FfFf (:
It was the outro for "Jewish Moments in the Morning"—now wondering if, during Marathon, not only did they raise money from the Orthodox community which strongly valued their programme, but also made at least this non-Orthodox Jew feel like not being 'shown-up' by those 'frummies' , because that's how humans work.
Ken, I love the station and your show, but I feel a compulsion to mock you because you're the station manager. Some strange inner force urges me to stick it to "The Man". In this case, I fear you fit this description. Since I'm an old geezer and steeped in peace & love, I probably wont be vicious. The tendency is more towards annoying 3rd grader than drooling ax wielding maniac. In spite of it all, I will try to resist the impulse. Just thought I'd let you know ahead of time. Again, love your show cough-dork-cough. (Sorry).
The lyric is:
"Drug death, drug death.
Little child, you're threatened by drug death.
LD , LSD, etc. "
I upped my mouse pledge to $40/mo for you Kenny boy! Time to buck up all you fence sitters! What if WFMU goes the PBS route and only allows paying members to stream? Better to volunteer before you get drafted!!!!
Die Radierer is an offshot group from The Wirtschaftswunder from Limburg (famous for smelly cheese).
FfFf (:
Murakami Whywolf,
I see. I think I got that idea then from the Ken's show archives. Lots of them start with the last miliseconds of the aforementioned outro. I thought it was the most original intro but now that you uncovered the hard truth I am no longer a believer.
Ken, maybe you and Lil' Matty Warwick could auction off some of those lava lamps ? That might bring in the big bucks.
There are a few times in my life when I regret not really applying myself at my job and making piles of cash. If I had, I could donate more $$ to WFMU. Sorry Ken. :-(
Murakami: Huh. Is this related to why my parents always said it was hurting them more than it was hurting me?
I kind of liked the cheesey sabbath song too, at least the sliver of it that I heard as an online listener between shows. I didn't realize it was part of a larger show for a long time.
oh, I just found out and/or relearned that the JM archives are still hosted here and I can listen to the Shabbos song ANY DAMN TIME I WANT. I just have to figure out which days are Firdays. wfmu.org...
last time i heard that billie jean xylophone bed, it was the end of ken's show and afterwards i went to times square for lunch and the (so-called) naked cowboy was there and I thought about asking him how much it would cost for him to do a rendition of billie jean and let me video it, but then I decided not too.
Ken and Sir Matthew, you enter the dungeon, before you are three doors on your left, right, and further right, from the left door you can detect the distinct smell of a donation, what do you do?
@Matt ww
You open the left door and behold a stone chamber, cobblestones lining the floor and walls, a brazier glowing in the corner, on the floor lies an enticing Donation! It appears to be at least 10 bucks a month!
I shout that at my daughter from time to time. She has no idea what I'm talking about.
@Matt ww
As you approach the donation, suddenly! It rears up on sinewy claw-toed legs and flashes it's shiny claws, a Mimic! Somehow, unexplainably, a dripping tongue and teeth emerge from between the fat stacks of the donation. Roll for initiative!
"In 1994, comedy punk band The Radioactive Chicken Heads recorded a cover of Suicidal Tendencies' "Institutionalized" in the style of Alvin and the Chipmunks specifically due to lead singer Carrot Topp's dissatisfaction with the song choices on Chipmunk Punk."
No! Wait! That's not the right Killdozer song to play now! I think it is better to deploy Knuckles the Dog song.The tune elicits the negative emotion of sadness in the audience -much needed now- if we want them to feel more empathetic towards the station's plight.
@Matt ww
The mimic shies away from the piercing sounds of Ken's Har-mon-eeka! You can see it back into the corner away from the open flames of the burning brazier, what do you do??
Just chucked in a little more into the kitty. I'll keep wearing my current shoes a bit longer and patch them up with duct tape as holes appear. Viva freeform!
i believe it is encourage,d NotAReal (i have pledged a couple of one-time pledges on top of my swag4life to hit up some particular djs i like, but didn't include in that S4L, no problems doing that)
Good answer, SteveO! Why, I just increased my monthly pledge a SECOND TIME this month and encourage others to do so as well! I've done TWO one time pledges this month after each payday! GIVE GIVE GIVE!
Fact: In Japanese, since 'shakuhachi' was long an idiom for a man receiving oral sex, some wag decided that 'harmonica' should be the feminine equivalent...it's pronounced 'haa-moh-nee-kah'.
Whywolf, the "obsequious clerks and floor managers" actor was a guy named Frank Nelson, a foil for Jack Benny and Lucille Ball. Again I don't think Matt was doing him, but Reggie Van Gleason.
I understand, Ken and I apologize to intrude on this forum. You must get it a lot. However, my property has been broken, stolen, and his has not been picked up. I would like this resolved amicably. This forum is my only means of contacting the schmuck, so I know you will understand. Thank you for your help.
FfFf (:
The best song with Spanish lyrical typos!
Have you read the statements from the dissenting Commissioners? They're pissed.
Honestly, I feel the Ruling Ideology is now: 'The world is crap, you are crap, all that matters is accumulating as much crap as possible. Any attempt to act or think otherwise is contemptible.'
Maybe that's not much of a change, but I've never felt it as strongly.
Bill W.: Thank-you; I couldn't remember, and knew it wasn't Frank Pangborn, of whom I kept thinking instead—they're both in Third Banana Heaven, though.
Port Reading was built in the late 19th century by the Reading Railroad of Pennsylvania to serve their shipping needs, especially coal from the Pennsylvania anthracite coal fields. In 1892 Port Reading was connected to the Reading Railroad system via a new branch line from Port Reading Junction near Bound Brook, New Jersey, known as the Port Reading Railroad. The Port Reading Refinery was located in the district.
Hey, the falcons are circling Journal Square! They’re perched atop the bank sign.
I regret to inform you guys that the mimic has devoured you, and its pledge shaped body has been left behind in the vaults of the Monty hall dungeon, who will be its next victim??