Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from October 27, 2016 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Favoriting October 27, 2016

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Koivistolaiset  Jättiläinen (Mr. Giant Man)   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Xray Spex  Oh Bondage Up Yours!   Favoriting 0:04:55 (Pop-up)
Magazine  I Love You You Big Dummy   Favoriting 0:05:55 (Pop-up)
Buzzcocks  Somethings Gone Wrong Again   Favoriting 0:09:47 (Pop-up)
Devo  Mongoloid   Favoriting 0:13:52 (Pop-up)
Flying Saucer Attack  Outdoor Miner (Wire Cover)   Favoriting 0:17:49 (Pop-up)
New York Dolls  Trash (promo 7")   Favoriting 0:29:39 (Pop-up)
Led Zeppelin  Four Sticks   Favoriting 0:32:31 (Pop-up)
Osmonds  Crazy Horses   Favoriting 0:37:07 (Pop-up)
Skullflower  Rift   Favoriting 0:39:34 (Pop-up)
F/i  Five Crowns of the Saxon King   Favoriting 0:45:21 (Pop-up)
Schizo (Richard Pinhas)  Le Voyageur   Favoriting 0:50:52 (Pop-up)
The Carpenters  Superstar   Favoriting 0:55:50 (Pop-up)
Procol Harum  A Salty Dog   Favoriting 1:11:29 (Pop-up)
The Beatles  I Am the Walrus   Favoriting 1:19:40 (Pop-up)
Al Stewart  Turn into Earth   Favoriting 1:21:44 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  See Emily Play   Favoriting 1:23:48 (Pop-up)
Peter Pan & The Good Fairies  Kaleidoscope   Favoriting 1:26:36 (Pop-up)
The Fairytale  Guess I was Dreaming   Favoriting 1:28:43 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  Tell Me   Favoriting 1:31:47 (Pop-up)
Jean Claude Vannier  L'Enfant au Royaume des Mouches   Favoriting 1:45:18 (Pop-up)
Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin  Je T'Aime...Moi Non Plus   Favoriting 1:45:52 (Pop-up)
The Bob Crewe Generation Orchestra  Music to Watch Girls By   Favoriting 1:49:56 (Pop-up)
Tashi Wada  Gradient   Favoriting 1:50:57 (Pop-up)
Michael Esposito & Chris Connelly  The Phantoms of Purgatory   Favoriting 1:53:59 (Pop-up)
Bren't Lewiis Ensemble  O Jackie O   Favoriting 1:59:55 (Pop-up)
Ketty Lester  Love Letters   Favoriting 1:59:55 (Pop-up)
Johnny Thunder  I'm Alive   Favoriting 2:16:47 (Pop-up)
The Smith  Baby It's You   Favoriting 2:17:08 (Pop-up)
Marsha Hunt  I Walk on Gilded Splinters   Favoriting 2:20:53 (Pop-up)
The Notations  Super People   Favoriting 2:23:45 (Pop-up)
Bronx River Parkway  Aqua Con Sal   Favoriting 2:27:28 (Pop-up)
Ravi Harris & The Prophets  Thunderbird pt. 1   Favoriting 2:31:39 (Pop-up)
Michael Rother  Flammende Herzen   Favoriting 2:39:44 (Pop-up)
The Human League  Nightclubbing   Favoriting 2:42:49 (Pop-up)
The Normal  Warm Leatherette   Favoriting 2:45:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm
Michael 98145:

great start !!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

Gah! Love!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm

Ha, That sounded just like my grandpa Vilho there singing Mr. Giant Man.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm
Rich in Washington:

I must be listening to too many Halloween shows; it sounded like Poly shrieked 'Oh Zombies, up yours!'
Avatar 3:07pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Hi Fabio and everyone, interesting intro today!

Ciao Faibio and Zombies of Failure
Agent Peter:

Kickin' it ole skool with Fabio
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm
Michael 98145:

geez i love these SGS weeks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello, everybody. I was just contemplating what a Failure Scale would look like. For example, a 1.0 would be breaking a shoelace and 10.0 would be "I just caused WWIII." Need to have a web site like www.rateafailure.com to keep track of failures.
Avatar 3:12pm

great music for reading comic books. thanks Fabio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12pm
Rich in Washington:

back in the dark ages before the internet, I remember going over to this dude's house just to tape records from his collection - he was my roommates classmate, some rich kid who brought tons of records home from frequent trips overseas.
I remember taping Buzzcock's SIngles Going Steady and the tape ran out towards the end of this song. I still expect this song to sudden flutter out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:14pm
Sem Chumbo:

Sounds GIANT out here, Fabio. Hiya, and hello to the strengthened, one and all.
Avatar 3:15pm

I got my energy dome on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

Some women in my town are doing a Halloween Buzzcocks tribute called Buzz c**ts (censored for the active playlist)

a.k.a. failure of ploidy

I do believe Rodney Bingenheimer at KROQ was the first to play this record on air in the US. By the next weekend I'd acquired it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17pm
Sem Chumbo:

I miss the flowerpot hats.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17pm
Michael 98145:

( we just watched "Mayor of Sunset Strip" :)
V Priceless:

Go Fabio!

That's an odd docu, isn't it, Michael in Seattle?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm
Michael 98145:

^ yes, kind of sad

Agreed. Sad, especially given the positive effect he has had on the promotion of so many musicians' careers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm

never liked the flowerpot hats. i'm more of a yellow jumpsuit guy!

...greetings Fabio & Failures

Holy cow, I wish I didn't have to go to work. I can tell already this is going to be a great show.

Would love a week of Box Sets Going Steady.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm
Sem Chumbo:

Hey, coel.
I thought orange jumpsuits were more your style?
Agent Peter:

Rezillos version of Flying Saucer Attack wasn't a bad thing

I managed to catch them a few times when they had relocated to LA, pre-big-time. They were living with the mother of a later friend of mine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm

Rich (iW) we did that too. and i recorded many of my own records too (to preserve the album) and when i recorded SGS i knew it wouldn't fit so i put orgasm addict at the end because i didn't like it too much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm
Michael 98145:

yes, Magazine WAS great
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:28pm

Ha Sem! i don't think either works for me but if it's a hazmat jumpsuit yellow works!

99 MacDougal it was. Got my first pair of Doc Martens there.

@ Fabio: SGS inspires waves of nostalgia in listeners as well as DJs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm
Guido from Cologne:

my humble memory says Lora Logic left before they profesionally recorded. But I might be wrong.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Rich in Washington:

@coelacanth: and it was the only portable way to listen to music. I think up until fairly recently, I would tape a record and maybe never listen to the record itself again until I needed to tape it again for some reason.
Also, there is this meme going around with younger people that cassettes 'sounded terrible' - which is why 'no one listens to them anymore'. Pure hogwash.
Avatar 3:34pm
Cheri Pi:

Heya Fab, really enjoying the show

Hey Fabs, I alwaus love your punk, 70's 80s selections. Thanks, man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Who says you need more than four sticks to get through life?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm

Kickin ass today, Fabio
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm

@Rich: In the late 70's to early 80's, I would carry a smallish tape recorder in a custom fabric bag my mother had made for me. It was probably 3 times the size of a Walman, but these things were expensive back then
Avatar 3:38pm

is this what this sounds like a regular speed? weird

Love this!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
Rich in Washington:

Yep. People forget what a game changer the Walkman (and subsequent knockoffs were) in terms of how we listened to music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
Rich in Washington:

I think a lot of us are used to hearing it played at the wrong speed.
Avatar 3:39pm

I can remember a girl played Crazy Horses for me when I was 7yo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm

Rich that's just what i did. some of those tapes from the 80s have never failed and i've yet to play the record again since then!

...people are just wrong!
there was a producer interviewed on fmu recently who engineered the ramones' first album and they did a back-to-back comparison on air - the original record & the remastered cd. he said (since he's the remasterer) he liked the new one better. "...the snare snaps"!
BULLSHIT! it sounded like crap compared to the original.
(just sayin)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm
Michael 98145:

^ i still have one in my desk

I remember being at a Neil YOung show and seeing someone had a small tape recorder attached to a crutch!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
Michael 98145:

whatever happened to google glass ??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
Rich in Washington:

Craig Leon. He was the original Ramones producer, also Suicide, countless new wave bands. His own music is pretty amazing, too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm
Sem Chumbo:

Dynamite run of spins. Wow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm

it was Greg Calbi, Rich. he mastered the original.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
Guido from Cologne:

