Favoriting Ridgewood Radio with David Weinstein: Playlist from October 12, 2016 Favoriting

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Ridgewood Radio features concert recordings by adventurous bands and experimental musicians and restored archival tapes from private and institutional collections captured at venues large and small across the five boroughs of New York. It is produced by David Weinstein and Outpost Artists Resources operating out of the Ridgewood section of Queens, NY, where you'll find more yellow bricks than on the road to Oz and the cemetery of your choice is never more than a few blocks from home.

Wednesday 5 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting October 12, 2016: Uncertainty Principals

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A page from Cornelius Cardew's Treatise

Artist Track Album Comments
Hello!      Intro music: Kulira Kwambewa by Malawi Mouse Boys. Music behind DJ: Beethoven, Piano Sonata Opus 111 
Connie Crothers Quartet  Live set   Favoriting Deep Friendship, A CD Release Celebration  Recorded 4/2/14 at Roulette. Connie Crothers, piano, Richard Tabnik, alto saxophone, Ken Filiano, bass, Roger Mancuso, drums 
Pale Horse  Live set   Favoriting from the Fire over Heaven series, curated by Greg Fox  Recorded 6/24/2015 at the Outpost; Brian Chase drums, Jeremiah Cymerman clarinet, Christopher Hoffman cello, all with electronics 
Ingrid Laubrock, Briggan Krauss, Talibam!, and Smomid  Live set   Favoriting Work series, curated by Talibam!  Recorded 6/7/16 at The Sump. Ingrid Laubrock, tenor sax, Briggan Krauss, alto sax, Talibam! (Matt Mottel, synth, Kevin Shea, drums), Smomid (Nick Demopoulos), modular midi synth 
Prasanna  Live set   Favoriting Pioneer Works Musicians in Residence  Recorded 3/29/2016 at Pioneer Works. Electric guitarist Prasanna of Brooklyn Raga Massive in a traditional instrumental set with mridangam player Akshay Anantapadmanabhan. Excerpt. 

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Listener comments!

David W:

I've lost Ruth! Going to hunt for her.
David W:

Found her watering her plants and playing with her birds.
Avatar 2:21pm

Whew! Hello To both of you!
David W:

Hello! Running from somewhere? To somewhere?
Avatar 2:31pm

Cartoon expression of relief you found Ruth. :)

Enjoying CCQ!
David W:

Yeah, Ruth is enjoying out of doors. Can't get her into the dark studio today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm
Dave in Vermont:

been listening and thank you and still listening
David W:

All Dave's extra welcome!
Avatar 2:56pm

Avatar 2:56pm

David W:

Thanks, digging along...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm

Sorry I couldn't make it to the open studios thing on Oct. 1. Next time! Also, ain't no apostrophe in "Daves".
Avatar 3:14pm

(whispering: hi ngh,Ike...)
David W:

Ah yes! That Ridgewood show is on view here until Oct. 22 though you did miss the big bash.
David W:

How about "any Dave's extra welcome"?

David W:

Welcome Jake!
Avatar 3:21pm

hellos.... alllsss!

Wait, is the Sump, Poppers? I'm confused.
David W:

The Sump is indeed the back room of Poppers but has since become an independent joint.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm

@DW@3:16, nope, not unless something belongs to a single Dave that I'm not seeing! If there's several of me then that's a passel of Ikes, many of Jake is a horde of Jakes, and many of northguineahills is... uh... actually I have no idea about that one. ;) #obnoxiouscopyeditorsunite
David W:

That's just plain beautiful.

There are a few Jakes out there. I worked in an office with about 5 Courtneys. It was hilarious, charming and headache inducing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

Courtneys tend to be cute so I can't imagine that was too terrible! There are two Joes right next to each other in my office. One is a big fan of WFMU (though more of a Dave Hill-Sheila B.-Jones-Pat Byrne-7SD kind of listener).

@Ike: All of the Courtney's were cute. A few were obnoxious. It was work.
David W:

For a time when I was at PS1 there was, within 20 feet of each other, an Alanna, Elena, Jelena, Elna, and I think one other close enough to confuse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38pm

@Jake, now you're just trying to provoke me! Ha.

@Ike: Ha! I've worked for some very fancy people with very attractive/cute staff and when all is said and done they just be people and some are just insufferable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43pm

No, I mean because of that apostrophe. Not intentional? Just a typo? I'm sick today so I may be prone to overreaction and paranoia. The apostrophes are out to get me!!!!

David W:

The "Courtneys are cute thing" is not cool.

@DaveW: That "Elena" scenario sounds scary. Since there had to be at least a few pronunciation clarifications as well.
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