Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from September 15, 2015 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

iTunes Feed Also available as an MP3 podcast. More info at our Podcast Central page.

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Favoriting September 15, 2015: I Don't Use Technology
In the first Aerial View pod(iatry)cast Chris T. hits Rockefeller Center

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Today: "I Don't Use The Technology."
The first Aerial View in Exile podcast - I Don't Use The Technology - is available NOW. That's right: no waiting until 6 PM! Please be aware: there's CURSING in this podcast, some by me, some by others. The show may or may not be safe for work (maybe you work where there's LOTS of cursing and you keep a .45 automatic on your person).

The bulk of the podcast was recorded in Rockefeller Center and the title comes from a line uttered about halfway through by a hairy young man getting stoned in public. I tried to interview him and he kept saying "I don't use the technology, man." I told him "No problem. I'll use the technology!" but he still begged off, probably because he was getting stoned in public.

Here's the main Rockefeller Center plaza:
For the recording I used my Zoom H6 with the mid-side stereo capsule and an Audio-Technica lavalier microphone clipped to the brim of my hat:
The Zoom can record six simultaneous tracks, so I ran a stereo track, a backup stereo track (for any volume spikes) and a mono track for the lavalier mic. Then I mixed it all down to two-track stereo. By the way, that windscreen on the mic capsule is sometimes called a "Dead Cat"... please don't tell Roger:
This podcast features interviews about 9/11 with:
  • An Australian.
  • A Floridian.
  • A San Diegan.
During this podcast I also:
  • Get scolded by Rock Center Security.
  • Upset a dude trying to get stoned in public.
  • Chat with a hard-working man.
  • Order Halal food from a cart.
  • Provide directions to Germans.
  • Offer wet-shaving advice.
  • Dodge a douche riding a skateboard on the sidewalk (click image below for video):
And so much more! I'm happy with how it turned out but I'd love your feedback on the playlist page, which should be live by the time you get this newsletter (special thanks to the great Liz Berg at WFMU for all her help with the podcast workflow!).

Because I still had three minutes (and eight seconds) to fill for a solid hour, I attached a special surprise: a vintage interview with the son of Rahway, NJ the epitome of cool, Paul Le Mat (mostly known from his role as John Milner in American Graffiti). Me and Rex Doane were at a Chiller Theater convention back in the day and Paul was meeting and greeting, signing autographs and answering our questions. I'm not sure I've ever run this interview before, so here it is, finally.
I'm already planning the next all-new Aerial View podcast (me in the basement, trying to work up an instrumental Aerial View "theme song"), so join me again next week!
Last Week: Achilles Last Stand
The last over-the-air Aerial View (until who-knows-when) had some incredible moments (including a serenade by Hearty White!) and was a memorable show thanks to YOU. I felt the love, believe me. Why, here's some now...
  • FWIW, folks in non-hipster Brooklyn seem to be hot on these 2-wheel self-balancing scooters. Not a Segway, but… Just look at it… www.youtube.com...
  • I had plantar warts removed from both feet in 2007, including a half-$ size one. It hadn't really sunk in how long I'd be laid up or at least impaired afterward.
  • Chris will stick his toe in the water and try to make a phone-in podcast.
  • Hearty and Chris together - when worlds collide!
  • I walked past an artisanal vape store in Montclair over the weekend...wtf?!
  • PLEASE let there be an Aerial View Hearty crossover episode!
  • Chris used to introduce my show as Maximum Nutrition. I think I might change the name of the show this week in his honor.
  • @heartywhite: MAXIMUM NUTRITION! Murder Nutrients! Nutrition in your FACE!
  • The interim show can be classified as a podiatrycast.
  • Chris T, if you look back and only see one set of footprints in the sand, they are those of your listeners... carrying you. We will never leave you. Heal well!
  • Thanks for all your great work, Chris - best of luck with the surgery and the podcast!
  • Seeya Chris. Thanks for the many hours of entertainment. Looking forward to many hours more.
  • We need you on WFMU so come back when you can.
  • And he exits. And closes with the Beach Boys. Class act until this end. Awaiting a swift recovery and triumphant return. Kudos Chris!

