Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from December 21, 2015 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

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Favoriting December 21, 2015: We can laugh now

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Gonçalo F Cardoso & Ruben Pater  The Life and Death of a 21st Century Drone Machine (excerpt)   Favoriting A Study Into 21st Century Drone Acoustics  Discrepant       
John Duncan  Riverrun   Favoriting V/a, Swedish Energies V  Swedish Energies      0:11:17 (Pop-up)
Runaway Train    Runaway Train  Ash International    March 9, 1948, New Brunswick Canada - recording b/t a driver on a runaway train and his controller. Thanks Bryce for alerting me to this!  0:16:17 (Pop-up)
Dylan Golden Aycock  Rise and Shine   Favoriting Rise & Shine  Scissor Tail Editions      0:39:32 (Pop-up)
Alice Coltrane  Hare Krishna   Favoriting Universal Consciousness        0:50:51 (Pop-up)
E-Musikgruppe Lux Ohr  Jenseits der Mauer des Schlafes   Favoriting Split LP w. Hisko Detria  Svart      0:59:07 (Pop-up)
Roger Miller  We Grind Open (In)   Favoriting Oh. Guitars, etc.  Feeding Tube  1988    1:17:26 (Pop-up)
Volcano the Bear  Go Fetch The Water Anthony / Tubular Smells / BB / Pretty Flower / Fog Slicer   Favoriting Commencing (box set)  Miasmah    Jeeeezus, wow... beautiful box! check out Aaron Moore's guest spot on Fabio's show last week  1:22:39 (Pop-up)
I Know I'm An Alien  Chariots of Fire   Favoriting I know Im An Alien And I Want To Go Home Sometimes But Then I Remember That I Gotta Try And Understand You  no label      1:35:52 (Pop-up)
Krootchey  Qu'est-ce Qu'il A (D'plus que moi ce negro la?)   Favoriting V/a, France Chebran: French Boogie 1981-1985  Born Bad      1:46:55 (Pop-up)
LB  Ashes to Ashes   Favoriting Pop Artificielle        1:51:15 (Pop-up)
Space Project  Conquest of the Stars   Favoriting Special Disco Mix 12" 45RPM  RCA  1977    1:55:52 (Pop-up)
Suicide  Keep Your Dreams   Favoriting S/t (reissue only)        2:03:39 (Pop-up)
Ramleh  Liberty Bell   Favoriting Circular Time  Crucial Blast      2:06:45 (Pop-up)
The Rotary Connection  Burning of the Midnight Lamp   Favoriting Songs    1969  cover: Jimi Hendrix  2:13:12 (Pop-up)
Sun Ra and HIs Intergalactic Infinity Arkestra  Love In Outer Space (vocal)   Favoriting To Those of Earth...And Other Worlds  Strut      2:17:42 (Pop-up)
Mamman Sani Abdoulaye  Gosi   Favoriting Unreleased Tapes 1981-1984  Sahel Sounds      2:21:26 (Pop-up)
Mario Nascimbene  Carol On The Sea   Favoriting V/a, Library of Sound Grooves: Jazz Expressions from the Italian Cinema (1963-1975)  Semi-Automatic    with Korton  2:27:34 (Pop-up)
Ruth White  Asturias   Favoriting Short Circuits        2:35:47 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Untitled   Favoriting Unknown  Lost Treasures of the Underworld      2:41:13 (Pop-up)
Josephine Foster  My Dove, My Beautiful One   Favoriting No More Lamps In the Morning  Fire      2:46:28 (Pop-up)
Julian Cope  Don't Call Me Mark Chapman   Favoriting Autogeddon  American      2:50:34 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Laugh at what, now?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm
Scott Williams:

how about Jim Price? Hi Ken!
Avatar 3:06pm

hi, all! I just heard Hotline Bling. The parodies are 70000 times better than the actual song. I rarely say this, but this makes me want to go into the music business.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Oi Scott! Sorry I missed you last night, buddy. I got home, put my pjs on, made food and THEN remembered that you were up the street.
joe mulligan:

love these drone tones Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm
Scott Williams:

no worries Greg! the image of you preparing latenite foodies in your jammies makes up for all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm
Scott Williams:

Hey Joe M, thanks!
Avatar 3:08pm
V Priceless:

Heya Scott and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Scott Williams:

Yo V!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10pm
Scott Williams:

@steve, heyYO!
Avatar 3:10pm

Although I discovered this, which, as the kids says, wins the Internet:
Avatar 3:16pm

hey, do you have any Natural Snow Buildings floating around?

sounding fucking yummy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17pm
Scott Williams:

thanks Jeff-m! Cecile, c'est possible!

