Favoriting The Glen Jones Radio Programme: Playlist from March 12, 2017 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 12, 2017: Marathon 2017 Week 2 With Glen Jones and X. Ray Burns

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Glen Jones and X. Ray Burns  Marathon Week Two. Aaaggh!!!   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:23pm
Old Dave:


Who was that last song? Previous to this Rolling Stone sounding joint.

I'm listening on my phone because I'm no longer in NorJers. I'm in Florida with the freaks. Talking about Ruts Hut got me missing the Mana, my local go to.
Dan from Albany:

is this a cover of Ramones Rockaway Beach?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

You nailed it Dan!
Avatar 12:39pm

Doing my taxes right now. Let's wait and see what I will be able to contribute...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi...I'm filling out my S4L form on the web. For dividing the pledge over multiple shows, what's the minimum dollar amount per show? For example, $10 per month ($120 total), one can't pick 20 shows at a mere $6 each, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm

Ken from HP - The minimum is supposed to be $20 per show and it would be great if you could stick to that. The web form will unfortunately allow you to allot any amount to a show, but it's SUPPOSED to only do it for $20 or more, since $20 is also the minimum eligibility for the prizes
Mark M.:

I've been listening to the show for a few years, and love it. What i found interesting was when you guys said something about the old Uncle Floyd Show, that i used to watch late nights on WNBC t.v. in the early eighties.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@-Ken - Great, thanks. Off I go!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:48pm
Hughie Considine:

The infirmary at Palisades Amusement Park -- what an image! I can smell the mercurochrome!
Mark M.:

Your show is funny and makes me laugh every Sunday.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

"Don't be a schmuck! Send in a buck!"

Jonesy was just talking about “You Light Up My Life” songwriter Joseph Brooks. Not posting links or details to the nastiness here; left a bad taste in my mouth.

TL;DR - Mama mia, what vile family!

FYI: The guy who wrote "You Light Up My Life" was Joe Brooks. His son IS now in jail for murdering his girlfriend in 2010 (it was a big story in NYC that year), but Brooks was a creep as well, who was accused of multiple cases of sexual assault (he'd invite girls to his apt. to audition & then attack them). He was awaiting trial on these charges, when he killed himself in 2011. So that song was just his first offense.

Amouck rhymes with schmuck
Mark M.:

If you remember, Soupy Sales was thrown off the air when he was still broadcasting at WNBC 66 years ago.

Schmuck rhymes with buck! Give 20 of them or more at 800-989-9368 or via the Internet at pledge.wfmu.org...

This version slays me.
Avatar 1:23pm

Avatar 1:25pm
Old Dave:

A great Canadian!

to Jonesey it's BILL
Listener Robert:

Is Mr. McFreedman going to drop a bomb as a goal on this show as he did a few yrs. ago when a call sign change of WMFU to WIBJ was held out as one? I wonder what else could have that sort of effect on audience donors.
Listener Robert:

Let's see...wall space for plaques must be pretty scarce now, even skin space for tattoos is running out, no cement work anticipated...don't know what other lasting tribute might be in the offing.
Avatar 1:54pm
listener mark:

I'm still off the couch and still drunk as f*ck!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm
Uncle Michael:

I wanna see a new dead person! I think the barometer is stuck!
Avatar 1:57pm
listener mark:

I think they moved the goalposts.
Avatar 1:57pm

Go make that money Boys!! Woof!!
Listener Robert:

Orange stationery (to resemble Cheez Doodles) wouldn't quite have the permanence of a call sign or tracing in cement, but I guess it'd be something. But orange has political connotations: Trump, Ukraine, Free State.... So maybe no the best idea.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm

Wow -- I met Tucker and Corinne in Petersburg in 2001-2...small world!
Listener Robert:

The goalposts deserved to be moved, Mark. This is about the time in a good Marathon year when Ken would come on & say, "[Amount] is what we NEED, but if we could get [amount more], THEN we could [project or long-delayed fix]."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm

That bit about moving into Nachum's office with a pic of a nonexistent kid and some books was hilarious. Back in the 90s I couldn't stand this show, but now I've come around. What the hell was wrong with me? But I must beware: Scientists and experts agree, anyone who likes EVERY show on FMU is certifiably insane. Just a few more to go and the men in the white coats will come for me....

Avatar 2:05pm
listener mark:

All in all, I hope they meet the goal for the marathon as a whole. There isn't much good radio left out there.
Eli from Chicago:

Holy crap somebody said my name on the radio!!!! Thanks WFMU for reminding me how much I loved radio as a kid! Fan for life!
Listener Robert:

Ike, when I first heard this show, I was like, Bill Kelly sure sounds strange this week. And then I was, these guys are going to be on regularly, and push Bill Kelly back every week; you kidding me? Eventually like you I got to like them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:08pm

If everyone liked every show on WFMU, someone is not doing their job.
Listener Robert:

ChrisB., once in a while Kenny G. comes back to make sure of that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm

Yep, Kenny G. is the best at being the worst. I especially like it when I can't stand him and have to turn him off.

Holy crap, the goal keeps on shifting and the $$$ keep on coming in!
Matt in Hillsborough:

is this glen jones or jim jones???


collge son done time to have fun 3yr hiatius im back the only way= a buck a day boom the cars that go boom

Pass the Kool Aid Matt.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:45pm
Hughie Considine:

Pretty sure it was the Otto Preminger incarnation of Mr. Freeze on the Batman series who said "WILD!!"

xray why your belly bigger

colorforms switch the glasses
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