Favoriting Eclectic Music for Mind and Bodhi with Peter Nelson: Playlist from November 10, 2015 Favoriting

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New music that could only have been made by that person at that time. An open-minded search for something I've not heard before.

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Favoriting November 10, 2015
Featuring the Dead Rat Orchestra live at the Brighton Dome on October 28th 2015.

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Sweet Baboo  Got To Hang Onto You   Favoriting The Boombox Ballads  S/R  2015  MP3  The Boombox Ballads at Bandcamp  *   0:00:51 (Pop-up)
Tumi & Chinese Man  Better That Way (feat. Taiwan MC)   Favoriting The Journey  Chinese Man Records  2015  MP3    *   0:03:50 (Pop-up)
Belzebong  Diabolical Dopenosis   Favoriting Greenferno  Emetic  2015  MP3      0:07:53 (Pop-up)
Alela Diane & Ryan Francesconi  Shapeless   Favoriting Cold Moon  Believe Recordings  2015  MP3    *   0:19:19 (Pop-up)
Bersarin Quartett  Staub Und Sterne   Favoriting III  Dernovali  2015  MP3    *   0:23:01 (Pop-up)
Dead Rat Orchestra  Live At Brighton Dome 27/10/2015   Favoriting   Antigen      DRO Website
1. A South Sea Ballad (from Tyburnia)
2. Captain's Apprentice (from Pearl Fishers/Boat Notchers)
3. Currently untitled (Unreleased)
4. Englands New Bell-man; Ringing into all Peoples Ears GODs dreadful Judgment on this Land and Kingdom
5. Currently untitled (Unreleased)
6. Hoqueting (from Pearl Fishers/Boat Notchers)
7. The Black Procession (from Tyburnia) with Thierry Amar on double bass.
  0:30:16 (Pop-up)
Sue Thompson  Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)   Favoriting     1961        1:05:29 (Pop-up)
Cynthia Schloss & U Brown  Sad Movies   Favoriting   Onika  1982  12"      1:08:38 (Pop-up)
Baaz  Your Wardrobe (S.A.M.'s Downtown Remix)   Favoriting Red Souvenirs (Remixes)  Office Recordings  2015  MP3    *   1:16:31 (Pop-up)
Guy Mantzur, Sahar Z  Small Heart Attack (Agents Of Time Reinterpretation) feat. Amir Darzi   Favoriting Time Remixes  Lost And Found Records  2015  MP3    *   1:20:51 (Pop-up)
COMA  Lora (Robag's Fandara Qualv NB)   Favoriting Lora  Kompakt  2015  MP3    *   1:24:54 (Pop-up)
C.A.R & Maceo Plex  Mirror Me (Dark Dub)   Favoriting Mirror Me  Kompakt Digital  2015  MP3    *   1:30:50 (Pop-up)
DJ Boris  Can You Hear Me (Enrico Sangiuliano Remix)   Favoriting single  Alleanza  2015  MP3    *   1:34:39 (Pop-up)
DJ Le Roi  You Don't Know   Favoriting You Don't Know  Upon You  2015  MP3    *   1:38:37 (Pop-up)
Nadja Lind & Paul Loraine  Velocity (Vince Watson Remix)   Favoriting single  Wolf Trap  2015  MP3  This mix can be download from: Wombnet Here  *   1:40:59 (Pop-up)
Nat Johnson  Condor   Favoriting Lonesome Lake EP  S/R  2015  MP3  Lonesome Lake EP at Bandcamp  *   1:52:34 (Pop-up)
Eso  Odyssey   Favoriting Old Eso  S/R  2015  MP3  FREE Old Eso at Bandcamp    1:55:57 (Pop-up)
Lioness Fonts  From A Baobab Tree   Favoriting From A Baobab Tree  1 Roar Records  2015  MP3      1:59:23 (Pop-up)
6Blocc  Dark Side Of The Boom (Sonic Journey Excursion)   Favoriting Dark Side Of The Boom  S/R  2015  MP3  Dark Side Of The Boom at Bandcamp  *   2:05:52 (Pop-up)
Maurice Ravel  Piano Concerto in G major   Favoriting   Deutsche Grammophon    CD  Soloist: Yundi Li
Conductor: Seiji Ozawa
Orchestra: Berliner Philharmoniker
  2:40:57 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm
listener james from westwood:

w00t! Live recording this week!
Avatar 3:01pm
Sarah N:

Hello LJFW!
Avatar 3:04pm
Peter Nelson:

Hi James
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm
Doug Schulkind:

Almost sounds like the voice Thurl Ravenscroft being sampled!
Avatar 3:08pm
Peter Nelson:

The pic this week is my happy place in Samoa. My body hasn't been there yet......this time round.

Hi Peter!
Avatar 3:08pm
Peter Nelson:

Hey Doug!
Avatar 3:09pm
Sarah N:

Grrrrrrrrrreat to see you Doug! Hello Ryan.
Avatar 3:10pm
Peter Nelson:

Hi Ryan. Welcome.

Got an irresistible urge to light up, and I don't even like marijuana.
Avatar 3:11pm
Sarah N:

Presumably Thurl is no relation of John Ravenscroft aka Peel....
Avatar 3:12pm
Peter Nelson:

Hi Dean...yup...stoner rock. Likewise.
Avatar 3:12pm
Sarah N:

Go for it Dean!

So that's what "High on Fire" means!
Avatar 3:13pm
Sarah N:

100% rock! Oh yeah.
Avatar 3:14pm
Sarah N:

Oh and Hawkwind have just shown up too....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Sarah N
Thurl was from Nebraska.
Avatar 3:26pm
Sarah N:

aha...from 'Cold Moon' to 'Dust and Stars'...
Avatar 3:32pm
Peter Nelson:

"Dead Rat Orchestra presents a soundtrack to the film ‘Tyburnia: A Radical History Of 600 Years Of Public Execution’ by James Holcombe.
The film explores parallels between contemporary and historical notions of crime in relation to business and property, the spectacular nature of punishment and the use of the body as a site for political control."

For extra credit, read yesterday's SCOTUS opinion in Mullenix v. Luna.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
Doug Schulkind:

Speaking of public executions, I came upon two facts when poking around for a theme for today's Give the Drummer Some.

(1) On this date in 1580 the English Army beheaded 600 Papal soldiers and civilians at Dún an Óir, Ireland.

(2) On this date in 1865, the United States hanged for the committing of war crimes, Major Henry Wirz, the superintendent of a prison camp in Andersonville, Georgia: en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
Doug Schulkind:

Blessedly, my GTDS this evening will not be wallowing in public execution lore.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm
Brian in UK:

We love killing each other, Doug. If you are thinking of spoiling the fun.

And on this date in 2015 I didn't get much sleep.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43pm
Brian in UK:

Lawks, my manners. Hello Peter 'n Sarah.
Avatar 3:43pm
Peter Nelson:

Thanks Doug. That is interesting. Here's another interesting fact. The London residence of British ex-prime minster, mass murderer and war criminal Tony Blair is a few doors down from the site of the Tyburn gallows in Cavendish Square.
Avatar 3:44pm
Peter Nelson:

Hello Brian.
Avatar 3:44pm
Sarah N:

Hello Brian - what a great entrance!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
Brian in UK:

Right by where Fenella Fielding used to live.

"Ex-prime minister" nicely echoes "ex-parrot."
Avatar 3:45pm
Peter Nelson:

Truly Brian? Small world.
Avatar 3:45pm
Sarah N:

It's almost an anagram - TyBlairnia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:45pm
Brian in UK:

Do you mean Connaught Square?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
Doug Schulkind:

No rats were harmed during the making of this entertainment.