F/i !!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Oh yeah. Greg Calbi was on Michael Shelley a couple weeks ago. www.wfmu.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm

...occasionally remastered is better, but usually not. after trying brand new vinyls,i ultimately was happy with remastered cds of some albums that were poorly produced originally. (love it to death; layla & other love songs; plastic surgery disasters, ie)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53pm
Guido from Cologne:

I think the Calbi interviews (I recommend the first one) teach a lot

Calbi explains how the original tapes suffer if not stored professionally and that in many cases the original mint vinyl is the best source. Thus re-mastering often is necessary to get an aged master back to live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:54pm

right, Ken. it was a good interview, but i don't agree with him about sound.
- why do some people think everything should be crisp and snappy? an album like "ramones" loses its guts then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
Rich in Washington:

ah, I see. I assumed you meant producer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
Sem Chumbo:

..and, the change-up. Well played.
Avatar 3:57pm
Linda Lee:

good afternoon! that copy of 'Superstar' sounds slow.
Avatar 3:57pm
Linda Lee:

doesn't seem slow enough to be intentional!

Karen Carpenter might be a good halloween costume... Karen Carpenter alive, that is...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
! I X SpooKey !:

Avatar 3:59pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Beautiful at any speed
Avatar 3:59pm
Linda Lee:

attached to a drum kit?

Sounds like Cher
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:59pm

love the show so far - karen carpenter at 42 rpm?
Avatar 4:01pm
Linda Lee:

Dale ~ definitely!
Avatar 4:01pm
Linda Lee:

well done Fabio!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:03pm

i have his rhizosphere album, bought it mainly based on the cover.
mark r:

Back in Ann Arbor, every neighborhood had trash pickup on Monday morning, and whoever the a.m. DJ was on WCBN (the college station) would always play "Trash" as a reminder to take the trash out before the trucks came.
Avatar 4:06pm
Linda Lee:

god bless Ann Arbor.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm

fortunately i had an older brother, or i might've been listening to crazy horses instead of four sticks in 1972.

still is gem spa and still claims to have the world's best egg cream.
Avatar 4:09pm

Just finished voting here in Florida... In 2000, I moved from FL to NYC an registered to vote before that election. In 2016, I did the exact opposite.
Avatar 4:12pm

@NGH, i voted today. here's hoping for a blue indiana! (slams a 1/4 cup of green tea)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:13pm

is this version from the live with the edmonton philharmonic that gave us conquistador?

i knew you were gonna say cyclomania. used to pop on late night tv back in the day . the bikers have to kill themselves so they can live forever. The imaginative and sometimes comical ways they "do it" is the funnest part of the film.
Avatar 4:14pm
Linda Lee:

must see that film.

I like this guy's voice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm

here's maybe my favorite procol harum song.
Avatar 4:14pm

sounds like it.
Avatar 4:15pm
Linda Lee:

kids today will never know the beautiful synchronicity of late night network tv before cable ..

Love this Procul Harum, Fab. Robin Trower on guitar (when there IS guitar). One of the rare bands that listed their lyricist as a band member. Keith Reid. Great show!
mark r:

This is actually one of my favorite songs, ever. Thanks for playing it.
Avatar 4:16pm

@cory: Time for me to brew some green tea of my own...
Avatar 4:16pm

a few tweet tweets for a salty dog
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Guido from Cologne:

i think I've heard about this group!
mark r:

Actually not to nitpick but the live version is not Robin, the studio recording was. They're both wonderful. And now possibly my favorite Beatles song, weird as that may be. Was "Walrus" really a single? I know "Strawberry Fields" was.
Avatar 4:17pm

Walrus! What a sound.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Rich in Washington:

They may go places, if they play their cards right.
Avatar 4:18pm
Linda Lee:

interesting concept!

def one of the top Procol harem songs, I remember when they toured with a quadrophonic PA system, the seagulls sounded like they were flying over the heads of the audience (anyone else remember when "Quad" was the "future of audio"?
mark r:

I'd have loved to have seen Procol Harum then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm
Sem Chumbo:

Guilty of buying into it, quad.
Avatar 4:19pm

They still sound radical to me. So much content, musically aside from word images.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm
Guido from Cologne:

