Favoriting Simpsons Time: Thru the Debigulator with Amanda: Playlist from April 27, 2017 Favoriting

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Simpsons Time is several people's favorite feature of Amanda's radio program Nazario Scenario. One episode is discussed per week, focusing on the show's writing and its impact on the cultural landscape. Here we present the episode recaps and analysis all on their own, in snacktacular scaled-down form. Note: For a re-bigulated listening experience with the rest of Amanda's show, you can find the Nazario Scenario archives here.

iTunes Feed Also available as an MP3 podcast. More info at our Podcast Central page.

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Favoriting April 27, 2017: Bort and Mindy

Listen to this show: MP3 - 128K | Pop-up listen Pop-up player!

Artist Track Album
Simpsons Time!  ep 90: The Last Temptation of Homer   Favoriting s5 

Listener comments!

James Harry:

I like reading this www.google.com/
John Donne:

I am the kind of person that never really grew out of the show that made me laugh so hard I cried. It’s been over 20 years since the first episode aired and I still love watching it. It has been a while since the show was on TV, but it is now on Netflix. I am happy that it is available to watch whenever I want. I would also like to visit www.resumehelpservices.com... website to read real reviews so as to hire the best writer for my resume that I need to be done perfectly.
anisa jessie:

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