Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from March 6, 2015 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 6, 2015: Put The Needle On The Manchester WFMU Remote with Spidermank and Loop Skywalker

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(* = new)

Artist Track Label Year Comments New Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:
intro with Spidermank 






Spidermank  Mad Mank March Mix for WFMU's Billy Jam   Favoriting no label  2015    *   0:05:25 (Pop-up)
Kate Tempest  Bad Place For A Good Time   Favoriting   2014    *   0:15:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Loop Skywalker interview 






0:18:44 (Pop-up)
Loop Skywalker        Dead Players..Bottle phi life cypher...cypher funk scorzayzee...great Britain c-mone..2nd by 2nd skinny man..ill be surprised dj panda feat rico...southern son mouse outfit...got me thinking ken masters...freestyle oliver twist..Malawi duke 01 feat furious p..eat your mistakes four owls...silent flight chester copperpot..out the bunker caxton press...big buck star Rodney p..murderer style roots manuva... witness London posse...hows life in London demon boyz...glimaty glamity nextmen feat dynamite mc...round of applause stepasaur....stepisode 1 dirty joe...raining foreign beggars...hold on problem child...fully fledged phi life cypher...2,3,break depth charge...depth charge v silver fox mc mello...bizzie ryhming    0:29:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:34pm
Billy Jam:

This show is dedicated to DJ Brennie whose two year anniversary of his passing was on March 4th. Was in Ireland for that day and now today am over in Greater Manchester in the district called Chorlton - here in the living room of diehard WFMU fan (and frequent playlist comment poster) Spidermank - where he and the incredible and magnificent Loop Skywalker (coming in from Nottingham) will be presenting their music sets - UK hip-hop. Also in the house is WFMU Manchester fan Rachel. Thanks for listening to WFMUK
Avatar 4:29pm
Billy Jam:

Loop Skywalker is a renowned UK DJ battle champion, recording artist, and an all round cool ass guy. An avid ambassador of turntablism/skratch music - as well as being a DJ / producer he is also vice president of the UK chapter of the IDA (International DJ Association). He gets much play on this show (his 2013 album The Phonkey Phonomusicianist got lots of play). He is a regular contributor to this show with his killer mixes. And he will be one of the four special guest DJ contributors to the upcoming 2015 WFMU Marathon Mix (with ADA, Steinski, and ALF). Today his mix will feature an incredible overview of UK hip-hop - spanning many years - all killer.
Avatar 5:13pm
Billy Jam:

Regular musical guest/contributor to this show Jimmy The Hideous Penguin and his respected organization Community Skratch Music (CSM) are launching a crowdfunding campaign to press a record: a skipless record. Being a self-described "non-profit community of skratch hobos who put on gigs and release music for free" they need help in meeting the costliness of vinyl pressing and shipping. Participate in the fund drive here www.kickstarter.com...

CSM also pressed up two brand new Jimmy Penguin albums on CD (featuring Jimmy Hatetank and Djackulate respectively!), commissioned and printed exclusive artwork and clothing, compiled some old 7"s, CDs, cassettes and digital downloads and put the whole lot up as a kickstarter project.
Avatar 6:00pm
Billy Jam:

Spidermank has been listening to WFMU for a decade….He love's Mr Fine Wine's show so much that he plays live drums along with the Downtown Soulville intro theme every week (Note: that's 1am Manchester time). Other WFMU shows he likes include Marty McSorley's, Ken's, and this show - he is one of the most regular commenters). He is a longtime musician (and dj) who has also worked behind the scene in the music biz and witnessed various Manchester music scenes first hand and in the mix. A multi-instrumentalist he just took up the drums seriously four years ago. His former group were called DJ Spiderman so after they broke up he took the name. But then dropped the DJ and switched to "Spidermank." An avid snowboarder, who listens to WFMU archives on his headphones on the slopes, he has made two snowboard trips already in 2015 - in Italy and France where he was last week.
Avatar 6:18pm

So... where are you broadcasting from today?

