Favoriting Optimized! Expanded Radio Stream: Playlist from June 6, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting June 6, 2016: Optimized! Day 1 with DO or DIY with People Like Us, Carlo Patrão, DW Robertson (Ergo Phizmiz), Drew Daniel, Daniel Menche, Jim Price, John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV live from Monty Hall (skype letspaintwfmu), Dina Kelberman

Listen to this show: Pop-up listen Pop-up player!

Approx. start time

12.00pm DO or DIY with People Like Us - Introduction to Optimized!

Laurel and Hardy - Our Relations Suite / Mgm Fanfare / Ku-Ku_we're Just A Happy Family
Ren and Stimpy - Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy
Mumins - Happy
Axo Sonac and his Happy Hand Horn - Tink Tonk
Picky Picnic - Sume Ba Miyako (Happy Family)
Ivor Cutler - I’m Happy
Primavera - Middelmann
Yann Tomita and the Doopees - Doopee Time
Kermit - Happy Feet
Harry Breuer & Jean-Jacques Perrey - Paris 2079
Wendy Mae Chambers - New York, New York
Scooby Doo - I Can Make You Happy
Schwump - Happy Ducks

Vicki introduces what's on on Optimized this week...

(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


12.28pm Carlo Patrão - Nothing On This Side

After a radio broadcast malfunction, a man is left alone in the studio to break the bad news: “there’s nothing on this side and I am not saying anything”. 

Carlo Patrao is an independent radio producer from Portugal.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


12.58pm DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) - Vogue Optimised for Advertising

An issue of Vogue magazine with all the articles taken out.

DW Robertson is a writer, composer and collagist, who used to be known as Ergo Phizmiz.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.05pm Drew Daniel - Extreme Music DJ Set

Drew Daniel is one half of the electronic group Matmos and all of The Soft Pink Truth. He lives in Baltimore, where he is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of Twenty Jazz Funk Greats (Continuum) and The Melancholy Assemblage: Affect and Epistemology in the English Renaissance (Fordham University Press). The most recent Matmos album is "Ultimate Care II" is out now on Thrill Jockey records.


Drumcorps - White List / Black List
Rip Off Your Herpes Scabs With A Power Saw - MIDI Goregrind Bands Are Cool
Human Jerky - Necrosis / Black Oracle
Wold - The Cold Wind's Grasp
VMO - Black Riff
Christian Mirande - Foxbat
Svarrtjern - Code Human
Jaime Carrera - Yasssss
Daniel Menche - Vent Part Two
Whourkr - Maximum Speed Limit Monotone Snare Audition
Dreamcrusher - All Covered in Red
Straight Panic - Velvet Rage
Jeph Jerman & Tim Barnes - Versatile Ambience
Headband - The Mask Side A
Rabit - Splatter Cell
Shredded Nerve - Promoted to Dog
Bagman - Predator
Jason Zeh - Jitters Side A

(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.35pm DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) - The Manchurian Candidate Optimised for Plot

Spelling out the salient points of the Cold War and card games.

DW Robertson is a writer, composer and collagist, who used to be known as Ergo Phizmiz.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.42pm Daniel Menche - Arrow vs the World

Arrow is Daniel Menche's tiny chihuahua dog who seems to have some anger issues with the world. Skateboarders, Mailmen, Gas station workers, Cat lovers, little annoying children and basically the whole dang world. Arrow growls and grrrrrrrs his way through this overly polite world and makes quit the noise. Daniel Menche recorded Arrow at his usual grumpiness and caught all his vocal hell-fire. Threw the sounds in a thing called a "computer" and mangled Arrow's sounds to heck and back. All sounds captured, mangled and mixed in Winter, 2016 by Daniel Menche at the "House of Menche"

Daniel Menche has been active with abstract sound creations since 1989. Recording an massive discography and performing countless concerts around the world. All recordings are based upon sound source that are vastly varied and challenging. In a genre known for its randomness and chaotic structure, Daniel Menche has established himself as a musician with an uncharacteristic sense of focus and determination. Rather than creating "noise," he strives for order and cohesiveness. Aural intensity is not a representation of confusion or the chaotic, but a concerted effort to provoke and stimulate the listener’s imagination by generating intensely powerful sounds and music. Daniel Menche's music are works which realize their own sonic presence, entities that give form to an emotional rawness with highly textural and dominating sounds."


