Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from February 21, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting February 21, 2016

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Corkestra  Green Peppers   Favoriting Corkestra  Datarecords  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
EasSide Percussion  Steadfastly the Real Far, Then I Fly   Favoriting 1010101010  Tres  0:04:18 (Pop-up)
Jaap Blonk + Damon Smith  Karawane   Favoriting Hugo Ball: Six Sound Poems 1916  Balance Point Acoustics  0:09:26 (Pop-up)
Bruce Haack  Stand Up Lazaras   Favoriting Electric Lucifer Book 2  Normal  0:15:25 (Pop-up)
Hiiragi Fukuda  Trochos   Favoriting Seacide  Trouble In Mind  0:25:30 (Pop-up)
Luc Ferrari  [Track 2]   Favoriting Archives Génétiquement Modifiées / Société II  Robot  0:34:05 (Pop-up)
Embryo  Dreaming Girls   Favoriting Steig Aus  Brain  0:40:28 (Pop-up)
Brian Harnetty  Jack and His Master   Favoriting Rawhead & Bloodybones  Dust to Digital  0:50:34 (Pop-up)
Z'ev  Bleedfat   Favoriting One Foot In The Grave 1968-1990  Touch  0:56:30 (Pop-up)
Stabat Stable  Bubble   Favoriting Ultrissima on the Junk's Moon  Cache Cache / Finders Keepers  1:08:17 (Pop-up)
John Barry  First Zulu Appearance and Assault   Favoriting Soundtracks and Singles 1963-1966  Fantastic Voyage  1:13:02 (Pop-up)
Extnddntwrk  Care Less   Favoriting Just Tracks  Fourth Dimension  1:18:08 (Pop-up)
Brinstaar  Gaatos   Favoriting Infotswetock  Kotä  1:22:39 (Pop-up)
Milo Fine  Ananke Solo part 4   Favoriting Ananke  Emanem  1:28:06 (Pop-up)
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band  Suppose They Give a War   Favoriting Vol. 2  Sundazed  1:38:12 (Pop-up)
Wimple Winch  Don't Come Any Closer (1964 demo)   Favoriting Tales from the Sinking Ship  RPM  1:42:03 (Pop-up)
Dantalian's Chariot  The Madmen Running Through the Fields   Favoriting V/A: Nuggets II: Original Artyfacts fron the British Empire & Beyond, 1964-1969  Rhino  1:44:34 (Pop-up)
Grutronic  Essex Foam Party   Favoriting Essex Foam Party  Psi  1:50:41 (Pop-up)
Muslimgauze  Lalique Gadaffi Jar   Favoriting Libya Tour Guide  Staalplaat  1:56:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


I hear no corks. Hi Dave!
Avatar 10:01pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, all.
Avatar 10:02pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey, PMD. You need to listen more closely.

How is your cat?
Avatar 10:05pm
Dave Mandl:

She didn't make it, unfortunately. Thanks for asking.
Avatar 10:06pm
Dave Mandl:

Kidney problems. It got very bad very quickly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm
Cubicle Carl:

Evening Dave, and everyone. The EasSide Percussion track is good on headphones.
Avatar 10:08pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, Carl. Good to know. I'm not wearing them at the moment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08pm
Cubicle Carl:

Sorry to hear about your Cat, Dave.
Avatar 10:09pm
Dave Mandl:


My condolences. Sucks. Had the same thing happen last year.
Avatar 10:10pm
Dave Mandl:

Sorry to hear it. Yeah, no fun. She was a real part of the family.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Dren Nilso:

My heart goes out to you both. Lost my best kitty friend last year as well.. Unexpected and so devastating. Hope you are doing ok with it all..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

She has returned to her home planet. RIP (Return If Possible)
Avatar 10:16pm
Dave Mandl:

Hi Dren and Ken. And thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18pm

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty, too.

Hello! Sorry to hear about the cat. All cats go to heaven. The toilet paper roll never runs out, the catnip is endless and the master cat explains what the red laser pointer is all about.
Avatar 10:27pm
Dave Mandl:

Thanks melinda and Jake. Yeah, and now who's going to climb onto my wife's head in the middle of the night?

@DaveMandl: TMI.
Avatar 10:29pm
Dave Mandl:

@Jake: Nono, this is totally innocent and clean.

thanks for the laughs in my car. amazing vocal sound dude 20 mins back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31pm
Andrew Waterloo:

It's always nice to hear more of Blonk's Hugo Ball work.
Avatar 10:32pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey Mdurek, Andrew.
@Mdurek: Yeah, Jaap Blonk. He's the best.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34pm
Cubicle Carl:

Bruce Haack is quite interesting. Thanks. A whole new world to explore.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38pm

@Dave: I've been listening to the Dust on the Nettles anthology you played a song from a little while back. Great stuff!
Eric Hat:

Dave! Good evening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm

Evening all.... Dave, very sorry about your cat.
Avatar 10:44pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey Eric, red. Thanks all for the kind words about Morka the cat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44pm

hello Dave & everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45pm

i'm sorry to hear about your cat Dave.
Avatar 10:45pm
Dave Mandl:

@coelacanth: Thanks.

Someone please sit on Dave’s wife’s head at night already.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46pm

We currently have a dog who is almost as good as a cat
Avatar 10:46pm
Dave Mandl:

@Jake: Not a good idea to try that!

Fine! I get the message. Only cats.
Avatar 10:49pm

@Dave Mandl: That's how my kitty buddy went a couple years ago. He weathered FIV and accompanying maladies with good humour for many years, but the kidneys took him down in the end. He was a good guy. It's not an easy choice to say goodbye, but its the right one, after a certain point. My condolences.
Avatar 10:51pm
Dave Mandl:

@ifny: Thanks. And sorry to hear about your kitty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53pm

i rarely let my sister's dogs on the bed with me (even though my sister allows it, when her husband's not home) when i do, the female eventually will try to sit on my chest. -yes, it's not my head, but she's around 40 lb. and... her butt!!
marjorie courtenay-latimer:

Bee, Little Gray, Boatie, Fiona and Dora send their sincere condolences.
Avatar 10:57pm
Dave Mandl:

@marjorie: Thanks to all of them!
Eric Hat:

Oh man. Sorry about the evening thing. These overnights got my mind turnt.
Avatar 11:08pm
Dave Mandl:

@Eric: Ha. Yeah, it's all so confusing.
Avatar 11:16pm

@Dave Mandl: Thank you.

Someone needs to disrupt the night/evening debacle. Maybe a dot-com startup with an app called: NGHT/EVNG?
Avatar 11:29pm
Dave Mandl:

That would be a lot less silly than some of the startups out there.
Eric Hat:

Plus there's the whole time zone thing...
Avatar 11:36pm

I can try to hold down the evening here in PST. I could use another set of hands though. That moonrise is shore slippery.
Avatar 11:43pm
Dave Mandl:

@ifny: I appreciate that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@JakeGould - Here is the tax department's statement on sandwiches, which was two links away from the site you mentioned in Faye's show. www.tax.ny.gov...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Thanks Dave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am

Thanks Dave. good night.

Is this Dada kada
Avatar 12:00am
Dave Mandl:

Have a great week, all.
Avatar 12:12am

Good evening/night!
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