Avatar 6:45pm
Billy Jam:

live from the Hayward Dog Pound…..please don't kill my baby dog Dingo :)
Dirty Joe:

Looking forward to the show!
Avatar 6:59pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Tall Paul:

Yo, you what's up, looking forward to the show yo Bill, are you doing some mixes of dogs barking too?

spidermank hq on the air
Avatar 7:01pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Cheers Spidermank and Loop Skywalker!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

billy jam! people hey!

peace! great show in store today, excited to hear it!

so great to meet spidermank and billy jam
Avatar 7:03pm

Billy Jam!! Spidermank!! DANKKK!!!!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Mike Noble:

how are we sounding?
Avatar 7:05pm

Wow at Spidermank's, ummm, vocal cords!

is it sounding cool??
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

Sounds OK.. a little low?
Tall Paul:

Yo Loop sounds a bit bassy and low.

sounds like the dopeness! BIG UP SPIDERMANK!
Dirty Joe:

Heavy so far!
Avatar 7:07pm
Billy Jam:

Mike Noble how is sounding?
Avatar 7:08pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

This is TIIIIGHT Spidermank!! :-)
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Mike Noble:

@Billy Jam: sounds good on this end.

this is all made and played by the spidermank...im so impressed..proper heavy beats
Avatar 7:11pm
Billy Jam:

thanks Mike - and remember no need to use dump button - even if it sounds like a curse…in one upcoming song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm

Sounds great right now. Yeah Spidermank!
Avatar 7:12pm
Billy Jam:

hey Tall Paul Lowe - will see u in Dublin next week- thanks for those dope t-shirts…..inc. signed Blackalicious
Avatar 7:12pm
Billy Jam:

hey Dirty Joe - thanks for the CDs
Avatar 7:12pm

hey all, Billy killin it as usual.
Avatar 7:13pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

I would definitely kut to this! :-)
Avatar 7:13pm

Filthy underbelly mental breaks... go Spidermank!
Avatar 7:14pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Oh snap! Did I hear Billy's voice in the mix?
Dirty Joe:

No worries Billy, enjoy them!
Avatar 7:14pm
Billy Jam:

I'd buy that for a dollar
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, your very welcome, thanks for the book. Looking forward to hanging out with you next week, as DJ Laz-E on the Plastic Attack

hey billy. sounds damn good on 91.1. props to spidey for this!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm

RIP DJ Brennie!
Tall Paul:

Big up DJ Brennie,keep them decks spinning in the pearly gates. RIP. Yo Bill do you have any Jim McCann with you, see as the Balladeer passed away the other day after battling with throat cancer for 12 years.
Avatar 7:23pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

RIP DJ Brennie! I'm currently mourning the death of my close high school friend who I lost this past Sunday. He was in a car wreck from one of the crazy ice storms that the East Coast experienced. Live every day to the fullest everybody! Cheers to ALL of you!
Dirty Joe:

Cheers Loop!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

@alf: just had a friend pass on. thoughts to you of a good nature. this helps
Tall Paul:

Yo Alf, sorry to hear about your loss.
Avatar 7:25pm

Deepest condolences ALF
Avatar 7:25pm

Shit Alf, too young. Too many brilliant artists lost this week. respect!

Great interview, big up LOOP SKYWALKER! very sorry to hear this news ALF... hang in there.
Avatar 7:31pm
Billy Jam:

sorry to hear that ALF
Avatar 7:33pm

If it wasn't for Billy, I wouldn't had head of Loop, thanks!. I gotta jump! Salud, y'all!
Avatar 7:34pm
Billy Jam:

Avatar 7:34pm

head = heard
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

Positive thoughts your way, ALF. Thanks for the reminder: live life to its fullest!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

L8r, ngh!
Tall Paul:

Yo Loop loving your mix, I can see what you mean about this woman nice flow and riffs to go with it. Looking forward to the rest of the mix. Peace
Avatar 7:34pm

A polish rapper named Kazik stayed with my family while ina America in the 90's
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

Sorry to hear about your loss, ALF.
Avatar 7:35pm
Billy Jam:

hey Chris, ADA, jon, and all else playing this show loud….any questions on these UK hip-hop tracks ask Loop now via the comments
Avatar 7:36pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Thanks for positive vibes everybody! Music is my savior!

sorry to hear that ALF.
Thanks for all your comments , its surreal here with Billy and Loop , this mix is amazing propper taste feckin awsome
Avatar 7:37pm

Coincidentally, one of the most awesome cats (as in the animal) I ever met was also named Kazik who was ALSO from Poland.

eh up ... Manc in the house !
Avatar 7:40pm
Billy Jam:

shout out to all the folks who are here in the SPIDEY's pad for this WFMUK live broadcast including Rachel - who also works with Spidermank and is a big FMU fan. She entered her dog Lola in the WFMU Mascot contest that MUURO (on the WFMU homepage right now) won
Dirty Joe:

Link to Panda's album with Rico on: https://djpandamonium.bandcamp.com/album/the-sixteenth-letter
Rico's solo: https://unclerico.bandcamp.com/
Last Son's: https://uncommonrecords.bandcamp.com/album/steroid-stereo-orange-edition
Avatar 7:41pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

DAAAMN! I gotta hunt for these artists! They sound nice!
Avatar 7:42pm
Billy Jam:

thanks for that Dirty Joe…please …post links to Dirtle Wax joints too

thanks for the links joseph
Dirty Joe:

I will as they play, trying to keep up with what Loop's dropping. Most of the links are free to download too!
Avatar 7:45pm
Billy Jam:

Cool….and BTW I'm waiting for the Dirty Joe "Joe Dirt" remix :)
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

Other than listening to this show, are there places to look for and listen to cool new UK hip hop? how do new artist share their shit? Does Ninja Tunes still sign the shit, like Roots Manuva?
Dirty Joe:

hahaha, possibly one day. Loving all the tunes tonight & Spidermanks mix was dope!

anything on high focus label is pretty dope,check all the links joe put up too.
Tall Paul:

Yo Alf, I did say before there is a talent in the UK a lot of it raw and untouched as of yet

definitly check stepasaur too who is on now
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

right on, thanks Loop! and thanks, Dirty Joe!
Tall Paul:

Yo Loop you are taking it back now with Simon Harris Music of Life Label and the Demon Boyz so good to hear them thanks man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

Damn Loop Skywalker, this set is DOPE!
Dirty Joe:

Oh and of course my latest: https://dirtyjoe.bandcamp.com/album/c-nt-is-a-4-letter-word (track playing has wordsworth (emc) on it)
& Loop's albums: https://loopskywalker1.bandcamp.com/
Plastic Attack:

Dublin in da house
Avatar 7:52pm
Billy Jam:

goddam that DJ LOOP SKYWALKER made my WFMUK day
…hey where is Rapper With No Name?

shout out to wordsworth whose verse i didnt put in so definitly check out full version of raining by dirty joe
Avatar 7:53pm
Billy Jam:

yo LAZ-E - can u post the details on Plastic Attack
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, the Plastic Attack starts at 9 PM on a Friday night. Not sure what time this is in the States as the clocks go forward this weekend.
URL: http://www.rte.ie/digitalradio/2xm/
To chat on the Chat box the url is: plasticattack.net you will get to talk with the Aging B-Boys United or ABU
Avatar 7:57pm
Billy Jam:

This is one dope ass fuckin mix….I love it.>>>THANKS LOOP and thanks SPIDERMANK…..shout out to engineer Mike Noble…….Mr Fine Wine is up next….next week the Marathon is on…..I will be joined by co-host Chris T next week with Mike Noble handling engineering as I will be calling in from Ireland from Tall Paul's pad…..earlier that night will be with LAZ E on Plastic Attack at RTE
Tall Paul:

Alf was on the chat a couple of weeks back. Patti Astor is a regular on the show too.
Plastic Attack:

The Plastic Attack 9old school Hip Hop radio show0 now in it's 16th year, hosted by '83 B-boy Dj Laz-e. Touching on the origins of Hip Hop & spinning the old school rap classics on Irelands national broadcaster RTE Radio. www.rte.ie/2xm
Plastic Attack:

billy: email me. djlaze@gmail.com

such a pleasure to meet spidermank and the legend Billy Jam.Surreal but very very cool
Avatar 11:25am

i didnt get much chance to thank everyone last night.
Billy and Loop , what can I say ? musical magicians ,monumental times , am still shell shocked , feckin stoked to meet you both. massive thanks and respect.
hang in there ALF, sendin vibes your way man.

Sadly missed my gateway to the weekend, this week, and dag but the archive is snaffled: gets just a couple syllables past "drinking coffee, drinking tea," and kablooey. It's loopy. I'll figure out who to poke, and do that. Meanwhile: sounds like a beautiful day at the spidermank's. xo, all. J
loop skywalker:

massive apology to all my hip hop family in scotland wales and ireland...i know there is a great scene in your countries...i didnt really have links to your music..but i do know krash slaughter,dj stagga and monkey,my boys savawar and flip..all rocking the scene.Apologies i didnt get right into true uk as a whole.
Avatar 7:16am
Billy Jam:

@ Loop n Spidermank - Thanks again guys for makin it happen. Loop don't worry about not getting to everything music wise - you did an amazing concise job given just 30 minutes….If you want - you can do a Part 2 down the road?….. TNX to all who tuned in from all over both live and in the archives.... Hey Jessica - double checked all the audio archives (mp3 and PopUpPlayer) and all sound perfect on my end. Possible your signal wasn't strong enough and it was buffering or that the time you tuned in there was an issue but none was reported otherwise. Try it again now or from different place….again THANK U FMU FAM………and don't forget the next weeks will be the fundraising 2015 WFMU Marathon!
Avatar 7:24am
Billy Jam:

PS - I had invited diss1 (from Scotland) to contribute to the show too but he never got back to me
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