Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from September 3, 2017 Favoriting

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Favoriting September 3, 2017

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Bill Brovold  Acts of Desperation   Favoriting Childish Delusions  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Steeleye Span  Alison Gross   Favoriting Parcel of Rogues  0:03:41 (Pop-up)
Jozef Van Wissem  Our Hearts Condemn Us   Favoriting Beyond Prop, New Lute Music for FIlm  0:09:07 (Pop-up)
Amazing Blondel  Cantus Firmus to Counterpoint   Favoriting England  0:13:32 (Pop-up)
Le Ton Mite  Decalage Horaire   Favoriting Passé Compose Futur Conditionnel  0:17:15 (Pop-up)
Nils Bultmann  Marched Upward   Favoriting Terminally Unique  0:18:22 (Pop-up)
Silverhead  Underneath the Light   Favoriting Silverhead  0:34:39 (Pop-up)
Deep Purple  Never Before   Favoriting Machine Head  0:40:43 (Pop-up)
The Ace of Cups  Stones   Favoriting The Rebel Kind: Girls with Guitars 3  0:44:41 (Pop-up)
Davy Jones  You've Got a Habit of Leaving   Favoriting V/A: Making Time: A Shel Talmy Production  0:49:29 (Pop-up)
Principal Edwards Magic Theatre  Ballad (Of the Big Girl Now and a Mere Boy)   Favoriting V/A: Milk of the Tree: An Anthology of Female Vocal Folk and Singer-Songwriters 1966-1973  0:52:24 (Pop-up)
Buffalo Springfield  Down Down Down (Remix)   Favoriting Buffalo Springfield (Box Set)  1:01:51 (Pop-up)
Leah Paul  The Tithing   Favoriting We Will Do the Worrying  1:04:52 (Pop-up)
Conduit  Ancient Friendship   Favoriting (Ohmslice)  1:07:37 (Pop-up)
Paul Bley/Jimmy Giuffre/Steve Swallow  Sweet Song   Favoriting The Life of a Trio: Sunday  1:13:15 (Pop-up)
Der Plan  K Rperlos im Cyberspace   Favoriting Unkapitulierbar  1:16:48 (Pop-up)
Peter Blegvad  Not Weak Enough   Favoriting King Strut and Other Stories  1:29:33 (Pop-up)
Mata Hari  Easy   Favoriting V/A: Follow The Sun  1:32:47 (Pop-up)
The Chico Hamilton Quintet & Fred Katz  Suite for Horn, part 2   Favoriting Classical Katz  1:35:30 (Pop-up)
Thomas Buckner  dim (Roscoe Mitchell)   Favoriting Full Spectrum Voice  1:41:12 (Pop-up)
Uri Caine  Samba do Fogo   Favoriting Rio  1:46:24 (Pop-up)
Kraldjursanstalten  Fet Och Feg   Favoriting Voodoo Boogie  1:54:31 (Pop-up)
Weasel Walter  Half-Death (excerpt)   Favoriting A Pound of Flesh  1:57:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 10:01pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, all.
Avatar 10:02pm

Good evening Dave ^^ Great thrilling action of a start
Avatar 10:03pm

Why does this Bill Brovold sound so familiar?
Avatar 10:03pm

Hola, DM
Avatar 10:04pm
Dave Mandl:

Greetings, Undead83, ngh, Holly-san.
Avatar 10:04pm

Hi @undead83 and @ngh! Hope you guys are having a nice long weekend.
Avatar 10:05pm

Ultimate penultimate greetings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Cooh John:

Evening Dave and all Mandlibles. Starting off with a clicky star.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Wendy del Formaggio:

Hello Dave. Nice to be here tonight, listening to your show.
Avatar 10:05pm
Dave Mandl:

@ngh: Not sure. Maybe you know him?
Avatar 10:05pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Alison Gross is one of the best songs ever. One l.
Avatar 10:06pm

