Favoriting Garbage Time: Playlist from April 18, 2017 Favoriting

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Official Crumb Cake Capital Of The World.

Tuesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Tue. Mar 11th, 9am - Noon: Matt Warwick and his Co-Host Joe McGasko

Favoriting April 18, 2017: Yo, Garbage!

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
The Family Vibes  Garbage Man   Favoriting     0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Shuttah  The Wizard   Favoriting The Image Maker Vol. 1 & 2  Shadoks Music  0:03:21 (Pop-up)
Corpus  Creation a Child   Favoriting Creation A Child  Flash   0:08:57 (Pop-up)
IF  I'm Reaching Out on All Sides   Favoriting IF  Island Records  0:15:41 (Pop-up)
Aphrodite's Child  The Grass Is No Green   Favoriting End of the World  Mercury  0:21:44 (Pop-up)
Tommy Flanders  The Moonstone   Favoriting The Moonstone  Verve Forecast  0:27:56 (Pop-up)
Rumplestiltskin  Make Me Make You   Favoriting Rumplestiltskin  Bell Records  0:32:05 (Pop-up)
Nina Simone  I Can't See Nobody   Favoriting To Love Somebody: The Songs of the Bee Gees 1966-1970  Ace  0:46:37 (Pop-up)
Buddy Miles  Joe Tex   Favoriting A Message To The People  Mercury  0:49:33 (Pop-up)
Blodwyn Pig  Send Your Son To Die   Favoriting Getting To This  Island Records   0:54:41 (Pop-up)
James Gang  Tend My Garden   Favoriting James Gang Rides Again  ABC Records  0:59:17 (Pop-up)
Birth Control  Stop Little Lady   Favoriting Operation  Negram  1:11:29 (Pop-up)
Saboten  Race   Favoriting Floor et Satie  Sabot  1:18:33 (Pop-up)
The Stooges  We Will Fall (Alternate Mix)   Favoriting The Stooges (Special Edition)  Third Man  1:26:34 (Pop-up)
Faust  Fish   Favoriting Fresh Air  Bureau B  1:34:47 (Pop-up)
Wooden Wand  Mood Indica   Favoriting Clipper Ship  Three Lobed  1:44:57 (Pop-up)
Danny O'Keefe  Looking Glass   Favoriting 7"  Burdette  1:48:52 (Pop-up)
Don Felder  Heavy Metal (Takin' a Ride)   Favoriting Heavy Metal Soundtrack  Elektra/Asylum  2:01:37 (Pop-up)
Sudden Death  Road Back Home   Favoriting Suddenly...    2:07:37 (Pop-up)
Weed  Sweet Morning Light   Favoriting Weed  Windrose Production  2:11:44 (Pop-up)
Freddy Lindquist  Sundae Sellers   Favoriting Menu  Pan Records  2:16:23 (Pop-up)
Nisennenmondai  This Heat   Favoriting Tori/Neji  Heartworm Press  2:22:25 (Pop-up)
Ecstatic Vision  You Gt It or You Don't   Favoriting Raw Rock Fury  Relapse  2:29:01 (Pop-up)
Colour Haze  Skydance   Favoriting In Her Garden  Elektrohasch  2:37:30 (Pop-up)
John Cale  Child's Christmas in Wales   Favoriting Paris 1919    2:46:57 (Pop-up)
The Monkees  As We Go Along   Favoriting Head    2:57:55 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Yo, Garbage!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Asheville Jon:


Daddy Garbage, my love.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am
Asheville Jon:

GARBAGE TOO. (darn fat fingers)
Avatar 9:03am

Garbage man
Avatar Garbaggio Tastemaker Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Rob (Jerzcity):

Ayyo! Dat garbage do'!
Avatar 9:04am
Chris from DC:

It is the time of garbage
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Matt ww:

Good Morning my little Garbaggios! <3 Frangry
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Asheville Jon:

I've been listening to many archived shows with my kids. They know that when the "special music" plays, the GARBAGE MAN is going to talk, and they become VERY excited about that, stop what they are doing, and listen intently!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Sem Chumbo:

Bonjour, Le Roi des Ordure!