Beatles was a kind of music school for us kids.
Certain thing took years to love.
But if you learned you'd dig for ever!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:20pm

guy i used to paint houses for back in the 70s told me a story about the butter and egg man in his town who was gay, and what happened while he was standing on a step ladder when the guy was delivering some milk.
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Linda Lee:

oh dear ..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm
Sem Chumbo:

Wasn't "You Know My Name, Look up My Number," the B-side of that?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Steve Martin blew right past quad and went all the way to the googolphonic sound.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm
Guido from Cologne:

it was on the magical mistery tour double ep
Jarvis Katz:

If a modest pledge entitles one to make a request, I'd like to hear "Seven Deadly Finns." It would probably be appreciated by others, too.
Avatar 4:23pm
Linda Lee:

'Turn Into Earth' descends directly from Yardbirds' 'Still I'm Sad', doesn't it ..
Avatar 4:23pm
Chris from DC:

I have missed Jattilainen. Drat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24pm
Guido from Cologne:


One of the most brilliant ever!
Sheer genius!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm

Sounds sounds better than my CD copy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm

Sem, i don't think they released "you know my name" until the b side of "let it be". (?)
Fjolla Hoxha:

Fabio, grazie mille, for this adventurous playlist!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
Sem Chumbo:

Looks like a question for DuckDuckG0, coel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
Guido from Cologne:

.... thaks for the "relics" album that went for 5 deutsch marks.
trhat's how tastes are shaped.
Avatar 4:27pm
Linda Lee:

Fabio was your best friend's older brother ... the one who never let you near his record collection. i can tell. :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm

i bought some quad lps. (pink floyd, for instants) but never finished the process by getting the system.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm
Sem Chumbo:

Correct, @coel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm

- well, i know it's on the let it be single, because i have it.
Avatar 4:28pm

Internet is great but nothing compares to the excitement of following your intuition to the unknown thing you didn't know you were looking for,found in some obscure place no one told you about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm
Guido from Cologne:

Another great one.
fabio plays the hits!
Avatar 4:29pm
Linda Lee:

geezerette ~ ~ absolutely true!!
Avatar 4:29pm
Linda Lee:

those are the experiences that really make us who we are, if ya ask me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29pm
Guido from Cologne:

The Fairytale ... fantstic ... this sinister piano ... thanks to Rubble comps ...

Great mix!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32pm

one thing though: the internet has helped me identify things i recorded from radio decades ago...like "prime mover" which has been getting airplay lately. i recorded it from Paul Cavenaugh's show c. 1984 and even named a mixtape after it, but never knew who did it.
Avatar 4:32pm
Linda Lee:

just last night listening to 'Life' on audio book. this period of the Stones' life as a band was totally insane.
Avatar 4:33pm

Linda Lee, wasn't it lucky to just precede the whole idea of collecting to flip for cash. The most astonishing treasures were completely valueless for the longest time.
Avatar 4:34pm
Linda Lee:

oh, absolutely. i still collect vinyl strangely compared with folks who collect to flip. ie, i don't scan the titles while shopping Lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm

What's in the background?
Avatar 4:37pm

Coel,yeah that is a great thing.

Linda Lee, :) !
Ed Zeppole:

Fabio, Where was the record store? Nostrand and where?
Avatar 4:37pm

some of the best rock 'n' roll was completely cynically and opportunistically created.
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Linda Lee:

absolutely! they just didn't give a crap. & that's rock & roll. :-)
Avatar 4:39pm

an pal of mine, who was basically raised by the White Panthers in Ann Arbor chided me for wanting to have been older in the 60s. He was "you were made for the era you're in. Don't long for the past."
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He played tons of old records, but more as education and entertainment than nostalgia.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:40pm

maybe he bought his rekkids at korvettes.
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Linda Lee:

excellent advice.
Avatar 4:40pm
Chris from DC:

I bought an awful lot of rekkids at Korvette's
Avatar 4:41pm

So glad I tuned into wfmu this afternoon. This set is just grand.
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Linda Lee:

but i don't see eras as distinct & separate from one another. even if you were a child in the 60s, say, like i was, the era formed you. you were just as much there as anyone.

Focus, Fabio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm

Without hearing tomorrow I'm going to have to give you the award for the best singles going steady program of the week During work hours that is..
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Cecile, one thing for sure, you must pay attention to the time you are in. Smart friend all right!

