Favoriting The Evan "Funk" Davies Show: Playlist from July 8, 2015 Favoriting

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Every show starts with the ’70s! We’ll rediscover forgotten rockers, revisit unfairly maligned disco beats and replay power-pop favorites. Next: plenty of new releases, occasional live bands and more. Don’t let the nickname confuse you.

Wednesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wed. Mar 12th, Noon - 3pm: Evan "Funk" Davies and his Co-Host Mark Hurst

Favoriting July 8, 2015: Celebrating WHTG/FM 106.3, part 2: More rock, less talk!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
dumptruck  going nowhere   Favoriting for the country  big time  1987  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
supergrass  caught by the fuzz   Favoriting i should coco  capitol    0:04:12 (Pop-up)
drivin' & cryin'  honeysuckle blue   Favoriting mystery road  island  1989  0:04:56 (Pop-up)
flop  a. wylie   Favoriting whenever you're ready      0:09:52 (Pop-up)
danielle dax  cat house   Favoriting dark adapted eye  sire  1988  0:12:13 (Pop-up)
ash  girl from mars   Favoriting 1977  infectious  1996  0:15:37 (Pop-up)
frozen ghost  should i see   Favoriting s/t  atlantic  1987  0:27:11 (Pop-up)
jon astley  jane's getting serious   Favoriting everyone loves the pilot (except the crew)  atlantic    0:30:55 (Pop-up)
grace pool  awake with the rain   Favoriting s/t  reprise  1988  0:35:09 (Pop-up)
gutterball  trial separation blues   Favoriting s/t  mute  1993  0:39:36 (Pop-up)
the long ryders  gun-slinging man   Favoriting two fisted tales  island  1987  0:43:09 (Pop-up)
parthenon huxley  double our numbers   Favoriting sunny nights  columbia    0:50:19 (Pop-up)
the mighty lemon drops  inside out   Favoriting world without end  sire  1988  0:54:19 (Pop-up)
private sector  she thinks the world spins around her   Favoriting the darkness burning bright  rose hill  1987  0:58:04 (Pop-up)
senseless things  everybody's gone   Favoriting the first of too many  epic  1991  1:03:13 (Pop-up)
something happens  hello, hello, hello, hello, hello (petrol)   Favoriting stuck together with god's glue  charisma  1990  1:06:08 (Pop-up)
sixtieth parallel  over and over   Favoriting into bliss  dr. dream  1988  1:15:13 (Pop-up)
the triffids  kelly's blues   Favoriting calenture  island  1987  1:19:48 (Pop-up)
it's immaterial  driving away from home (jim's tune)   Favoriting life's hard and then you die  a&m  1987  1:24:09 (Pop-up)
the ocean blue  between something and nothing   Favoriting s/t  sire  1989  1:28:22 (Pop-up)
lloyd cole  she's a girl and i'm a man   Favoriting don't get weird on me, babe  capitol  1991  1:32:23 (Pop-up)
top  number one dominator   Favoriting emotion lotion  island  1991  1:43:58 (Pop-up)
rock and hyde  dirty water   Favoriting under the volcano  capitol  1987  1:48:10 (Pop-up)
the other ones  holiday   Favoriting s/t  virgin  1987  1:52:00 (Pop-up)
the dead milkmen  instant club hit (you'll dance to anything)   Favoriting 12" ep  enigma  1987  1:55:23 (Pop-up)
awol  coffee   Favoriting       2:00:42 (Pop-up)
the silencers  i see red   Favoriting a letter from st. paul  rca  1987  2:11:41 (Pop-up)
dancing hoods  baby's got rockets   Favoriting hallelujah anyway  relativity  1988  2:15:44 (Pop-up)
ivy  get enough   Favoriting   seed  1994  2:19:11 (Pop-up)
bourgeois tagg  i don't mind at all   Favoriting yoyo  island  1987  2:21:59 (Pop-up)
the northern pikes  things i do for money   Favoriting big blue sky  virgin  1987  2:24:47 (Pop-up)
peter & the test tube babies  louise wouldn't like it   Favoriting s/t  profile  1987  2:33:40 (Pop-up)
civ  can't wait one minute more   Favoriting set your goals  lava  1995  2:38:07 (Pop-up)
screaming blue messiahs  bikini red   Favoriting bikini red  elektra  1987  2:40:40 (Pop-up)
then jerico  the motive   Favoriting first (the sound of music)  mca  1988  2:44:10 (Pop-up)
reacharound  big chair   Favoriting who's tommy cooper  trauma  1996  2:49:48 (Pop-up)
the bolshoi  please   Favoriting lindy's party  beggars banquet  1987  2:53:48 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Oh right! - that's why I liked Supergrass...

