Favoriting Bronwyn C.: Playlist from January 26, 2015 Favoriting

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Bronwyn C, The Iowa Firecracker talks pigs and takes your calls on pig-related matters.

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Favoriting January 26, 2015: Snowytalk! Jim is alone and needs your calls! Bronwyn will be calling! It is snowing!

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R.E.M.  It's the End of the World As We Know It (and I Feel FIne)   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Phillip in Brooklyn:

Snowy afternoon to ya Bronwyn and Jim

Bad chest cold here, so you're on your own.
Avatar 6:04pm

3 down football's looking pretty good right about now ...

It’s snowing?
Bronwyn C.:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Marcel M:

Snowy talk!
Avatar 6:06pm

I'm in California. Doing just fine. Hope all y'all are gonna make it.
Avatar 6:06pm
Studio B Ben:

Russel Wilson likes Snow Phat, you just get Phat Snow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
░Ī Ҡ ℰ░::

Wait, who gave Bronwny C. mono? XD

Ike, someone named Jack. Mono Jack.
Phillip in Brooklyn:

It's belichick! He's the mastermind. Patriots cheat we all know it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Marcel M:

I wanna be snowed in for the whole week!
Avatar 6:11pm
Danne D:

Yay Sportsytalk :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

Mississippi Mud is a beer.
Avatar 6:11pm
Studio B Ben:

CORRECTION: I am listening, but I am barely thinking.

I think manhattan is going to be closed tomorrow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

Wait, I don't know much about sports. So somebody named Belichick gave Bronwyn mono? OK then.
joel a:

mlb mud comes from delaware river, no kidding!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

And the Pats played better in the second half after the balls were "discovered." It's really Sour-Grapegate.

It's called Baseball Rubbing Mud. And it's harvested near the Delaware River, on the Jersey side.
Avatar 6:15pm
Danne D:

I hope all you sportsylisteners are staying safe :/
Phillip in Brooklyn:

I guess we need a secret tape of bill belichick blatantly telling the team hitting cheat before the commissioner takes action and bans the patriots from playing football for 5 years and fire belichick
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm
Kali G:

WIKI backs up Jen that Baseball Mud does comes from New Jersey, much like the best radio on the planet!

The mud originates from the New Jersey side of the Delaware River. The mud is cleaned and screened before sale. Each year the owner, Jim Bintliff, visits the mud's source and returns with 1,000 pounds of it to store over the winter and sells it the following baseball season. Before all major- and minor-league baseball games, an umpire rubs six dozen or more balls with the Baseball Rubbing Mud to give them a rougher surface, making them easier for pitchers to grip (MLB Rule 3.01c). The rubbing mud's unique feature is that it is "very fine, like thick chocolate pudding", and it has been considered the "perfect baseball-rubbing mud".[1]
Avatar 6:16pm
Danne D:

I wonder if they've got Hernandez out there helping shovel.
V Priceless:

NYC Channel 2 news: if you're on the road after 11pm, you are committing a crime and subject to a $ 300 fine.
Avatar 6:17pm
Danne D:

(Fine to be collected by an Uber Driver via Surge Pricing)
Avatar 6:17pm
Studio B Ben:

@Danne D: Nah, he's blowing the snow away.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The people here are going mad with power. Dutchess County executives have declared a state of emergency. The roads are closed and travel is prohibited. If you want to go out for beer, bread or breakfast, too bad.
Avatar 6:17pm
Danne D:

@SBB I think it's just an excuse to get Hernandez after that rouge ball boy

Great show but mic levels unbalanced / bring up female mic or lower male mic for better listening
Avatar 6:18pm
Danne D:

@Bobby - Jim is a relative board rookie if I'm not mistaken so it might be a rough ride.
Avatar 6:19pm

The NFL caught the ball boy, now they're gonna try and roll him to get the big fish.
Phillip in Brooklyn:

Can we lay off with snow mageddon I'm trying to forget 30 inches outside
Avatar 6:19pm
Danne D:

(and for those on here that are also Dave Hill fans - yeah I'm totally chickening out of the temporary call-screening gig tonight)
V Priceless:

That's a NYS travel ban, BTW!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm

My vote is for MORE snow talk because I don't understand sports.
Avatar 6:20pm

Just pretend it's not there, Phillip. Cmon, let's go play Frisbee.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

Having lived in NJ previously, I can say the PATH's Sunday schedule sucks giant moldy donkey bits, and is WORSE THAN THE G TRAIN. WORSE. BAD. EVIL. CRAP. The Port Authority blows goats.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

In college, we played snow football in a vacant lot on weekends. Fun times.
Avatar 6:23pm

y'all have snow tires, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

We all live in tiny apartments. We have no place to sore extra sets of tires.