@Holly: Oh, yea, it was ^^ and ending on the most pleasant way

hello dave, tell me will you and Gaylord be on the new schedule?
Avatar 10:06pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey fleep, Cooh John, Cheese Goddess, Mr. Mayor.

good to listen to while planning an american history class
Avatar 10:07pm

@HollyT: Weekend has been nice, but I still feel as if I've barely made a dent in my unpacking...
Avatar 10:07pm
Dave Mandl:

Hi cheri. Gaylord yes, me no. I'm taking some time off.
Avatar 10:07pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Mr. Mandi.
Avatar 10:08pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Does Dave Hill know about this?

ok, dave you WILL be missed!
Avatar 10:09pm
Dave Mandl:

Thanks, cheri.
Avatar 10:10pm

Are you saying Alison is an ... angel witch?
Avatar 10:10pm
Dave Mandl:

Mayor: About what?
Avatar 10:10pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Wait. Dave. Your schedule being changed?
Avatar 10:13pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Hail Satan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm
Wendy del Formaggio:

Wow, I've been promoted to Goddess! Thanks, Dave. I hope I can live up to the moniker. It's a lot of responsibility!
Avatar 10:14pm
Dave Mandl:

@Mayor: I'm taking off the next season, which starts a week from tomorrow.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Wendy del Formaggio:

Also, I'm bummed you're taking a break, Dave. Your show has such a great Sunday night vibe.

dave, ;let's have a two week farewell party, i'm making mudslides!
Avatar 10:15pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Bummer for us, good for u. I guess. I and we sending u vibes.
Avatar 10:16pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Want to write a comedy show?
Avatar 10:19pm
Dave Mandl:

Thanks, all. I'll be back. Just need to recharge my battery or whatever they call it.
Avatar 10:19pm
Dave Mandl:

Mayor: Sure.
Avatar 10:20pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

DM me. @mayorfrank. We'll miss you. Recharge.

Hope your whatchamacallit gets recharged!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm

Good evening, Dave! Let me "echo" what other listeners have already said, I'm really gonna miss "World of Echo". There's an excellent show that will be in this time slot, "Spin Age Blasters", punk madness with Creamo Coyle. I'll be looking forward to your fill-ins in the future.

Dave, you're in a mood tonight. I love it.

oh dear, DAve Mandl, how will I manage without you? REAL QUESTION. Charge up and bring us back some new tunes ok?!!
Avatar 10:30pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:


thanks very much dave mandl for the delightful tunes you've giving us this summer! please come back soon
Avatar 10:31pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Your name is Dave.
Avatar 10:32pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Ugh. 9/11?
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Mayor Frank Rizzo:

When the next year summer season begins. #jethrotull #feelies
Avatar 10:36pm
Dave Mandl:

Hi Jake, joeray, phat, jeanne. And thanks very much, everyone.

Is the new schedule on the website?

is this hoodlum rock?
Avatar 10:38pm
Dave Mandl:

@Marc15: Should be, I think. If not, it'll be up in a day or so.
Avatar 10:39pm

love the two part lead

Hope the break goes well for you.
Avatar 10:39pm
Dave Mandl:

@phat: Haha, yeah.
Avatar 10:39pm

Avatar 10:39pm
Dave Mandl:

Actually, looks like the new schedule is not up yet.

Okay, I didn't see it. I'll miss you Sundays, Dave
Avatar 10:40pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Work on a third studio album (working title 'Brutiful') started in 1974, but the group disbanded in July 1974 before it was finished.
Avatar 10:40pm


Thank you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41pm
Uncle Michael:

Not up, but authorized for release.

Avatar 10:41pm
Dave Mandl:

Yup, that's it, thanks.

Heya Dave. Enjoy your time off, hard to come by nowadays.
Avatar 10:42pm
Dave Mandl:

And it'll be going out on Twitter, um...as soon as I get a chance.
Avatar 10:42pm
Dave Mandl:

@Carmichael: Gracias.