Boy, did I show up at the right time! If southern rock didn't suck, it'd be Drivin 'n Cryin!

Hey America!
Avatar 9:09pm

hi everyone!!!

This child of the 70's will always have a soft spot for Southern Rock. Greetings efd and funksters all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Of course, in a sense, 'Southern Rock' is redundant - because it was born there (like most American music). I love Son Volt & a lot of Alt-Country - & R.E.M. is from Georgia...'cetera...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

WHTG Part I was May 15, 2015 - www.wfmu.org...
Avatar The Evan "Funk" Davies Show Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:17pm

Jeebus EFD, this is a kick ass start.
  Swag For Life Member 9:19pm

great stuff so far! love ash!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm

Thanks for that link Ken FHP, and thanks and hi everybody! Tonight we're going to try to squeeze in a bunch of the music we didn't get to last time - hope you enjoy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm

Avatar The Evan "Funk" Davies Show Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:29pm

Holy crap--I remember Frozen Ghost! I always thought it was The Fixx when I first heard it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

@Figgs. me too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm

Been looking forward to tonight's show all week. Good to be here. Good to be anywhere, really. I have EFD up on the volume and Jays vs White Sox on the visuals with the audio down. Currently 4-4, ^5.

hi efd. hi everybody
Avatar 9:42pm
Holly in NC:

Hi efd & all! Sorry I'm late, moving in to new dog sitting gig so I'll be quietly listening via phone downstairs while unpacking and making dinner (or brinner, as it were from my perspective). Lilly the GSD and I are excited about the show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm

Hi Holly, good to see you! Thanks for popping in!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

Holly, what is meant by "brinner"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

(brinner = dinner as 1st meal of the day or breakfast; not 'brunch' but 'brinner'...)
Avatar 9:50pm
Holly in NC:

breakfast + dinner. e.g., I've not anything but 2 liters of water & tea & some wee snacks today, which is not advised, but was 1 of those days.

jon astley was also pete townshend's brother-in-law, which may have opened a door or two in the '70s when his production career got going

@Holly: If it’s any consolation/commiseration I had some fairly horrible stomach/back issues for the past few days and I think I ate one meal a day for 2 days in a row with tons of water and that’s it… Some honey and molasses mixed in a few times. So hey… It’s not the best plan but every now and then we all have reasons to be on some extreme diet.
Paul D:

I LOVE this might lemon drops song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

I am friggin lovin this show tonight.
Paul D:

Holly in NC:

Yay Mighty Lemon Drops!
Avatar The Evan "Funk" Davies Show Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Kat in Chicago:

Ack! Wish I'd tuned in at the start of this. The Mighty Lemon Drops sound fresher than I would've expected. Hi errybody :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- real strong tracks, yeah.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

Hi Kat, hi Holly, Paul, everyone.
Paul D:

Hi Chris

hey, holly, I hope that you're feeling much better tonight, also that was a great show you had the other night!

greetings efd!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Holly. When you mentioned dog sitting, it reminded of this video I saw recently - youtu.be... (Be warned: vertical phone cam recording.)

btw efd, happy post-holiday weekend!
Avatar The Evan "Funk" Davies Show Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:09pm

Something Happens!!!! Played the hell outta this at WICB in Ithaca. I could kiss you guys for playing this.

HEY! "Waspish Massachusetts accent?...you got a problem with THAT?
Paul D:

I thought this was the cult at first.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm

If it wasn't 20 past 10 I'd be wondering if that comment was from my Mom...?!

efd, i'm enjoying the show tonight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm

Tonight's show is a real keeper.
Holly in NC:

I guess I have a N'Haven CT area slash Western Mass Pioneer Valley slash Durhm NC acccent, which sounds at home exactly nowhere. But Western Mass accent suppost the "perfect " U.S. accent.
Paul D:

mmmm this whole ocean blue album is good

holly like I said earlier, what a wonderful show you put together sunday night!
Holly in NC:

Thank you Cheri, but Gaylord deserves ALL the love and praise. A very special man. Meanwhile let's listen to efd, our hero ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49pm

I'm torturing Jerry right now by not telling him the name of this song.
Avatar 10:50pm
Pete from Boston (and NJ):

Parts of Western Mass, along with Connecticut and even Rhode Island, exhibit the Northern Cities Vowel Shift, making folks there sound vaguely Midwestern.

good job evan, keep it up!
Avatar 10:58pm
Holly in NC:

Oh, I had forgotten about this "other" Dead Milkmen song.... what fun!
Avatar The Evan "Funk" Davies Show Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:58pm
Kat in Chicago:

Literally laughing out loud at The Dead Milkmen. Forgot all about this one.

well I have to check out for tonight guys, see you all real soon, also i'll see you next week evan! night.

