Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from October 28, 2017 Favoriting

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An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting October 28, 2017: Android Moonouvres

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Ben Frost  Threshold of Faith   Favoriting The Centre Cannot Hold  Mute  2017  5th studio album  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Marshstepper  When Misfortune Confounds (Live at Berlin Atonal 2016)   Favoriting Berlin Atonal: Force Majeure  Berlin Atonal / Wire  2017  AKA JS Aurelius + Nick Nappa  *   0:06:00 (Pop-up)
The Cop Killers  Cop Killers   Favoriting Trax Test (Excerpts From The Modular Network 1981-1987)  Ecstatic  2017    *   0:15:59 (Pop-up)
Danny Daze & Shokh / James Mason & Sue Lyon  Aire / I Learned Some Good Games   Favoriting Total 17 / Lolita  Kompakt  2017  orig from single on Kompakt Extra / AKA Daniel Gomez (owner of Omnidisc label) + David Friedrich Koch  *   0:20:08 (Pop-up)
Ellen Allien & Apparat  Jet   Favoriting Orchestra of Bubbles  BPitch Control  2006  AKA founder of BPitch Control label, Ellen Fraatz, + Sascha Ring, who runs the Berlin-based label, Shitkatapult    0:28:12 (Pop-up)
Disjecta  Pit   Favoriting Clean Pit And Lid  Warp  1996  Seefeel's Mark Clifford solo project / from Latin "disjecta membra" meaning "scattered parts"    0:34:24 (Pop-up)
Air  Radian   Favoriting 10,000 Hz Legend  Astralwerks  2001  AIR = Amour (Love), Imagination (Imagination), Reve (Dream)    0:37:38 (Pop-up)
Keith Jarrett Trio  Dancing   Favoriting Changeless  ECM  1989  with Gary Peacock (bass) & Jack DeJohnette (drums)    0:44:48 (Pop-up)
Richard Burmer  Physics   Favoriting Mosaic  Fortuna Records  1984  from Michigan    0:53:13 (Pop-up)
Boy Is Fiction  Oh! Toronto   Favoriting The Reconstruction of Fives  n5MD  2010  AKA Alex Gillett from Melbourne, Australia / cover of Lights Out Asia song    0:57:05 (Pop-up)
Bnnt  Sickness Begins When One Starts To Think   Favoriting Multiverse  Instant Classic  2017  Duo Konrad Smolenski + Daniel Szwed from Warszawa, Poland  *   1:11:21 (Pop-up)
The Haxan Cloak / George Clooney  The Drop / And Death Shall Have No Dominion   Favoriting Excavation / Solaris  Tri Angle  2013  solo project of UK-based Bobby Krlic    1:16:33 (Pop-up)
Sums  Budapest   Favoriting Berlin Atonal: Force Majeure  Berlin Atonal / Wire  2017  AKA Mogwai's Barry Burns + French producer, David Letellier  *   1:27:31 (Pop-up)
New Routines Every Day  Bows (ceremonies) to the roots   Favoriting You Never Know What Is Enough / Until You Know What Is More Than Enough  Pulver Und Asche  2017  Album title taken from William Blake's "The Marriage of Heaven And Hell" (Proverbs of Hell)  *   1:31:26 (Pop-up)
Abul Mogard  Android Manouvres   Favoriting Abul Mogard  VCO   2013  from Belgrade, Serbia / available on Bandcamp    1:43:01 (Pop-up)
Hot Chip  Jelly Babies   Favoriting Dark & Stormy  Domino  2013  from Britain    1:55:04 (Pop-up)
AIR  Caramel Prisoner   Favoriting 10,000 Hz Legend  Astralwerks  2001  2nd album from Jean-Benoit Dunckel + Nicolas Godin from France    2:05:44 (Pop-up)
Franziska Baumann  Ice Breaks   Favoriting Voice Sphere (Where All The Frozen Things Went...)  ASM/STV  2002  from Switzerland    2:10:48 (Pop-up)
Ka Baird  Untitled   Favoriting Ridgewood Radio presents: Distressed, Disturbed, Disrupted & Displayed    2017  AKA Kathleen Baird  *   2:13:10 (Pop-up)
LCD Soundsystem  Tonite   Favoriting American Dream  Leftfield  2017  4th studio album from co-founder of DFA (Death From Above) Records, James Murphy  *   2:17:44 (Pop-up)
Jaga Jazzist  Big City Music   Favoriting Starfire  Ninja Tune  2015  from Norway    2:27:17 (Pop-up)
Propellerheads / Marlon Brando & Al Pacino  Spybreak! / Barzini   Favoriting decksandrumsandrockandroll / The Godfather Part II  Dreamworks  1998  British duo Alex Gifford & Will White / This song featured in the movie, "The Matrix"    2:40:38 (Pop-up)
Rodinia  Drohne Zuruck!   Favoriting Ex Anima  Now-Again  2017  2nd album from Jan Weissenfeldt (Jay Whitefield) from Germany  *   2:47:02 (Pop-up)
Biosphere  Poa Alpina   Favoriting Substrata  Thirsty Ear  1997  AKA Geir Jenssen from Norway    2:53:06 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:05am
Scraps deSelby:

brrrrrrrrrrr h’lo
Avatar 3:06am
Number Six:

Good Evening, Carol & Fellow Moon Folk!
Avatar 3:09am

Hello Scraps! Good evening, Number Six! So happy to have you here:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09am

Good Morning everyone. Time for tea, music and a good book
Avatar 3:11am

Hey there, jkeigh! Good morning:)
Mike tp:

joining in !!!from breezy Portland ......
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 3:23am

Good morning Carol and other Sleepless Sonataphiles
Avatar 3:25am

Hello Mike in the breeze! :)
Avatar 3:26am

Good morning, Kevin-san! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29am

I'm ashamed to admit that as much as a Kuberik fan that I am, I've only seen the Jeremy Irons Lolita (which was very good BTW)
Avatar 3:32am

@ jkeigh: That's good to know. I will have to check that one out.
Avatar 3:33am

The Kubrick is far better. Peter Sellers as Clair Quilty. No sex scenes though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36am

It is on my list along with Barry Lyndon and a few films before Paths of Glory that I haven't seen by him.
Avatar 3:38am

The Killing is a good early noir SK.
Avatar 3:39am
Number Six:

I can def recommend Barry Lyndon. Its not in my usual range of genre and I enjoyed it so I guess that counts for something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:45am

My local libraries have all 3 so I'll probably check them out within the next few weeks.
Avatar 3:46am

There is an interesting documentary about the Shining called room 237 some of the theories are kind of wacky but all the hidden meanings.
Avatar 3:48am

Things I never noticed even though I’ve seen it 50 times or so.
Avatar 3:48am

@BEAVO@3:46: That sounds interesting. Now I'm officially curious!
Avatar 3:49am

You can stream it on Netflix or Amazon pretty sure
Avatar 3:49am
Number Six:

That makes 2 of us.
Avatar 3:50am

I really dislike Kubrick (except Dr Strangelove, which is one of the ten greatest movies ever), but The Killing has a good script, which maybe because Jim Thompson cowrote it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50am

Cool, they have that as well. I may have to put that first on the list since it's almost time for my yearly re-watch of the movie. I probably should sign up for netflix but I like going to libraries. Actually I think filmstruck has a bunch of Criterions and other great films so I'd join them first.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53am

I get it Scraps. Not every director is for everyone (which is what makes life interesting). A good friend of mine who loves films too doesn't like Lynch or the Cohen Brothers but we find common ground.
Avatar 3:54am

Hate Lynch. LOVE the Coen Bros.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56am

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you like David Fincher
Avatar 4:00am

Actually, I haven’t seen any of his — and probably won’t. I’ve given up movies in the last twenty years. Most of my time is devoted to music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03am

Good choice, music is the best :-)
Avatar 4:05am

And there is SO MUCH
Avatar 4:06am
Number Six:

I can't think of any director who cranks out one masterpiece after another continuously. At least not since the '80s.
Avatar 4:14am
Number Six:

Orson Wells - the original troll.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15am

Avatar 4:38am

Just want to do a shout-out to all the people who donated this week! Thanks to James from Westwood, Martin from Uckfield, UK, Pen from Los Angeles, Doris from Droitwich, Matthew from London! THANK YOU!
Avatar 4:45am

Also thank you to Daniel, Sem from Granville Ferry, Nova Scotia, and Elizabeth from Clifton Park!
Avatar 4:49am

Thank you to all those who donated earlier in the month! Thank you Joel, Miriam, John, Ruth, Irwin, Olivia, Alex, Christian, Carolyn, Sam, Ken and Alex! Thank you for your generousness!
Avatar 4:50am

Hope everyone is relaxing and enjoying their morning out there! :)
Avatar 4:54am
Number Six:

This is a wonderful chill ambient track. Seriously relaxing.
Avatar 4:58am

@ Number Six: Glad you are digging:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19am

"It will shine and it will shudder"..oh wait!
Avatar 5:23am

@jkeigh@5:19: glad you are paying attention:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:26am

This album has really grown on me after a few listens.
Avatar 5:29am

@jkeigh@5:26: Love when that happens!
geoff mcq:

Bloody love Jaga Jazzist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Erk, just getting up now. Looks like I've missed some good stuff.
Avatar 5:37am

Hey, geoff! Happy to hear that!
Avatar 5:38am

Good morning, Ken! Glad you are here now:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40am
Mr. Pumpy:

Good morning, CarolCrow...good morning all! Tuning in to hear Jaga Jazzist...nice!
Avatar 5:43am

Good morning, Mr. Pumpy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50am
Mr. Pumpy:

You played a track off my absolute favorite Keith Jarrett Trio album. Changeless is a masterpiece! Sorry I missed it...but I'll just have to go listen to it later on. Good work!
Avatar 5:55am

@ Mr. Pumpy: That's a great album:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56am

Thank you again for another wonderful 3 hours.
Avatar 5:58am
Number Six:

Thanks again, Carol. See you next week!
Avatar 6:22am

Thanks jkeigh! Thanks Number Six!
Avatar 6:23am

Thanks everyone for listening! Hope you all have a great weekend!
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