Order and disorder in a freeform haze of terribly-played guitars, shorted-out electronics, found audio detritus, strange sounds from strange lands all around. Psych-punk-junk, collage, even pop. Lots of in-studio live performances to boot.
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December 17, 2002
ZOOKS! The (r)/Koonda Holaa/Sikhara live sets to be aired at a future
date. Long story, but their electronic-outputs were recorded into the
board out of phase! It will sound fine on the web, but the air signal cast
of the sessions presented them cancelling out each others' channels, and
thus sounding B-A-D. Kamilsky, put my head on the block and chop it off.
But we will archive the sets and repost and *hopefully* sort out the mess
and rebroadcast again. Thanks to the Radon guys/bands for understanding.
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