Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from January 12, 2017 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 12, 2017

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Roxy Music  Psalm   Favoriting Stranded    0:05:12 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  Taking Tiger Mountain   Favoriting Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)    0:14:11 (Pop-up)
Led Zeppelin  Thank You   Favoriting II    0:17:27 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Wild is the Wind   Favoriting Station to Station    0:22:12 (Pop-up)
Them  Square Room   Favoriting Now and Them    0:35:00 (Pop-up)
Davis Redford Triad  Plum Village   Favoriting Ewige Blumenkraft    0:44:42 (Pop-up)
Clark-Hutchinson  Textures in 3/4   Favoriting A=MH2    0:59:17 (Pop-up)
Anne Gillis  Euragene #2 & #9   Favoriting Archives Box 1983-2005    1:28:55 (Pop-up)
Aldo Clementi  Parafrasi (excerpt)   Favoriting Punctum Contra Punctum    1:35:19 (Pop-up)
Anne Gillis  Deindimmae   Favoriting Archives Box 1983-2005    1:43:01 (Pop-up)
Pierre Andre-Arcand  La Mort D' Antonin Artaud   Favoriting Eres+7    1:48:37 (Pop-up)
Tim Hecker  Prism   Favoriting Virgins    1:49:08 (Pop-up)
Tim Hecker  Virginal I   Favoriting Virgins    1:49:24 (Pop-up)
Art Fleury  La Morte Al Lavoro   Favoriting I Luoghi del potere    2:07:57 (Pop-up)
Exmagma  The First Tune   Favoriting Exmagma    2:18:26 (Pop-up)
Igor Wakhevitch  Amenthi   Favoriting Hathor  from the box-set comp. "Donc..."  2:27:59 (Pop-up)
Kohn  Mantra portends   Favoriting Random Patterns    2:48:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


The greatest worst bass line ever recorded.
Cliff in Prague:

I'm imagining a bunch of hula dancers in the studio
Avatar 3:05pm
V Priceless:

Hey Fabio! Nice Roxy kick-off! Woo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm
Michael 98145:


Hi from snowy Portland
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

...and summery DC.
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a bit of tiny tim
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Chris from DC:

Being stuck inside today is just cruel.
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I love it when you play Roxy Music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13pm
Michael 98145:

.. even better
Anonymous Coward:

Nice follow... Roxy & Eno. Let's take that tiger Mountain...
Avatar 3:13pm
V Priceless:

One can only dream of the sonics that would have blessed our ear holes if Ferry had passed that Crimson audition. I'd say it worked out well on both fronts, regardless. Ohhh..TTMBS! Yay!

Bryan does the warbler thing
Avatar 3:14pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

What th'Toad said.
Waiting for ages in a slow queue at the food-truck-of-choice was rather nice, for once..

Ferry auditioned to front KC? And didn't get the gig. More evidence that vocals are Fripp's weak area.
Anonymous Coward:

"We climbed and we climbed, oh how we climbed..."

I cannot picture that, especially crooning Peter Sinfield lyrics.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Always thought Ferry & Robert Calvert shared a common .. something .. in vocal technique. BF was the stronger of the two, but there are moments when they could be "almost" interchangeable.
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Chris from DC:

It's time to get the Led out.
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V Priceless:

I'd pay in gold to hear Ferry sing "The Great Deceiver", that's for sure..if I had gold.

Seems to me Daryl Hall would have made a better vocalist for KC than Wetton or Belew. Could be wrong.

Oh, yeah, @VP. For sure. That and "Night Watch."
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the Master:

You musical instinct is uncanny
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V Priceless:

abowie! Sweet set, Mr. F!
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Michael 98145:

what they said
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Seems "Mr. Giant Man" is up to 77 clicky stars. Just 23 more and it gets up to Elite Level.
Cliff in Prague:

78 - it doesn't count your own.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Even better...22 to go!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

I believe it was the first tune I ever clicked when the stars first appeared here.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

...but of course.
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Sorry, but it is this the most dreary Bowie track ever?
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Like Generalissimo Francisco Franco, but somehow different.
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Michael 98145:

yoda say * you have not to find out the reality, you are the reality *
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V Priceless:


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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Wind wigkey :
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Fabio, et al - do you think the passing of so many bigger than life people last year was like in any way this cosmic exit so they wouldnt have to be here for what lies ahead?
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Michael 98145:

( typo "stattion" )

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Chris from DC:

If you read Bowie in Berlin, Station to Station definitely laid some of the groundwork for the trilogy.
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What lies ahead. Lulu?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Lulu: When Cohen died the day before the USA?
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@Lulu, sure, celebrities are going to magically stop dying now that it's 2017. ;)
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I just thank God that Betty White survived.
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square room! love it!