The Royal bean bag chair is the true seat of garbage power.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Dave in Vermont:

excellent fathering, Jon.
Is this beanbag chair free?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Matt ww:

@Ashville Jon today's lesson will probably be about lava lamps!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Asheville Jon:

sweet! they can listen tonight!
Andrea and James:

Good morning my fellow Oscar the Grouches. It is now garbage time, yeah yeah!!
Joey D:

Killer show so far. Perfect listening while on NJ Transit heading into NYC
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Uncle Michael:

Oh man, it's never the wrong time for If!
Avatar Garbaggio Tastemaker Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:17am
The Oscar:

@Andrea & James: You rang?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Passaic River Blues:

@UM: who played them last? Was it Irwin? This song is ridiculously good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Guido from Cologne:

Hello Matt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

trash it up!! BABY!!! Good Morning Freeform World!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Uncle Michael:

Joe McGasko...before that, me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am
Passaic River Blues:

@UM: oh yeah, that's right. Good job!
Avatar 9:20am
Chris from DC:

Digging If.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am
Ken From Hyde Park:

What timing! Tuesday is my new garbage pick-up day and they're outside right now. So long, precious trash!
Pete L:

The regal, triumphant MAJESTY of rock
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Cheri Pi:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35am

I like the Rumplestiltskin.
Avatar 9:37am
Chris from DC:

This is great. Never heard them before.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Dave in Vermont:

the garbage man's gonna talk, shhhh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Asheville Jon:

So what did everyone have for breakfast this morning?
Avatar 9:40am
Tom in PA:

Toejam and Earl!!!
Avatar 9:40am
Chris from DC:

An armada of lava lamps

A gaggle of lava lamps.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Brian C.:

A flotilla of lava lamps?

It's clearly a battalion of lava lamps.
Cooh John:

Floe of lava lamps.
Avatar 9:42am

guess my name
Andrea and James:

No it's the name story, he has to guess his name

Baby for the name
Avatar 9:42am
Vincent Nifigance:

A murmuration of lava lamps.

Rumplestiltskin made money by flipping real estate.
Avatar 9:43am

Rumpelstiltskin by Brothers Grimm. Once there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. Now it happened that he had to go and speak to the king, and in order to make himself appear important he said to him, "I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold
Avatar 9:45am

Real whole-grain toast with almond butter, Honeycrisp apples, fresh mangoes, and black coffee.
Avatar 9:45am
Vincent Nifigance:

Don't ditch the theme, Warwick.
Avatar 9:45am
Vincent Nifigance:

I had Fruit N' Fibre (cereal) with a cup o' black coffee.
Avatar Garbaggio Tastemaker Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Rob (Jerzcity):

There's a spinning wheel and a cretin!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am

GOLDEN WHAT!?!? Is this a Trump story???
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Vincent Nifigance:

She has to guess what Rumplestiltskin's name is.
Avatar 9:46am
Vincent Nifigance:

She does it eventually, he gets annoyed and stomps himself through the floor in outrage.
Avatar 9:47am

No thats Repunzel with the hair!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am

He has to get a Ring back to Mount Doom...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am

Small Hairy feet...RIGHT???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am

Or was it Crucifixion???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49am

Oh they all just blur together...Right???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49am

Great BG's cover!
Avatar 9:49am

’I will give you three days’ grace, and if during that time you tell me my name, you shall keep your child.
Avatar Garbaggio Tastemaker Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:50am
Rob (Jerzcity):

Huh. Don't remember this part from my childhood:

"Perhaps your name is Rumpelstiltskin?"

"The devil has told you that! The devil has told you that," cried the little man, and in his anger he plunged his right foot so deep into the earth that his whole leg went in, and then in rage he pulled at his left leg so hard with both hands that he tore himself in two."
Avatar 9:51am

Thanks for making my day a little more brighter, Matt!
Greetings from Mexico.

Everyone see that video of Dump signing a kids hat and then throwing it into a crowd on Easter?
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Avatar 9:53am

Orange dwarf hands
Avatar 9:53am

@Manolo: Before I got my wife to move to NYC, she thought she was the only WFMU listener from Mexico (at the time she was in Monterrey via Pachua).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am

Where is that Mother ship!?!?! It's Late
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am
Passaic River Blues:

Buddy Miles is the man. His "Electric Church" album is still a heater.
@Jake: It was almost like the Easter festivities were scripted by the Marx Brothers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am
Passaic River Blues:

@Jake: Trump throwing that kid's hat into the crowd was some "Duck Soup" type shit.
Avatar 9:55am

@NGH: Are youz all official, then? What a journey that must've been!

