Gaylord, I feel like you just might understand, a litlle, that in this terrible season in which we've lost so many familiar and beloved performers, the passing of actor William Schallert is proving to be a real hard one for me. I mean real hard. I'm not being cutesy or facetious. Not to lay too much of a bummer on your comments board, I hope...
P-90 and Gaylord: Didn't know about the passing of William Schallert. Want you to know he was a loved and respected president of the Screen Actors Guild and by all accounts as kind and gentle as he appeared to be.
famous original icecreamwolf:
gaylord you are the perfect accompaniment to mango Italian ice and banana soft serve
My mom suffered tons of small strokes in her (quite hard) life until one final stroke was literally that. She was still fairly lucid prior to the final stroke so the brain’s resiliency is pretty amazing… But don’t delay treatment!
The word now is that Music uses more parts of the brain @ once than perhaps any other activity. You would almost think the stuff was not totally ephemeral & insignificant...
Also—not connected to strokes or tumors—but I know someone who worked a trauma emergency room and noticed a real weird pattern in men suffering concussions: She saw tons of men who got drunk, slipped on something and conked their head… While they recovered the family and friends of the person who conked their head all said a similar thing: “He’s nicer and less of a jerk since the accident.” Same person but it’s like with certain people a conk to the head makes them less jerks?
@MrC: Now they are all MCOR (Man Child Oriented Radio) or DBOR (Dude Bro Oriented Radio). Perfect tunes for a man cave! Gotta get the Bluetooth in the mancave!
I was not a musician (even though music is my life; I don't know how that works; probably laziness, or to be kind with me, ADD). But I was a copy editor and proofreader and writer, and my stroke attacked my basic language skills -- that was horrible. Well.
- & yet - it is about Sir Macca being a melodic It shouldn't work but it does. It's probably the most covered song of all time for more reasons than the sentiment...
Scraps that sounds devastating, I'm sorry. Also, I don't think it's weird that music is your life w/out being a musician. Speaking for myself, I think I'm wired to appreciate it and not to play it.
@P-90: That and many great Sixties TV soundtracks were written in unusual time signatures (Ben Casey, Room 222, and Mission: Impossible, most famously).
...uh-oh - 'Yesterday' rabbithole...the song is about choosing to live in an optimism that's gone & how one relates to that - & somehow speaks for the whole era metaphorically, a lot like 'Pet Sounds' loss of innocence does, if not the whole Beach Boys thang...well - not enuff flashlight to go down there...
...course - John & Paul were married by the loss of their Mums ; the counterbalance of Working Class Blues - & Mod Affirmation (YeahYeahYeah!) in the Beatles is...a thing...
Thank you, melinda. You're probably right about wired to appreciate. It's true that I didn't really want to play music until I suddenly had it taken away as a possibility. (Though I'm thinking about trying doing this as my iPad as an instrument....)
My paternal grandfather had a stroke at age 84 or so. Maybe it was just a minor one; I don't recall him having ill effects. He lived to age 95 and had a clear mind all the way to the end.
Thanks, Gaylord. Fine work, and great company, as always.
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Listener comments!
Gaylord Fields:
Evening,all you Lyles and Lillies of the Fields!
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Sem Chumbo:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Uncle Michael:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Uncle Michael:
Uncle Michael:
Gaylord Fields:
famous original icecreamwolf:
Gaylord Fields:
Adrian in London:
Sem Chumbo:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Adrian in London:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Would you settle for some David Grusin?
Scraps deSelby:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Mr C:
famous original icecreamwolf:
famous original icecreamwolf:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Chop Scott:
Gaylord Fields:
Scraps deSelby:
Scraps deSelby:
Gaylord Fields:
Have you heard the Monochrome Set's "Hidden Coils" LP from about five years ago? It's all about Bid's recovery from a stroke, and is bloody brilliant!
Gaylord Fields:
Mr C:
Gaylord Fields:
Scraps deSelby:
I'm very interested in young stroke victims (of course), and there are several musicians: Chris Knox, Tim Smith (of the Cardiacs), Edwyn Collins...
Scraps deSelby:
Gaylord Fields:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Scraps deSelby:
Mr C:
Gaylord Fields:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Scraps deSelby:
Gaylord Fields:
Webhamster Henry:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Scraps deSelby:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Scraps deSelby:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Gaylord Fields:
Webhamster Henry:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Scraps deSelby:
Scraps deSelby:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord Fields:
Gaylord, at some point in every show I find myself in an unknown Louis Malle or Truffaut film. Thank you!
Wishing all of us a happy week. :D
Ken From Hyde Park:
Scraps deSelby: