Favoriting Mike Lupica: Playlist from May 25, 2003 Favoriting

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May 25, 2003: anything, Anything, ANYTHING

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  Once again, your humble host got wired off his ass on coffee prior to stepping up to the plate; the result being the feistiest edition of this program in quite some time. Hope you enjoy...
  I arrived at the station quite early for this program and tried to pretend to Robin and Gaylord that I actually had important work to do prior to my show, but I think they both saw right through that lie. So I scooped up a bunch of new hip hop 12"s that I like, brought them up to WFMU's studio C, edited out all the cusswords, and converted them to MP3s suitable for airplay. (And we can view the Foreign Legion and Spectre cuts played this week as examples A and B of my efforts -- two totally smokin' tracks that would otherwise be unavailable for airplay due to language restrictions.)
  This editing process is sort of a pain in the ass. It involves recording the audio directly into the computer where the sound is visually represented by a squiggly line called a .WAV file, then editing out the naughty bits by either bleeping them, removing them, replacing them, or reversing them. I prefer reversing the saucy words, but the problem with doing that is that many FCC-unfriendly terms sound more or less the same backwards as they do forwards. At the end of the day, is there something any less offensive about wanting to 'fuck' someone, or something, than exhibiting a desire to 'kcuf" her, him, or it? It's a one-syllable word, for cryin' out loud! And because it goes by like lightning, it sounds pretty much the same backwards as it does forwards. (To say nothing of the fact that any human with half a nut in their skull can figure out the context, especially if the rest of the sentence is clearly audible.) So in order to remedy this, in certain situations where reversing the truckerspeak doesn't seem like it's quite enough, I've taken to reversing not only the curses, but the surrounding words they modify or are modified by, depending on the part of speech.
  For example, to declare oneself "all fucked up on liquor and drugs" is a perfectly valid sentiment, but not one that is suited to the tenor of family-oriented radio, which I strive to make Hip Transistor an upstanding example of. (Stop laughing, please.) Since the offensive word ("fucked"), when reversed, becomes "dekcuf" and only mildly transforms the sentence into "I'm all dekcuf up on liquor and drugs," additional words need to be reversed in order to disguise the dastardly agenda of the immoral lyricist. As such, when presented with a challenge such as that described, I would possibly choose to select and reverse the phrase "I'm all fucked up" -- transforming it into the entirely inaudible and nonsensical "pu dekcuf lla m'I" which is not offensive because you can't understand any of it, it looks absurd, and because it sounds like a Bob Hund song title.
  Naturally, the need to protect the gentle and meek members of society by hiding certain terms deemed inappropriate by our leaders is utterly banal, but I grudgingly do it because I don't want the station to be fined or lose its broadcast license for obscenity charges. Gotta do what you gotta do, I guess. So thanks for bearing with me, thanks for listening, and I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend. Rainy forecasts for the metro NYC area may prevent me from attending a barbecue in Trenton that I was looking forward to, so plans to get pu dekcuf lla on liquor and drugs may be shelved until further notice.
Alice Cooper  Is it my Body?   The Life and Crimes of...     
Pleasure Forever  Czarina   Alter  Formerly Slaves, and before that, The VSS. I liked this roughly ten thousand times more than the last Pleasure Forever album.  *  
All Natural Lemon & Lime Flavors  I am Where you Were   7"     
Lifesavas  Head Exercise   Spirit in Stone    *  
Neil Michael Hagerty  Firebase Ripcord   The Howling Hex    *  
Dwarves  Dead Brides   Lucifer's Crank 7" '88  I meant what I said. There's lots of stupid punk rock that I liked when I was a teenager that I'm dismissive of now. Yet the Dwarves -- possibly the stupidest of all stupid punk rock bands -- are still a source of heedless joy for me. More evidence that I done growed up all wrong...   
Testors  Tracy McPritchtease   Complete Discography 2xCD    *  
Foreign Legion  Y'all Ain't Ready   Playtight 2xLP    *  
The Cuts  Electric Nite   2 Over 10    *  
Go Home Productions  UltraThin   MP3  As prophecized, here is the website where you can find this track (+ many other killer mashups!) Watch for GHP appearing on Re:Mixology sometime this summer  *  
Cobra Verde  'til Sunrise   Easy Listening  In addition to being one of America's finest rock bands, Cobra Verde also host a completely engaging culture-crit website right here  *  
The Bosom Blues  Hippie Queen   Aliens, Psychos, & Wild Things  compilation  *  
George McCrae  I Get Lifted   Miami Sound  compilation  *  
Mu  Let's Get Sick   Afro Finger & Gee    *  
De La Soul  Potholes on my Lawn   3 Feet High & Rising     
A Certain Ratio  Shack Up   In the Beginning, There was Rhythm  Or "riddim'", as the case may be. Feel free to refer to it as such.   
Ralph Myerz & the Jack Herren Band  Here is Love   A Special Album    *  
Six Finger Satellite  Human Operator   Massive Cocaine Seizure 7"     
Soulwax  Push it/No Fun   The Best Bootlegs in the World, Ever  compilation   
Archigram  Doggystyle   MP3  The angry reaction this track earned from several callers solidifies its greatness in my mind. Don't you "purist" types realize that you sound like all those bananaheads who got all bent outta shape when Aerosmith collaborated with Run DMC? For the record: Yes, the Stooges are great. No, I'm not going to see the reunion. Why piss on history when you can make fun of it with tracks like this & the preceding?   
Dead Meadow  Babbling Flower   Shivering King & Others    *  
Bassholes  Changes had to Come   7"  "Whatever's wounded, I'm not picky."   
Dramarama  Anything, Anything   Live in Wonderamaland EP     
Damned  Anything   Anything  Gimmee a break, it was such an easy connection. Am I correctly remembering that in the video for this song, Damned singer Dave Vanian was taking a shower a la the old Irish Spring commercials and ended up traveling down the bathtub drain to a big dinner party?   
GG Allin  Radio spot for 1st LP   MP3  "For those who can take it raw!!!"   
Renegades  Mad Dog   Mind Expanders 2  compilation  *  
Flaming Fire  Fire of Love   Songs from the Shining Temple    *  
Sexual Milkshake  Bombazzled   Space Gnome 7"  You come up with a better band name, eternal critic.   
Superconductor  I'm Gonna Blow your Fuckin' Head Off   Teenbeat 50  compilation   
Stooges  Radio spot for live show   MP3  I'll take a corndog and a medium Orange Julius with my Iggy Pop ticket, please.   
Thievery Corporation  Un Simple Histoire   Indica Brazilica  compilation  *  
El Guapo  Just Don't Know   Fake French    *  
Free Moral Agents    Lay Down EP    *  
Spectre w/ Sensational  Jamdown   Parts Unknown    *  
Early Day Miners  New Holland   Jefferson at Rest    *  
Six Eye Columbia  Rich Girl   Frowny Frown  Hall & Oates cover  *  
Grifters  Contact me Now   Full Blown Posession     
1929  Green Hornet   Last but not Leased    *  
Sosumi  The Girl with the Bleach Blonde Hair   The Weird Years 2xCD     
Grisen Skrikers  Ett Tusen Punks   Fursta Och Sista + 4 Latar Till  re-issue  *  
Akrobatik  Limelite   Balance    *  
Deep Purple  And the Address   Shades of Deep Purple     

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