Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from March 28, 2016 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

Monday 3:01 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 10th, 3:01pm - 6pm: Scott Williams and his Co-Host Ira K

Favoriting March 28, 2016: It was supposed to look like chicken fingers, but it ended up looking like smurf genitalia

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Bing Crosby  The Headless Horseman   Favoriting      
Headless Horseman  Execution   Favoriting     0:02:22 (Pop-up)
Last Word  Sleepy Hollow   Favoriting V/a, Pebbles Vol 8 (Southern CA)    0:08:39 (Pop-up)
Harold Budd  Valse Pour Le Fin du Temps   Favoriting Lovely Thunder    0:11:28 (Pop-up)
Eugene McDaniels  Freedom Death Dance   Favoriting Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse    0:16:10 (Pop-up)
Santiago Cordoba  19 Horas   Favoriting Corso    0:20:14 (Pop-up)
Jeri Cain Rossi  I'm Not In Love   Favoriting V/a, Cover Girls 2  cover: 10cc  0:23:29 (Pop-up)
Roy Orbison  Sleepy Hollow   Favoriting The Legendary Roy Orbison, Vol 3    0:31:27 (Pop-up)
Lok 03+1  Message From Aries   Favoriting Signals    0:41:14 (Pop-up)
Blood Lewiis  Conversation with Bicycle Horn   Favoriting Pentecostal Gymnast Trapped In Lime Jello    0:47:14 (Pop-up)
Amila  Vodi Me Iz Ovog Grada   Favoriting V/a, Electronic Jugoton: Synthetic Music From Yugoslavia 1964-1989    0:51:14 (Pop-up)
Lumenlab  No education   Favoriting They Are Killing Us    0:54:43 (Pop-up)
Fadoul  Tayeh   Favoriting Al Zman Saib    0:57:43 (Pop-up)
Sunwatchers  Eusebius   Favoriting S/t    1:01:07 (Pop-up)
Mike Barrett / Tom Crean  Pink Clouds   Favoriting Casual Luddites    1:04:06 (Pop-up)
Barry Adamson  In Other Worlds   Favoriting Know Where to Run    1:09:05 (Pop-up)
Hawaii  Lady of My Heart   Favoriting V/a, Aloha Got Soul: Soul, AOR & Disco in Hawai'i 1979-1985    1:12:44 (Pop-up)
Axl Rose  Give Us Some Reggae   Favoriting     1:24:35 (Pop-up)
Praed  The Odessy of the Blue Flies   Favoriting Fabrication of Silver Dreams    1:24:39 (Pop-up)
McDonald & Giles  Tomorrow's People - The Children Of Today   Favoriting S/t    1:49:39 (Pop-up)
5 Revolutions  I Had a Dream - instrumental   Favoriting V/a, Christophe Lemaire And Now-Again Present Can't You Hear Me?    1:56:37 (Pop-up)
Charles Douglas  Good Luck   Favoriting The Lives of Charles Douglas    1:59:42 (Pop-up)
Garry Shandling  He's Not Getting Up   Favoriting     2:09:46 (Pop-up)
The KVB  White Walls   Favoriting Of Desire    2:10:02 (Pop-up)
Sinoia Caves  Forever Dilating Eye   Favoriting sdtk, "Beyond the Black Rainbow"    2:14:56 (Pop-up)
Nick Carter  All This Sky & All This Sea   Favoriting Abstracts and Extracts    2:19:13 (Pop-up)
Calexico  Where Water Flows   Favoriting The Black Light    2:30:41 (Pop-up)
Bohren & Der Club of Gore  Irrwege   Favoriting Piano Nights    2:32:43 (Pop-up)
Popol Vuh  Im Garten der Gemeinschaft   Favoriting sdtk, "Fitzcarraldo"    2:36:12 (Pop-up)
"A" Trio + Alan Bishop  Gently Johnny   Favoriting Burj Al Imam  cover: Paul Giovanni  2:38:50 (Pop-up)
ICP Orchestra  Restless in Pieces   Favoriting Restless In Pieces    2:46:12 (Pop-up)
Impact All Stars  Cheating Dub   Favoriting Java Java Java Java    2:49:41 (Pop-up)
Sandy Ewen  Five   Favoriting Tributaries    2:52:26 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:02pm

Hi, Scott!

OK, is there a story behind the title of the show?
Avatar 3:03pm
just dc pat:

you have to get on Facebook to find out Cecile..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
JP from KC:

If there is, it deserves to be told...
Avatar 3:04pm

nope, no facebook for me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm
Scott Williams:

Hi pals! Yeah, something I said in my sleep this weekend- no idea what it means!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

'Clie, whether he does or not, I think we can all agree that "Smurf Genitals" would be a good name for a band.