@PassaicRiverBlues: Hail Freedonia! And anyone who hasn’t seen it yet… https://twitter.com/politico/status/853999491279720457
  Garbaggio Tastemaker Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:58am

Hi! My name is Brian, and I'm a garbaholic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59am

Hi Brian
Avatar 9:59am
Chris from DC:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am

Great set!
Avatar 10:03am
Vincent Nifigance:

@bk845 Matt was debating changing the Garbage Time theme, do you have an opinion on that?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am

Same type guitar-less trio as ELP, but what a different sound. Joe Walsh, huh., not playing much guitar...
Avatar 10:04am

@βrian: Been official for 31 months, now. She's keeping the fort down in Brooklyn, while I look for work in FL. I actually met her, as AAM (antiguo autómata mexicano) played on WFMU and was playing a show down the street in Brooklyn. I went to the show, and hung out w/ him later, and became friends. He hooked me up w/ some dj gigs in Monterrey, and I met her there. That was 10 years ago....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am

According to that ranking, Tom-boy is a kickass name...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Morning, garbage people!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am
Ken From Hyde Park:

The best letters are the heavy metal umlauts, no question. Ä Ë Ï Ö Ü
Avatar 10:13am

Has nobody used the band name the Dööm-laüts?? (Familiarly known as the louts.)
Avatar 10:14am
Sean B.:

---Buddy Miles?-------
I was lucky to see Buddy Miles in this little dive in Haverhill,MA-US in 1998;When I walked in with my friend there was nobody in the place but us and guess who=Buddy. He was sitting on a stool playing a bass. I was like Holy Shit There He Is!. So I walked up to him and threw some heartfelt praise and he reluctantly shook my hand. Anyhoo he comes on with his band and by that time the place was packed. He did this Hendrix tribute and hid such...his voice was astounding, the band was tight. Anyway after 2 incredible 1 hour sets he switches from drums to Guitar and the Guitarist to Drums. Buddy proceeds to rip the some of the meanest, raw blues out of the thing for a half an hour (doing this instrumental "Maggot Brain" type thing) with the Guitar being upside down so he was playing with the strings reversed,mind you. An very under appreciated and most solid genius of a professional musician to say the very least. Blew my mind.
Avatar 10:15am

Or Ascii Tsunami ... ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am
Passaic River Blues:

@NGH: that is fantastic, man!
@Sean B.: jesus, that sounds good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21am

Gärbäge Tÿme? No.
Avatar 10:23am
fm Mike:

Ahh, sweet garbage in the morning!

Sean B that sounds awesome!

Bloop Helloooo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30am

What Stooges!
Anonymous Coward:

Ram jah jahram... Trippiest Stooges ever
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36am
Marcel M:

I recognize that Kraut's voice anywhere.
Avatar 10:37am

Parsley, sage, rosemary & garbage thyme.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am

great segue Mr. W.
Avatar 10:39am
Vincent Nifigance:

The sea is one insouciant MF.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am
Marcel M:

Yeah that was tops garbage boichik.

Is this from one of the live shows, Matt?
Avatar 10:39am

quick question: how do you cope when your office has become filled with overly cheerful hetronormative white woman? I'm starting to feel like a freak again.
Avatar 10:40am

I got asked three times this week what my husband does for a living. I thought I died and went to heaven when I found a hairdresser who never asked the question unless it came up in context.
Avatar 10:40am

Something tells me I should listen to the fish.
Avatar 10:41am
fm Mike:

You wear all black underneath. Feel all gothy inside.
Avatar 10:41am
Vincent Nifigance:

@Cecile Get it your mission to get out of the office.
Avatar 10:42am
Vincent Nifigance:

(make it your mission...)
Avatar 10:42am

I wear all black a lot. Even wore pink bell bottoms and my Hellvetika tee shirt to scare them off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am

overly cheerful women - not happening here at the library, ever, sorry - no idea.
Avatar 10:42am

@Cecile: Probably not the correct answer, but I'd moved the clock forward to beer o'clock.
Avatar 10:42am

they even all squeal in unison.
Avatar 10:42am
Vincent Nifigance:

“You go into an office. Are you sure that’s your real job? The economy used to be based on making things. Now the only thing that keeps it going is shopping. Maybe that’s your real job — and your days in the office, in the “service industries”, are just invented jobs to give you the money to go shopping.”
Avatar 10:43am
Vincent Nifigance:

“You are in an office doing your fake job but you’re spending your time being angry on social media. You’re writing posts saying, ‘This is outrageous!’, but because of the filters, that anger only goes to people who already agree with you, so nothing changes. What does happen is that those angry messages get sent round the system more than sweet little messages. The fact is that angry people click more and clicks are gold dust, clicks are the measure of success for all corporations and media platforms. So the more angry you get, the more you actually keep everything stable. Your anger fuels those systems.”
Avatar 10:43am

I just need to vent. I came to the realization early this week that I will probably look for one last job before I retire. I've been here for 25 damn years. It's time for a change.
Avatar 10:45am

I feel like my agency has done great things. But I don't see myself as being part of its future. I'm sort of like the first wife or the interim lead singer after the first one quits and the most successful one joins. I'm George Lazenby.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am

@Cecile: turn up the Volume to at least eleven in about 15 minutes. that should do it.
Avatar 10:46am

That does help, Sebastian!