I just learned last night from my 9YO son that "Hotline Bling" is Drake's. Whenever it shows up on the radio, I sing along, but I add as many competing modes of telecommunication as I can imagine: "You used to call me from the payphone [telephone, Morse code, postcard...]." Pisses him off, but only a little. Then there's the Nick Jonas tune, "Chains," which I sing thus: "Trying to bake potatoes but potatoes only bake me!"

Soul Asylum covered this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21pm
Scott Williams:

that fucking song bums me out b/c it uses such a great Timmy Thomas sample and just overloads it with dopetude
Avatar 3:22pm

yeah, and not the good kind of dopetude.

I think you should try, "You used to call me from the bathroom", Dean.
Avatar 3:23pm

howdy people
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:23pm

Wesley on the runaway train

This train thing is blowing my mind.
Avatar 3:24pm

hola, mdurek
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm
Scott Williams:

damn, did I just have to dump a "fuck" on this thing?! Heya Mdurek and Risky!

for the love of heaven, over
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Thurston - did you get yer sh&*(& - ?...
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:25pm

when you say fuck on the radio in 1948, shit is *real*!
Avatar 3:26pm

ITA, chris.
Avatar 3:26pm

hola cecile, que pasa scott y gang

Funny you should mention the bathroom, Cecile. Aside from the fact that my 4YO daughter, rightly or wrongly, routinely calls me Poo Poo Head, I also learned yesterday how resonant potty humor is with kids. The neighbor twins set up a hot apple cider stand on the corner yesterday and they invited my kids to help them solicit donations to the Humane Society. They were advertising "free" cider, and inviting folks to donate. I suggested they offer "all you can drink" cider, and then charge twenty bucks to use the bathroom. The kids liked the idea, but their mother didn't approve.
Listener Robert:

It'd be a good test of the "indecency" provision to air a "realities" "fuck" from an actual historic news piece, but not worthwhile jeopardizing WFMU over.
Avatar 3:27pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:27pm

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Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:28pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

brain implant:


get the hell out of the way, palmer
Avatar 3:30pm

Meeting Mr. Hambrecht today at 5p to scope out a possible new ZZV spot.
Avatar 3:30pm

Also, I forget how much Canadian is in the UP accent.
Listener Robert:

What's really funny is that while this was on, I was researching (again) as a precursor to "Lost" "The Lost Special" by A.C. Doyle & its previous adaptation, the Solar Pons "Advenrute of the Lost Locomotive" by August Derleth.

are you on here, wesley?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Scott Williams:

thanks for the links, @Parq and @RevRab. MDurek, cool!

There's a video of this runaway train incident, btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdT0lJigZ9U
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm

Wesley.... oh Wesley....

he's gone then
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:34pm
Planet Tyler:

This be creepeee
Avatar 3:34pm

fascinating recording. where else can one listen in on stuff like this, but WFMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Stoic bunch in 1948.

wes was alone in the engine, yes

we heard wesley speak up there
Avatar 3:37pm

god, the guy who says "what'd you say LeBeque?" sounds like my father-in-law when he was younger.
Avatar 3:39pm

This is fantastic. It's also smack in the middle of one of my favorite subjects -- North American freight cars of the mid-20th century.

yah, he's walking up the track here now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm

Avatar 3:41pm

man, these voices bring me home if I don't listen to the words.

Hello, Alfie
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
Scott Williams:

we can laugh NOW
Avatar 3:41pm

have you all seen the star trek christams carol mash-up?... "shut-up wesley"

ho, that's some mess, holy all jeepers, i'm telling ya
Avatar 3:42pm

Chuck Yeager's got nothin' on ol' Wesley.

heard this on fmu years ago still brings tears to my eyes . to hell with the typwriter. yay wesley
Avatar 3:42pm


send up the hook
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

holy crap
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm
Joe D.:

that was an incredible piece of tape

I'd also like to thank you for not seguing into Soul Asylum
Avatar 3:42pm

Wesley's okay!