This show is as good as Trump's hair do is bad

pickitup pickitup pickitup pickitup!

mock turtle soup next

Greetings all! I've been enjoying the show while preparing my late supper. Finally not on my crazy schedule so I can actually listen while awake! (and: coffee!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17pm

hey Sybil! Nice to see you, thanks for saying hi!

I saw the Dancing Hoods open for somebody and went out and bought this album - hard to believe it was the same guy in Sparklehorse.
Avatar The Evan "Funk" Davies Show Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:24pm

Bourgeois Tagg!!! Damn, been a long time since I heard this.

I have just installed Shazam on my laptop tonight, and it's so far only caught two songs. This one (I don't mind at all) being the second. For real, Shazam?

Of course, I'm probably confusing it by also having the baseball game from Chavez Ravine on at the same time...

Oh, yoyo :(

OK< now it's caught the next song. That's more like it.

i hope you have a great week evan!

... and now it's identified a new song which isn't playing at all, while the former song is still on. ???
Avatar 11:30pm
Holly in NC:

I LOVE Dancing Hoods' 12 Jealous Roses lp - "Surfing All Over the World" is an especially great track. Yeah, Sparklehorse, who could see that coming?!
Avatar The Evan "Funk" Davies Show Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:32pm
Kat in Chicago:

I didn't know you could put Shazam on your laptop!

see you soon holly, goodnight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42pm
Ike & the Head of a Dead Ram & the Faceless Ocean:

WHTG, WHFS, WOXY... oh yeah.

I got to tell you holly, it was fun hanging out tonight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm

Welcome to Troll Acres, a planned community (TM Cecile, 2012).

Awesome tunes! ;)

great selecting tonight efd
screaming blue messiahs rocked hard
and sounded great live
back in the mid eighties

Hey folks. Let’s think about the positive. Like this show. Hooray!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

thanks everyone! This was a lot of fun.

Hookworms recorded live at Primavera on next week's show!

Thanks for another great show, efd!

Goodnight all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

That last set was as good as any I've heard on FMU all year.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good show tonight and looking forward to those Hookworms.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02am

Thans Evan and everyone on the show and out here. A great night of radio
Mark in Toronto:

Frozen Ghost fulfills your Can Con requirement, as they were Canadian, not German. They sound so very 80's Canadian
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55pm

Ahhh, I should have known! Thanks Mark. I guess this means I played Rock And Hyde and the Northern Pikes for nothing. :)

Noted absences:

Love and Rockets
The Wonderstuff
Julian Cope
De La Soul
Echo and the Bunnymen
Jesus and Mary Chain

even Scruffy the Cat (my baby she's alright)

I'm sure there are others...is there another show planned?

Some of these acts were like glue that cemented the rest of these lesser-knowns together in the rotation, and allowed them to float. IMHO, this is a very pallid set. You need to pepper the 'bigger' alt acts in to have this playlist make any sense.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm

I don't expect that Mr. Vapor will be returning to this page, but here's a brief response nonetheless.

1. Murcuryvapor is certainly entitled to his opinion, and clearly if he were going to do a couple of shows saluting WHTG he would choose different artists/songs from the ones that I and the two former WHTG DJs chose. That's fine, but I stand by our selections.
2. One of the points of this show and the first one that I did in May was to highlight the many great "lesser-knowns" that I used to hear on WHTG. I'm pretty sure murcuryvapor didn't actually listen to the show, because if he had that would have been clear and he wouldn't have said something as silly as "You need to pepper the 'bigger' alt acts in to have this playlist make any sense."
3. I played a Wonder Stuff song on the first WHTG tribute show we did in May.
4. There isn't a part 3 planned at the moment, but if and when there is a part 3 I guarantee that it will be equally free of "glue."
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