Linda Lee, yes!
Avatar 4:42pm

It formed me much differently, though. I had older. more conservative parents, was the oldest, etc. I have way more in common with the "Gen Xers" than I do with most Boomers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm
Guido from Cologne:

60ies were pretty tough i was told ... anyway as far as it is about being a young longhaired in Germany ... with all the old nazis still alive ...
Avatar 4:45pm
Linda Lee:

i still can't get a handle on Gen X as really distinct from Boomers .. as a late Boomer, technically, who basically always hung with Boomers .. but who came of age with Punk & No Wave ..
Avatar 4:45pm
Linda Lee:

oh my. it's 'I love you, me neither!'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm
Guido from Cologne:

... if you were lucky enough to get radio caroline, but you weren't lucky enough to tape the shows, you could get the exiting sound once a week ... and then they were gone ... and you would never remember what it all was ...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:46pm

jane birkin sort of sounds like tattoo saying 'ze plane'
Avatar 4:47pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

As a millennial, I hate having been born in 1994, even though as a woman I ought to be grateful for it. There are so many other, cooler eras that I never got to experience (although I know I'm seeing them through rose-colored glasses)
Ed Zeppole:

Yeah, Korvettes. They had the best prices on LP's! I bought my first Beatles 7" (Hey Jude) at a head shop / record store across the street from Erasmus.
Avatar 4:47pm

you grew up with punk all ages shows, and MTV and your parents still trying to live their youth.
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Guido, that must have been so difficult and no precedent for getting through it.
Avatar 4:48pm

that's where I saw my younger friends coming from. The 60s to them were like the 50s were to us older kids. Interesting, but kind of idealized.
Avatar 4:49pm

Bronwyn, I was born 13 years before you and I'm still catching up on all the cool stuff I missed out on. Upside: there's a never ending trove of treasures to dig up. I still try and make time for discovering new music but damn if I don't feel overwhelmed sometimes.
Avatar 4:49pm
Linda Lee:

mmm.. i was old enough to attend night shows legally .. not that anyone carded .. wasn't at home any more when MTV debuted
Avatar 4:49pm

Bronwyn, I know. All I heard was "too bad you missed the 60s." And the 70s were good, but they were kind of a letdown to a lot of people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm
Michael 98145:

( shudder )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
Guido from Cologne:

nothing against Sid Ramin!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
Guido from Cologne:

You knbow the Stiletto soundtrack?
Just great!
Avatar 4:50pm
Linda Lee:

love that loopy horn. gleeeeeeee
Avatar 4:51pm
Linda Lee:

the 70s in new york, where i grew up, were amazing.

NOT one of the records that sounds good at the slower speed
Avatar 4:51pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Yeah that's true kustomkitten, there's so much amazing stuff that's gone before.

Linda, I am so jealous of you it hurts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
Guido from Cologne:

I have an Acto Deke and teh dominos copy who's B-sidfe is as badly centred as this one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52pm
Michael 98145:

( too ... stoned ... to ... watch ... )
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Linda Lee:

don't be jealous of me, Bronwyn. don't be.
Avatar 4:52pm

I watched a hell of a lot of MTV despite going to shows and being older.
I liked the 80s, but I kind of stayed away from most mainstream things. And there were a lot of social problems that were scary as hell back then.
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Linda Lee:

oh god, i'm not even sure what mainstream was in the 80s. Mork & Mindy? dunno
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Moonlighting, Magnum PI, Miami Vice, Phil Collins.
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that shitty Big Chill movie that ruined Motown for everyone who didn't want to hear it every 5 seconds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Guido from Cologne:

I think the 1978 to 1982 period was as exiting as the legendary 60ies, in order you listen to the right music.
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Michael Jackson, of course.
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Linda Lee:

Miami Vice & Phil Collins i know.
Avatar 4:55pm

Guido, I have to agree. The year 1981, in retrospect, was incredible for its diversity.
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Linda Lee:

Guido ~~~ that was an absolutely fantastic time for me for sure. very wide open. great fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:56pm

the 70s in suburbia were not amazing. with a graduating class of >200, there were only about 8 people who would admit to liking punkrock. the popular kids liked southern rock, and related dogshit, like the eagles and jefferson starship.
...and then punkrock turned to shit too, for the most part. by '85 i'd disconnected almost entirely.
Avatar 4:57pm

Coel, exactly.