After hearing that “Runaway Train” transcription… Anway. Yeowch!
Nate K:

When I saw "Runaway Train" on the homepage, I thought for a minute you were playing Soul Asylum...and I wanted to know why.
Listener Robert:

Source I just Googled said this incident occurred in 1987, not 1948.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43pm

That was so awesome

i got down on the floor, i got down on the floor, the seat buckle got down on top of my head got all busted up
Avatar 3:47pm

i need a nap or some coffee after that
Listener Robert:

Publicity photo of Wes, returned to the scene after being released by hospital:

Avatar 3:50pm

for a record goin off the rails, ironically
Avatar 3:51pm
V Priceless:

side four of Joe Jackson's double LP "Big World", for future reference!
Listener Robert:

He'd done a very smart, albeit somewhat daring, thing by climbing out of the engine & into the next car before the wreck. That acc'ts for the radio silence.

One sided vinyl... I'm still confused. You put the needle down on a naked slab of vinyl to see if it skates to one side or the other? I could really use an anti-skating tune-up on my turntable.
Listener Robert:

That's the smartest survival story I've heard since that of Wagner Dodge's having made himself an escape fire in the Mann Gulch fire, which WAS in 1948 IIRC.
Avatar 3:53pm

OK yeah 1987 seems more like it. I was thinking the communications sounded a bit too modern for 1948. Never mind what I said about the mid-century freight cars eh.

Gosh, it's almost winter. Why would anybody be anti-skating?

@NateK: I thought “Runaway Train” might be some Jon Voight reference. Specifically the scene where he loses his shit at the delusional ex-con he’s stuck on the train with. www.youtube.com...
Listener Robert:

Wagner Dodge's story has itself been adapted to a piece of recorded music, "Cold Missouri Water".
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:09pm
Bas NL:

Great synthi track.. hi Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
Scott Williams:

Hello Bas!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
Uncle Michael:

Runaway Train was more than a "driveway moment," it was "risk immolation by mobile phone at a gas pump" moment.
Avatar 4:21pm

the Millers are such a talented and handsome family. Ann Arbor's own!
Avatar 4:22pm
Chris from DC:

Yeah Ben has done some great stuff in his own right.
Avatar 4:22pm

OK -- right date, wrong year. March 9. 1987. www.cwrr.com...
Avatar 4:23pm

his and his twin larry's band non-fiction should have done better than they did.
Avatar 4:24pm

The Mets were reigning World Champs!

some TAZOS for you scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm
Scott Williams:

Brother Ben Miller's still at it! even volunteered for a few months at FMU, couple years back before moving back to MI
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
Scott Williams:

thanks for the date corrections on the Runaway Train, y'all. LP had the date as '48
Avatar 4:27pm
Chris from DC:

Last time I was Ben was when he played with Branca down here. He's played in DC quite a bit over the years.
Avatar 4:28pm

nice, Scott. As non fiction they did great super-fast Buzzcocks versions of Taking Tiger Mountain by strategy and O Superman.
Listener Robert:

"The Lost Special" was inspired by a very different kind of accident that occurred during a similar shunting operation on Sept. 22, 1892 in Lindal, England. In that case the locomotive (Engine 115) fell into a sink hole. Again, only the engr. was aboard, and he recovered fully from his injuries. The TV serial "Lost" was named for & based partly on "The Lost Special", and applied the date (different year, of course) of the loss of Engine 115 to that of the fictional Oceanic Air 815's crash.
Listener Robert:

"Watchmen" too was based partly on Doyle's "The Lost Special".
Avatar 4:43pm

i honestly had no idea anyone cared about Star Wars anymore
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm
Uncle Michael:

I guess I'm in the Aristocats demographic.
Avatar 4:46pm

oh, steve. You haven't looked at the ThinkGeek website, have you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm
Uncle Michael:

Or Jungle Book.