I just saw Deep Purple, surprisingly good. Steve Morse does a splendid job.
Avatar 10:43pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Spin Age Blasters is proto-porn.
Avatar 10:44pm
Dave Mandl:

@Carmichael: Huh, good to know.

Steve Morse is in Deep Purple now? Yikes
Avatar 10:44pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Ken, don't get me started.
Avatar 10:44pm

Creamo moves to this slot, Samantha to Faye's

well this is it, I got to say goodnight, we all love ya dave oxox
Avatar 10:44pm
still b/p:

Saw them in 1974. Special permission on a school night!

Shit, since 1994!

Morse is a happy savage. They opened with Highway Star (and nailed it).
Avatar 10:46pm

Hey, neat, I just saw that there's a documentary out about these gals (Ace of Cups). Haven't watched it yet
Avatar 10:47pm
Dave Mandl:

@Carmichael: Glad to hear that. Highway Star is one of the greatest songs of all time.
Avatar 10:47pm
Dave Mandl:

@Holly: Yeah, I thought of them because someone just mentioned that documentary to me today!
Avatar 10:48pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

So this is your last show?
Avatar 10:48pm
Dave Mandl:

No, next week is my last (for now).

cheers to dave mandl!
Avatar 10:49pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Avatar 10:49pm
still b/p:

Highway Star is absalooly a smile song. And yes, a li'l-bit-of -air-guitary song.
Pete L:

Enjoying the more than 2% rock and roll Dave. Nice n trashy!
Avatar 10:50pm

cheers to Dave!
Avatar 10:50pm
Dave Mandl:

@Pete: Oops.
Avatar 10:50pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Hang the blessed DJ!

Davy Jones could be singing about my Ex-boyfriend, who abandoned me

Ok, I left the room for a moment. Was that Davy Jones or David Jones?
Avatar 10:53pm
Dave Mandl:

@Marc15: Ow, sorry. He's also David Bowie.
Avatar 10:54pm

Thanks for reaching out, Mayor Frank. I can't remember if I got back to you, as I got the WFMUmail while I was at work. Hope all is superb!
Avatar 10:54pm

Why am just now finding out about Principal Edwards Magic Theatre? Digdug-worthy!

So David Jones, of Lower Third fame.
Avatar 10:55pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

It's all superb northguineahills! I have not idea what I contacted you about.
Avatar 10:56pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Don't fall into the river...
Avatar 10:57pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Faxed Head?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57pm
Uncle Michael:

Michael Des barres was on a great episode of WKRP in Cincinnati.
Avatar 10:58pm

Didn't Michael Des Barres have a quasi-hit in the 80s? I seem to remember a video

Des Barres was in Power Station after Robert Palmer's quick departure.
Avatar 11:06pm

Ahh, I have this box set...
Avatar 11:06pm
Dave Mandl:

God, I don't think I could name one member of Power Station.
Avatar 11:07pm

Factoid: Michael Des Barres is the 26th Marquis des Barres. His parents are a marquis and a marchioness. In the nobiliary titles ranking, he's above a count and below a duke.
Avatar 11:07pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Film idea: Doc on the making of The Tithing.
Avatar 11:08pm

well Mayor Frank Rizzo, I now have your contact info, and mine is, for interested parties, my nom de wfmu @ gmail.com
Avatar 11:08pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Conduit has it going through.

@holly, I wonder if Pamela Des Barres took any of that into consideration?
Avatar 11:10pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Don't hack me bro. northguineahills. Are you from New Zealand?
Avatar 11:10pm

@carmichael: £££££

dave, it was a real pleasure listening to you, but let's not say goodbye, let's just say see you soon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10pm
! I X Key !:

Avatar 11:11pm

An interesting compilation idea could be European rock stars who are also noblemen
Avatar 11:11pm
Dave Mandl:

Thanks, cheri. Definitely not goodbye.
Avatar 11:11pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Let's not say goodbye. Let's say hello again and again and again...
Avatar 11:11pm
Dave Mandl:

@Holly: Make that happen. I wonder how many there are?
Avatar 11:12pm

Probably a lot of them keep it on the DL
Avatar 11:13pm
Dave Mandl:

True. Except Marianne Faithfull. They made a big deal about her.
Avatar 11:13pm
Dave Mandl:

Nico, I think?
Avatar 11:15pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Any chance we can get some Spaceman Supreme, he who is named and not named, Sir Sun Ra?! I am Keith Jarrett. I am from Allentown. Don't cough.
Avatar 11:16pm

Either Chad or Jeremy was the grandson or grand-nephew of a Duke, I think I read. Both C & J came from £££
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not a haxor myself, so I shan't be a Kiwi. Currently, I'm a Floridian, so even worse. Miss my Brooklyn....
Avatar 11:16pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Those are pound notes.
Avatar 11:17pm
Dave Mandl:

Huh, didn't know that about Chad & Jeremy. But I saw them live about 10 years ago!
Avatar 11:18pm
Dave Mandl:

And it was a good show.
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@MayorFrank. Yes, because Brits
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@dave. I just saw them recently on an old episode of the Dick van Dyke Show
Avatar 11:21pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Der HollyT: Umpderkuntderuplein. Avoid the pound. And I think I love you.
Avatar 11:23pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

Love you Dave M. Will wait to hear ya back.
mark Flynn:


Hey Dave! And others! The program schedule was linked to on Facebook so here it is directly. www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 11:30pm
Dave Mandl:

@Holly: Wow, I'll look for that episode.
Avatar 11:30pm
Dave Mandl:

Thanks, Jake. Someone also posted the link above ^^^, but it's not on the main FMU website yet.
Avatar 11:30pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:

did he get his shed set up? i love this his sound.

Yeah, but I had the schedule on 7 inch.
Avatar 11:31pm
Dave Mandl:

@Mayor: Aw, thanks.
Avatar 11:34pm
Mayor Frank Rizzo:


lots of love to mr. mandl!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37pm
Uncle Michael:

I'm pushing the keyboard away, Dave. Enjoy your hiatus. I'll be looking forward to your return.
Avatar 11:38pm
Dave Mandl:

Thanks, UM! See you around.

I met Jeremy about 10 years ago. A friend does one of those Where are They Now book series, and they have a concert for every release. I also talked at great length with Sal Valentino of the Beau Brummels.
Avatar 11:42pm
Dave Mandl:

Great. Didn't either Chad or Jeremy die a few years ago?

I second um's motion night for real!

Thanks so much Dave!!
Avatar 11:43pm

I like this Buckner for some reason

It could have been Peter or Gordon.
Avatar 11:47pm
Dave Mandl:

Hate to say it, but everyone gets P&G and C&J mixed up.
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Jeremy Turkinson:

Proctor & Gamble?
Avatar 11:47pm

@dave: Season 4, episode 20. They riff on Beatlemania. C&J play the Redcoats, who are guesting on the Alan Brady Show and end up spending the night at Rob and Laura's to avoid the throngs of hysterical teenyboppers

I know I do.
Avatar 11:48pm
Dave Mandl:

@Holly: OK, I have to check that out. I vaguely remember it, but I saw it decades ago.
Avatar 11:49pm

@dave: I'm rewatching the entire series on Netflix

@holly, no kidding?!? That's one DVD show I haven't seen.
Avatar 11:51pm

@carmichael. It's worth checking out! Very funny
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Jeremy Turkinson:

Sun Ra and the Arkestra practiced in Germantown. Wrap that stuff in/on your brain.
Avatar 11:52pm

On a related note, Rose Marie is on Twitter. You guys should follow her. She's 94!!

Good night all.
Avatar 11:54pm

Have a good night @carmichael
Avatar 11:55pm
Dave Mandl:

Have a great week, all!

i'm sorry dave, but i just want to say it been a fun summer with you!
Avatar 11:55pm

Nite Dave & Echoites!
Avatar 11:59pm

Gnite @dave + folks!!
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