Favoriting Blurred and Obscured with Jonathan Herweg: Playlist from November 29, 2015 Favoriting

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An underground journey through the history of psychedelic rock, modern music, shimmering noise, free jazz, punk, funk, children's records played at the wrong speed, tape cut-up, static, the composition of decomposition, and subversive spoken word.

Sunday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Sun. Mar 9th, 10pm - Midnight: Jonathan Herweg and his Co-Host Cullan Bryant

Favoriting November 29, 2015: The Struggle Continues

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Artist Track Album Format Comments Approx. start time
  Absolutely Real/Adult Entertainment/Transmission Begins         0:00:00 (Pop-up)
  Other Worlds         0:02:05 (Pop-up)
Sam Spence  Sunken Ship   Favoriting Sam Spence Sounds      0:02:54 (Pop-up)
Philip K. Dick  The Religious Experience   Favoriting       0:03:23 (Pop-up)
BLack Bikini  Seagulls at the Elegant Crater   Favoriting Black Bikini    Robert Filliou's-A Whispered History Of Art In The Mix  0:04:31 (Pop-up)
John Frusciante  Untitled 5 Mix 2   Favoriting 4 Track Guitar Music      0:12:38 (Pop-up)
Philip K. Dick  I'm Blind!   Favoriting The Religious Experience Of Philip K Dick      0:16:03 (Pop-up)
Velimir Khlebnikov  The Radio Of The Future   Favoriting       0:17:04 (Pop-up)
Rob Brow Trio  Tibetan Folk Song   Favoriting Sounds      0:20:16 (Pop-up)
Biosphere  Freeze Frames   Favoriting SubStrata 2    Robert Filliou -WHispered Art History in The Mix  0:36:11 (Pop-up)
Philip K.Dick  The Religious Experience   Favoriting       0:41:02 (Pop-up)
John Frusciante  Untitled 1 Mix 3   Favoriting 4 Track Guitar Music      0:42:41 (Pop-up)
Bitchin Bajas W. Natural Information  On No Fade   Favoriting Automaginary    Robert Filliou- Whisperedf Art History Excerpts In The Mix  0:44:53 (Pop-up)
Het Zweet  Violin Vow   Favoriting Great Evening      1:07:52 (Pop-up)
Robert Filliou  Whispered History of Art   Favoriting       1:12:24 (Pop-up)
Paul Dresher  Delta Cave   Favoriting Cage Machibe      1:14:10 (Pop-up)
Joshua Abrams  Argument   Favoriting Music From Life Itself (SoundtracK)      1:18:06 (Pop-up)
Pharoah Sanders  Prince of Peace   Favoriting Izipho Zam (My Gifts)      1:21:55 (Pop-up)
Qa'a  Peeling Off (Excerpt)   Favoriting Chi'en      1:33:46 (Pop-up)
rashan Roland Kirk  Fat's Rap/Jittebug's Waltz   Favoriting Bright Moments      1:36:28 (Pop-up)
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge  Close To Comprehension   Favoriting Rebellion Is Over  7"    1:46:02 (Pop-up)
Richard Maxfield  Bacchanale   Favoriting Advance Recordings FGR-8S      1:49:18 (Pop-up)
a kostis  This Summer   Favoriting A Jail's A Fine School  LP    1:58:32 (Pop-up)
Can Am Des Puig  I Am That Living Soul   Favoriting       2:02:44 (Pop-up)
Mosses  Track 2   Favoriting Ouruboros      2:08:39 (Pop-up)
Howard Stelzer & David Payne  Swelter   Favoriting       2:10:52 (Pop-up)
Opening Needle Progress  Animal Factory   Favoriting Animal Factory      2:20:26 (Pop-up)
Dan Melchior  For Letha   Favoriting   7"    2:24:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Judy Dyble 

Murder   Favoriting

Anthology: Part One 



2:29:41 (Pop-up)
The Best Of The Earth  This is An Artistic Statement (Part I)   Favoriting The Best Of The Earth      2:33:21 (Pop-up)
Yoshi Wada  Lament for the Rise and Fall of the Elephantine Crocodile   Favoriting Lament for the Rise and Fall of the Elephantine Crocodile      2:47:41 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎙 3:12am

