Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from March 17, 2015 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting March 17, 2015: Going Clear (of our money woes!)

See You Next Tuesday! #59: Going Clear (of our moneyl woes)!
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Tonight: Going Clear (of our money woes)
Tonight, for the first time ever, my show will use Scientology practices, including the ACTUAL Oxford Capacity Analysis AND L. Ron Hubbard's own affirmations (or incantations), to put WFMU  "On the Bridge" to "Going Clear" of our money woes and freeing our body Thetans (all of whom we expect a pledge from)!

Aerial View is the ONLY WFMU show during this year's Fundraising Marathon to offer this service! My MC and I will be staring at Ken Freedman's black velvet L. Ron Hubbard portrait (above) and ignoring all Suppressive Persons and Potential Trouble Spots.

Please help us SURGE toward our goal: offer your monetary vote of confidence for my show. Many of you have yet to take the plunge and pledge -  I'm asking you to weigh in tonight. Let me know you'd like Aerial View to stick around. Only YOU can "Keep Needle In This Area"!
The Aerial View Premium this year - yours for a pledge of just $75 or more - is the 4th edition of the Aerial View lighter. This - like the previous three lighters - is a limited-editor, only available this year during the Marathon. Then it will be retired.

The 2015 Edition lighter has a beautiful goldtone finish and features the Chris T. "Ace Face" illustration by Two-Fisted Titan of Gusto Jack "Hot Wahini" Taylor. Check it out:
2015 Aerial View Lighter
 If you've been enjoying this newsletter and the kickass radio show that accompanies it, please pledge by calling 800-989-WFMU or going to wfmu.org. And remember: you can also adopt me!
Chris T. Adoption Picture
And, of course, there are PRIZES, including a copy of former Aerial View guest Miriam Linna's new book I Fought The Law: The Life and Strange Death of Bobby Fuller and from Sub Pop Records founder Bruce Pavitt, the lavishly-illustrated photo book Experiencing Nirvana: Grunge In Europe, 1989.
I Fought The Law book cover.
Experiencing Nirvana book cover.
There's also a DVD of one of my favorite Charlie Chaplin films, The Gold Rush. You can be in the running for any of these for a pledge of just $20 or more. But you can't be a winner if you don't pledge to Aerial View!
The Gold Rush DVD Cover.
Special thanks to Kicks Books, Bazillion Points and Pop-up listen Pop-up player!

Silent Fundraiser Pledge Box
One more thing: Please use the handy HTML code below to embed the Aerial View pledge widget you see above all over the interwebs:
<iframe src="//www.wfmu.org/marathon/pledgewidget.php?p=AV" width="530" height="110" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" align="top" style="padding:0;margin:0;border:none;"><a href="https://www.wfmu.org/marathon/pledge.php?pr=AV" target="_blank">Support Aerial View on WFMU!</a></iframe>
David Ortiz Groin Hit.
Last Week: Under Pressure
Last week Jim the Poet of Sportsy Talk joined me as we paid tribute to the film Idiocracy and he threw balls at my balls so I could atone for my initial lack of support for a sports talk show on WFMU. I'll admit it: I WAS WRONG! And let me add OW! MY BALLS!

Here are some playlist comments:
  • I'll be posting instructions for 3D-printing the "extra parts" needed to convert the Aerial View Lighter to a pistol, "Man with the Golden Gun" style. watch this space for info.
  • Please, no hurting! We know you guys love what you do, but so do we, and it'd be mean for us to inflict physical pain on you just to raise $.
  • The Chris T and Jim colab works. Two good talkers talking.
  • What's the ruling on wearing a cup during all this ball smacking?
  • I found my father sitting on the edge of my bed reading the Playboys I had stashed under my bed when I was 18. Weird awkward moment. He was smiling so he didn't give a shit.
  • Not the best beer name ever though - that would be Schlitz. No matter how many you have and how bombed you get you still pronounce it exactly the same.
Listen on AudioBoom
Ludivico Technique
Radio For Your Eyeballs!
Check out WFMU's Marathon video feeds. You can watch them at wfmu.org or on our mobile apps:
Upcoming Chris T. Stuff
WFMU Rec Fair Icon
Saturday, May 2
I'll be selling records, CDs, cassettes, DVDs, books, old paper and lots of interesting collectibles at the WFMU Record Fair, this year in BROOKLYN!
Asbury Punk Rock Flea Market Icon
Saturday, May 30
I return to the Asbury Park Punk Rock Flea Market with whatever's left over from the WFMU Record Fair!
Obligatory Throwback Pic
Chris T. Wheaties Box Parody
Another Jack Taylor Job from a few Marathons back!
How To Hear Aerial View
OVER THE AIR: Every Tuesday night, 6 PM Eastern time on WFMU in the metro NY/NJ area at 91.1 FM and on WMFU at 90.1 in the lower Catskills, Hudson Valley, western New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania.

