Our alert system has detected a potential danger coming towards you:
<< Mariah Carey's 'Visions of Love' song from the 7 inch single could be played in the next few minutes >>
As a protective measure -during the lenght of the song- create a barrier between you and the potentially contaminated sound:
* Cover the sound source with duct tape plastic.
* Take your family and pets outside.
* Seal all windows, doors and air vents with 2-4 mil. thick plastic sheeting and duct tape.
* Take shelter or stay in a mass care facility operated by disaster relief group.
Aaron in minneapolis:
Its time for my annual singles going steady request of Clarence carters stroking!
Good morning, 7" listeners. I trust the turntable power supplies are in tip-top shape and the platters are spinning accurately at 45 RPM. Plenty of fresh needles at the ready?
FɾFɾ (:
Hello, Ken, Aaron, Ken From HP!
Also, thanks, FEMA. We cannot underestimate the importance of emergency planning.
Hi again = you gotta really speak up today if you wanna hear the old 45 warhorses like Strokin' and Vision of Love and Jimmy and and and
FɾFɾ (:
Here are some alternate ideas to the threatening Visions of Love:
Vogel (featuring Ivor Cutler) - Guten Morgen
Inflateable Boy Clams - Skeletons
Faust - Green Side Extract
Can - Cascade Waltz
Father Harry, God Squad - Public Service Announcement
Stereolab - La Boob Oscillator
Rosko - Where Are You, Mama?
CL Campbell - Hey, Mayor Daley Man
Walter Brennan - Grandpa
Steve had an apparent ischemic episode yesterday (about 3 weeks after his aortic valve replacement) and is in the hospital, mental status cloudy. He's been a WFMU listener since the 1970s and has an uncounted number of "Shut Up, Weirdo" shirts.
[Sticky Puffs founder, Simon Fair] Timony also managed the fanclub of Nirvana back in the day. When he sold the fanclub-cards, he asked "Send candy not money!" [wikipedia]
@Ken, donated and uploaded my pets - don't know how long before they're view-able however. But keep an eye out for Killdozer in his crown and Gromwell in his fez!
I've sent you the Pritt Stick MP3 song, considered one of the 'worst rated songs'* from the times when mp3.com was the king of the internet (late 1990's)
* In WFMU terms that would mean 'a great f*cking song'
not to be too bothersome, but what exactly is the definition of a "single" this week? A single with two tracks is bothersome, but if the definition is "a little record with a big hole" then i will calm down...
@Arapahoe - That's pretty sweet. One of my favorite rapper/activist. Love Jimmy Castor Bunch - "cause i might come off" .... "he said move".. "she got up" ... "bertha butt sista .. " yup yup :)
@CM, it freaked her out? Zero-G never paid the slightest attention to WFMU, not even Daniel Blumin's slowed-down dumpsters crashing into each other for 15 minutes (TM Reddit).
I just hope my friend Steve isn't strokin'! When I spoke to him on the phone from the ER last night, at least his sense of humor was intact, although he couldn't remember what year it was. In a clouded mental status, the patient often is unaware of the seriousness of his condition, which is kind of a saving grace if you look at it from his perspective. Just like it is immediately after shock treatment, where the patient doesn't remember anything going back years, but is just fine with that.
I was thinking of taking Metro North and the subway to get to the meet-up. I can drive to the JC area and we could carpool, Ken. Would that work for you? What time do you need to be there?
I have another great idea for Seven Second Delay for tonight!
It's 'The Date Rape Jokes Ambush!' Basically we let Andy wax lyrically about date rape and child molestation jokes...Then, all of a sudden, Rose McGowan calls-in and scolds Andy and before you know it the Twittersphere goes crazy and 7SD becomes insanely famous!
I remember this song used to be in one of those Time Life "Best of the '80s" ads, and I always expect it to go "Der Kommissar's in town, oh OHHHHHHH Tainted love!!"
Fun fact: the German phrase for “rapping to the beat” is 28 syllables.
Inspired by Ken's varying records speeds; I sometimes play "Upside Down" by Diana/Don Ross. (Slow) It flips a script and... brings me the joy of at least 3 gestures.
"At 33 rpm, the single is too slow, but the slowness seems to fit Jimmy's lugubrious, demented delivery, so that's the speed that the FMU staff settled on back when this record was in heavy rotation. Jimmy's real name appears to be James Dean, the record label is Fatima Records, and he seems to be from Los Angeles. The sleeve of the single says "Demand The Album!" in tiny type, but these are the only two songs from Jimmy we've ever come across." blog.wfmu.org...
FɾFɾ (:
I love Cibo <3 although I have to admit I prefer Matto's singing abilities.
They're now using the word "stroke" in connection with Steve's case, unofficially. A thrombo-embolic event would be consistent with his recent valve replacement. He could still come out of this pretty well.
@mister dobalina without getting too into it, I was kind of in the middle of a personal breakdown and also drank too much and just generally overstayed my welcome. Maybe going to another event will give me a chance to apologize at least. haha.
@rbx: Oh dayum, that sounds like some real to realness there. Well don't fret too much about that one time, I believe most everyone at FMU and its listeners are fairly non-judgmental.
thank you ken.
i just got a $190 ticket while riding my bike in brooklyn.
but the jimmy hoffa single turned my frown upside down.
this is what wfmu is for.
Doin the math on a mafia deathbed confession . Hoffa disappeared 42 yrs ago. If whoever wacked him was 25-50 at the time, they would be around 70-90, and ready for a book deal to secure the grandkids future .