Why is this "Jim Price" TEASING us with these Barrett recordings?--- without playing them in full? Is it that he fears we will discover the size of his manhood is of the "micro" variety? Play those songs! Or did I miss something and this is just a HOAX?!
Avatar 3:05pm

Scott, that is AWESOME.

Tom, his show is only 1 minute long.
Avatar 3:06pm
just dc pat:

You're better off Cecile.
Avatar 3:06pm


And hi Scott, you sure do say strange things in your sleep, heheh
Avatar 3:07pm

Usually, but sometimes I have to know where the jokes come from.
Avatar 3:08pm

I like this 'eadless 'horseman. Can you tell me something about it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10pm
Scott Williams:

dunno anything about it! found it on youtubes looking for headless horsemen stuff b/c guess where I went this weekend...
Avatar 3:10pm

Sleepy Hollow?
Avatar 3:11pm

give up...where?
Avatar 3:11pm

Hiya Scotty and friends. This has a good beat, and you can dance to it.
Avatar 3:11pm
just dc pat:

if you were on Facebook...

Carmichael, that's what I look for in a reckuhd
Avatar 3:12pm

sleepy holla,sleepy hello
Avatar 3:13pm

Sleepy Hollow got renewed for a third season. They promise to make it just as batshit crazy but more comprehensible.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13pm

The former North Tarrytown.
Avatar 3:14pm
just dc pat:

That Sleepy Hollow tune rules..
Avatar 3:19pm

nice choice.

i think i've just been hit by marathon lurgee. dammit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25pm
Scott Williams:

Hola Tomasz! it's gotta get us all at some point. great to see you yet again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm
Scott Williams:

Oh look, Faust is in the backyard! yep, that's Zappi, that's Jean-Herve
Avatar 3:31pm

Never really heard or cared about the lyrics to this song, until I heard this version. Now I'm like "Wow, those are some pretty heavy lines."
Avatar 3:31pm
V Priceless:

Stewart/Gouldman's legal team just phoned...they are not amused.
Avatar 3:32pm
just dc pat:

whoa, this is great!

I saw Faust here in Pittsburgh last night! Outstanding show!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm
Scott Williams:

yeah, leave it to JCR to get to the dark meat of AM radio sunshine
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Scott Williams:

cool, @raga!
Avatar 3:40pm

This whole show is so much fun!
Avatar 3:41pm


Sleep talking!
Avatar 3:42pm

Did you time that line to the music, Scott?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43pm

hello Scott and All

Were you dreaming about a painting or sculpture you did?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
Scott Williams:

@Polyus, I was not! @Honeybear, I did not! but I always know when that part's comin
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm

i cannot afford to miss goofiness, damnit!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
Scott Williams:

I wish I knew what the hell I was talking about!
Avatar 3:45pm

Conga line to the casino.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I trust former WFMU DJ Jason Sigal will be at the Faust show. Faust was his bed music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:49pm
Scott Williams:

@Ken, not sure; but he'll be -playing- Monty Hall in May! Lame Drivers montyhall.ticketfly.com...
Avatar 4:01pm

(which will sound a lot like the song just played)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Afternoon, Scott!
I had a dream last night about Man-E-Faces from He-Man, but all his faces were different eras of Michael Jackson. I get all my best ideas when I'm asleep.

I had a kid try to beat me up in the 3rd grade because I told him he looked and acted like Skeletor
Avatar 4:06pm
just dc pat:

this sounds like a Cream song--first album. Don't remember the name..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
Scott Williams:

GZ5! You speak truth, as usual
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
Uncle Michael:

Scott, you sound healthy! What's your secret?

@Cliff: What kid didn't want to beat up another kid in 3rd grade?

I got into a schoolyard fight in 2nd grade over my "Space: 1999" trading cards versus some other kids "Six Million Dollar Man" trading cards.
Avatar 4:14pm

I got pushed down an asphalt hill because I had the temerity to keep some kid's hat away from him. I didn't start it. But my dad was picking gravel out of my lower leg all that night.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

Space 1999 beats Six Million Dollar Man any day of the week. That's common knowledge.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
Uncle Michael:

I have both lunchboxes.
Avatar 4:16pm

Is this comp from the Aloha Got Soul blog?
Avatar 4:17pm

It's so bright in here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Scott Williams:

when I was 10, a kid knocked me off a wall because I was carrying an alto saxophone. I stomped his glasses. Uncle Michael, my secret is don't take no shit from no bullies
Avatar 4:17pm

good for you, man.