ON THE WEB: Streaming audio in several formats is available at wfmu.org.
ON DEMAND ARCHIVES: The Aerial View Archive page features archives going back to nearly the beginning of the show in RealAudio and MP3 format.
PODCAST: Aerial View is available on iTunes as a podcast.
WFMU MOBILE: Listen live via the mobile app or browse the archives. Get the iOS app here and the Android version here. Amazon Kindle users can use the TuneIn Radio app. Info for other platforms, including Blackberry, etc. can be found here.

AUDIOBOOM: The newest way to hear Aerial View and share it on social media can be found here. Mobile apps are here.
Silent Fundraiser Pledge Box
 "I'll see you TONIGHT, 6 PM Eastern time, on WFMU!"
Aerial View
Aerial View

Artist Track Year Format
Gorillaz Chris T.  Clint Aerial View Eastwood   Favoriting 2015  WAV 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:03pm

i like the gif. a lot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

Keepin' the needle in the area!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

heard miriam on the leonard lopate show today. i NEVER knew bobby fuller was murdered.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

sussex county has some of the best roads and scenery for motorcycling.
Phillip in Brooklyn:

Scientology? Oh god I'm very scared now

Sussex NJ also has good bike routes--rails-to-trails conversions.
Avatar 6:13pm

Are affirmations available for online pledges?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The roads in this area had a bad winter. Lots of broken-up pavement and frost heaves.

Hey Chris, hi Therese! =)

These are the ones that stole Tom Cruise brain right?
Phillip in Brooklyn:

Chris? Therese? It's not wise to anger the Scientologists
Phillip in Brooklyn:

Chris? Fear of Scientologists is justified
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm

Shit! But my 'hip' actually is a pose -- a poor one!
Phillip in Brooklyn:

Chris? It's safer to attack Sun Young Moon

look up project snow white some scary stuff
Phillip in Brooklyn:

They the Scientologists have a small but powerful group
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

The thing is, if you'd just gone on with the affirmations, the Scientologists wouldn't necessarily been terribly upset. Heck, they might've seen it as advertising. But this conversation is gonna upset them. So, Philip from Brooklyn might have stirred the pot unwittingly...
Phillip in Brooklyn:

@caryn I'm hiding in my closet until the sun sets

Wealthy celebrities are an especially emotionally and spiritually frail people. It's evil genius to prey on them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

hey tom in new hampton - i thought i was the only listener in new hampton!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

@Phillip: smart move. We should all try to avoid going out for a while.
Phillip in Brooklyn:

@therese do you know what Phillip stands for? It's two Greek words that mean "fond of horses"

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

Good news!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Marcel M:

WOW he had a lot of baggage about masturbation! I bet theres a HUGE masterbatorium in that big complex in the desert or wherever it is.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

People, pledge your money to WFMU! That way, you'll no longer have money to attract the Scientologists to you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm
! I X Key !:

In the tech, breaking you down all the way is called "caving you in." This can be done by "finding your ruin."

hey dale - good to hear from ya.
listening for a long time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33pm
Marcel M:

I adopted Chris T!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

twenty plus years for me, tom....cheers!
Phillip in Brooklyn:

Breaking the law.breaking the law!
Phillip in Brooklyn:

I have a passport so I can leave America

This is the only talk radio for me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

yes - that scene with those two was sooooooooo hot.
Phillip in Brooklyn:

I've seen it! About 20 times
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

Chris, it probably is on somewhere right now. Heck, when I still had TCM, The Hunger was on once or twice a week.
Paul D:

Love this show. Best O' luck w the marathon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
! I X Key !:

At their complex the Gold Base, also called the Int Base, south of Hemet, CA, they tried acting like their property was just expanding because it's Scientology world by planting flowers outside their property & got in legal trouble for encroachment.
Phillip in Brooklyn:

@caryn I have the hunger on DVD
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm
! I X Key !:

Don't be scared! The tech says you're supposed to be intimidated by the Church, so if you are you're letting the tech work

I was invited to see “Modest Mouse” play at a very early gig of theirs in Seattle in the 1990s. Friends preferred to stay at home with some rambling Japanese mental case artist who just would ramble and berate me and mention his .22 caliber gun every so often. He also had rotting cabbage in his fridge. So many reasons I should have gone to see “Modest Mouse.”

Wait did your buddy eat paste or glue Chris T. Yes it matters.

BTW, I've noticed that Jenna in Finland's been donating a *LOT* of cash to a *lot* of shows on WFMU this year. Simply awesome. =)
Phillip in Brooklyn:

I've watched ALL the bond films! Moonraker is my favorite

I’m just in in for the cleavage.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm
! I X Key !:

Wooooooowie zowie that .gif is as far out as internal PR!!!

@Phillip: I've watched pretty much every one *but* A View to a Kill. The Spy that Loved Me and Tomorrow Never Dies are probably my favorites.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

i missed the conversation. jane seymore and cleavage - solitaire from james bond?

@Dale: Yes. Exactly.

I'm just glad all of my direct ancestors fought for the Union.....=)
Phillip in Brooklyn:

@steve-o Timothy Daulton was my favorite bond
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

love when roger moore drops the cards and they are all 'the lovers' - he must have bought a LOT of decks of tarot cards to pull that off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

I love the Bond movies. They're showing them all in order on tv again, and heck, I'm watching again. Doesn't matter that I have them all on DVD, doesn't matter how often I've seen them, I'm still drawn in.

Roger Moore is my favorite Bond, btw. (P.S., Live and Let Die was awesome!) =D
Phillip in Brooklyn:

@ChrisT that's called OCD obsessive compulsive disorder

@Phillip: Dalton was pretty good, yeah. I'll give Connery props for being the original, but he's my least favorite.

was Terese ever on cash cab?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

don't think i ever saw the george laszenby (sp?) bond
Phillip in Brooklyn:

@steve-o George Lazenby would have made a great bond
Caesar Thomas:

i just joined the CoS yesterday, very pleased to see more converts on this great day. keep wufm running to spread the word of l. ron hubbard!

Chris T., you should have played Harry Chapin’s “Cat’s in the Cradle” when that kid was around. I mean, that kid was clearly abandoned, right>
Scotty E.:

I want the FMU flow change service
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

Dalton is probably the one that was the closest to the Bond of the books. Craig is a close second in that regard, with Connery coming third. (This is not my criteria for judging fave Bonds, but I'm just saying that this is how it goes.)

Are you guys giving The Hunger movie as a marathon prize?
Phillip in Brooklyn:

2.you only live twice
3.the living daylights
Marcel M:

Chris T does his most alienating episode of the year on his last day of the marathon ha ha. I'm proud of my adopted son.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

See you next Hoof & Mouth!

“From Russia With Love” and “Goldfinger” BOOM!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

@dale: It's probably one of the top 5 Bond movies of all times, and has one of the best theme musics, too, so I'd recommend checking it out.
Avatar 6:57pm

yes i am.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

love therese's uncomfortable laugh there.
Phillip in Brooklyn:

"Do you often hear voices that aren't there? Do you see things that aren't there" if you answered YES Scientology can't help you. It's called schizophrenia!

“Do you expect me to pledge? No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!” www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

ha ha - people think st pat's is a federal holiday - drunk dumbasses.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

Best movies:
Connery: Goldfinger, You Only Live Twice, From Russia With Love
Lazenby: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Moore: The Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only, Live and Let Die
Dalton: The Living Daylights
Craig: Skyfall

Brosnan was a lousy, unoriginal Bond, and his movies went badly awry.
Nick Name:

Thought id throw my 2 cents in: i think pierce brosnan is the worst Bond ever - Chris M thinks he is the best - we strongly disagree on this

Erin go BLARGH!!!!
Chris T.:

Thanks to everyone who pledged! Here's my Bond Order:
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