I braved port authority, I'm grateful i got out alive
Avatar 6:26pm

levels are fine for me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm
Kali G:

Who needs CNN to tell us about what is happening in Snowmegeddon NYC,... when we have FMU live updates from the studio with its nomadic abominable DJ's!
Avatar 6:26pm

huh. garages will store them for a fee. or there are storage units.
Avatar 6:26pm

Ike i live off the G and have no idea why it gets such a bad rap, i hardly ever have a problem with it
Avatar 6:27pm
Danne D:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

NBA games for the Nets & Knicks tonight are postponed, if no one has guessed that yet.

I don't even like sports and this show is 1000 times better than Dr. Gameshow.
Avatar 6:30pm

even night people is better than dr. gameshow. which sucks because i hate night people and really wanted to like dr. gameshow.

Yeah its just unlistenable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

I think Dr. Gameshow has gotten better. I didn't the pilot episode but shows like that need time to gel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

"Deflate Belichick" Jim says.
Avatar 6:32pm
Danne D:

I agree with Ike - Every show needs a little bit of a run to get going :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

Dr. Gameshow is fantastic.
Avatar 6:32pm
Danne D:

SPORTSYTALK HISTORY!!!!! YOU GUYS HAVE MADE IT!!!!! You actually have gotten a prank caller :)

If fantastic you mean horrible i agree.
Avatar 6:32pm
Danne D:

I also agree with Skirkie - I enjoy Dr. Gameshow :)
Avatar 6:33pm
Danne D:

Ike is 100% right about the PATH - the Sunday schedule should be renamed the "You're Gonna Be Late" Schedule
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

It actually faster to take the World Trade train and get on the subway. (contingent on the subway running, of course)
Avatar 6:35pm
Danne D:

That's my Dastardly/Muttley comparison with the Patriots - they can win honestly but would prefer to win via cheating :)

I too find both "Night People" and "Dr. Game Show" boring. The people on DGS are too nice, too compliant. It might be interesting if they had a villain, someone you could love to hate.
V Priceless:

Ernie Banks RIP
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
Kali G:

All the esoteric inside information concerning sports is located here at Sportsy Talk, —a huh, yep, the inner sanctum of the why, when and where not available on ESPN or the sports pages that leave a grey inky residue on one's coffee tinged fingers.
Avatar 6:36pm
Studio B Ben:

Hmmmmm... www.boston.com...

Bill Buckner never went to the Yankees
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

I think its great that Dr. Gameshow is on the air. I also think its great that other shows I don't like so much are on the air. Vive la FMU!
Avatar 6:37pm
Danne D:

Breaking (Real) News - PATH service is gonna be suspended at 11pm!

It looks like Dave Hill's show is gonna be a rerun or we'll have hour 4 through 6 of the Jim the Poet show.
Avatar 6:37pm
Danne D:

chris gets it.

That's true, chris. What's amazing is the amount of stuff I DO like on WFMU. To have so few utter clunkers is astounding. It's because they love it.

too bad dr. gameshow didn't get canceled due to the weather
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Kali G:

A 24 hour Jim the Poet Show may indeed be the type of marathon American minds are in need of in this point of history of mankind!
Avatar 6:40pm

Jim should stay on the air all night! maybe Jim and Jo together, that'd be good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Kali G:

I miss Ernie Banks already.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

Jo could be super great if she finds the right person to bounce off of. For a long time I didn't like Hearty White, but when I heard him paired up with... um I think Chris M. maybe (?) for a marathon, that was amazing.
Avatar 6:44pm
Danne D:

Dave is NOT coming in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm
Marcel M:

Can we call in to talk to you whilst you drink beer?
Avatar 6:44pm

hearty took a while to grow on me, or maybe it was that the penny dropped and i got it.
Linda McL:

Chris is right WFMU has it all as it should be. When Night People or something we don't like is on we go to the other streams and they are awesome too. There is always something good at WFMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Kali G:

JIm,.. you can call your upcoming 24 Hour show, "Poetry in Snowtion!" Badda Boom! Wow, Polish Beer, Hmmmmm!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

'klassic episodes?' - ugh! just let jim the poet have the next two hours!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Marcel M:

I agree Dale!
Avatar 6:45pm
Danne D:

@Jim - that is per his twitter - I forwarded you the tweet he sent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Was there money in the last WFMU budget to procure some radio robots to broadcast without the need for humans? That'd be useful for emergencies like this.
Avatar 6:46pm
Danne D:

@Jim Jesse Jarnow already announced on twitter that he is NOT coming in.
Avatar 6:48pm

Ken - Flaming Robot of Love? think they got it running for a bit during Sandy. wfmu.org...