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.58pm Jim Price - Jim’s Debut Show

Jim Price makes at least seventeen sounds: tooth-grinding, trills, twitters, tongue taps, hisses, grunts and has different sounds for when he bumps into something or when he’s disturbed or wounded.  He’s been a disc jockey at WFMU since 1976 and his band, NEBLUNG PRICE record all their material in an onion drying shed.  Without fatal accident, Jim has arrived to see the airbag and steam from the swelling minor. 


(Listen: Pop-up)

2pm-3pm John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV live from Monty Hall

Mr Let's Paint (John Kilduff) does it all! Multitasking his way through life...exercising, painting, cooking and taking your calls!

Taking your calls on Optimized! Live from Monty Hall at WFMU 6-10 June @2-3pm EST

SKYPE call now to: letspaintwfmu
Also, John can see your Comments in the Playlist and will respond!



3-5pm - Repeat of Noon-2pm Programming

Listener comments!

Avatar 5/28 8:51am
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testing, 1 3 5
Avatar 5/28 8:52am
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please ignore me
well don't ignore me
but please ignore me
Avatar 5/28 8:53am
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ok, good, it works!
Avatar 5/31 4:08am

Bonjour People Like us ! So this is is going to start on the 6th of june, if i'm correct ?
Avatar 6/1 9:24am
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hi Pierre, yes it is!
Avatar 6/1 9:25am
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and that ustream link will be playing the station from here and also the wfmu frontpage panel
Avatar 6/1 9:27am
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worth mentioning - if you have adblockers (as most of us do) you'll need to disable it (just for these pages) to play the video streams
  6/1 10:07am

You KNOW I'll be there!
Avatar 6/3 4:32pm
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counting on it!
So Excited, can't wait!:

Avatar 10:42pm
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ha ha! Thank you :)

Hi Vicki, looking forward to the start of whatever the heck this is at noon!
Avatar 8:07am
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Thanks! I will be explaining it in the first show.

Yes, Ken said something about what you're doing during his drugs show last week, but I was tripping my face off at the time and couldn't quite figure it out
Avatar 8:12am
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that's OK, so was he

Those Richard Nixon blinky gifs really got to me, I don't know how he could stand them
Avatar 8:17am
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I'll also explain it here - we're using ustream for the radio station because it's got animated gifs AND video in it too, and it's the best way to integrate it with the wfmu site AND this playlist and comments set up. I think that was a coherent way of just explaining it. Basically, you don't *have* to sit staring at the animated gifs, just treat it as a listening experience in the same way as you would when Ken does a playlist with animated gifs. And when it switches over to a video program (like Mr Let's Paint TV or Clay Pigeon will be for instance) you can pay more attention if you have spare eyes.
Avatar 8:19am
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I also encourage you to call Mr Let's Paint between 2pm and 3pm (NY time) through skype (letspaintwfmu) - watch what he's up to or look him up on youtube now and you'll get the general feel of the thing. He's here at WFMU (as am I) and will be downstairs live at Monty Hall :)

Ok, now I understand, thanks Vicki! Will the ustream link also be on the main site? Because there's usually problems with running it from the playlist page because it keeps autoupdating and restarts the stream. (And Mr. Let's Paint TV sure knows how to multitask, huh)
Avatar 8:32am
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yes it will replace the current trailer on the wfmu front page from noon to 5 every day this week. We've set this playlist page to up date only the comments panel. I premade all the playlist info for the left panel here and we have set it to not refresh

Sounds good! See you at noon then :)
ipad user:

you can watch ustream on an ipad by downloading the ustream app
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Busy day for you, Vicky. Your summer debut show is tonight. If you hang around the station, maybe Dave Hill will have you on the air later on.