Low/Heros/Lodger!!! I could you forget!!!
Cliff in Prague:

Even Abe Vigoda didn't make it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Year of Fire Monkey will become Fire Rooster. Less confusing & tricksy maybe - but likely even more arrogant.
listener Rey:

The Idiot has a place in that Berlin grouping tho not a Bowie record per se
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Michael 98145:

Them lies ahead

@macguffin idk something dark it seems
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On another note, Pidge will be trying out for the morning slot on Mon. & Tue. I must be nice! I must repress the urge to comment things like "REO Speedwagon?!?! BAD PIGEON! YOU'RE WORSE THAN HITLER" or "Bleh! Bread is such a moldy band!"

@ike well thats some good news at least!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:37pm

thank god van morrison didn't stick around to sing this.
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hello Fabio and army of Failures
...this is the best them song i've ever heard.
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@Lulu: Oh, things will be fine.
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bread got stale. by the end they were toast
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Michael 98145:

( so very 1967 )
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MacGuffin - in other words, "lay back and enjoy it"?
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@coelacanth: No, just stop overreacting. It's unseemly. And it plays into his (small) hands.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Good point - but I think Drumpf'll have to be actively opposed.
...Influence maybe of hanging w/ another band w/ a Morrison in L.A. (which they did a bit) - tho' interestingly no keyboard...
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Or "G'morning CP! Ah, Chicago is a nice band... for my cat to poop on!"
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Chris from DC:

Ooh, Davis Redford.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm

overreacting is not pragmatic, but "unseemly"?! what an asinine thing to say.
...and it's not acknowledging the problems that have brought this country and this planet to a point of irreversible shit storm for the majority of people.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...seamless segue...
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fabio - follow this up with the poppy family's 'free from the city' - plenty-o-sitar in that one.
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One must retain one's dignity.
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Wow Fab, rockin' in the "free" world. Got any Floyd?

what is dignity?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Interesting to consider. Sometimes I think Obama was too much about 'dignity'. Too much of that & it's passive Normalization & Stockholm Syndrome. Too much passivity & presumption has got us here generally, I think. & by here I mean - colossal wealth inequality, irreversible climate change, environmental mass extinctions, class war leading to global embrace of Fascism, failing justice systems, utterly degraded infrastructure, economic & societal collapse, & other trivia...
Avatar 4:02pm

Dignity is not getting hysterical just because your side has had a setback. The Trump years will be ridiculous but this too shall pass.


The only couple of Clark Hutchinson tracks I have heard were quite different from each other. I wish someone would reissue their stuff again, would like to hear more.
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Chris from DC:

This album is the place to go.
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Wilson K:

Well, this rules.

Im there man. Dig.

Love how this morphed from a native american thing into a boleroesque groove
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah - I don't think it's all one or the other - but what reason to not expect the worst administration in history (@ least our own)? There's already damage to civil society - & his cabinet is full of Oligarchs & people determined to destroy the very departments they're supposed to run. He's surrounding himself w/ Generals & dispensing w/ Diplomacy...Were that it was only 'ridiculous'. The country & the world are @ critical junctures - & the reins are being handed to a hate-filled racist nationalist business fraud, bankruptcy pest, & game show host famous for terminating people. But - this is not Unreality TV - this is the real stage...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm

okay, MacGuffin -good points; but it's not about one's "side" having a setback. that shit's for the republicans and, to a smaller degree, the democrats. it's about the world having setbacks. (see RR @3:56) -people who are passionately upset are so because they are concerned - or scared- for all the people of this planet.
...but yes, at least this era shall be entertaining.
Avatar 4:11pm

Dig that psych-raga-rock, Fabio.

OED, first entry on "dignity": "The quality of being worthy or honourable; worthiness, worth, nobleness, excellence."

Best quotation that supports RRN63's remark, justifying scare quotes around "dignity": 1836 H. Taylor Statesman xv. 107 It is of the essence of real dignity to be self-sustained, and no man's dignity can be asserted without being impaired.

More like AY-vi-guh, isn't it?

No way!
Avatar 4:15pm

I can't believe Norway (supposedly liberal?) has ended radio! Why? For High Definition Radio? Maybe it will inspire some pirates there?

We dropped the r for radio

Norway ended radio as a symbolic gesture to the end of times
Cliff in Prague:

Actually they're trying to force people to switch over to digital radio
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Cliff: And digital radio costs $?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:18pm

That move by Norway is too wacky. I bet no big countries will dick around w/a screwy move like that. Small countries are more likely to pull these weird experimental moves. Consumers don't want to all have to buy new digital radios. Too extreme.
Avatar 4:18pm
Bronwyn Bishop:

Hey Fabio and everyone!

Theater in my town is showing a 35 mm print of the original THX-1138 this weekend (not the jazzed-up later cut). Hoping I can make it, but lots going on.
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That's a damn shame there, Oslo! Bergen! Trondheim! Tromso! "No static at all".
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I dunno. It happened to TV & we survived. Will there be airwave broadcast of digital radio?
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norway is ending national fm broadcasts - i can't find any mention of private broadcasters. howsabout shortwave and the broadcast band?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...presumably heading to general broadcast of wifi signal - internet - anyhow.
Cliff in Prague:

Yes, they're switching to DAB, you can still receive stations for free, it's just that it's digitally encoded instead of analog. Kind of like HDTV vs. NTSC/PAL.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:22pm

instead of just 5 stations they will get 22 so it isn't a bad thing.

You have to get a digital radio or get a conversion kit. A pain for car radios.
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Oh...is there an article on this (Norway) online?
Cliff in Prague:

Digital encoding = no interference or static, however a weak station will just drop out instead of fading out.

TDK60 - www.engadget.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24pm

digital radio is shit, relatively speaking. that's sad. ...although it can't sound any worse than sirius.
- but it's all about greed in any case.
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@RRN63, yeah but most 40+ folks have far more radios than TVs. Cars have radios built in, but not TVs built in. I have something like 5 or 6 radios without even trying. They're just lying around. Also upgrading to HDTV was a clear huge improvement in pic quality but digital radio will NOT be any better-sounding, I'm sure. Already-existing "HD radio" is useless garbage and doesn't sound any better than analog.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

In mountainous Norway, it's difficult to get line-of-sight to transmitters.
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"No, I don't want those tickets. But thanks, anyway." How's that?
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2-0-0-9-0-8-6-0-0-0....Oh I hope I win! Answer, answer, answer DJ Strength Through Failure Fabio.

Howdy everyone
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Thanks Cliff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

A digital radio in a fossil fuel car: representing a technological span of three centuries.
Good points Ike. I never listen to airwave radio, if I can help it - streams @ home & podcasts outside it...oh - my alarm clock radio...
@KenFHP: The same for analog or digital signals; NorthNewEngland here has the same problem w/ hills...
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Hey melinda, and dudes. :)

Those Norwegian weather broadcasts weren't that important anyway
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"That parrot is just pining for FM radio, that's all."
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Stately Anne Gillis.
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Did you ever think that Obama had to keep an aura of dignity because he was our first black President? You see it on Fox News and the idio-right sites. He chastises someone gently, it's lashing out. He's doing normal lame-duck pardons and other business he knows he can get through, Fox News calls it "a year-long temper tantrum".

And don't even get me started on how Hillary was treated. Yes, she was an Establishment candidate, but I heard from the left and right that her only qualifications were that she was a woman
Cliff in Prague:

Digital helps a lot with shortwave.....but who listens to THAT anymore?! No real improvement in audio quality for FM as far as I can tell. Hey melinda & geezerette!
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"you girls and your girl candidate have your fun."
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Hi Cliff!
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Shortwave had interesting propaganda/news from governments. And human interest type stories one might hear on "public" radio. It was exciting and nerdy at the same time to be DXer.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@C'ec: Oh absolutely true - true. Obama could not be 'the angry black man' - & wasn't. I think Democrats went NeoLiberal as a response to the NeoConservatives - that is, dragged the DemParty to the Right/'Center' - & found there was no Left anymore - & no 'Center' to stand on. (Oops Hillary.) Maybe now in present straits we can actually start to address all this together - but the DNC has to get there too...
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Linda Lee:

loving the sounds. fantastic. yes, i want 2 tickets! thank you! unfortunately i can't use them.
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RRN: Please, The Demz never were and never will be "left"!
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Linda Lee:

the job of the DNC has been to neutralize & absorb the Left for decades now. they're not making a Left turn any time soon. forget it.
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Cecile,couldn't believe the reflexive misogyny myself! I was dumb enough to think we were over that.

Yo Cliff!