“Star Wars: Platoon” by Oliver Stone. The story of a Stormtrooper disillusioned by a war the First Order/Empire cannot win and the Stormtroopers he hangs out with and grows to love.
Avatar 4:48pm

When can I say something about Han Solo? I feel like I never will be able to in this spoiler averse environment
Avatar 4:50pm

i actually have Cecile, i think i put the blinders on to the starwars stuff though
Avatar 4:50pm

actually, "krootchey" is close to how Quebecers say my last name "cloutier"
Avatar 4:51pm

believe me people still care. Deeply.

“Star Wars: Apocalypse Now” an elite team of First Order/Imperial Stormtroopers are sent to hunt down a General who has gone AWOL and causing havoc in the Outer Rim. Despite it being in another galaxy, far, far away, somehow old Rolling Stones tracks and “Tears of a Clown” as well as Jim Morrison ramblings will be mixed into the soundtrack.
Avatar 4:52pm

i just assumed after the horrid sequels from the 00s everyone had given up.
Avatar 4:53pm

I did not know this Adam Driver person until this film. He has a unique face you don't see in lead actors anymore.
Avatar 4:54pm

no steve, a lot of people kept the torch burning. there was better Star Wars on TV cartoons than in movies. Then Lucas let Disney buy him out.

@steve: As Scott said in his mic break, this film was designed to push buttons past belief. It is truly the “hot stripper who really likes you” of pop culture movies. Pushing the right buttons, gives you nice visuals, tells you a story just good enough you buy it but then… Not much else.
Avatar 4:55pm

a student actually cornered me after class and made me watch videos of "Sphero", which i understand is star wars related. i told him i had no idea there was a new star wars and he looked really surprised.

@Cecile: Adam Driver is most non-menacing villain I have ever seen in my life. It was like when the mask came off the pimple faced teen from “The Simpons” was on screen.
Avatar 4:56pm

I liked it. I'm looking forward to the sequel. If Empire Strikes back was an opera according to director Irwin Kirschner, then this better be like a dark ballet like Black Swan or Coppelia.
Avatar 4:56pm

haha thats a great analogy Jake
Avatar 4:56pm

My husband referred to the whininess of Anakin's family tree in general.

@Cecile: And how about that Mark Hamill? Fantastic acting there.
Avatar 4:56pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

This Star Wars film felt like a "Best of" album.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...real Space science is just as exciting - see: they've got their shopping cart unstuck... :
Avatar 4:57pm

I thought it was excellent. It didn't take away from the gorgeous scenery.
Avatar 4:57pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

My fellow pointed out that it seems the universe would be fine if not for that one family that keeps fucking things up for everyone else.
Avatar 4:58pm


@Cecile: Notice how George Lucas expanded the universe of Star Wars superficially in the prequels. But as each movie progresses, the actual world of the characters is tons smaller. Everyone is related to everyone. And every coincidence is just perfect. Han Solo just happens to stumble across the Millennium Falcon right at that moment? WHAT A LUCKY GUY!
Avatar 4:59pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

Has anyone here ever gotten a photobook printed at Walgreens?
Avatar 4:59pm

eh, it's a cheesetacular space serial. I would say the only one that is actually a good "movie" movie is Empire. But I still love it anyway.
Avatar 5:00pm

I've had photos - they've done a decent job. I would read their return policy carefully and make sure everything is lined up the way you like it and you should be good.
Avatar 5:01pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

Cecile - thanks! I'm making a book for the boyfriend. I did not think I'd be arranging it so last minute!!!

Not trolling here, but when I saw the first one in '77 or '78, whenever it came out, I gave up on movies altogether. It was so embarrassingly bad, I thought, but then I reflected that Star Wars isn't that much worse than what passes for good film. I have zero patience for movies.

@Cecile: Yeah, but to me the first “Star Wars” was good and geared towards kids and adults. But “The Empire Strikes Back” was more in the line of young adult fiction. In neither film did I feel my intelligence was insulted. But in the rest of them—even this one—I feel patronized and the whole religion of “The Force” feels like it is one “strategy meeting with marketing” away from becoming the next Scientology.