Here I am!
Avatar 11:11am
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Gooood morning! Wish I could show you all the setting up at the moment...
Avatar 11:12am
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we are filming all the incidental bits so you can see it later ... Mr Let's Paint is testing out all his equipment in Monty Hall at the moment, cooker, blender, easel, treadmill

Hey Ken from HP, thanks for reminding us that Do or DIY is on the sched again for the summer! (Tonight at 6)
Avatar 11:49am
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yes I'll be here on the other playlist
Avatar 11:49am
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I'll be over here at 6pm www.wfmu.org... - it's a confusing day

That's a lotta playlists to take care of
Avatar 11:51am
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AND skype calls between 2 and 3! Counting on you to call in: skype: letspaintwfmu

Meanwhile I'm going to be putting a computer back together
Avatar 11:59am
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1 minute!


I've got the USTREAM up
Avatar 12:00pm
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refresh your pages everyone
we're on!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hello People Like Me!
Avatar 12:01pm
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Morning! Afternoon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Rich in Washington:

Hello People!

Avatar 12:01pm

It be working!

Yay, here we go!
Avatar 12:02pm
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so it's also running from the WFMU front page if you want to open up both tabs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Hi everybody! Congratulations, Vicki.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Well hello there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Yeah, it's better to have two tabs open, since making a comment here forces the video to restart.

Station Mashgiach Ken has some sensible advice there

yup...that's what I've got going on now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Rich in Washington:

Avatar 12:05pm
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hi Ken! I was on facebook :) Facebook event is wfmu.org... but DON'T GO THERE NOW NO
Avatar 12:08pm
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THESE ANIMATED GIFS (oh sorry caps lock) will run throughout - but also we have some video shows - every day 2-3pm with Let's Paint TV Live - also in the week we have some video shows from Heather PHillipson, Clay Pigeon and errr maybe someone else
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Webhamster Henry:

Autoharp alert!


Boundless optimism in the face of impending failure, that's how I've always thought of Do or DIY
Avatar 12:13pm
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just watch the video from the wfmu front page at wfmu.org while we stop it refreshing on this page :) TWO tabs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

OK, we got the video problem on this page fixed. Although you still can't make a comment without stopping the video so if you plan to chat here, then you do need to use a second tab.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Will any material be considered Not Safe For Work? In case someone of a bossal nature walks past?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17pm
Rich in Washington:

are you saying we should take a second tab already? Some of us are at work, you know.

Fortunately for me I'm self-unemployed
Avatar 12:17pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

Or be clever and hold Ctrl and Shift while you click the "Preview your comment" button. Then the original window won't close.
Avatar 12:17pm
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thanks Ken :)))
Avatar 12:18pm
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the only Not Safe For Work is Heather PHillipson which has a couple of swear words
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

Trying the Kenzo trick right now..
Avatar 12:19pm
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I don't recall anything else being offensive other than it being conventionally infathomable
Avatar 12:22pm
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in case you just tuned in, I'm previewing the week's content here

It all sounds lovely

Ctrl-shift doesn't seem to work on Safari/OS X, so I'll just stick with the two tabs
Avatar 12:23pm
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oh good, there's been some great stuff made specially for it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I caught the pigeoncam snippet.

God, I love the Mr. Paint TV guy, he's a real go-getter
Avatar 12:28pm
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he's somewhere in the building
Avatar 12:28pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@Cliff: Not that there's anything wrong with two tabs, but in Safari, did you try holding Command while clicking the Preview button?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

This fall, look for a "Let's Paint Gym" opening near you!
Avatar 12:30pm
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We are now listening to :
Carlo Patrão - Nothing On This Side

After a radio broadcast malfunction, a man is left alone in the studio to break the bad news: “there’s nothing on this side and I am not saying anything”.

Carlo Patrao is an independent radio producer from Portugal.


Hi Kenzo, if I do that I get a tab popping up saying "Sorry, you didn't provide a comment!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm
Webhamster Henry:

I have it running ustream directly in another window. www.ustream.tv...
Tomorrow, I'll dedicate another computer entirely to it.
Avatar 12:32pm

Very impressive Vicki - pulling all this together. Well done and second Ken's congrats!
Avatar 12:33pm
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thank you :)

Very wonderful, indeed
Avatar 12:34pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@Cliff: Yeah, never mind, just use two tabs for now!