@cecile: yeah, Obama really had to walk a fine line.
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Gotta go y'all. Fabio, maybe Floyd next time?
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Howdy Linda Lee!
Cliff in Prague:

TDK60 - One of these days I'm going to rig up a good enough antenna to pull in Radio Pyongyang. Them and Radio Havana Cuba are the last Commie stations on the air!
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Linda Lee:

hello geezerette!!
Avatar 4:42pm

I hope Keith Ellison gets the chairmanship. he is a great rep. I'm in his district and got the best email back to my demand that he not confirm Seth Mnuchin or any of those other scoundrels.

I call myself a Liberaltarian. I like small government. But it has to the a small government that keeps the safety net taut, and the roads fixed.
Avatar 4:43pm
Linda Lee:

has anyone heard the otters on organ today? good stuff! :-)

I'm hoping Ellison gets the DNC chair, too.
Cliff in Prague:

And then there's Radio Martí broadcast from Miami, and routinely jammed by the Cuban government: en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yeah yeah - I know. Bernie for example is both an Independent & a Senator: trying his best from Inside a System a true Left would say should not exist. But he decided not to run Independent & divide the vote. This election result is a symptom of Default System Failure - & the radical Left says even the end-stage disintegration of it...Unfortunately, Libertarianism, got highjacked into the Tea Party & getting even more radical Republicans in the back door under the guise of 'Deregulation' & 'personal freedumbs' & being 'pro-business'...so I'm feeling excessively Socialist these days...
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Linda Lee:

at this point 'small government' is polspeak for pillaging the public trough. functional safety net, infrastructure isn't relevant.
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Chris from DC:

Cecile I like that Liberaltarian thing. That would resonate.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...oh - Libera - *L* - tarian - I see...
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Linda Lee:

don't believe we're actually getting anywhere until we realize we don't have a functional government, per se. Trump et al will make that completely clear. what we have is full scale opportunism.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Deregulate - privatize - let it fail - sell it to the 1%.
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Linda Lee:

when half the nation's people are officially poor, you don't have functional government.
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Linda Lee:

failure accomplished!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Isn't it really that simple? & perpetual warfare is foreign policy failure.

On the other hand tomorrow's Friday
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

(Deregulate & Defund.)
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Bronwyn Bishop:

Agreed Linda
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Linda Lee:

actually, perpetual warfare is foreign policy success, if the main point is profiteering. & considering the general upshot of our massive engagements, there can be no other point! because all that improves is industry profit.

i dont follow :(
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Linda Lee:

look up the definition of 'failed state'. we're right on schedule. we are not exceptional. not at all. we can easily fit the profile.
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yeah, I know, Linda Lee.

I remember voting for a mayoral candidate, even though he was personally conservative, because he said that his agenda would be to get the roads fixed, snow plowed in the winter, better police protection in the inner city neighborhoods,spruce up the community gardens and give more money to the schools. He didn't get out of the primaries, but the candidate who won, borrowed heavily from his platform.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

what th'Toad said. about what Cecile said.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

If there wasn't Oil there - the perpetual warfare wouldn't be happening there.
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Linda Lee:

so ~ is it being handled Cecile?
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And then he sold a block of downtown Minneapolis to Target Corp, displacing 30 thriving businesses.
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Linda Lee:

yes. ok. anything for the f*cking vote. then f*ck all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- because - he's Pro-Business...Free Market - & Thank You...
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Our stuff is hanging in there, but we have a good tax base and unusually involved citizenry. It's fragile. And the police protection is not anything to write home about.
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Linda Lee:

look up your man's name at opensecrets.org some time. see where Target sits on the list of political contributions.
Avatar 4:55pm

yeah, I know.
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Linda Lee:

seems like you're riding on what's already been done, but the future is unclear. .. guy sounds like a dildo so far.
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Linda Lee:

Rev ~ re fossil fuels. of course. part of late stage extraction. everyone knows it's too finite a resource! so the scramble is on.
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Linda Lee:

it's all too transparent. ...
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he's out of office. People used to call him "the music man". He often talked a big game. He wasn't a terrible mayor. Just more into being liked than effective. During the bus strike of '04, he was one of the last major officials in the area who wasn't a wingnut to throw his support to us strikers. US reps, the mayor of St. Paul, every other official made a statement of support. He squeaked his displeasure in around Week 4 of a 6 week strike.
Avatar 4:59pm
Linda Lee:

sorry got confused about the start of the term! as if the new guy was in already. i need food. :-D
Cliff in Prague:

I have a neurologist appointment on Inauguration Day, hahah

oh, that's fine. I sometimes think he's still my mayor, too.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

