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In Real Life is a weekly show hosted by Emily and Kimzilla on WFMU. In each episode, Kim and Emily follow their own curiosity to interview people on about a variety of themes, getting the real scoop and learning about the real people behind each topic. Previous WFMU aired episodes include topics such as circus performers, taxicab drivers, bartender therapy, alien abductions, nudism and so much more.

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Favoriting May 24, 2017: A Cult of Personality

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Artist Approx. start time
Derek the ex-Scientologist  0:00:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

james f:

do 8th level thetans have to pick up after the dog?
Avatar 7:02pm

More cult stuff?
Avatar 7:02pm

oh oh
Avatar 7:02pm

my boy hubby
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Wait did you guys do the legal ID?
Avatar 7:05pm

Veronica did the ID
Avatar 7:05pm
kimzilla and Emily:

Yes, you asked for it, you got it, CULTS PT 2!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Ok I will stop being Mini Ken
Avatar 7:06pm
Listener Scott:

Oh, I know Derek! Derek is awesome.
Avatar 7:06pm
kimzilla and Emily:

Really, that's a small world.
Avatar 7:08pm
Listener Scott:

I'm Tony Ortega's attorney--he writes about Scientology every day. Of all the ex-members you could get on, Derek is one of the best.
Avatar 7:09pm
kimzilla and Emily:

wait. WHAT?! Scott, are you kidding?? That is too cool!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

Avatar 7:09pm
kimzilla and Emily:

Well lucky us, he's the only ex-scientologist we know!
Avatar 7:10pm
kimzilla and Emily:

hi common!

The Underground Bunker is great
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I once saw a sign in a storefront, FREE PERSONALTY TESTS! I fell for it, then once they handed me the literature, and I saw the S word, I hauled ass out of there
Avatar 7:13pm

Many times I was tempted to go into the Mansion in Dupont Circle DC just for shits and giggles, but was afraid I would never come out.
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kimzilla and Emily:

@Aaron, smart man.
Avatar 7:14pm

@TehBadDr: I've passed by that a few times too! Made the same decision...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Be glad I came out
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@ZTehBadDr, friends of mine went in, just for the architecture. 3 hrs later and 2 readings they left not knowing what happened.
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Listener Scott:

TR's are about deadening your reactions so you're more susceptible to more Scientology bulls***
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kimzilla & emily:

@Scott: yeah--this is maybe the part that freaked us out more than anything.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

hi folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Scott how did you become a lawyer against the fricking church of Scientology?
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@kimzilla, that's what I figured would happen! Hey they got out!

reactive mind comes from not wanting to get mauled by a bear in the woods 7000 years ago. it can never be 'controlled'
Avatar 7:18pm
kimzilla & emily:

hi melinda!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

This sounds familiar
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Hi Melinda prepare to be brainwashed
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kimzilla & emily:

james. the bears are not going to get you. calm down.
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kimzilla & emily:

you can follow Derek on twitter @theformerscn
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Aaron in Minneapolis:

You missed a Bullshit, why arnt you sending me these shows so I can proof them?
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kimzilla & emily:

oops. man, there were so many! mostly because we were editing up to 30 minutes ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

You need your own editor.
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Listener Scott:

@aaron I've been criticizing Scn online since the mid 1990s, and friends with Tony over the years. I'm known as 'tikk' in that world
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kimzilla & emily:

@Aaron that's really not a bad idea. It's just we love doing it so much!
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kimzilla & emily:

@Listener Scott, Is that a code name?
Avatar 7:25pm

Great show!
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kimzilla & emily:

Like, "The Tikk is on the move."
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Listener Scott:

Describing Scientology is so difficult without sounding crazy yourself. Not everyone can do it well, but Derek is great and engaging and gets it.
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Listener Scott:

tikk is just the user name I've used on message boards and elsewhere over the years (like the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology)
Avatar 7:31pm