“Star Wars: Stroszek” The story of one of the Skywalker kids who never made it. Lives on a dessert planet and spends all day at the Cantina. His best friend is a space hooker. They gather enough money to head to a nicer planet but soon find it too is filled with problems, they don’t fit in and it ends with Stroszek Skywalker killing himself in a space amusement park.
Avatar 5:04pm

I was done with Lucas when he unveiled the concept of "mitochlorians". Ridiculous. Those movies sucked badly. I stand by the first three, and I liked this one because I think that if the producers start developing their own flavor it could go somewhere. The worldbuilding done by novelists and cartoonists in this universe has been extensive and often quite excellent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'd see it for free.
Avatar 5:05pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

I was one of those people that grew up in the dead zone between trilogies, and desperately wished for new ones. My geek heart was really shattered by the prequels, so these movies are just like.... hanging out and having fun with the ex who cheated on you.
Listener Robert:

I saw the 1st then too, & didn't think it bad, though it was far from my favorites. I was like, I get it, you've shown you can make on old serial w modern prod'n values, nice job. But when a sequel was announced, I thought, what's the point in REALLY making it a serial, when the whole gag's been blown? So I was never interested in seeing them.
Avatar 5:06pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

Cecile - That's when I lost it as well. There was something similar in the Timothy Zahn books, where there was an animal that repelled the force. That was such stupid bullshit that I avowed that the Extended Universe stuff meant nothing to me.

@(Eyepatch)NoelFox: I hear you. I was 9 years old in 1977 when I saw “Star Wars” in summer camp so my experience will never be like that of others. But I will say you might have your own amazing science fiction film with “The Matrix.” When I saw that in the theater I walked out and was genuinely as blown away as I was when I was a kid and saw “Star Wars” and “The Empire Strikes Back.”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

As for the Joseph Campbell deeep Mythology mystical thing - surely there's little to offer here.
As for SciFi - Future Shock is a 24/7 situation now - w/ more Science & Change than one can grapple w/ literally in the palms of our hands.
Action-Adventure is all that's left then...
Avatar 5:08pm

Empire Strikes Back is a great movie. I am sad it was a one-shot as Kirschner never directed one again, Leigh Brackett (great early female SF writer) passed soon afterward.

The new SW Rebels series is pretty good, and the Gennedy Tarkowsky Cartoon Netword Sw supershorts toons are excellent - 2-d animation that is stylized and great action.

@(Eyepatch)NoelFox: Funny you mention the Timothy Zahn books. Never read them but thanks to this new film been talking to friends and at the end of the day three people are responsible for George Lucas having good ideas: His first wife Marcia Lucas, his producer for the first 2 films Gary Kurtz and Timothy Zahn whose ideas from the novels often were looped back into the best parts of the prequels and “Special Editions.”
Avatar 5:09pm

I thought the Matrix was almost as funny as Black Swan.
Avatar 5:09pm
Chris from DC:


@Cecile: I thought “Black Swan” was a joke. But “The Matrix” I think is as good a cultural touchstone film as “Star Wars” was.
Avatar 5:10pm

Jake, my husband is a big Zahn fan. I just like the cartoons.

On a positive note I will say this: I really liked how much action Chewbacca got onscreen in “The Force Awakens.” I don’t recall seeing Chewbacca fight so much and do so many cool things before.
Avatar 5:11pm

I guess. There are a lot of cultural touchstones I think are pretty dopey. I do use the line "BE THE SPOON" a lot, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...it's all just Cops & Gangs (replacing the antiquated irrelevant Westerns) & Army enrollment drives in Space...

@Cecile: I know kung fu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...just more Guns & Military, because that's society now...
Avatar 5:12pm

ITA. I love Chewy sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. The Ewoks were supposed to be Wookiees in Return of the Jedi. Can you imagine that movie? I have never forgiven Lucas for that. I want my Wookiee planet, dammit!

hahah, Jake.

@Cecile: There is no spoon.
Avatar 5:13pm

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Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's literally Disney. How would that have tasted in 1977...
Avatar 5:14pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

Marcia is definitely someone who doesn't get the credit she deserves.
Avatar 5:16pm

yes, fox. Marcia, Irwin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan, and Steven Spielberg for at least finishing the third movie.