@Peter Nelson
Please don't use offensive language ("Tony Blair") in the company of the decent .
Avatar 3:46pm
Peter Nelson:

Ah...Brian...I believe you are right. My faux pas.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
Brian in UK:

He professes to be a christian too.
Avatar 3:48pm
Peter Nelson:

The fucker Blair should be strung up by his balls for crimes against Socialism! We expect Tories to be cunts....but him!!!

You needn't resort to euphemism, Peter, among friends.
Avatar 3:49pm
Peter Nelson:

Yeah, well...Christians. Historically such a peaceful religion.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
Brian in UK:

It seems to leave a more bitter taste in the mouth than that of our beloved Margaret of Grantham. You knew what you were getting there. Should have sussed NEW Labour.
Avatar 3:51pm
Peter Nelson:

That was the last time I voted, getting that bunch in the first time. Never again. Such a feeling of betrayal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53pm
Brian in UK:

Do you follow 38 Degrees?
Avatar 3:54pm
Peter Nelson:

The guest is Thierry Amar on double bass from Godspeed.
Avatar 3:54pm
Peter Nelson:

@Brian. Don't know what you mean.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
Brian in UK:

Was this the gig where the support were bestest?

Avatar 3:57pm
Peter Nelson:

I'll read that later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm
Brian in UK:

It is a small attempt to keep politicains (& others) honest, honest.

Go to cut out.
Avatar 4:01pm
Sarah N:

I've heard of them Brian. Wow, I've also just been reading about the Arrest Blair Campaign: www.arrestblair.org.

Shoot, missed the hoqueting tune. Lots of fun early hockets, and some alter ones, too.

Avatar 4:08pm
Peter Nelson:

I grabbed this from youtube. Sounds too slow. Anyone know this version?

This song might sound better if performed by, say, Iris DeMent. Or not.
Avatar 4:09pm
Peter Nelson:

On a sound system this bass is body-shaking. I know this from personal experience.

My vote's for the original. Unless the bass I'm missing is really that good. (I recall a show in a small venue by Augustus Pablo. That was body-shaking bass.)
Avatar 4:15pm
Peter Nelson:

@ Dean.Surely not????? It's awful!

The reggae version felt half-hearted. (Again, maybe the bass is the kicker.) I could hear DeMent delivering the original more or less faithfully. Maybe, too, the relative brevity of the original was to its credit.

And stop calling me Shirley.
Avatar 4:19pm
Sarah N:

Hurrah for differing tastes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm
Doug Schulkind:

I have a lovely cover of Sad Movies by the Brazilian sister act Trio Esperança. They call it "Filme Triste."
Avatar 4:21pm
Peter Nelson:

@ Doug. I would love to hear that.
Avatar 4:22pm
Sarah N:

I was just reading about that one Doug. Boney M also did a version in 1981!

Yow. Almost 3/4 million views on YT!

Well over a million if you combine the multiple posts.

The Thompson tune is sampled (and appropriated for a title) here by Orca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eE4qwz8MKY
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Peter Nelson
It's in your email in-box!
Avatar 4:31pm
Peter Nelson:

Ooooh, thanks Doug
Avatar 4:33pm
Peter Nelson:

Your Latin pics are usually wonderful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm

Avatar 4:35pm
Peter Nelson:

Hola you too Gary
Avatar 4:47pm
Sarah N:

Hi Gary!

