Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from August 8, 2016 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting August 8, 2016: Axial Tilt (with Special Guest Solo Organ)

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Photo by Sebastian Irigaray

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
The Average Disco Band  Eleanor Rigby   Favoriting Music of the Beatles Goes Disco  H&L  1977  LP      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jebadiah  Get Off of My Cloud   Favoriting Rock 'N' Soul  Epic  1978  LP      0:06:33 (Pop-up)
Ray T. Jones  Hey Tonight/Proud Mary/Born on the Bayou/Have You Ever Seen the Rain/Dance on the Corner/Who'll Stop the Rain/Up Around the Bend/Hey Tonight Reprise   Favoriting 12" single  Rio  1981  12"      0:11:58 (Pop-up)
Silver Blue  Light My Fire   Favoriting single  Epic  1978  45      0:16:57 (Pop-up)
The Valverde Brothers  Layla   Favoriting single  Hansa International  1978  MP3      0:20:27 (Pop-up)
Santa Esmeralda Starring Jimmy Goings  The House of the Rising Sun   Favoriting single  Philips  1977  45      0:24:40 (Pop-up)
Rosebud  Money   Favoriting Discoballs: A Tribute to Pink Floyd  Collector's Choice Music  2008  CD  From 1977    0:28:17 (Pop-up)
Evelyn "Champagne" King, The Brothers, Vicki Sue Robinson, Revelation, NYCC  Age of Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In   Favoriting Disco Spectacular Inspired by the Film "Hair"  RCA  1979  LP      0:32:14 (Pop-up)
Money Chicha  Echo en Mexico   Favoriting Money Chicha  Vampi Soul  2016  CD    *   0:49:57 (Pop-up)
Pepe Sánchez y Su Rock-Band  Sentimiento   Favoriting Regresion  Pharaway Sounds  2016  CD  From 1976  *   0:53:43 (Pop-up)
Mexrrissey  Entre Más Me Ignoras, Más Cerca Estaré   Favoriting No Manchester  Cooking Vinyl  2016  CD    *   0:58:55 (Pop-up)
Papá Topo  Chico de Plutón   Favoriting Opalo Negro  Elefant  2016  CD    *   1:01:49 (Pop-up)
Las Kellies  Sugar Beat   Favoriting Friends & Lovers  Fire  2016  CD    *   1:03:43 (Pop-up)
Linda Guilala  Monstruo   Favoriting Psiconáutica  Elefant  2016  CD    *   1:07:53 (Pop-up)
Aldemaro Romero y Su Onda Nueva  Irene   Favoriting Venezuela 70 - Cosmic Visions of a Latin American Earth - Venezuelan Experimental Rock in the 1970s  Soul Jazz  2016  CD  From 1977  *   1:12:09 (Pop-up)
Caetano Veloso  Irene   Favoriting Caetano Veloso  Philips    CD  From 1969    1:16:42 (Pop-up)
Bossacucanova  Águas de Março   Favoriting The Best of Bossacucanova  Six Degrees  2016  CD  Vocal: Cris Delanno  *   1:20:26 (Pop-up)
Single File: a bunch of 45s in a row
Lisa Burns  When You Walk in the Room   Favoriting single  MCA  1978  45      1:32:32 (Pop-up)
Shirley and Lee  Do You Mean to Hurt Me So   Favoriting single  Aladdin  1956  45      1:35:03 (Pop-up)
Lee Raymond  Ever on My Mind   Favoriting single  World Pacific  1968  45      1:37:07 (Pop-up)
Bashung  Gaby Oh! Gaby   Favoriting single  Philips  1980  45      1:39:14 (Pop-up)
Scandal  Goodbye to You   Favoriting single  Columbia  1982  45      1:42:56 (Pop-up)
Bobby Bare  I Took a Memory to Lunch   Favoriting single  Rice  1974  45      1:46:38 (Pop-up)
The Pazant Brothers  Fever   Favoriting single  RCA  1969  45      1:49:27 (Pop-up)
John Cale  Rosegarden Funeral of Sores   Favoriting single  Spy  1980  45      1:52:17 (Pop-up)
Wilson Pickett  It's Too Late   Favoriting single  Double L  1963  45      1:57:54 (Pop-up)
Solo Organ Live on WFMU. Doug Katelus: Lowrey organ. Engineered by Mario Santana. Recorded on July 29th, 2016.
Solo Organ  Untitled / As the World Weeps / Untitled / Axis   Favoriting Live on WFMU            2:12:28 (Pop-up)
Solo Organ  Interview   Favoriting Live on WFMU            2:28:48 (Pop-up)
Matthew Bourne  Somewhere I Have Never Travelled (For Coral Evans)   Favoriting Moogmemory  Leaf  2015  CD      2:35:50 (Pop-up)
Silver Apples  Oscillations   Favoriting Silver Apples  MCA  1997  CD  From 1968    2:42:50 (Pop-up)
Minami Deutsch  Sunrise, Sunset   Favoriting Minami Deutsch  Captcha  2015  CD      2:45:39 (Pop-up)
Nels Cline  The Bond   Favoriting Lovers  Blue Note  2016  CD    *   2:52:28 (Pop-up)

Photo by Sebastian Irigaray

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Listener comments!


Yipyip. happyhappy Boingboing

Morning Disco Joe! Looking forward to your show today.
Avatar 9:04am
Wild Neil:

PEACE Joe et al. This song must really really really piss off hardcore Beatles Fans...I think its funny! This is like their best song....really its a shame...reminds me a little of New Order to be quite honest!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Marcel M:

Uh oh... we doing 3 hours of Disco Rigby?

Morning Joe!
Avatar 9:04am

Super excited for Solo Organ today!
Avatar 9:05am

(wow!!! Duke!! i swear i haven't heard that since '72!!) thanks for the link!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

This DJ will not rest until all "Eleanor Rugby" covers make the airwaves!
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Good morning.... uh oh... eleanor rigby.. is this gonna be... one of those?!
Avatar 9:07am

@marcel - "Disco Rigby" is a great name
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Nice morning send off!

Hahahahahahaha!! This version is too much!
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Yo Yo YO....Yo YO MA!

Jebediah has a little Tom Jones and his voice
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Hey, You, Joe ... Good morning!
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Joe McG:

Hey, everybody! Come and join me on my cloud! (Sheila B.!)
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Get off, get off
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Guido from Cologne:

Hello Joe & everyone!
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Guido from Cologne:

Finally I understand the lyrics
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adrian in mpls:

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Dancing in my Head here at work!
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Uncle Michael:

My soul has been disco-delicized.

I have a feeling this Monday's gonna be prittttttty great with all these upbeat tunes!
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guido, i said the same thing to myself, too.. wow
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Wild Neil:

Great, its every CCR song we all know as a hit....
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Joe McG:

A disco beat improves everything!
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@wildneil - no bad moon rising!? not every!
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ahem....ARRRGH! oh, hi folks. :)

The dude is very glad that you found his credence tape and is shaking his booty on the dance floor
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Guido from Cologne:

Guess this a tape loop providing the basic beat

I hope this is the guy the fake CCR uses
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i think there is a pattern to Joe's madness....
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hot dog!!

Joe you're killing me!! (in the best way of course). Breathy sexy disco Light My Fire!
Avatar 9:19am

this is going to be a legendary show, i betcha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am

I thought Eleanor Rigby worked quite well with the disco treatment.
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Joe McG:

@sheilab: SUCH an improvement on the original! ;)
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this is bringing up memories of first learning guitar and trying to get that main riff to Layla down.... weird they called Clapton "slow hand"
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Howdy Joe and all
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@annie Glad you liked that!
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@bobdoesthings - did Duane Allman play the main riff?
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just sent you a thank-you immensely email! i knew eventually it coma back around on the gee-tar.
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Marcel M:

@Bob: I have wondered that myself so I looked it up just now, actualy doesn't have to do with his playing style: "The English audiences would wait out the delay by doing what is called a "slow handclap". Clapton's nickname of 'Slowhand' came from Giorgio Gomelsky, a pun on the slow handclapping that ensued when Clapton stopped playing while he replaced a string."
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@sphere - ohhh, you might be right on that. that explains it.. that Layla riff is kinda explosive
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hehe i was just thinking how a disco cover of HotRS would have to be damn good..and there it is!
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You can usually find me here on Monday mornings
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@marcel - hah, thanks. I'm leanring so much this morning. <3wfmu
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Brian in UK:

Hey Joe

Scroll down to Quiero Creedence to see a review of a Creedence covers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am
Joe McG:

Thanks, Brian, I would LIKE to hear a cumbia version of "Bad Moon Rising."
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Brian in UK:

I thought this was a Bobby Hebb cover.
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Joe McG:

OK, one more and I'll leave the classic rock disco alone...for today.
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oh no joe say it ain't so! that'd be like taking my crack pipe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am
Joe McG:

@annie: Now, would I do that? :)
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Joe McG:

Jimmy Goings, in case you need a visual: i.ytimg.com...
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Wild Neil:

Some disco-like the song played in The Martian or American Hustle are pretty good.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Hammer, I beseech thee: don't hurt these good people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am

I 100% agree with you Joe!
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Brian in UK:

Joe, guess you like Jose Feliciano's version of Light My Fire?

"...inspired by the film Hair" , interesting, the film was a whole different iteration than the stage production
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its pornographic in the way that Georgia OKeefe paintings of flowers were pornographic - 2.bp.blogspot.com...
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Cheri Pi:

belated Yipyips to everyone

And let's hear it for "Vaguely Pornographic Album Covers"!
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Oops I meant - img.discogs.com...
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Joe McG:

@bobdt: You are precisely right!
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Joe McG:

@Brian: No, it's not a super favorite. But I like his version of "Hi Heel Sneakers."
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Wild Neil:

@Bobdoesthings-that is vaguely disturbing!
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Brian in UK:

Joe, me neither.

@bobdoesthings, read that as Latex Disco.
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Uncle Michael:

Money Chicha kicks complete and utter ass.
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Brian in UK:

There is a Georgia O'Keefe exhibition on at Tate Modern in London right now.
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Marcel M:

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Jeff Golick:

Morrismexy was taken?
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Tim 07030:

Hi Joe! "Echo en Mexico". Clever clever!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am
Joe McG:

What would "The Smiths" be in Mexico?
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Just wanted to say again how much I'm loving this show. These Spanish-language newbies are so fun!
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Wild Neil:

@Joe McG-"Los Gonzaleses"?
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Joe McG:

@djSB: And there's Ozzy! :) @Neil: In the U.S. "Garcia" is #1, according to Google.
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Brian in UK:

Painful with a cactus in the back pocket.
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Wild Neil:

I miss the desert southwest town of Las Cruces, NM very much, home of New Mexico State University, altitude about 4,500 ft asl.
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Wild Neil:

Sorry, 3,900 ft.
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Thanks, Joe. I missed it the first time.
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Brian in UK:

Got an African feel to it, Joe.
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Joe McG:

@Brian: This new Venezuelan Soul Jazz comp is a killer diller.
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Born in Texas. Can you hear the twang?
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just say "waters of March" like you just did.

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i can't see the olympics b/c i CUT THE CORD
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some poor kayaker got hit by a floating couch.
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they should have the ceremonies up by now.
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i used to watch them when the feeds were live. now they're all canned and way too flashy. i'll take the high school track competitions. oh, they're accepting couches as flotation devices now?
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Brazil always brings it - the closing ceremonies had Marisa Monte, BNegão and Seu Jorge. B did a rap version of Marcatu Atomico. doca helped me out with that!
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Tom Y.:

Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil sang "Isto Aqui, O que É?" with a young female pop star. It was great, but of course, the camera focused on the pop star, and Matt Lauer didn't mention who the other guys were until they cut to commercial.
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yeah, NBC sucks about the musical stuff.
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Tom Y.:

The way they state the obvious DURING the songs drives me nuts.
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Joe McG:

@SueA: I don't blame you! @Cecile/TomY: Sounds like good stuff, but bummed that Veloso and Gil got sidelined.
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Brian in UK:

World Pacific was a varied label.
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they didn't show fricking Ray Davies set during the closing ceremonies at the London Olympics.
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I was happy they didn't cut away from Jorge, et al at the London Olympics. I mean, it was less than ten minutes.
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am

joe! all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am
Joe McG:

Hey, common! Did I already tell you Liz's shirt looks great? If I didn't, I am now.

Bashung is great. He had made a record with Gainsbourg.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Joe McG:

@yvang: He was around a long time. He may still be, for all I know!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

When Beavis and Butt-head was on the air, they sang "Good bye to poo!" Hoo boy.
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amazing how the band that made this fun single and video made the bloated and unintentionally hilarious Warrior.
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Brian in UK:

@Ken it is not clever and it is not grown up. Now tidy up the pencils and bring them to the front of the class.
Dennis Diken:

nice show Joe. I dug that Lee Raymond cut
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some pretty soul crushing songs this morning
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Joe McG:

Hey Dennis, thanks for tuning in! Nice little light psyche record, no?
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such a great selection of music this morning joe
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Another 10 c.c. of silly ought to do it ...
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Joe McG:

Why, thanks cee and annie! @MD: You so sick! :)
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Morning, Lake Bro Joe!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

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Joe McG:

@Greg: Now, wasn't that just the funnest time ever? @Rev: Hey, Rev!
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Marcel M:

Woahhhhhh Bauhaus cover. Never heard this.
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@MD: I bet you'd like "You Never Even Called Me by My Name" (Goodman and Prine)
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@brian- one of my all-time favorites
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am
Joe McG:

@Marcel: Really? Didn't know Bauhaus covered this.
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Marcel M:

@Joe: I thought they did the original!
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Marcel M:

You learned me something new, Joe!
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Joe McG:

@Marcel: It's a song that certainly suits them! But Cale wrote it.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Only ever heard th'Bauhaus, myself...
I done learned what Marcel learned.
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Hmm, someone ought to do a Steve Goodman show.
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thats a pretty good scratch... ala Pierre Bastien
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I think it was doing that last night. CD Player 2.
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I didn't appreciate it.
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over the intimate music.
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she prolly sold more records than Patti Smith, so I think it turned out OK for her.
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I'm saving my marathon premium discs to enjoy on the 4 1/2 hour ride up to Cooperstown this Friday.
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You ought to have a honku competition.
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Marcel M:

Looking forward to this!
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hey ChrisB, say hi to Larry for me if he's showing his face...
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Joe McG:

Doug's website: www.douglaskatelus.com...
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this is cooooooool
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Having flashbacks to my sweet departed Optigan™ some 30 years ago. [heavy sigh]... There must have been an organ disc that loaded a similar sound.

Lovely stuff, this.
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Joe McG:

And bandcamp page: soloorgan.bandcamp.com...
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thanks Joe, love this guy!
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I want an organ.
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Mike East:

sorry, missed the intro. Is this on the studio's Lowery organ or did the artist bring in their own instrument?
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This is such good stuff. Love the Floyd cover of Atom Heart Mother that he does!
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Joe McG:

@Mike: Yes, this is on our studio organ. You'll hear at one point that he starts putting matchbooks in the keys.
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Mike East:

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Nice, he has a Bandcamp page. I had to find, er, certain methods to capture this stuff from Soundcloud and download it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18am
Mike East:

Oops...clearly written right there
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Wild Neil:

@Rev Turnip-saw an Optigan in a music store in summer of 2000 in Ann Arbor...could you just write your own discs? I always wondered if that would work....
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I was in Ann Arbor then ...
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Brian in UK:

@βrian anyone who had a record label called Red Pyjamas has my vote. Mr Goodman was a good man.
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Joe McG:

@donc: I recommend you pick it up if you see the LP. It's a keeper and it's also on lovely blue vinyl.
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Brian in UK:

@Joe matchbooks unlike Keith Emerson with knives.
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Wild Neil:

@Brian-I had an engineering internship at Visteon in Monroe Michigain...and lived in an apt. tower next to a tiny little Dutch Reformed Church...
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

@Neil: Dunno about writing your own discs from scratch, but there was a certain thing with glitching existing discs. Loved that instrument.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Mrs. Druid is from nearby Livonia, MI -- Thus I've had reason to discover the outstanding vinyl shopping in Ann Arbor...
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Joe McG:

I'll post some pics on the playlist after the show. As usual, I forgot to upload them.
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Wild Neil:

Ann Arbor is just a cool university town in many respects!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

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It's just not the same without the Del Rio, though ...
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this really sounds like my lowry holiday with magic genie. my new axe
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but if it is one, how did he get it in the studio? weighs a ton and is massive
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Joe McG:

@Davis: We have one that a generous listener donated.
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brian, ITA.
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thats great Joe, cool donation
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am

@Wild Neil: it's analog, so I guess writing your own would be feasible. But you would need the right equipment, I don't think a regular lathe would do the job, even with the right disc material
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Wiggwaum - soundcloud.com...
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Joe McG:

Thanks, bob, you're way ahead of me!
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@joe - no problem
ALSO - Vimeo - vimeo.com...
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Wild Neil:

@Fred-my understanding is that the waveform is printed on a clear acetate or mylar...it could be drafted carefully AutoCAD or even by hand and then printed on acetate in a regular printer if it can handle acetate....
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Joe McG:

Many thanks to Doug for coming and playing on the show!
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arent Optigan discs just clear plastic discs with patterns etched onto them in black, passing or blocking light? i dont seen any reason you couldnt make your own with the right tools...
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it was great
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Neil: Yep -- I think the whole glitching thing might be as simple as "editing" the concentric circular bands with marks via sharpie/permanent marker... I never had the nerve since mine was pre-internet & didn't know if I'd ever find more discs..
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

thus, loading a disc upside down would make a reverse-gate effect, playing sounds backwards, etc...
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Joe McG:

Look for the session on the FMA in a couple of weeks.
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Brian in UK:

I remember Richards Youngs playing a stunning set on the Lowery.
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Wild Neil:

@Steve-the plastic I saw was maybe .005" (5 mils) and it was merely printed.
I'm willing to bet there are performance limitations on waveforms that are too "Radical" to output...which would be interesting to hear! Interesting sysesthesic problem! I wonder if you could load DaVinci drawings and play them? Probably only one wave at a time permitted.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am

God this sounds so good at the shop.
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Joe McG:

@Brian: Yes, that session is a gem!
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@Neil: I doubt a regular printer would handle acetate. A sharpie would do the job for glitches but not much control there. And I thought about that (playing pictures) too. Probably would sound like a big mess, but it could be interesting. Many people do that with digital pics after all
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Wild Neil:

@Fred-you can....see this...www.staples.com...
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Marcel M:

OSCILLATIONS! Really dug that Solo Organ.
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@BUK: Are you growing sweet corn, at all? We're utterly awash in corn and tomatoes. Dreamy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47am

@Neil: nice... I guess you could then affix that to a clear disc so that it can be put into the Optigan...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am


is minami deutsch a michael rother project? neu!-ish
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am

Minami Deutsch seems to have a Europe tour coming next month! Unlikely to stop in my backwater area though
@mary: they're Japanese
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am
Joe McG:

@mary: Certainly inspired by him! A guy named Kyotaro Miula is behind it. They're Japanese.

thanks... I shall search
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Brian in UK:

@βrian Yes we are but were very late planting so a poor crop is likely. No a big fan of corn myself but the chooks will vacuum it up.

Joe, so good to see you at the lake. Enjoyed hearing your laughter ring out repeatedly during the screening of Patrick Swayze's "Roadhouse." Great show today!
Avatar 11:54am
Wild Neil:

TWO clicky stars in a row! Silver Apples and Minami Deutsch...Cool!
@Fred-I did not know it had a hard plastic disk, my bad....memory is faulty sometimes...but I feel a LOT better taking B12 supplements now, no pains and aches not as tired....
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Joe McG:

@Clay: What a pleasure to hang out with such nice people! Glad we had that moment.
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great show Joe! Thanks!!
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Jeff Golick:

Thanks, Joe! This Nels Cline record is very fine.
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Marcel M:

Thanks Joe, loved this whole last set.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:55am
Brian in UK:

Is there ever a bad show? Rhetorical comment.
Hope everyone has an easy week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am
Joe McG:

Thanks, bob! I hope everyone had a nice time today. Thanks for listening and commenting, everyone! Have a great week!
Avatar 11:57am

@BUK: Really? Hereabouts, we have sweet corn in our blood. (And an ample supply of dental floss, naturally.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

@Neil: don't take my word on this, I have never seen one!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:58am
Brian in UK:

@βrian but the body cannot process it.
Avatar 11:58am

A little movie-music-ish, no? I've always been a sucker for the stuff.
Avatar 11:59am

@BUK: "This too shall pass."
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