I work about 2 blocks from the White House. Definitely going in that day. Will take long lunchbreak with camera. The street-photo opportunities will be HIGH-LARIOUS.
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Michael 98145:

I expect CSPAN will cover the event ...
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Linda Lee:

i plan on spending inauguration day doing what i normally do. living my life as best i can. working to survive the winter without heating oil & iffy power. no one involved in that inauguration gives a damn about this. i'll bet on that.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@LL: Thx for tip on OpenSecrets (fb: www.facebook.com...).
Fabio - apologies for much Politrix chatter: no disrespect to the Music - on the contrary you always deliver, & create a Zone where we relate...FullMoon madness & such...
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Linda Lee:

you're welcome Rev! :-)
Fabio doesn't care about the board, does he?

@RevTurnip: that will be interesting! I was disappointed to hear that there will be no WFMU correspondent at the inauguration, but I guess the timing was bad for Jim the P
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Linda Lee:

Rev, on their website you can type in a pol's name & get the skinny.
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Michael 98145:

Wolf Moon tonight : www.sfgate.com...
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Linda Lee:

many confounding mysteries solved there.
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Chris from DC:

Not familiar with this Art Fleury, but clicky.
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Linda Lee:

personally have a soft spot for any artist/band with the name Art or including those letters. Art Bears, Arto Lindsay, Art Farmer, Arte Johnson ...
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

@melinda: I'm guessing it would be impossible to send someone at this point. DC is a small town; doesn't take much to shut everything down. The pope visit last year was amusing, to say the least...
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Chris from DC:

The national xmas tree lighting created gridlock.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

BUT: I've been told the tour-bus parking permit requests on inauguration day is at about 200, but requests for the Women's March is more like *1200* busses. Tee-hee!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

the surge is working!
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Chris from DC:

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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Billy Jam:

Strength Thru Fabio's Show - Wot up RevRabit, Rev Turnip, Cecile, Ken from Hyde Park and all else tuned into W F M U
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Mr. Pumpy:

Lovin' this gutteral hyena pop.
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Mr. Pumpy:

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Rev. Turnip Druid:

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Linda Lee:

actually think you were right the first time Mr. P! hola Billy Jam!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm

Love the deep droney chorus.
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hello fabio and you good people
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that igor piece was great.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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This seems like appropriate music for the season.
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Really liking the dark droney soundz Fabio!
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Rev. Turnip Druid:


Release Music Orchestra were nicely jazzy Krautrock. Secret Oyster, except for the fact that they weren't German, are good, too.
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good to hear you clay
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...@ worst, 'Fusion' was the worst of both worlds - diluting both Rawk's drive & Jazz's intricacy. Too easy to forget that stuff - because we are selective about it now!...Otherwise, it's just what Word you call it...
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Michael 98145:

La Morte Al Lavoro - Death at work
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Thought for a minute you were talking about KHAN, the Steve Hillage/Dave Stewart vehicle...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm

The drug references are cracking me up
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V Priceless:

great show, Fabio! Much thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm

I like the Khon (?)
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Linda Lee:

i like the Kohn too.
Avatar 5:47pm

hey, billy!
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Suitably spacey music for my afternoon.
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Linda Lee:

yes. Terry Riley.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:51pm

...and robert reed.

Baba O' Riley was a tribute to Meher Baba and Terry Riley.
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isnt the OReilley in Baba OReilley actually a reference to Terry?
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Thanks Fabio. Collective consciousness well caught.
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Correct a mundo, Cecile. Not many people realize that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm

@Cecile: I remember reading that somewhere but didn't know anything about Terry Riley at the time, now it makes sense.

Terry Cohen?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:53pm

hee hee
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:54pm

those are solo cups.
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Carm, I only heard about it recently, and quite like Pete for doing that.

Citizen Kohn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Townshend: ' I meant to portray guru Meher Baba in music - including astrological information & everything converted to sound - & it turned out sounding like Terry Riley '...

I always forget it's Fabio's show when Clayton arrives.
Avatar 5:56pm

RevRab, that's a great quote!

Jacques Louis-David, Death of Marat: http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/his/CoreArt/art/resourcesb/dav_marat.jpg
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I always thot of 'Who's Next' as 1972 or even 3 - but it's still 1971. Quite a band.

Er, J-L David. Misplaced hyphen, a blow against the Revolution.

Same here, @RRN63, until I bought the CD a month or so ago and, for the first time in my life, actually listened to the album from beginning to end.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Michael 98145:

( that sounded like a Thai khaen )

Fast Eddie!

Man, that second set was fucking awesome. Thanks!
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