No problemo, and thanks Vicki & everyone at WFMU for putting this all together!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm

Is there a stream address to get the audio by itself? Or do I have to keep playing the video to hear the audio? (I'm at work, so I'm just going to waste video bandwidth playing the video in a hidden tab most of the time while I work & listen.)
Avatar 12:36pm
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Ike, we will audio archive afterwards, at the end of each day

I was looking for a 'pop-up', too.

Avatar 12:38pm
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please ignore the "now playing"! follow the actual programmed playlist...
Avatar 12:39pm
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divzilla, this is not a wfmu audio stream
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

Thanks Kenzo for all your help and fixes. Vicki, I also added a link to this page to the WFMU homepage, in the top news item. We have worked out a lot of problems in the first 38 minutes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

Isn't that the main channel, @divzilla? Like, y'know, Joe Belock?
Avatar 12:40pm
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Ken, we have the wrong info for "Now Playing", now the accuplaylist has been turned on

sorry.... it's not the stream from this page... I always have flash player disabled.. for security reasons ;)
Avatar 12:40pm
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But yes, this is called OPTIMIZED which includes this sort of thing, ha ha
Avatar 12:42pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

Vicki: Add a last item to the playlist that is the one you are OK with showing up as "now playing," doesn't have to be a real track, and you can delete it at show end.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

By the way, the Primavera Sound broadcast was suberb this weekend, even though PJ Harvey could not be broadcast.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm

Eh, I'm just wasting Am#z*n bandwidth anyway, they can afford it. Ha.

This is lovely. Thank you, Vicky. Aren't we lucky this week, both the excellent Primavera broadcast and now this exciting .. thing. I want to throw the word "multimedia" around, but it gives me 90s flashbacks.

Yep, part 2 of Primavera was great! Gonna listen to part 1 when I get a chance
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

so enjoying!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

Joking. I know that's not how it works. It's a SERIES of TUBES!

That's right Ike, it's not a truck you can just dump stuff on

Just checking in... v excited!
Avatar 12:49pm
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Avatar 12:49pm

Not an hour in, already disoriented. Working fine!


Avatar 12:51pm
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yes I'm pretty disorientated too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm

On Wednesday morning from 9am to Noon, I will be VJ'ing animated GIFS and images for the entirety of my show - that show will be the only Optimized Show happening outside of the Noon to 5pm block.

That's always a good sign Vicki
Avatar 12:52pm

i'm digging this. thanks

Ken, you said last week you'd be focusing more on the visuals than the audio during your show? Or did I just imagine that (I was on acid after all)

Who invented coughing! I'm laughing out loud!

there should be also a "Mute" Button for the Video... ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

lovely show, this
Avatar 12:56pm
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hi Charlie!

"This mic is still on?! What do I do...."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm

That's right Cliff, I will have Matthew Garbagetime to help with the audio button pressing so I can fully focus on the visuals.
Avatar 12:58pm
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Now on:
DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) - Vogue Optimised for Advertising

An issue of Vogue magazine with all the articles taken out.

DW Robertson is a writer, composer and collagist, who used to be known as Ergo Phizmiz.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm

I feel myself being optimized. Thanks, I needed that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm

@Ken, can you and Matt the Garbageman also talk about drugs while you're at it? You should talk about drugs with a different WFMU DJ each week. I'm sure this isn't a completely terrible idea at all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

Hi! ODing from optimization wonderfulness already, only one hour in:)

I'm sure most of the WFMU staff could talk extensively on the topic of drugs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

Excellent idea for a weekly one hour show, Ike.
Avatar 1:01pm

A little like Kenny G's work. The true dullness of the artificially exciting.
Avatar 1:03pm
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Coming up next:

Drew Daniel - Extreme Music DJ Set

Drew Daniel is one half of the electronic group Matmos and all of The Soft Pink Truth. He lives in Baltimore, where he is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of Twenty Jazz Funk Greats (Continuum) and The Melancholy Assemblage: Affect and Epistemology in the English Renaissance (Fordham University Press). The most recent Matmos album is "Ultimate Care II" is out now on Thrill Jockey records.


@Ike, if you are into that kind of thing Negativlands "Over the edge" radio show has done multiple shows as a call-in trip report format. It's nice, Negativland greatness as bed music for druggie war stories somewhat curated by a host.

