Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from June 5, 2015 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 5, 2015: Put the Needle On The Return to Alameda with Dawgisht, Six Kutter, Dopestyle 12-31, 4AM, Dub Esquire, Bas-One

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Year Comments New Approx. start time
SUW RmX Project feat DJ Six Kutter  Speeding It Up (The Final Remix of the Season)   Favoriting   2015    *    
Dopestyle 12-31  Jim Bean   Favoriting PsychoBetaFunkyFunKrush    produced DJ Taber King with cuts by 4AM  *    
Dopestyle  MochaFrappacinoPsychoSick   Favoriting MochaFrappacinoPsychoSickLP  2015    *   0:07:29 (Pop-up)
Dopestyle 12-31  Song For Maynard (Heroin vs Methadone)   Favoriting         0:09:33 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
over Dawgisht beats n Six Kutter cuts Interview with Dopestyle 12-31 






0:15:03 (Pop-up)
Dub Esquire  I Do Dis_ft Sadat X,MelYel, & J Anthony (EDIT)   Favoriting     dedicated to DOC who was shot in the 80's blocks of East Oakland last night    0:23:03 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
over Dawgisht beats n Six Kutter cuts Interview with Dub Esquire + Bas-One 






0:35:23 (Pop-up)
Bas One  Mentally Astute (feat live cuts by Six Kutter)   Favoriting         0:42:36 (Pop-up)
DJ Six Kutter  live on WFMU from Dawgisht's home studio in Alameda   Favoriting         0:46:22 (Pop-up)
Bas-One, Six Kutter, Dopestyle 12-31, Dub Esquire, Dawgisht , n Billy Jam  freestylecypherDJMCdankfueldShitinCali - you know!   Favoriting         0:54:06 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:03am
Billy Jam:

Photo by Igancio Soltero on top of playlist is of DJ Precision putting needle on record arm - taken at recent NYC DMC Regional Battle at which he was not DJing but overseeing sound/tech issues. Photo on lower part of playlist of from the Bay Area - Marin Headlands looking north just up from Rodeo Beach - part of the Golden Gate National Park Conservancy - former military facilities transformed into beautiful parklands - answering the question "War What Is It Good For?" - Answer = when they turn former military areas into public parklands.
Avatar 4:07am
Billy Jam:

Welcome back to the Alameda, CA home studios of longtime Oakland born beatmaker / producer Dawgisht - where the last live WFMU remote broadcast we did was here in July last year - 11 months ago when guest performers included East Bay hip-hop veteran Dub Esquire who returns today. Also on today's guest-heavy, talent packed show will be incredible albeit underrated emcee Dopestyle 12-31, his producer/DJ and PTNOTR regular contributor 4AM, as well as another regular in the Bay Bas-One, plus for the first time on the show - the talented turntablist Six Kutter. During last summer's show from this location we did the 'Dingo Ate My Baby' freestyle rap in show overtime (IE continue recording after we go off the air). Might do an extended, post show freestyle session again tonight that I will record and playback parts of next week. Speaking of which, by popular demand this show will return to the three hour format as of next week and for the full WFMU Summer 2015 Season 2015 - 3pm to 6pm (Eastern Time) every Friday afternoon through September 11th. This will allow me to stretch out and play more music - am going to present to you - over the coming months - the best of my deep hip-hop vinyl collection - which I have not gone thru in years…plan on picking a section of it each week (EG the letter "M") and play random selections from there - the more obscure the better. The 3 hour format also will allow me to have a host of wonderful rotating contributors doing special PTNOTR productions. These will include Loop Skywalker, DJ ALF, Kimzilla, DJ ADA, and The Mighty Grouse. Engineers will include Mike Noble and Carol (who is doing engineering today too) - for the numerous live remotes of the season - many from here in the Bay Area. There will be a few shows done from WFMU's Jersey City studios in both July and September. Plus we are hoping to do the Labor Day weekend show (Sept 4th) live from Coney Island (food, dank n drank themed party) - as a way to say goodbye to summer…..but now we say HELLO - and THANKS 4 LISTENING TO W F M U Know!
Avatar 6:57pm

3 HOURS of Billy Jam!!! That is soooo exciting.
Avatar 6:58pm

Big Ups Billy Jam, last week was long without PTNOTR. Congrats on the return of the THREE HOUR SPOT! Can't wait! Friday just got 3x better.
Avatar 7:01pm

Hello All. Sounds like it's gonna be another dope hour!
Avatar 7:01pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:


Hello America.
Avatar 7:03pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

aww yeah! thanks so much for being willing to drop a 3 hour show again every week, Billy Jam. i know its a big time commitment. you are the man! you made my summer!
Avatar 7:05pm
Cheri Pi:

Been looking forward to this. Heya Billy Jam!
Avatar 7:05pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:


peace... Six Kutter on the cut! Cutfiendz
Avatar 7:12pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:


uh oh... drinking some right now. coffeefiendz
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Marcel M:

Fuck what ya hurd being addicted to coffee is the shit they just jelly
Avatar 7:15pm

i am scared, 3 hours , 3 feckin hours ? how do we cope with that Billy? its too much man , we will surely overload
Avatar 7:16pm
Billy Jam:

thanks to Carol for engineering back in NJ WFMU studios - this show is dedicated to Julius "Doc" Fallon who is the latest unfortunate statistic - in that he was shot and killed in Oakland last night - He was Dub Esquire's buddy
Studio B Ben:

Put the dank in my Friday, Billy Jam! I can't wait for the three hour shows!
Avatar 7:18pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Oh no! :-( Rest in power Doc! My condolences Dub Esquire!
Avatar 7:23pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

MC Blabber Demo's

Coffee & caffeine drives you nuts after a while.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm
! I X Key !:

Avatar 7:27pm

ace interview , great muse , right on the button
Avatar 7:37pm

dinnnnngo foddder yessssss

Sitting here with Board Op Carol the great, listening to your show from the source in Jersey City, sounding great!
Avatar 7:41pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Hustle Simmons!!

Avatar 7:45pm

deffo fuck yeahhhhhha and booooomph
Avatar 7:49pm

Luv this choon .My 12 inch copy of Mentally Astute Bas-one is almost worn out espeshurly the cuts , mmm prime scratching sounds ---DEEEEEP DEEEEEEEP

ahhhhhhh yeeeeaaaaa
Avatar 7:50pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:


gonna miss the friday after work billy sho for damn sure. will be catchin the 3 hour sho on the archive. billy jam is theeeeee best
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

sooo dope fresh... looking forward to hearing more of this in upcoming shows... thanks again, y'all!
Avatar 7:55pm

hahahahah Bas , hahahah wikkid
Avatar 7:56pm

baby ate my dingo
Avatar 8:01pm
Billy Jam:

To be continued next week…..at the new time of 3pm to 6pm…or noon to 3pm Cali time - where next week's show will be noon to 3pm local time at the Corner Market on corner of Telegraph and 61st Streets in North Oakland - near Berkeley border where another upcoming show will be for medical card holders only at CBCB dispensary
loop skywalker:

what a fucking brilliant show...loved it .I need to get off these night shifts so i can catch the show live.Can you imagine my next job interview?? "why do you want this job" ...."so i can tune in to Billy Jam on fridays punk !!!! "
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