This is some great stuff again ladies! Derek is really letting it flow.
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kimzilla & emily:

Thank you! Yeah, Derek was so great--so interesting and great at explaining all this. We could have done TWO hours!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
joe mulligan:

I did the cans test once on market st SF, and realized the needle would move when you squeeze them. when they asked how I felt about my daily commute, I gripped the cans crushingly till the needles pinned red. they looked frightened, said you need help and I said gotta go!
Avatar 7:34pm
Listener Scott:

Derek makes a good point about how the early levels almost make sense and then the whole thing gets nuttier and nuttier as you get deeper in. That it's so expensive guards against you figuring out it's bunk, b/c you're too invested in it. If you spent this much, there MUST be something to it.
Derek (Former SCN):

Hey guys! I'm glad you all are digging it! Feel free to ask me anything.

Welcome Derek!
Avatar 7:36pm
kimzilla & emily:

@Scott: that's such an important observation. It's a sentiment echoed by other cult survivors as well (including the one we interviewed in the first part of our "cults" episodes).
Avatar 7:36pm
kimzilla & emily:

Hi Derek!

This is so cringe worthy!

Like the torture of Gay Conversion Therapy
Derek (Former SCN):

Hiya! It really is cringe worthy.
Avatar 7:38pm

It's so much scarier than I even realized. There were so many things I learned that gave me the heebie jeebies.
Avatar 7:38pm
Listener Scott:

Derek I said nice things about you if you scroll up.

@ListenerScott: Ever hear of the phrase, “Sunken costs?” It’s basically a business term that means if future outlook is not so great, you can’t justify being involved in something just because you spent a lot of time and money already.

In real life it means that if you feel something is bad, stop looking at your past investments as something you should work against. If you had a great relationship and then it went south, just ditch it as painful as it might be. In the long run it will work out better.
Derek (Former SCN):

Thanks Scott!

Also mean simply, “Quit while you’re ahead.”
Avatar 7:41pm

L. Ron Hubbard was originally a scifi writer and acolyte of Aleister Crowely. Seriously.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

I saw an interesting doc about former Sea Org members. It opened my eyes to some of the cruelty of the cult.
Derek (Former SCN):

You can read about LRH's "illustrious" Naval career (including shelling Mexico) here.
Avatar 7:43pm
Listener Scott:

Right, sunken costs play a role; it's compounded by the prospect of losing all your friends (Scn cut your non-Scn family out years ago), and often you're not trained for any real life work.
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

As part of the Crowley stuff, Hubbard also mooched-off Jack Parsons, the founder of J.P.L., for awhile, and left with Parson's boat and mistress.

And here _I_ thought that the e-meter measured capacitance.
Avatar 7:46pm

The Germans didn't allow them to set up shop. Don't know about now. I've heard all this from a number of people.
Derek is very brave as well as sharp and articulate.
Avatar 7:48pm

@Murikami WW: Exactly! Fascinating story.
Derek (Former SCN):

It was my pleasure!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

Thanks Derek!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

Thank you both, and you Derek!

Great Episode!
Avatar 7:53pm

Yeah, well done Derek!
Avatar 7:54pm

Derek Thanks for sharing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Take a trip to Minnesota!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Tommy in Neversink:

Fantastic season !!!!! E and K
james f:

37?!?! in a row?
Avatar 7:55pm

Derek Thanks for sharing

On a blimp!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Tommy in Neversink:

You must go to the House on the Rock in WI
Avatar 7:56pm

Derek Thanks for sharing
Avatar 7:57pm

This is a great show, Emily & Kim! Haven't heard before.
Avatar 7:57pm

37 Episodes!!!! Holy Smokes, Ladies!!!!!!
Derek (Former SCN):

My pleasure! I'm happy to expose these charlatans!

starman!!! YEZ!!!
Avatar 7:57pm

Thanks Derek!!!!!!
james f:

nicely done, ladies!
Avatar 7:59pm

fingers crossed for Ted.
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