Avatar 1:07pm

It's got a beat, you can writhe to it.
Avatar 1:07pm

@Ike & @Torbjorn, i love the trip reports. soooooo good

I hope the neighbors can hear this
Avatar 1:12pm
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I think MY neighbours can hear this

"You'll hurt your throat! Stop it!"--- Frank Zappa

Enjoying a portobello/roast beef/avocado sandwich while listening to this lovely noise
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I just fled the room

Good thing we have a set list for what just happened
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Coming up next at half past:

DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) - The Manchurian Candidate Optimised for Plot

Spelling out the salient points of the Cold War and card games.

DW Robertson is a writer, composer and collagist, who used to be known as Ergo Phizmiz.


I can't decide what I liked better, Shredded Nerve or Rip Off Your Herpes Scabs With A Power Saw

"Is there any escape!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30pm

I wonder what it might be like to be the person creating very noisy music. Mixing: "Yes, let's hear that again for the hundredth time..."

"Can't quite hear the cowbell"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm

"Let's bring up that screechy bit a touch more this time."
Avatar 1:33pm

What Charlie? I can't hear you!

"Once more, with feeling!"

I wonder if they use Etymotics IEMs in the noise studio

I hope DJ Bosh is listening and taking notes here

It sure has!
Avatar 1:36pm
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DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) - The Manchurian Candidate Optimised for Plot

Spelling out the salient points of the Cold War and card games.

DW Robertson is a writer, composer and collagist, who used to be known as Ergo Phizmiz.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm

(mouths, exaggeratedly): Hi, Michael!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm

The extreme music set was a lovely accompaniment to my lunch.

Mine too, Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm

I cant wait for John Kilduff coming up at 2pm! If you have Skype, you'll be able to call in to his show at letspaintwfmu - Vicki do I have that right?
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I'm excited to see if the Daniel Menche piece will open up new avenues on the dogstep front.

Yeah Ken, that's gonna be nuts!
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Daniel Menche - Arrow vs the World

Arrow is Daniel Menche's tiny chihuahua dog who seems to have some anger issues with the world. Skateboarders, Mailmen, Gas station workers, Cat lovers, little annoying children and basically the whole dang world. Arrow growls and grrrrrrrs his way through this overly polite world and makes quit the noise. Daniel Menche recorded Arrow at his usual grumpiness and caught all his vocal hell-fire. Threw the sounds in a thing called a "computer" and mangled Arrow's sounds to heck and back. All sounds captured, mangled and mixed in Winter, 2016 by Daniel Menche at the "House of Menche"

Daniel Menche has been active with abstract sound creations since 1989. Recording an massive discography and performing countless concerts around the world. All recordings are based upon sound source that are vastly varied and challenging. In a genre known for its randomness and chaotic structure, Daniel Menche has established himself as a musician with an uncharacteristic sense of focus and determination. Rather than creating "noise," he strives for order and cohesiveness. Aural intensity is not a representation of confusion or the chaotic, but a concerted effort to provoke and stimulate the listener’s imagination by generating intensely powerful sounds and music. Daniel Menche's music are works which realize their own sonic presence, entities that give form to an emotional rawness with highly textural and dominating sounds."

Avatar 1:46pm

Arrow should record an album with Butter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm
Webhamster Henry:

Where's the Dog Drool Removal Service when you need it?

Oh Arrow, you'll be haunting my dreams tonight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm

Vicki, I notice that the letspaintwfmu skype account is still offline...
Avatar 1:51pm
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up now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55pm

No, still not online. You're account is online but letspaintwfmu is still offline
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55pm

Wow @Torbjørn, in the 90s, I loved the cassettes of the Weatherman's Over the Edge classics (Formula 409!), but I barely know where to start beyond that. Too much material.
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Jim Price - Jim’s Debut Show

Jim Price makes at least seventeen sounds: tooth-grinding, trills, twitters, tongue taps, hisses, grunts and has different sounds for when he bumps into something or when he’s disturbed or wounded. He’s been a disc jockey at WFMU since 1976 and his band, NEBLUNG PRICE record all their material in an onion drying shed. Without fatal accident, Jim has arrived to see the airbag and steam from the swelling minor.

