Favoriting Play Vertigo with Mayuko: Playlist from May 30, 2016 Favoriting

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I play music that is old and that is new. Some of it is digital while some is analog. It is from many different countries; sometimes it is loud and at other times it is quiet.

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Favoriting May 30, 2016: Your Voice Touches My String

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Stringed Figure, Henry Moore, 1939

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Marewrew マレウレウ  Arian   Favoriting Cikapuni  Chikar Studio / Tuff Beats  2016     
Shigeru Kayano 萱野茂  Yaitorenpekoiki ヤイト°レンペコイキ (自分の憑き神と喧嘩をする) (excerpt)   Favoriting Yukar, The Ainu Epic Songs  King Records  1999    0:03:52 (Pop-up)
Bob Sam  STA Candidate Statement   Favoriting KCAW News      http://www.alaskapublic.org/2015/11/27/ak-caretaker-for-the-dead-receives-unexpected-help/  0:09:31 (Pop-up)
Mt. Edgecomb School Boys Chorus  Tlinget Rowing Song   Favoriting American Folklife Center  Library of Congress  1950    0:11:48 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Ax Yee Gaa   Favoriting Lingít Dléigoox' (Tlingit Lullabies)  Native American Indian Values Enrichment, Inc.  1998  http://www.alaskool.org/Language/Tlingit/Dog_Point_CD2.htm  0:13:54 (Pop-up)
Mungo Martin  Love Song   Favoriting Haida: Indian Music of the Pacific Northwest  Folkways Records   1984    0:15:54 (Pop-up)
John Panamarkoff  Alaskan Promyshlenniki   Favoriting   Library of Congress   1958    0:17:26 (Pop-up)
R.S. Banjaransari  The Legend Of Dewaruci Kaca   Favoriting The Vocal Art Of Java  UNESCO  1979    0:19:21 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Bulu Chorus   Favoriting Africa South of the Sahara  Folkways Records  1958    0:28:32 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Waï Ke Buruku   Favoriting Papua New Guinea : Huli (Highlands)  Philips  1993  Recorded in 1974  0:30:33 (Pop-up)
The Gyuto Monks  Sangw Duepa Buddism Chants (excerpt)   Favoriting Buddhist Chant 2 Gyuto Monastery, Bomdile  Victor   2000  Original 1989 recorded in Dharamsala  0:36:25 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Strassenhofe yidn   Favoriting The Stonehill Jewish Song Collection  The Stonehill Jewish Song Collection  1948  http://www.ctmd.org/stonehill.htm  0:39:45 (Pop-up)
Takao Morishima 盛島貴男  Shokuryo ni tsuite no uta / Mame jigoku 食料についての歌・豆地獄   Favoriting Amami Tategoto 奄美竪琴  Usatrene  2015    1:00:31 (Pop-up)
Yakob Mberu, Yermiasu August Pah  Batu Matia   Favoriting Music Of Sasandu  King Records  1994  Recorded in 1992  1:07:24 (Pop-up)
Ebanga Theophile  Ngon Nnanga Ebogo / The Girl From The Nnanga Ebogo People   Favoriting Mvet Ai Mendzang: Music Of The Beti In Cameroon  Wergo  2005    1:14:54 (Pop-up)
Tashi Dorji  Trembles   Favoriting Appa  Bathetic Records  2015    1:18:40 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Kora- Malinke   Favoriting Afrique Vol. 4  Vogue Productions  1958  Recorded by Gilbert Rouget  1:22:35 (Pop-up)
P.G. Six  #3 for Bray Harp   Favoriting Music From The Sherman Box Series And Other Works  Amish Records   2006    1:24:25 (Pop-up)
Hossein Malek  Invention 3 (Mahur)   Favoriting Santur Orient Occident  Sub Rosa  2016    1:27:42 (Pop-up)
Chikuzan Takahashi 高橋竹山  Tsugaru Mikudari 津軽三下り   Favoriting Tsugaru-jamisen 津軽三味線  King Records   1972  Original 1963  1:34:58 (Pop-up)
Abba Gargando  Zinezju Meghdem   Favoriting Ishilan n-Tenere  Sahel Sounds  2010    1:38:54 (Pop-up)
George Boldwin  Country Girl Blues   Favoriting Mississippi Blues & Gospel 1934 - 1942  Document Records   1995    1:43:06 (Pop-up)
El-G & Charlene Darling ‎  Au Grand Dam Du'jour   Favoriting Au Grand Dam Du'jour  Self Release  2006    1:44:50 (Pop-up)
Donovan  The Summer Day Reflection Song   Favoriting Fairytale  Pye Records   1965    1:49:42 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!


Good afternoon Mayuko, I wish someone had told me about your show ages ago :D

Or at least last year
Avatar 5:03pm

Good afternoon, Cliff! Thank you for tuning in! Hope you'll enjoy my regular show as well as the fill-in shows - will be on the air again for Dave later tonight and it will be completely different from this one!

Yes, I heard that you use swears on this one ;)
Avatar 5:06pm


I like the photo on your "Beauty" playlist, btw, is there a story behind it?
Avatar 5:11pm

About Bob Sam and the cemetery: www.alaskapublic.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm

That Bob Sam sounded like our own Bob Brainen. Hello Mayuko
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm

Hello Mayuko! Good to hear your show again. And two shows today!

That's wonderful the way that community banded together to protect their cemetery.
Avatar 5:20pm

Hi Stanley and maestroso! Thank you for tuning in!! Hope you're all having wonderful weekend.
Avatar 5:23pm

Cliff, that show was kind of like an homage for Ryuichi Sakamoto's album Beauty, and I wanted to use somewhat similar photo to its cover (black and white portrait of Ryuichi) I thought that Eikoh Hosoe's photo on the playlist showed "beauty" of humans quite well.