I could've listened to that for another hour. Or three.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm

"For the weekend" ... :)
Avatar 4:50pm
Sarah N:

Me too Melinder!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Doug Schulkind:

Today is the 87th birthday of the sublime Ennio Morricone. This evening's Give the Drummer Some is throwing a party! Gorgeous and gobsmacking selections await you, 6-7pm (eastern) here on the Drummer Stream: wfmu.org...
Avatar 4:54pm
Peter Nelson:

Hello Melinder. Plenty more mixes to download from my site, or stream at Mixcloud..."Coseyhead"
Avatar 4:58pm
Peter Nelson:

What, Doug....gorgeous and gobsmacking tunes?.....business as usual, then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm
Doug Schulkind:

Avatar 5:01pm
Peter Nelson:

Try saying that after a couple of rums.
Avatar 5:03pm
Sarah N:

A smgörgeousbord!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
listener james from westwood:

Always a fun listen, Peter, and thanks for the Dead Rat Orch!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm
Doug Schulkind:

Rat on rat on!
Avatar 5:08pm
Sarah N:

You is radio pundit Mr Dougeous!
Avatar 5:08pm
Peter Nelson:

You're welcome James. Thanks for listening.
Avatar 5:09pm
Sarah N:

And thank you Mr EMFABulous DJ (aka 'im indoors) x
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm

Okay, I am an unapologetic sucker for "Dark Side", so enjoying this quite a bit.

A sucker here, too, for DSOTM, albeit an apologetic one. But, yeah, this is happening. Can't wait to hear the "Great Gig" section.
Avatar 5:13pm
Peter Nelson:

Hi Parq. Me too. And 'Wish You Were Here', actually. Headphones under the bed clothes as a youngster.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm

I'm in a car with my kid, with my iPod on shuffle. "Money" comes up.

Kid: Dad, could you turn that down a little?

Me: No. Sorry.
Avatar 5:16pm
Peter Nelson:

I've got a chip version of this too, which is pretty amazing. The dub version, however,...'Dub Side Of The Moon...could be better.

@Parq. Turn it up!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm
Doug Schulkind:

Tough love, Parq.

My response to my kids would be more along the lines of, "Yes, I could. But I won't."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:20pm
listener james from westwood:

Heh, STILL listening and glad I am! I blow hot and cold on mixes of the classics but this one is very artfully done. The Floyd DNA is still quite vibrant.
Avatar 5:21pm
Peter Nelson:

Subtle, isn't it. Mostly intact...just punched and looped here and there. Remixed, rather than covered.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

Dean, no, that misses the key point. When you're about to listen to the greatest guitar solo in all of radio-saturated classic rock, you just *can't* turn it down.
Avatar 5:25pm
Peter Nelson:

Top of the album charts for years...millions of copies sold....we've all heard it over and over and over again...but ain't it wonderful?

When you put it that way, Parq, I see your point. Funny: I'd never thought of that particular guitar solo as a GUITAR SOLO! I've always dug the ensemble, and its acceleration toward frenzy. The guitar part has always been one equal part. But, dang, it IS a guitar solo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm
Doug Schulkind:

Acceleration Toward Frenzy. Another great radio show name.
Avatar 5:28pm
Peter Nelson:


Featuring your DJ, Biff Speedlight.
Avatar 5:29pm
Peter Nelson:

YOU'RE A BUNCH OF OLD HIPPIES. More comments about this than any other bit of the show toinght.

Well, we did commence the comments (rhyme?) riffing on weed, didn't we?
Avatar 5:32pm
Peter Nelson:

We did...we did. Me too...old hippie...fair cop.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm

Weed? Funny, PN's show always makes me think it's late night in a dark lounge with black lacquer fixtures and neon highlights, and a flawless rye Manhattan sitting on the bar in an exotic glass.
Avatar 5:37pm
Peter Nelson:

Oh Parq, that's beautiful. Perfect.
Avatar 5:39pm
Peter Nelson:

If it wasn't for the time difference I'd be doing a late night show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40pm
listener james from westwood:

There's a lot of what the US radio market calls "classic rock" that no longer resonates for me, from overexposure, but this album isn't in that group. Always in for a spin. I'm a bit burnt out on "The Wall," though.
Avatar 5:40pm
Peter Nelson:

So, will you all be listening to the original later tonight?
Avatar 5:42pm
Peter Nelson:

This astonishing piano concerto was composed between 1929 and 1931, and was first performed by Marguerite Long, with Ravel conducting the Orchestre Lamoureux, in January 1932.
You might notice references to Gershwin in the 1st movement, and you would be right. Ravel toured the US in 1928 and said "The most captivating part of jazz is its rich and diverting rhythm. ...Jazz is a very rich and vital source of inspiration for modern composers and I am astonished that so few Americans are influenced by it." Ravel said that the initial theme came to him on a train journey in England.
This performance of music by a French composer, with English and American influences, is played by a Chinese pianist with a Japanese conductor and a German orchestra.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Doug Schulkind:

If Jesse Kaminsky plays it, yes :-)

Probably not, but maybe "Meddle." My LP of DSOTM is a Mobile Fidelity remaster in a nice rigid sleeve. With kids to get to bed, I don't want to be fumbling with the vinyl.

I don't know this recording of the Ravel, but the piece is just glorious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
listener james from westwood:

I'm with Doug; Jesse until bedtime!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

Hello Peter, all. Sorry I missed the DRO, looking forward to the archive. Tuned in just in time for Ravel! Big fan of Maurice.
Avatar 5:47pm
Peter Nelson:

Dean, you're musical knowledge is astonishing.
Yes, this version is quite something. I've got about 4 different recordings...listened to more...and Li is my favourite. So precise, which is appropriate for a composer nicknamed 'the Swiss watchmaker of music' by Stravinsky.
Avatar 5:47pm
Peter Nelson:

Hello Charlie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

I like pianists who play romantic and impressionist music precisely. The music already has so much eomtional expansiveness built into it.
Avatar 5:49pm
Peter Nelson:

Turn up the volume for this movement.
Avatar 5:52pm
Peter Nelson:

It took Ravel 2 years to write this masterpiece, and all most people know is that bloody 'Bolero'.
Avatar 5:53pm

Loving the Ravel!
Avatar 5:53pm
Peter Nelson:

Hi ngh.

Thanks, Peter, but really, my musical knowledge is patchy. I add to it daily thanks to WFMU, though. I will look for this recording.

"Precision" is certainly an expected, perhaps characteristic, quality in good French classical music. I adore Tharaud, but I don't think he has recorded this. But I don't mind overstatement and pseudo-romantic gushing from time to time, either. Setting my gain to onze.

There's another radio show name, Doug: Bloody Bolero.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm
Doug Schulkind:

Because there is just so much eomtion one can take, eh Charlie?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

Sounding good out here in the Imperial Midwest :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Doug Schulkind:

I played the mental-health challenging snare drum part for Bolero with my high school orchestra. Still not fully healed, 35+ years later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

@Doug, you know I'm more Apollonian than Dionysian at heart :)
Avatar 5:57pm
Peter Nelson:

@Dean. Tharaud...no, I haven't seen a version by him. Rameau, yes, and Chabrier....got some of him there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Doug Schulkind:

Dionysus & the Belmonts!

Listened last weekend to some of Tharaud's Chabrier!
Avatar 5:58pm
Peter Nelson:

Hi redkayak. Welcome.
Avatar 5:59pm
Peter Nelson:

@Charlie....really...and I thought you were such a pussy cat puddle of feeling.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
Doug Schulkind:

How much left of this lovely number, Pete?
Avatar 6:01pm
Peter Nelson:

1 minute overlap Doug.
Avatar 6:01pm
Peter Nelson:

Make that 1.5.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Thanks again, Peter!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

And on that note, I gotta step away for a bit. Killer show, PN.
Avatar 6:02pm
Peter Nelson:

That's it folks. Over to Doug.
Avatar 6:02pm

Thanks Peter, groovy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Doug Schulkind:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm

everything in moderation, including excess...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm

thanks, Peter!
Avatar 6:03pm
Peter Nelson:

Well....I am delighted how many people dig the classical shit.
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