Ike, it took me a long time to warm up to Hearty White too. When he was 1st on, I "got" it, but didn't LIKE it. But I went back to it & after a while, I did.
Avatar 6:48pm

All night hot stove league action ahead with Jim! I will be tuned in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

Per the WFMU homepage Matt Warwick is filling in for Jesse, and I think he's already in the building.

Red Bulls lost in the semi-finals to New England.

Los Angeles beat New England in the final
Avatar 6:48pm
Danne D:

Jim the Poet is like the Tom Brady of WFMU - he's the 6th round pick that's turning into the MVP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

Teach me to work the boards, I'll do it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

And Matt M. is filling in for Ning Nong Radio from 3am to 6am.
Avatar 6:49pm
Danne D:

@Skirkie for the win :) SkirkieTalk :)
Avatar 6:49pm
Studio B Ben:

Just put "Frampton Comes Alive" on repeat and hightail it out of there.
Avatar 6:49pm

yes the people want more Jim
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

"The Dead Air Show"
Avatar 6:49pm
Danne D:

Maybe we could have Jim the Poet do "bonus commentary" during these taped episodes ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Avatar 6:50pm
Danne D:

Thanks EFD :)
Avatar 6:50pm

Happy birthday, Bronwyn!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

Also, Dave Hill is rebroadcasting an episode that included Joe Franklin as a guest.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Kali G:

Happy Birthday dear Bronwyn!!!
Avatar 6:50pm

haha i love that idea Danne

How about Clay Pigeon? He did Hurricane Irene for 36 hrs.

Skirkie, I remember when WFMU not only didn't have alternate (or any) streams, but had honest-to-goodness SCHEDULED dead air. "Lowest Common Denominator" had various names for it.

Happy Birthday Bronwyn
Avatar 6:53pm

Broadcast from Ken's place like during Hurricane Sandy.

Loving this show, guys!

(P.S., happy birthday, Bronwyn C.!)

My 1st birthday (Mar. 19, 1955) all the relatives were snowed in at my house for 3 days. Got 16 mm movies of it.
Avatar 6:53pm
Danne D:

Like a Rogue ball boy Jim the Poet is taking over WFMU!
Avatar 6:54pm

lets all email station manager ken right now and tell him to keep Jim on the air
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

I think the Iron Money delivers growlers.
Avatar 6:54pm

"Night People is great"? Better check your Carbon Monoxide monitor.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Kali G:

Jim, play the long version of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" at 111PM, even the Polish and Latin version!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Happy birthday, Bronwyn C. 29 forever!
Avatar 6:56pm
Danne D:

Happy Birthday Bronwyn :)
Linda McL:

I love Danne D's Mystery Radio 3000 idea!
Avatar 6:57pm
Danne D:

The day that WFMU has 24/7 of shows I would want to listen to is the day that they need to shake up the schedule.
Avatar 6:57pm
Studio B Ben:

If I lived in the NYC area, I'd brave the elements with a barrel of booze around my neck like a St. Bernard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Kali G:

Once I'm snowed in, I'm gonna sit back and read all the email responses that I have received from writing to Bronwyn!!!

You could shoot for Glen Jones' record.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

You should not have deleted that. He'd have laughed.
Avatar 6:59pm
Danne D:

Thanks Jim and Bronwyn and everyone :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Good luck, Jim! Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Marcel M:

Thanks Jim! Have fun!!
LInda Mcl:

Good show Jim. Good to be out of work early to hear you at home instead of in the car.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Get home safely!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Gah....I just thought of something: The Patriots should be penalized by playing their games next year with overinflated balls.
Avatar 7:17pm

...or have dj's that regularly remotely broadcast such as most of the GTDS stream, or Vicki, or Billy Jam..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

if kenny g. reading the traffic report is good enough for obama, jim is good enough for the snownadoshark event

It's the end of the world
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