Favoriting Seven Second Delay with Andy and Ken: Playlist from September 14, 2016 Favoriting

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The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw. (Visit homepage.)

Wednesday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting September 14, 2016: Andy's in the Studio, and Ken Isn't!

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Andy & Ken  0:00:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Hookers and Ferris Wheels
Matt in Hillsborough:

jersey city's about to get a whole lot more badass B>)

Yes he does write for NJ.com

Can we go back to making crank calls to old people?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

wouldn't be 7sd without gum chewing.

OMG Scott or Nick can you somehow prevent Andy from talking over the guests? And Ken and Andy from talking over each other? I realize this might be a fantasy.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

scottc - or making old calls to cranky people.

There might be some possibilities here for WFMU. Monty Hall casino and music hall, anyone ? The name would still work well.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Keep dreaming Veronica
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
Scott Williams:

@Veronica, hahaha! not likely :)

@dale, I suggest making cold calls to antsy people.

Thank you Aaron in Minneapolis. I will keep dreaming. Tell the guys to ask Terrence about what Mr. Fireman said about the benefits of a JC casino!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

casinos are built in vacant areas with the idea that people will travel. but put a casino where the people already are and WOO HOO!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

wfmu casino night and tricky tray.
Avatar 6:24pm
Pat Byrne:

Sam's parents are the reason Liberty State Park is there. They founded it and made it a reality.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

My city got hold of Paris' ferris wheel after they finished with it, and it ran in Birmimgham (UK) with the Paris commentary for a short time. Alas, I missed it.
el BO-bO:

I support this kid. Im 100,000,000,000.00% AGAINST ANY CASINOS OR RACETRACKS NEAR LIBERTY OR ANY OTHER PARK GODDAMN IT. ITS ALL FXING GREED. In Philadelphia they opened Sugarhouse and I fuxing hate it. GO SAM.
Avatar 6:33pm
Pat Byrne:

Jersey City: America's Golden Shower
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

i get all my sportsy news from fmu. and my tampon news.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

ha ha! 'i don't want any scumbags in my pot smoking area'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Marcel M:


guys I love this topic. I especially love it when Andy is serious about something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

they just move slowly, so that you have several seconds to enter the pod. it. never. stops.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Marcel M:

DJs could kill time there before and after the graveyard shifts.
el BO-bO:

CASINOs are breeding ground for the MAFIA: Russian, Italian, Mexican, Lavender and Andy's.

Oh Pseu , please .
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good show, hosts. Yay!
Erik in Berlin:

I loved this show! I actually thought, "Could Ken and Andy be the future of local news, filling the hole left by a moribund press and clickbait run amok?"
Erik in Berlin:

As to the race track: here in Berlin we've hosted the E-prix twice. Not that i watched it, but here you had super fast cars, world class drivers, and real excitement. Racing done right can be a good promotional tool for alternative tech. Plus, there would be no real difficulty having bike races there, which might be a draw for the folks who bought all that fancy equipment these past years.
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