(looks up album cover) Yes, they do complement each other nicely!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40pm


Tlinget is a native language spoken in Alaska & British Columbia, and you're right, it's actually pronounced "klinget"

(Though we both misspelled it...it's actually "Tlingit" :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm

I'm SO enjoying this show Mayuko.
Avatar 6:06pm

oh THANK YOU, Cliff! was so hard to tell.

Hello Gary!

SO happy to hear that, maestroso!! I could never be sure if I was the only one who's excited by the music I play, haha.

And actually Tlingit is the name of the tribe, while the language is called Lingít: en.wikipedia.org...

I'm just going to stop posting half-remembered stuff from grad school now, haha \_o_/
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

Interesting collection of songs tonight, Mayuko. Bed time now but next time I tune in will be from Tokyo. I took your advice and got a place to stay in Asakusa. I'll let you know how I get on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

The music is great, Mayuko
Avatar 6:09pm

ohh, so that "Lingít" was actually their own spelling but just using english alphabet! I'll look into that link, Cliff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

What Gary said, and the descriptions you are providing are very informative. Thank you!
Avatar 6:12pm

OH Stanley! You'll get to see Hoozuki ichi at Asakusa temple!!!
Avatar 6:13pm

oh wait no, that's in July! too bad! It's beautiful!
Avatar 6:14pm

well enjoy your trip Stanley, I wanna hear how do you like it there in Asakusa when you're back!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

Thanks Mayuko
Avatar 6:17pm

And thank you for your kind words, Gary and maestroso, I'm really enjoying learning all these things myself!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

Good evening all :)
Avatar 6:26pm

Good evening, redkayak, thank you for tuning in!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

Sounds good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Memorial Day Weekend...even the dulcimers are hammered...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...(beautiful & fascinating)...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

lol RR N63
Avatar 6:31pm

Hallos, Ike, RRabbit!! Glad to have you guys on board!

We do like the puns here, don't we
Avatar 6:33pm

((((( I don't get puns and jokes! tragic )))))
Avatar 6:34pm

jokes are difficult.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

(The Santur is a dulcimer played w/ hammers - 'hammered'
- & being drunk is 'hammered'
- which everybody in the U.S. is on this Memorial Day Weekend, which is supposedly to commemorate all our War Dead - but is a three-day weekend that officially unofficially starts Summer...)

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu does "pon, pon, pon" (clap, clap, clap) and makes "pan, pan, pan" (bread, bread, bread): youtu.be...

So it's a pon/pan pun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37pm

Glad to catch the last 25 minutes! Had a crappy exit from work today. Good dulcimer joke, Rabbit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

By exit, I hope you don't mean you quit or was laid off, Melinda! :(
Avatar 6:41pm

a-ha! Thanks to RR now it's like I was playing an appropriate thing for today!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

Hi Gary! No, not like that! Just some street-punk types mocking me for indicating that they needed to give me more room to drive past them in the alley behind my workplace. I don't normally use judgey terms like street-punk, either, but they acted like it. I'm sensitive, but I'll get over it.
Avatar 6:45pm

Welcome, melinda! too bad you're not hammered! Hope you can relax a bit in the evening.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

Rev Rab, Memorial Day here in Astoria means a street fair that goes from about where I live on Broadway, all the way down to Steinway. An excuse to eat grilled corn, zeppole, or okonomiyaki on the street with a bunch of people walking around you
Avatar 6:46pm

oh no! I just saw the detail, melinda. probably THEY were drunk which can't excuse anything.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm

Weird interactions with strangers like that can be upsetting :( ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Thanks Mayuko! The music is helping. And thanks for understanding, Gary.
Avatar 6:50pm

Stay tuned for Global Grease starting at 7pm! Listen & comment here: wfmu.org...

Thanks Mayuko! See you in a couple hours, jaa mata ne ^__^
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Joe McG:

It's true, Mayuko, when I get a haircut, it IS summer! Great show, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

Hmm @Gary, somehow eatingintranslation.com missed that street fair, otherwise maybe I'd've checked it out. They usually list all of the interesting ones. Or is okonomiyaki an outlier there w/nothing else much unusual?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...fascinating how you can have three people (...or more...) do 'International Music' programs - & each be so distinct, & expressive of a singular personality.
Strange how much different Artists' tracks chosen & segued as a Webio Program can express a personality so effectively...Thx Mayuko !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Wonderful show Mayuko, I'll try to catch some of your later show!

Oh no. I forgot to listen
to your show again Mayuko chan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Thanks for the terrific music! And, Ike, there are always a couple of interesting booths at the fair, food-wise, but it's mostly jerk Chicken, Italian sausages, and grilled corn
Avatar 7:02pm

Thank you all so much for listening! Have a beautiful summer week, everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:27pm

I think this show broke my clicky-star record. I'd love to hear Marewrew live, I've been asking about making it happen but it would take several venues sharing the cost for a tour. No easy thing. I think the best bet in Paris would be the Japanese cultural center, but that's a long shot. They do have a great space though, and seem open.
Avatar 12:48am

Japanese cultural center sounds like a kind of venue they could possibly get a grant from The Japan Foundation or something to play at. They've been working with Oki (probably you know him?, the well known Ainu Tonkori player) and opened up for his band Oki Dub Ainu Band so if he is touring there's a chance Marewrew coming with them? I guess I should keep an eye on this too!
Avatar 12:49am

And thank you for listening, I am so happy you enjoyed this show, fred.
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