@Cecile: Gary Kurtz produced the first “Star Wars” and “The Empire Strikes Back” and wanted “Return of the Jedi” to be on the same level/tone as what they established with “The Empire Strikes Back”. Make it hard sci-fi but not too hard but fun… Not childish. George Lucas wanted to slant the films more to kids so he could make essentially children’s films and *cough* sell more crap. So Gary Kurtz was fired and I believe he divorced from Marcia Lucas after or during the production of the film. So hey, there goes your connections to the two things that made the films sane.

I have a deep-seated, but not impenetrable, resistance to SF literature, too. I recall with fondness Asimov's Foundation trilogy and assorted other titles, e.g., Aldiss's Cryptozoic!, and I'd love to read some of them again. But I think I generally read for my own reasons that don't square with why most readers read or writers write. I don't need characters, a narrative, or evocative description, for example, and I'm put off if an author pursues these elements (presumably for their own sake) too virtuosically.
Avatar 5:16pm
V Priceless:

love this RC version!

@(Eyepatch)NoeFox: Without Marcia Lucas and Gary Kurtz, the first “Star Wars” in 1977 would have been as tone deaf to basic human interaction as the prequels were.
Avatar 5:17pm

Exactly, Jake.
Avatar 5:18pm

Compare Natalie Portman's performance in a piece of silly, brainless fluff like the Thor movies to the prequels. It's like she's a completely different person. A person who can act.
Avatar 5:19pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

@Jake- Yeah, George Lucas seems like a bit of a robot himself.

FWIW, I found this web archive page today while *cough* doing work and it’s an amazingly nice and well thought out overview of Marcia Lucas’ career and not just with “Star Wars.” web.archive.org...
Avatar 5:20pm

some people think that he is somewhere on the autistic spectrum.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:20pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Guitarheads are always like - how come no other GuitarPlayer has been deified like Hendrix? Wull - write us a song like this, then...
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Avatar 5:21pm
(Eyepatch) Noel Fox:

I was really hoping there'd be a scene with R2-D2, where someone was fixing up his underside: "Wow, you've got a lot of carbon scoring under he-*FIRE SHOOTS OUT* Whoah! You've had ROCKETS all this time, R2? Why didn't you mention that?!?!"

Did Robert Wyatt ever sing with Sun Ra? Would have been nice.

@Jake&Cecille: Gary Kurtz's contribution to the tone (and relative intelligence) of the original Star Wars concept can't be overestimated. He really was the co-author of the whole thing. He wasn't fired, he left because (for "Jedi") the elements that made the first one feel somewhat fresh and even unique (at that time) were clearly being sacrificed by George to service the kiddie toy-tie-in market. if he'd stuck around, "Jedi" AND the prequels would have actually pushed the envelope, rather than imploding...

Woops. That "?" was me

@?: It’s all an inbred universe now. Nobody is not related to an antagonist/protagonist.
Avatar 5:24pm

?, I completely agree!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:26pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Lucas donating the massive Disney pay-off is impressive.

Also, George Lucas explaining on that same page about Marcia Lucas: “I’m not a good writer. It’s very, very hard for me. I don’t feel I have a natural talent for it… When I sit down I bleed on the page, and it’s just awful.” web.archive.org...

@Cecile: Some kind of cognitive disorder might explain why someone would not only make the prequels, but would somehow be so obsessed with keeping what is honestly a crappy storyline alive for so many years they would simply stop making any kind of other film. At least Spielberg did other things after “Jaws” and “Raiders of the Lost Ark.”

George also had a lot of input from Marcia and friends like Coppola and Brian De Palma, who actually wrote most of the final draft of the opening crawl, something they had fiddled with endlessly. So there were a lot of tempering influences before George decided he had to take responsibility for being the sole "genius" of this franchise. That's the source of the distinct difference you can see in in the first two vs. the rest...

@RevRabbitNov63: Yes! At least he’s a generous billionaire not like the dot-com dudes and dharma-bros out there nowadays. www.forbes.com...

Loved the Canadian National RR broadcast . Was in the car so I couldn't respond at the time

@Jake re:inbred: Yes, the Vader/Luke Oedipal thing was always part of the plan. (And brilliantly so, imo.) The Leia/sister thing was thrown in at the last minute, and yeah, that was the beginning of forcing the whole story into the mold of "family saga", which was not the original direction.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37pm
Andrew Waterloo:

George Lucas is a nerd and the nerdism works well when it comes to the universe, costumes, and set design. The nerdism doesn't work well in story telling which requires a lot more tempering and playing loose with details than most would expect. A lot of sci-fi and anime suffers from the same over attention to detail and over-fascination with process.
Avatar 5:42pm

excellent show!!!
have been home and listening but not online all day; had to sign in and let you know how wonderful it has been to have you & your show as "company" while slogging through evil mundane household chores -- THANK YOU, Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Just let the Japanese do all the SciFi.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Scott Williams:

fascinating deep probe of the star wars stuff, y'all - thank you!

@P-90: The Luke/Leia sibling thing was done at the last minute when George Lucas did not think he had the time, energy or concern to make all 9 movies. So instead of leaving the romance issue hanging in mid-air he said, "Screw it! It's over! No romance! They are reunited siblings who are working together with the aid of teddy bears to kill their father! Let's go home and work on Howard the Duck!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
Scott Williams:

Danke, @slugluv1313! always happy to accompany the housework

@ScottWilliams: You're welcome! At least the new film made me remember all of the specifics behind how a functionally illiterate film student was able to capture the hearts and minds of a whole generation!
Avatar 5:47pm

the guy from Lost Treasures generously gave me a free copy of this LP at Monty Hall. i dig it.
Avatar 5:47pm

ahhh your show makes the housework somewhat bearable!
and what Tommy said about the Canadian National RR broadcast, FASCINATING!
Avatar 5:48pm

No, Jake, I always thought Han and Leia had way more chemistry. That part they got right. The sister part, well, they could have done that better. If at all.

FWIW, I have been reading the HUGE coffee table book on "The Empire Strikes Back" and it is fascinating to read how much Irvin Kershner would read the script and constantly ask questions about motivations and actions. Without him the whole Han Solo carbonite scene would have been an afterthought. He is the one who devised subtle motivations for each character. Including making Lando be remorseful for his actions. He filmed it as an execution scene which George Lucas never thought of it being.
Avatar 5:53pm

this is haunting. what do you know about Ms. Foster?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
Andrew Waterloo:

It seemed like the sister thing was thrown in to make Luke more sacrificial to Darth Vader.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar 5:53pm

I have nothing but love for Irwin Kerschner.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...'just trying to drive the f'r out'...
Avatar 5:55pm

yes, more on Ms. Foster! her voice/demeanor reminds me a bit of Karen Dalton

@Cecile: Han and Leia had more chemistry. But they were always playing a competitive romance between Han, Luke and Leia. In the end, Han and Leia would still be a couple but Luke would have just disappeared to become essentially a monk. A thread they seem to have picked up for this new film. But I just don't like J.J. Abrams avoidance of subtle human interaction and desire to just push buttons and pander.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Scott Williams:

great time today everyone, thanks for hanging and edumacating! have a wonderful holidayze & I'll see you next week
Avatar 5:56pm

Abrams isn't subtle, but there are still a few killer emotional scenes in there.

@AndrewWaterloo: True. But the whole plot line of the films is simple and fluid. But the ultimate reason the sibling aspect happened was to cleanly end the trilogy.
Avatar 5:57pm

likewise, scott!

Everyone drink a toast to Marcia Lucas this week if they're so inclined.

@Jake Actually, if you look at "Empire", it's clear right from the beginning who the romance is between, and that some suspense about Luke and Han competing for Leia's affection is not a part of the story. Lucas turned to the sister thing later in desperation for a motivation for Luke to "lose it" and attack Vader in rage, per the Emperor's intention.
And yes, those subtleties in "Empire that expand the wuole thing so nicely, but organically from where the 1st film started, that was all Kurtz working with Kersch. and Lucas thought they were wasting time and money.

Thanks Scott for letting us type this stuff and appreciating it!
Avatar 5:58pm

exactly, P-90
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thx SW.

@P-90: They were wasting time and money. You can't sell teddy bears with romance outside of Valentine's Day!
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Bas NL:

Thanks Scott!

Danke Scott, Merry Christmas and all that Jazz!
Avatar 6:00pm

i agree slugluv1313. KD was exactly what i was thinking of
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