I had a Dick Tracy lunchbox.
Avatar 4:19pm

I was raised Catholic, so I guess victimhood was something to be pursued. I learned better eventually.
Avatar 4:19pm
Billy Jam:

It's not just good radio, it's freeform radio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm
Uncle Michael:

secret noted
Avatar 4:21pm

my husband got the bullies off his back by beating up another kid. He still feels bad about that.

What's a great name for a bully? Bruiser? Spike? ....Niles? I dunno.
Avatar 4:21pm

Try Sluggo.

Dingus McGee?
Avatar 4:24pm

Free-Range Radio,runnin' all over the place bonking into things.

How about Gallant, the dramatic foil to Goofus. That kid was always such a know-it-all jerk.
Avatar 4:26pm

Good one Jake! Rat Packy!
Avatar 4:27pm

Yeah,Goofus was the cool one. Proto-Punk!
Avatar 4:28pm

My internal Goofus and Gallant were constantly at war.

I'll bet he was G.G. Allin's spirit guide.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29pm
Private Presley:

Reggae "Knocking On Heaven's Door" break!
Avatar 4:29pm

I think Goofus was just kind of normal. Standards were ridiculous back then.
Avatar 4:30pm

...& then he grew up to be Trump.
Avatar 4:32pm

Cecile, when you watch 1950's comedies now it's like they came from a different planet!...Oh wait, they did.
Avatar 4:34pm

Good one Cliff!

So in 2nd grade in the 1970s there was also this one big bully. Bigger than anyone else in 2nd grade. And I saw him trying on roller-skates in the schoolyard. In an enclosed handball court area. He was having trouble balancing and his lackeys were around him trying to help him balance.

Seeing that I decided to make my move. He bullied my friend who encompassed the one black kid in the class, the cute girl with pigtails who wore those hearing aids that look like bug headphones and this one puerto rican kid who had a palsy… And me as well. He bullied me.

So I snuck up behind this jerk, and while he was balancing on the skates, I shoved him forward from behind. He fell smack on his hands and knees. Scraped up and crying, he shouted to his lackeys, “Get him!”

I run like crazy out of that handball court and run back towards the bench where the freaks and nobodies hung out. A few kids were smiling and cheering what happened. But the second I got to the bench, one of his lackeys caught up up me and punched me in the stomach. Everything was frozen, the other kids were running away and I couldn’t speak.

The teacher saw this grabbed me by my arm and started to shout at me that I was a troublemaker. We went back to class and my dad had to come to school to hear about what a “bad” kid I was.

So I fought back against a bully and his small army that terrorized the class, but I was the troublemaker at that moment. Which is fair, because technically I did start that specific thing. But still, the teachers turned a blind eye to those kids and only acted when the weaker kids fought back. And that’s life!
Avatar 4:40pm

It's true! We're mostly chimps in clothing.

Oh, small postscript to that tale of childhood bullying of mine? The school that incident happened in? Was in the middle of Trump (yes TRUMP) Village in Brooklyn. All the kids in those buildings bullied folks.
Avatar 4:44pm

Hahaha,unsurprising. Sounds like Bullying was an actual class!
Avatar 4:46pm

I would have flunked it.

@geezerette: FWIW, the Trump family very clearly added race and bigotry to the way they handled applications to their buildings. The neighborhood I grew up in was filled with immigrants and mixed race NYC folks. But now that I am thinking about it I have utterly no memory of anyone past already established “Americans” of 2 or more generations living in the Trump buildings.

These Blue Flies are sure having quite an odyssey
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
Michael in Seattle:

I can tell you the folks in Europe are scratching their heads over the Trump Phenomenon. And they have seen their share of scary leadership.
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
Bas NL:

Hi Scott! Nice track, this by Pread!

*I'm* scratching my head over the Trump Phenomenon
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Bas NL:

Praed.. He, he.. well it's clicky starred.

That was a good ending, everyone just stops at once.

I think we in the Americas are scratching out head over the Le Pen phenomenon in France.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm

McDonald & Giles....Yessss!
Avatar 4:54pm

Europeans shouldn't scratch their heads. They have plenty of fascistic politicians like Le Pen in France, and the Hungarian govt. I believe is fairly far-right.