Matt Warwick, I have grown to really like your style.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am

not to jump ahead with the Felder-talk, but Don was here in Berlin recently headlining "Rock meets Classic 2017", almost sorry I missed it: www.mick-box.net...
  Garbaggio Tastemaker Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:55am

@Cecile - It sounds like your more Sean Connery than George Lazenby. 25 years is a long time!
Avatar 10:55am
Bronwyn Bishop:

hey garbageman and garbage pals. damn my legs hurt. owww

Permission to come aboard the good ship Garbage Scow?
Avatar 10:56am

that's true, bk! I have to look at it that way.
Avatar 10:57am
fm Mike:

Cecile play Garbage Time as loud as possible.

jt, isn't it the best???
Avatar 10:57am
Vincent Nifigance:

The word 'Freah' says 'Fresh Air' without all the extra letters.
Avatar 10:58am

Perpare for Felderization ...
Avatar 10:58am

true, good point.
Avatar 10:59am
Chris from DC:

So what's next?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am
Asheville Jon:

i think that is a picture of Montgomery Warwick at the top of the playlist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am
Asheville Jon:

i had two english muffins drowning in butter for breakfast this monrning
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toast is NOT breakfast. (I am trying to tell myself this!)
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Vincent Nifigance:

We hardly eat English Muffins in England.
Avatar 11:01am
Vincent Nifigance:

You're being LIED TO!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am
Greg from ZONE 5:

English muffins RULE. #nooksandcrannies

Crumpets are even better
Avatar 11:01am
Chris from DC:

You know who likes English Muffins? FELDER
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:01am

uiuiuiuiui, here it comes!
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Vincent Nifigance:

Monty Warwick eats English Muffins surrounded by Lava Lamps.
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Vincent Nifigance:

to this song...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

Shit, I've tuned in a few minutes too early.
Avatar 11:02am

That was your STRONGEST dot ORG yet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Nothing against blueberry English muffins, but a plain one with blueberry jam beats that right out of the gate, I say.
Also: Felder!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am

if this doesn't make you want to light something on fire, I don't know what will
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am

and then just watch the flames dance..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am
Marcel M:

@Vincent: Brits who live here eat them constantly. In the Olde English section of Brooklyn you can't go anywhere without getting offered one.

Respect your felders
Avatar 11:04am

My stream has taken evasive action. Konono No. 1 & Batida has filled my earspace.

Pliny the Felder
Avatar 11:05am
Vincent Nifigance:

@Marcel M Sound like imposters. Maybe they doth eat English Muffins too much?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am
Asheville Jon:

my ultimate english muffin: with loads of butter (melted into the muffin), slathered with a thick layer of apricot preserves. rinsed down with a glass of ice-cold milk
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Vincent Nifigance:

Corey Felder

Felderberry Wine
Avatar 11:06am
fm Mike:

Imma order Jimmy Johns for Matt Warwick one day.
Avatar 11:06am

Plunk that felder on an ice floe, and give it a shove.
Avatar 11:06am

Cecile, your give-a-shit-ometer is exactly like mine. I have 4 or 5 years left, and then I just won't come in anymore. I saw a guy "secretly" retire from here a few years ago; it was the most wonderful feeling watching the HR types scratching their heads.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am
Passaic River Blues:

@Cecile: I suppose the only thing that could be worse is a passel of hetero-normative white dudebros. Imagine how much worse it would be working next to an ardent and vocal Trumper Dad™.
@Brendan: PLINY THE FELDER is my favorite philosopher.

They left our planet long ago. The Felder race still learn and grow.
Avatar 11:07am

It really is insufferable when dudebros squeal in unison!
Avatar 11:08am

Ah, we're back. That self-healing stream is really something.
Avatar 11:09am

I dunno. I might be able to manage dudebros. They take it less personally when you say you're not into something, in my experience. Their world is not shattered.
Avatar 11:10am
Chris from DC:

Reminds me of Pentagram. Awesome.
Avatar 11:11am

You know what I'm eating now? A lovely toasted and buttered english muffin. Boy, is it tasty.