Avatar 1:59pm
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skype will be open at the top of the hour: call John Kilduff at letspaintwfmu
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John Kilduff / Mr Let's Paint is now ON THE AIR!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

circus music is too hot

Oh man, this is gonna be guud huh

Sounds and looks great now. Oh man, I have to pop out for the hour, but this looks to good to miss ..

Just make sure not to put the turpentine in the veggie drink or something

"Might get some paint, and not the most sanitary conditions" Yeah no kidding

This is like the exact opposite of Bob Ross
Avatar 2:14pm
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join the Optimized facebook event to get video updates from here at WFMU www.facebook.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm

Somebody else should skype in to John - letspaintwfmu - it would help us work the bugs out on skype!

Tony Conrad doing film projection has nothing on this guy
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everyone enjoying their lunch?

He's not using lead-based paints, I hope
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm

I'm getting ideas for dinner.

Is there a link I can use to email to people, or should I just point them to wfmu.org? (I'm not sure if I could even explain this to them, but I'll try)
Vicki downstairs:

Point them to wfmu.org or wfmu.org/playlists/up

This has been so great all day! Been looking forward to the stream and it's been a dream.

Thanks Vicki! I can't tear myself away from watching this but I'll send out the link after the show
Avatar 2:48pm
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yes, so great to be doing this! Just went downstairs and the treadmill suddenly went really VERY fast but John wasn't standing on it at the time
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So folks - at the top of the hour we will repeat the first two hours of Optimized because there are people just getting OUT OF BED out there you know!
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The playlist for tomorrow is set up already! HERE! www.wfmu.org...
Tomorrow: Jim Price, Porest, Bodega Pop Live with Gary Sullivan, Steinski, Brian J Davis, Irene Moon, Heather Phillipson, John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV live from Monty Hall (skype letspaintwfmu), Dina Kelberman
Avatar 2:53pm
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thanks for checking in here - it's important, you know! Or how do we know you're listening and watching out there right now?
Avatar 2:53pm

been here all stream and digging it

awwww only 9 minutes left ;(

I can't even comprehend what I've been witnessing for the past hour. He's going to do this again 4 more times this week?!
Avatar 2:54pm

I'm hungry and exhausted. Job done Mr. Let's Paint!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm
Webhamster Henry:

He sure can talk!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Webhamster Henry:

Can we get Clay Pigeon to join him on the treadmill?
Avatar 2:57pm
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he's doing it TWICE on Thursday!
Come to Monty Hall Thursday evening!

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Thursday 8pm! Come along to Monty Hall! Optimized Live at Monty Hall with People Like Us, Let's Paint TV and DIFM with Pseu Braun www.facebook.com...

Avatar 2:59pm

bummer. im on the west coast..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

I second that, get Clay Pigeon involved somehow. I'll try to make on Thurs. evening.
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Thanks folks! Now we are on repeat for two hours!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Webhamster Henry:

Well, just keep a treadmill going for ALL the shows!
Avatar 3:01pm

Thanks again Vicki.
Avatar 3:02pm

You need to setup a twitch stream.. this browser refresh thing when posting is annoying..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Webhamster Henry:

Clay is on June 10th, but probably not on a treadmill.

Thank you Vicki, see you at 6!

Thank you Vicki! I like everything about this. An optimism I can get behind.
Avatar 3:26pm
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oh yes! See you at 6pm! DO or DIY back on the air proper! www.wfmu.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm

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We have an archive here now of the first two hours - and I will timestamp them later so that you can access the shows individually
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I'm shutting the playlist down for the day now, you can watch the stream from the front page at wfmu.org :)
Monica Rene Rochester:

"Straight Trousers in Your Youth Activating Hands" xoxoxo thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm

is there anyway to see the archive of Let's Paint TV from today?
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hi Connor - yes, but not yet - we are saving all the film files and will edit it into a documentary that we'll make available in the coming weeks.
Avatar 4:56pm
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also, we have 5 more hours of Let's Paint TV to go... every day this week, twice on Thursday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

So that's what happened to Ergo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25pm

Arrow is a revelation!
Cheryl Hamilton - US:

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