@TDK60: Exactly.
$mall ¢hange:

classic break! so dumb
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Scott Williams:

$mall ¢hange! Yeah, you're all over this one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Is this one of the Giles of GilesGiles & Fripp?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...rhetorical question really...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm
Scott Williams:

tis, RevRab
Avatar 5:02pm

OK, this song made me perk up my ears. CLICK!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Just like WWII followed the Depression - take the money out & people may tend to get grumpy & go far Right. The U.S. got lucky then & wisely went w/ FDR. Now - some of us are, some of us aren't...
Avatar 5:02pm

Jake I'm not surprised, and am horrified by the Trump thing. I think I've mentioned before the great Otto Dix show at the Neue Galerie a couple of years ago. One whole room was filled with portraits of wealthy Industrialists who had funded Hitler. They all looked terrified and trapped. They had thought Hitler was a buffoon and easily controlled...
$mall ¢hange:

Great show man! Yeah sought after rekkid.
Avatar 5:04pm

Meanwhile...Scott! Wow what a GREAT show!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I just went off on a Hillary supporter as a Middle Class half-wit (copping that from John Lennon a little bit) - & realized I might be a mirror-image of the Trump heads - even a bit of a BernieBro. It is about Money & Class War - & we're ticked off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm
Scott Williams:

Aww tanx Geezerette!
Avatar 5:06pm

Is Charles Douglas from a group we know already? His voice sounds familiar.
Avatar 5:06pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

There's WWII - & also 1968...
Avatar 5:08pm

Avatar 5:09pm

I'm in awe of all the commenters here. It's a Super Group.
Avatar 5:09pm

it is crazy.

@Scott: 100% with you on Seinfeld versus Shandling. Never liked Seinfeld. But Shandling was hilarious.
Avatar 5:11pm

the Larry Sanders Show is amazing.
Feel the Bern:

Avatar 5:13pm

I think what shocks and amazes the Europeans is not Trump's politics, per se... but how someone so ludicrous can appeal to such a broad subset of the population of a country otherwise known (and fairly stated, looked up to, especially in Europe) for its elite universities, cutting edge technology, and all that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Honeybear: All that U.S. Infrastructure has been undermined & crumbled- just like our bridges. Harry Shearer does a regular feature on 'Le Show' - 'We're - not ! - #1'...

And on point… Really liking this KVB.
Avatar 5:18pm

I recall when I felt it was ludicrous an actor like Reagan could be prez.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...having said all that - the Trump phenomenon shocks a lot of us in the U.S. too. All the mainstream talking heads thot he'd be out long ago. & their 'coverage' (in quotes) of Bernie being a joke & a scandal is a truism. Then again - it's a Frankenstein long in the making - Citizen's United handing the Electoral Process to the highest bidders, Fox News...

@TDK60: Wasn’t that hilarious when George Bush’s goober son took office?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19pm
Michael in Seattle:

Well said, Honeybear. Guess they expect something better of us.

I felt like Beyond The Black Rainbow was cooler to look at than it was to watch.
Avatar 5:20pm

Well, I kind of expect more from the French, too.
Avatar 5:20pm

that was mad max fury road for me, Poly.

Like looking at a Tumblr site full cool images, but nothing really memorable happens.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
Scott Williams:

add Liquid Sky, Jodorowsky, and a lot more
Avatar 5:21pm

yeah, same here.

I’m be fair to the French. They have nice looking ladies, great bread and good films. Which is all to say, I need to rematch “Au Hasard Balthazar”… A great French film about a nice donkey who get’s treated like shit by the world.
Avatar 5:22pm

I love Ran, but it avoids being just eye candy because it spools out a plot. Very slowly, but it does.
Avatar 5:25pm

Trippy ippy ippy ippy ippy ...
Avatar 5:28pm

What is this Nick Carter stuff? No sign on Spotify...

@Jeezy: Whatever it is, it’s starred for me.
Avatar 5:32pm

Jaques Tati is wonderful too.
"Mr. Hulot's Holiday", etc.
Just so funny.

I've been starring lots of things lately (there isn't a limit is there? :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

@geezerette: Mon Oncle is one of my all-time favs.

I like “Playtime” the most actually. Just visual gags.
Avatar 5:35pm

Mine too Greg!

Good fog listening
Avatar 5:38pm

Yes Jake,They're all good! "Playtime" is hilarious.

Monty Hall Parking, what is the meter limit anyone know? for street parking?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40pm
Scott Williams:

6pm on-street parking goes free, Adam
Avatar 5:41pm


Thank you Scott! Excited for the show tonight!

confused by this

Great show today Scott! I clicky-starred it

confusion of elephant igloos
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:49pm
Scott Williams:

Tanx Cliff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm

Thanks Scott!

and i enjoy being confused by elephant igloos
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Scott Williams:

thanks for hanging today, everyone! have a great week, see you next
Avatar 🧩 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Bas NL:

Thanks Scott! It was a great listening pleasure again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks, Scott!
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