A lot of punk bands went funny punk or bad metal.
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Linda Lee:

shit i remember walking down the street on the LES in like, 79 & having people scream at me: hey PUNKROCK!! hey PUNKROCK!! it was weird.
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The only, well the main thing that was better was there was a lot more freedom. I think it will have to be relearned,rediscovered.
The rest is just set dressing and props.
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the big 4 thrash bands came to the fore, and made lots of people look like idiots.
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Anybody that can't appreciate Phil Collins for either his drum playing or his niceness as a person can GTFO. ;)
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I had a few store detectives follow me around when my hair was shorter than usual, and I was wearing a vintage coat. Nothing like people who were really harassed, but annoying.
Ed Zeppole:

Nothing in suburbia has ever been amazing. That is the very definition of what suburbia was planned to be. Now of course it's nice to see so much of the suburban ideal coming to pieces.
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Linda Lee:

oh god, the screaming was definitely not the worst at all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Phil Collins was the coolest person on Earth when he rode the SST and played Live Aid in Britain and the US the same day.
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Linda Lee:

you sometimes felt your life was in danger for looking a certain way. in 'diverse' nyc no less.
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Cecile, you are so right about "The Big Chill". It sucked! :)
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Linda Lee:

i swear i got hit on by Phil Collins in a new york bar once. long long ago. when i was also getting yelled at on the street Lol
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Guido from Cologne:

I can appreciate Phil Collins for certain reasoins.
i cannot appreciate over-heavy-rotation by non-existant deejays.
especially when i have tough times.
that#s why i don't like Eurythmics, ... blah blah
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...good 1st line to a song LindaLee - keep writing...
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I stayed in a suburb in '78 and decided I either wanted to be in a big city or smaller town. Too far to walk places. In my small town we could swim and bike, in the city there was plenty of stuff to do. Suburbs all I remember was waiting for rides because there were so few sidewalks.
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Guido from Cologne:

I'm even about to believe ketty is suffering a real badyly centered copy here.
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Yeah, believe me, fucking idiot radio DJs who play the same two Phil Collins songs over and over would make anybody have misplaced range against Collins himself. Duder is 1000x more respectable than those two songs.
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Linda Lee:

no one else had that hair or a that accent .. he sweated heavily under the low black light ... waving a drink as he fumbled the line he chose to give .. a young chick in black lipstick .. sing along everyone!
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I honestly hate Genesis, and just about everything he's done. I have no opinion about him as a person.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

PhilCollins is a great drummer. Elect me & I'll build a wall around that.
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looking "punkrock" was good for being desired & hated at the same time.
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Linda Lee:


Collins' work with early Genesis was masterful, as was his work with Brand X.

I am quite fond of suburbs.
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Linda Lee:

it was very disorderly. not standardized.

Ketty Lester was born Revoyda Frierson in Hope, Ark. Beautiful world we inhabit.

Ketty Lester reminds me I need to watch Blue Velvet again.
@kustomkitten Hey, is you from the olde Gigposters site?
Avatar 5:08pm

It's like the same way they play the same garbage songs by Van Morrison. Anyone who claims to "love" Van Morrison really is a suburban POS who only likes "Brown Eyed Girl". I tell them to pick up his Bang Records session album, listen to Ringworm and then tell me you love that genius man.
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I was at a UB40 concert in '83, and one of the guys waved to me from the stage. I was thrilled when they handed me a beer. I was getting ready to drink it when they shook their head from the stage and pointed to a blonde lady with big knockers behind me. I gave it to her. I should have spit in it and handed it back.

