that was more Europe-generic that showed all of the borders over the centuries. The most fascinating thing? Spains borders never change much. Nobody wants to deal with the Pyrenees.
Greg from Bloomfield:

Just thought I'd let you know that I woke up to get water and WINTER WONDERLAND!!! Good night!
Avatar 3:39am
DJ Stashu:

It's pretty out there. Good night GREGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Yeah, there is so much snow. Like 2 inches now. This is good. It will cull the weak and provide more resources for the strong and selfish.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 3:42am
Mike Noble:

good night
marmalade kitty:

careful brainwashing in operation!
Avatar 3:43am
DJ Stashu:

Bye nowwwwww
Avatar 3:43am
DJ Stashu:

Hi nowwwwwww
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 3:59am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, dancers.
Avatar 4:00am
Eyepatch Fox (AKA Mister Vixen):

I've seen Wristcutters. It's great. I recommend it.
Avatar 4:00am
the Canterbury wood-elf:

The woods are calling, got to head off now. Thanks for the tunes DJ Stashu! Pożegnanie...
Avatar 4:03am
DJ Stashu:

Dance dance dance

more yodelling!!!

Just did a Google of Wristcutters. Was it mentioned before? Sounds like an interesting flick.
Avatar 4:15am
DJ Stashu:

Am I the only one dancing again?!?!?!?!
Avatar 4:16am
DJ Stashu:


regarding thee background dancers, its cool when they interlock their axes and spin around. also some ov their footwork looks like some native american dances. <shuffle shuffle shuffle>

also thee use ov eagle feathers in both <polish folk dancers & native american head gear>is it an elevation ov thee spirit through animism? cultural magic.
Avatar 4:22am
DJ Stashu:

Hi Eyepatch Fox! Thanks for the recommendation
Avatar 4:28am
DJ Stashu:

I am searching for Eagle feathers

Fun fact is that górals really like mussels, and they collect them when they visit Baltic Sea. Some of the górals migrate to live by the sea, usually later in life, since it is especially exotic and alluring to them.

And yeah, I do think there are a lot of similarities between our górals and american indians. Historically górals live in close proximity to unforgiving nature, and hunting and travelling is an important part of their culture. However, I think that similarities are so uncanny that it would be hard to explain them without the terms like collective unconscious :)
Avatar 4:33am
DJ Stashu:


yeah. thee youtube vid i mentioned in my first post sez the hats have eagle feathers & calls thee dance the robbers dance, or is it the robberts or roberts dannce. couldnt figure that out...also note thee high tatra mts in thee background resemble thee pyramids. <holy ground indeed>

recently picked up a newer laibach cd soundtrack.<iron sky> thee second song- take me to heaven, laibach. would be a nice fit tonite. keepin' it slavic...nice insight stashu.

when you use thee different voice you need to put on a fake mustache.
Avatar 4:53am
DJ Stashu:

I did

well done!
marmalade kitty:

If someone were to shout "dance you bastards!" in a welsh accent, that might help?
Avatar 4:57am
DJ Stashu:

Right now?

just looked @ ur list ov artists played i didnt reailze uve never played laibach. u ever hear laibach's let it be album? its a classic.<in my opinion>
Avatar 5:06am
DJ Stashu:

I haven't yet!

shit. laibach is playing a north american tour. just looked it up now im distracted. kinda a dream band for me to see.<flipping out>dates in new york, chicago and denver.<yeow>!!!! this song is good too has jajoukan elements.

<previous song> whose thee pretty bird? where r thee euro folk? sleeping in this morning?

Tangerine Dream please like from Phaedra or earlier...

holding down thee heartland tonite! yeowwwww!!!!<as nat might say>bird calls!!!

you are crushing it tonight stashu!
Avatar 5:53am
DJ Stashu:

Danke and goodnight!
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