Do more voices. This is riveting.
Avatar 11:12am

Do you have some Witchcraft, Matt? They would fit in great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20am

I found some really dry tobacco in my desk drawer, wondering if I can remoisturize that stuff with some water?
Andrea and James:

Hello from Los Angeles. The Pacific Ocean is still here, just laying around like a lazy dog today.
Avatar 11:24am
Sean B.:

Sebastian you could put in a sealed bag with a fresh peace of bread it will moisten up within 6 hours. Or you could add a couple drops of an essential oil or something.
Avatar 11:27am

Did somebody say "moist?" Mmmm, moist!
Avatar 11:28am
WO Town Wick:

I thought this Nisennnenmondai (too many farking letters) was Oneida.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am
Guido from Cologne:

Nisennenmondai are awesome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am
Nasty Les:

I can see why the track is called "This Heat". I can see what you mean about Oneida, although was fairly convinced it must be a live Laddio Bollocko track.
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Sean B.:

@Fm Mike @PassaicRiverBlues Yes I consider myself lucky to have been there guys. Very Lucky.
Avatar 11:30am
Chris from DC:

Great live band
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30am

thanks Sean! I don't know about the oil though, I only have eucalyptus and mint in stock.
Avatar 11:30am

Say, this is nice noise.

best show on the radio... always a joy...
Avatar 11:39am
Chris from DC:

Really liking this new Colour Haze
Avatar 11:39am
Sean B.:

@Sebastian Yeah if your not a menthol guy (like me) you wouldn't want to use any one of those! :-) I myself use Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint Oil and Eucalyptus Oil extensively. One good thing to do if you live in an old building is Boil some water with those 3 oils added. Let it boil then simmer (For about 3 hours a day (gradually adding more drops throughout); Not only will it kill the smoke smell from your whole home entirely. The steam will destroy any mold, fungus and bacteria in the walls, the air and your body!. :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am
Uncle Michael:

Can anyone deny that THIS is the golden age of stoner rock?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am
Marcel M:

F'in non stop rok blok
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42am

This Color Haze track is great! Loving the Felder set!

Passages of this reminding me of Allman Bros.
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Clicky starred Colour Haze!
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WO Town Wick:

Echoing love for Colour Haze.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am
Uncle Michael:

Skydance != Skydog
Avatar 11:44am
Sean B.:

Matt is giving some Higher Education with this great music here today. I am up for that all the time. Some mean fuzz and tube glow on that guitar!.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am

@Sean I only use that stuff when I catch a cold, so there's bad associations. I'll try the bread!
Avatar 11:47am
Sean B.:

@Sebastian I hear ya bud. Will cure a cold that's for sure.
Avatar 11:47am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Sorry to be garbage-pedantic, but "You Gt It or You Don't" is missing an "o" in there. Such things are important for clicky-star lookups.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am
Sem Chumbo:

This show was the biggest pile of garbage ever!
Well done, Your Majesty Matt.

See you and the Garbage Gang next time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am

Terrific Tuesday Trash!
Andrea and James:

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Sean B.:

I always admire DJ's that play entire sets of really obscure stuff (whether I like it or not). As I ponder how they got to the point of just liking and appreciating tons and tons of music I have never heard like let's say Sasha Jones for example. That was the quickest 3 hours I have experienced so that means 'twas a great show today!.
Avatar 11:54am

Parallel to Liz B: Tony Coulter coming up:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am

Other search engines are available.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Sem Chumbo:

Ha, Stanley, a DuckDuckGo man, I wager.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Passaic River Blues:

Thank you, sir.
Avatar 11:58am

Matt's locked in a vicious cycle: Felder, atonement, Felder, atonement, Felder, atonement ...
Avatar 11:58am
Sean B.:

Ha Sem you just took the words out of my brain.

@Matt , that Felder , it really took me by surprise. You think you've heard every facet of the song , then suddenly you hear it in different context and it gives meaning to life. I was nearly moved to tears. Nearly. Thanks Matt for showing me the light again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

When do we find out about the morning slot? My vote's for Matt...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

Sem - spot on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

Thank you Matt! Bye garbage people!
Avatar 12:01pm
Sean B.:

Wow!, Mickey sounding like Grace Slick on that one man.
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