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IT IS! Hahahah well howdy fuckin' do. Nice to "see" you and your good taste in music in another random place on the internet. <3
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kitten, I love Them and the early stuff.
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Linda Lee:

i agree Cecile. loved up40 at the time. right now i do not.
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Guido from Cologne:

Ketty Lester produced by Ed Cobb, along with Chocolate Watch Band, Count Five, etc. all Green Grass productions
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their early stuff before they became everyone's favorite reggae jukebox was amazing.
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but they even joked back in the day in interviews about being major boozers and porn addicts. Didn't square real well with things like "Tyler"
Ed Zeppole:

I really loved UB40, Present Arms and especially Present Arms in Dub at the time. After that they completely went to hell.
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Linda Lee:

i liked gefferey morgan quite a bit. but of course they were young guys so they were jerks.
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@Cecile - I can't say I LOVE Genesis or much of what Phil Collins did because it's personally not my jam, but I can always appreciate a good musician and person when I see one. That said, I don't know how I feel about UB40. They have always made me feel...icky somehow.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I wonder if Lyle has any good UB40 stories.
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Guido from Cologne:

first two UB40 were great.
third one i sold very soon
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wasn't greg on the brady bunch johnny thunder when he was a rock star?
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@Cecile - that said, I have not delved into their early stuff pre reggae-jukebox. Will add that to my discovery list!
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yep, and then they got big and they never had to grow up.

Their first album is great, but I know what you mean.
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ub40 was 1/2 decent pop music. i liked reggae too much to like it a lot but i did get the rat in the kitchen album.
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Guido from Cologne:

what a killer song!
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.I don't mind pop reggae. I just thought they got dumber as they went on.
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Chris from DC:

Yeah stuff like "King" is pretty good.
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Linda Lee:

i got rat in the kitchen too. didn't listen to it very much. not real engaging. it went back out to the sidewalk fairly rapidly.
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Guido from Cologne:

the bonus singles on the first two UB40 were great
Ed Zeppole:

The first two plus Present Arms in Dub were not even released in the US originally. I bought them as imports from the UK.
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I hope you don't mind that I just went over to YouTube to listen to "Tyler"
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Linda Lee:

see, i'm old enough to have loved Baby It's You during heavy radio play.
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i can't say i remember the very early ub40, though i think i must've heard some of it.
Cecile i do like some pop reggae. (Delroy Wilson comes to mind, and early steel pulse)

Some songs I can never get enough of -- at any speed.
Smith = the hotness
Ed Zeppole:

Gary Tyler was finally released from prison just this year!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19pm
Guido from Cologne:

I can appreciate Phil Collins for certain reasoins.
i cannot appreciate over-heavy-rotation by non-existant deejays.
especially when i have tough times.
that#s why i don't like Eurythmics, ... blah blah
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Linda Lee:

top 40 female vocalists at that time all had amazing, amazing pipes.
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I heard. So crazy.
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this is a cover right?
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yea, Dr. John
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yeah, i don't think Dr. John ever did anyone else's songs, did he?
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Guido from Cologne:

of course he did
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Linda Lee:

oh sure. Alain Toussaint ..
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He was a pianist on a lot of NOLA hits.
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probably! I mean it seems likely, almost everyone does covers sometimes, dontcha think?
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there you go!
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some people,never...but yeah, Alan Toussant, at least...
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This song makes me wish it was summer and I had a convertible and nowhere to be.

Great show, Fabio, Thanks!
V Priceless:

yeah, swell show, Fabio! Thanks!
Avatar 5:35pm

wow, really like this Ravi Harris.
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an undisguised Curtis ripoff, i'd say.
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Linda Lee:

Marsha Hunt's daughter with Jagger, Karis, is a beautiful girl.

Bronx River Parkway is a most excellent name for a band.
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Linda Lee:

i think so too, stefica. brilliant.
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i'm alive - 999?
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Long Island Expressway...not so much.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Hollies 'I'm Alive' : www.youtube.com...
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David Shortell:

She graduated from Yale in the 1990's. I remember seeing a photo of Marsha and Mick attending the event together.
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Linda Lee:

recall hearing they stayed friendly. no big drama battle at all.
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Guido from Cologne:

Johnny thunder: deejay-prices only, no chance
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Linda Lee:

& the good lord knows why Jagger & his ladies fascinate me after all this time. i ask myself repeatedly ..
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tommy james did i'm alive first fabs.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

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Love that Hollies song. I forgot how good they are. (Shame!!)
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Guido from Cologne:

is this a rip-off from "sailing", hahaha ...