Whether it's blurred or obscured, all I want for Christmas is fmu.
Avatar 3:14am

Morning Jon, and all listeners out there.
Avatar 3:21am

Howdy listeners.. hope everyon can navigate the re designed website. .. I can't ha ha h ah
Avatar 3:22am
Simon P:

morning, Jon and all
Avatar 3:28am

Morning all.
Avatar 3:34am
Simon P:

Trump makes even the biggest Tory tossers look plausable..well almost
Avatar 3:37am
Simon P:

surely you could arrest Trump under some anti-terrorism law
  Swag For Life Member 3:39am

Hey Jonathan, I said the same thing when Bush was elected the second time, now living in Mexico City. I teach at a university, many places to go on weekends and I feel safer here than I feel in the USA
Avatar 4:05am

You're giving away pants?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Harry Shearer was on Michael Shelly's yesterday - & made the point that Celebrity is more significant than anything else in the U.S. It's *because* he's an outrageous bloviator that he gets more attention & stays high in the Polls.
Analysts say he literally speaks @ a 4th Grade level (for you overseas - that's your earliest 4th year of school as a child) - & that seems like the most correct comparison for this kind of attention-getting, doesn't it?
...The comparison to the Nazis - & Mussolini is the image that seems to inevitably be evoked, don't you think? - is harrowing. I have often wondered how many in Germany in those years actually laughed up their other sleeves @ Hitler, but felt too pressured to say so - combined w/ plain oblivion to what was going on - & along w/ the general madness induced by the Depression & the lousy terms on which the First World War was (not) resolved. We of course are floundering after the Great Recession: take the money out & people generally get more Nationalist & anti-immigrant & hostile, &tc. (just as WWII followed the greatest economic crisis).
...The feeling that we on the Left are kind of missing the point about the Psychology of what is happening over there on the other side; while we're looking for ever-better sources of Factual Information, & quibbling amongst ourselves over them - on the Right they're shoring up their chances @ the Voting Booths. I myself have spent as much time & energy arguing w/ people on the Left that they should still show up & Vote despite how rotten it all is...

Pharoah Sanders is divine light...
Avatar 4:25am
Simon P:

@rev rabbit. Thanks for that. I'm thinking Ralph Nadar and all the hostility he recieved for splitting the Gore vote, is there really any hope for the left in the US?
Avatar 4:27am

Avatar 4:28am
Simon P:

I have this in my racks
Avatar 4:29am

This is an LP I don't own...even the reissue is big bucks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@SimonP: They say the Nazis were actually elected by a few 1,000 votes - because there were so many Parties dividing the Vote. We obviously need something other than the Two-Party System Duopoly as it has been - but - ! - it's a precarious place to be. We need to turn out & Vote - & even if it's stolen from us as Duhbya did it - & if the machines & voting tallies are uncertain - whatever - we can point to that & call them on it. Psychology - Voting is about Enthusiasm & the Horse Race, unfortunately. How many people turn up on one day & make a mark on a paper - that's all it comes down to. In that game - you want to demoralize the other side & keep them from Voting...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...We have to turn out & Vote - & we have to Vote *politically* - by which I mean for the greatest good in terms of the real choices. Everyone says don't compromise your pure pure self & vote for - The Lesser of Two Evils. Well - Less Evil is exactly what I want. You can write in Jesus Christ & feel good you are uncompromised - but - really ? ? ...
Avatar 4:41am
Simon P:

most voting systems' choices are - evil and slightly lesser evil, at least in our neck of the woods
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

So - let's have the slightly less evil! I can show up for a few minutes every two years & mark a paper for that. C'mon! ...I mean - the Ebola Scare helped a Republican Congress get in last time. A Republican Congress is more than a slight difference. Seriously.
Avatar 4:51am
Simon P:

here in the UK there's a lone voice amidst the dim, warmongering leaderships, we have to give this guy all the support we can, he bought me back in from the voting wilderness, but he's up against the whole neoliberal armoury.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I like to think that Francis, Corbyn & Bernie are signs that the massive sldie to the Right has reached some kind of tipping point.
Avatar 5:10am
Simon P:

there's a massive coordinated neoliberal attack on them, the Syrian war being part of it, because you're right they can see the tipping point
Avatar 5:11am
Simon P:

Jon. are you a 100 today, or was that last week?
( . Y . ):

fuck yea blurred and obscured
Avatar 5:17am

This Week Is 101.
Avatar 5:19am
Simon P:

well thanks for the 303 hours of music and long may it continue!

Yeah! Thanks Jonathan! Never stop! <3
Avatar 5:28am
Simon P:

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