light snowfall
industrial town
we roamed the streets
fell in love
I was floating
in her clouds
hovering above sidewalks
in one store and out another
always talking
the things that came out of her mouth
the things that went in
later than night
our first day together
“Sure, come up and visit!”
she said over the phone
two weeks prior
she mailed me a letter
she'd heard me on the radio
liked my sense of humour
but lived far away
and I decided
long before
not to pursue women
who liked me on the radio
but it wasn’t practical
I couldn’t afford to 
shut off any avenue
of discovery
so I went up there
December 7th
based on some phone conversations
a few letters
a brief meeting in Hoboken
two days after Thanksgiving
Her mountain cabin
the most beautiful spot
I’d seen
and her dog
legs that wouldn't bend
walking on his nails
clicking over the floor
wagging his tail
licking his chops
as she showed me around
“Built by actual hippies!”
she tells me
“I pay $365 a month.”
for wild turkey trotting across the yard
deer bounding through the trees
wheeling overheard
tall pines all around
unpoisoned air
like that helium.oyxgen mix
they pump into astronauts
I felt my brain swell
trying to wrap around it all
this woman
smiling at me
holding my hand
whispering in my ear
while everything was a mist
I still don’t know how I got there
how we made it 
to that spot
in front of the Xmas display
out on the rural route
turning to each other
in the cold
me trying to slide past
the steering wheel
her swinging her legs around
the two of us trying to 
meet each other’s lips
the geometry all wrong
but then we docked
my eyes closed I saw
Christmas lights 
beneath the lids
felt the lake of her
in the cold
in the car
in front of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
illuminated sheep
wise men
and knew from past experience
we were hurtling 
we wanted more
I turned the key
stared straight ahead
knowing what’s next
we head to the cabin
on the couch
hands everywhere
clothes put aside
but she doesn’t want to
doesn’t know if she should
I say
“We don’t have to do this tonight..."
So we did.
a day that will live in infamy
Me the Japanese
She Hawaii
the strafing
went on into the night
Artist Track Year Format
Chris T.  Aerial View Podiatrycast Intro   Favoriting 2015  MP3 

Join The Facebook Group!
If you haven't already, please join the See You Next Tuesday! Facebook Group, where I'll be putting everything that happens on the Aerial View podcast.
Upcoming Events
WFMU Literary Guild Meet Up
The next WFMU Literary Guild Meet Up is this Fri,, Sep. 18, 6 pm in the Red Room of the KGB Bar, 85 East 4th St., NYC.

On the bill:  For updates, please join the WFMU Literary Guild Facebook Group and follow the Twitter account.
Pencil Me In
Come and see "Braids" (above) and seventeen other pieces by my wife Janet Tsakis during Pencil Me In, the Monmouth Museum Emerging Artist opening this Friday night, September 18, 6 - 8 pm.

Janet gives an Artist Talk Wed., Oct. 7, 7 - 8 pm and the show runs until October 18.
Obligatory Throwback Pic
Singing "Love Is The Drug" with the Hoof & Mouth Sinfonia, 2014
How To Hear Aerial View
AUDIOBOOM: Hear Aerial View and easily share it on social media here. Mobile apps are here.

ON DEMAND ARCHIVES: The Aerial View Archive page features archives going back to nearly the beginning of the show in RealAudio and MP3 format.
ON THE WEB: Listen from the playlist page aeriaview.me.
OVER THE AIR: Aerial View is currently off the airwaves of WFMU until further notice.
PODCAST: Aerial View is available on iTunes as a podcast.

RSS: Here's the link to the Aerial View RSS feed: http://wfmu.org/podcast/AV.xml
WFMU MOBILE: Listen via the mobile app or browse the archives. Get the iOS app here and the Android version here. Amazon Kindle users can use the TuneIn Radio app. Info for other platforms, including Blackberry, etc. can be found here.
 "I'll see you TONIGHT, 6 PM Eastern time, on WFMU!"
Aerial View
Aerial View

Listener comments!


Sounds good Chris!
Chris T.:

Dear Listener:
If you listen to this podcast, please leave a comment. Even if you have nothing to say, I'd like to get some idea of who is listening...
Chris T.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I am here!
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