Michael Rother. Have been obsessing about him lately. Wow you have a single.
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I think the Kinks make reference to Johnny Thunder in a song.
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Bas NL:

Love the Michael Rother! Hi Fabio!
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Linda Lee:

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Guido from Cologne:

Michael rothers 2nd effort "Sterntaler" is better, IMHO
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The Tommy James & the Shondells version of I'm Alive is equally as good. Frankly, I love hearing 10 different artists cover a song. Fascinating.
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Linda Lee:

oh my, sorry for shouting.
Frege's Nightmare:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

that's a great hollies song, but the 999 song is great too! (just a wee bit different)
i've got to hear Tommy James' version, but i doubt i'll like it as much as the hollies.
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Linda Lee:

what's going on? Clay Pigeon repelled by Human League?
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I LOVE THE HUMAN LEAGUE. Now there's a band that has the same two songs overplayed and they have SO MANY great songs that the masses don't know about. (Like "The Things That Dreams Are Made Of" currently on super heavy rotation in my life.)
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Linda Lee:

warm leatherette...
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David Shortell:

The first I ever heard of Marsha Hunt was when she acted in the 1982 movie "Britannia Hospital" (the conclusion of the so-called Mick Travis trilogy that director Lindsay Anderson and actor Malcolm McDowell collaborated on).
Never saw her act in anything else though.
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Linda Lee:

i can name that tune in 2 notes.
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Chris from DC:

One of the best 7"s ever.
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Guido from Cologne:

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The WFMU national anthem.
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Bas NL:

You spoil us Mr. Fabio! ;)
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Linda Lee:

hahaha Cecile.
Mike tp:

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Linda Lee:

oh god, don't get me started on the mudd club, please
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@kustomkitten - On her 100% Whatever program, Mary Wing has a segment featuring a bunch of covers. For example, here's the "Warm Leatherette" edition: www.wfmu.org...
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Fabio plays this every singles going steady, it seems, no complaints, here...!

@Guido, yeah
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Linda Lee:

my life's passing before my eyes with this show Fabio Lol
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'cut you up' was peter murphy - thought clay was going there.
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Guido from Cologne:

Daniel Miller
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Thanks, Ken!! Gonna cue that up for later fo' sho'.
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Clay - "cuts you up" by Peter Murphey

Mitch Miller was an accomplished oboist.
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Linda Lee:

blows my mind that Fabio still has records he bought in 1980~~
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makes me want to hear Flying Lizard's "Money".

Wonderful show Fabio!
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Bas NL:

Last April i had lunch sitting next to David Miller.. no, had no chance of talking to him.. ;(
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dale -D'oh!
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great minds coelacanth
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Linda Lee:

hahaha geezerette! flying lizards for sure.
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:D !!!
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LOL burgerzzzzzz
V Priceless:

That PH live is post-Trower. Great, nonetheless
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there was a restaurant that had 'the fishamajig' - can't remember it, maybe the red barn or carrols.
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Long John Silver's?? Who would eat such a questionable-sound "fish" sandwich.
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Michael 98145:

thanks again, Fabio
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moody blues!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Actor! That's right.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Looks like Friendly's had the fishamajig.
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You guys really should do a morning show.
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that pilot was when spock laughed and smiled - weird
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Bas NL:

Jean-Luc Picard

Happy Halloween everybody. Dress up as creepy clowns.

Bye Kate. Hope we meet again soon.
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Picard, Captain Picard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

Thanks Fabio Great program!

Do Halloween as Phil Collins.
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By Brian!! I hope we do cross paths as well. You're not much for the Facebook, but I'm always around over there. Or maybe I'll come to Cali one of these days. :)
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You can get them stretched. Get them stretched at a good shoe repair place.
Those are barnacles.
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stick with the wacky tobbacky clay. healthier for you.

Smoking rules
Avatar 5:59pm

carbuncles are clusters of boils on people and animals. Barnacles are on ships.
east hollywood:

Thats a barnacle. Carbucle is different

"I like 'going' in the ocean." Watch those ambiguous confessions.
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Moved from NYC to Oregon, and am discovering an entire world of wacky tobbacky that I never knew existed. Herbal Xanax, FTW.

A carbuncle is definitely a human thing, a pimple.
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Bas NL:

Thanks Fabio!
east hollywood:

A barnacle could have a carbuncle not vice versa
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Ken From Hyde Park:

What are corns like? (The ones on the feet.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Then there are also bunions that can appear on the feet. My sister had surgery for that.
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