Favoriting In Real Life with Emily and Kimzilla: Playlist from December 13, 2017 Favoriting

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In Real Life is a weekly show hosted by Emily and Kimzilla on WFMU. In each episode, Kim and Emily follow their own curiosity to interview people on about a variety of themes, getting the real scoop and learning about the real people behind each topic. Previous WFMU aired episodes include topics such as circus performers, taxicab drivers, bartender therapy, alien abductions, nudism and so much more.

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Favoriting December 13, 2017: Something Not Quite Normal

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Interview with alien abductee Megan  0:00:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

ooh! day the earth stood still? then danced?

i’m mentally preparing myself to be creeped the hell out
Avatar 7:01pm

I want to here a personal account of experimentation. Barring that, an anal probing will do!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

This should be good
Avatar 7:02pm

Hi All! Talk to you in 3,2,1...
Avatar 7:03pm

Torg! Come out of the Spaceship!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

medson - is that from quartermass and the pit?
Avatar 7:03pm
Number Six:

Greetings, Kimzilla, Emily & All Earthlings. We come in peace-honest!
Avatar 7:04pm

It's a cookbook!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Is Chuck here
Avatar 7:05pm
Philthy woman:

Maybe a Yma Sumac song...?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

hi everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Kat in Chicago:

Re Hoof and Mouth: the chorus of David Seville's Witch Doctor is "Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang", would that do?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

@dale the deadly mantis I believe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

My hatred of E.T. is known far and wide.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

This Island Earth!
Avatar 7:09pm

Hi Aaron, I hope Chuck shows up! Hi Greg, hi all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

There's "Eep Opp Ork Ah-Ah" youtu.be...

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

I was listening to a podcast earlier in which they discussed a study of the effects of DMT where all the subjects reported being blasted out of their bodies and encountering alien life forms.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

Close Encounters is on my list of childhood movies I want to revisit.
Avatar 7:10pm

That's an ARP 2600 in CEOTFK!

invasion of the saucermen! inject you with alcohol!

needs more bassoon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm

Super 8: the anti-ET and kind of an immediate anteceddant to Stranger Things
Avatar 7:12pm

@Queems, Ha, forget the cowbell, we need bassoons!

this is so cool!
Avatar 7:13pm
Number Six:

This should be the theme song for tonights episode:

greg, have you no heart, man?!?! E.T.?
Avatar 7:13pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Ok on listening while I set up for my singing bowls session
spidermank nli:

spacecraft? we dont need no steenkin spacecrafft
Avatar 7:14pm

Hey Chuck! You were requested!

emily, you are being resistant to it!
Avatar 7:14pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Oh and I do believe in UFO and aliens, just don't believe that is who is communicating through spirit box like some say
Avatar 7:15pm
Richard S:



this is my favorite image of all time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

Back then you could buy an ET finger with a glowing tip. At Spencer gifts.
Avatar 7:16pm
I am the Upsetter:

"I saw Bigfoot once! Sequoia National Forest, 1951! It made a sound that I would not want to hear twice in my life."
Avatar 7:16pm

@queems, that just gave emily the heebeejeebees!

sorry emily!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

@dez: I propose that we build a big, beautiful wall high enough to keep out E.T's
Avatar 7:17pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Lol hi everyone
Avatar 7:17pm

@I am Upsetter, for real? Did he see you?

they’re just 2 wacky bffs
Avatar 7:18pm

What podcast were you listening to Melinda?
Avatar 7:19pm

@Greg: YES. absolutely yes. Where do I put my taxes for that?
Avatar 7:19pm
I am the Upsetter:

@kimzilla it's a quote from Close Encounters!
Avatar 7:19pm
Richard S:

Anyone else reminded of the British SF series "UFO"?
Avatar 7:19pm

(by E.T.s you meant like the movie alien with the creepy candy obsession, right?)
Avatar 7:20pm

I heard a similar story, Upsetter. How tall?
Avatar 7:20pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Her story sound similar to ghost / spirit oppression stories.
Avatar 7:20pm

@I am Upsetter, that is disappointing.

i want to see the ghost people and he alien people throw down
Avatar 7:22pm

I'm still thinking about the possible abuse/abduction connection.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm

I've been so curious about this stuff. Ever since I saw a possible UFO when I was a kid
Avatar 7:22pm

I think @I am Upsetter really saw Bigfoot. He took it home, shaved it, and Bigfoot is now his wife!
Avatar 7:23pm
Number Six:

@Richard: Awesome series! My favorite Gerry Anderson show!
Avatar 7:24pm
I am the Upsetter:

Great topic! Glued to my computer.
Avatar 7:28pm
Richard S:

(For those unfamiliar with "UFO", the premise is that an alien race is secretly kidnapping people for body parts. A secret organization is trying to stop them, without making the whole business public and causing a panic)
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Chucks Paranormal:

UFO was great Series. Anderson might have been closer to the truth than he realizes
Avatar 7:30pm

@Richard S, are you talking about the old 60's series?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm

That premise (UFO) reminds of the novel (and to a lesser degree the movie) Under The Skin
Avatar 7:30pm
Richard S:

I loved the sexy ladies in the silvery body suits and purple hair.....
Avatar 7:31pm
Number Six:

UFO opening creds.
Avatar 7:31pm

@Richard, that's not far from the theory from Dr. Jacobs where they are getting eggs from hosts and populating the earth with human hybrids.
Avatar 7:32pm
Number Six:

@Richard: Agreed!
Avatar 7:32pm
Richard S:

Now I have to wonder if Gerry Anderson knew something....
Avatar 7:33pm
Chucks Paranormal:

I feel bad for her because you can tell how nervous she is telling her story by her constant laugh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

@Fredericks the podcast was the Duncan Trussell Family Hour w/Jordan Peterson as guest.
Avatar 7:34pm
Number Six:

How come no one ever noticed the entire film studio sinking into the ground whenever the aliens attacked?

O M G what is this? Lillistat? The preventive marerial?
Avatar 7:35pm

@Chuck, so true. She was very early on in her acceptance with it being abductions. She was very nervous, but she does not sound crazy at all.

what the hell
Avatar 7:35pm

I have a hard time believing that an alien species, capable of interstellar travel can't genetically cook up what they want after having a few samples. Unless they're in our Solar system, and that's why all the detailed examination of "close" planets! Hmmmm?

Avatar 7:36pm

@oogoo They are Velastat hats!

she sounds pretty terrified
Avatar 7:38pm
Richard S:

@TehBadDr, we always make the mistake that the aliens will think EXACTLY as we do, and that they will have the same thought patterns as us. They're ALIEN. Even more alien than monkeys, or cats, or apples. We have no way of knowing what their motivations and needs and desires are.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

i like this music - feel like i just upped my subscription to omni
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm

I dig the music too.
Avatar 7:39pm

@Dale, you can thank Scott Williams for the recommendation for the bed music, this is Michael Garrison.

Links for preventive measures if possible. Ty. .... the electronic interference is suspicious. A conscious attempt to erase a record of the event suggests a human involvement, unless the idea is the bodily presence of aliens disturbs electronic transmission/recording.

What ever works baby. Please bring it on.
Avatar 7:42pm

I thought the point of the hat was to hide from their psychic connection to you, so they can't find you as easily. But if you wake up with your hat on backwards or the snaps on wrong, I would think that means that it's not working that well, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

I wonder how they figured out what material or device would be alien-resistant.
Avatar 7:43pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Not the Gorn!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

@kim good point.
Avatar 7:43pm
Richard S:

The hat acts as a Faraday Cage, and blocks (or at least interferes with) electromagnetic radiation.
Avatar 7:43pm

Emily and I just looked up chastity belts, that's what I would use, then we made the mistake of viewing male chastity belts, ugg!
Avatar 7:44pm
Number Six:

& what about those Ferengi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@kimzilla - I mentioned my idea about the fill-ins' marathon premium on -Ken's show this morning. He said he'd take it under consideration. Maybe you can bring it up at the next staff meeting.
Avatar 7:44pm

Melinda, I subscribe to his podcast. I'll have to find that episode. Have you ever heard Duncan's standup work? I haven't.
Avatar 7:45pm

Sure ken!

i wonder what would happen if someone who had been repeatedly abducted decided to have a hysterectomy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm

@Fredericks no, I've just heard him on other podcasts and checked out his today for the first time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm
cosmic matrix:

Teresa Conte?

Military experimentation or devolved personal trauma. ? Hardly believable the military would waste vast sums on this abductive procedure when mind control is well within reach.... but then again. Dod has never passed an audit. Crist knows what the morons are up to. Given the immediate global results. We have no hope. ... program.... see her words.

If they can take your hat off your fucked.
Avatar 7:48pm

This is all fine and well, but did the aliens anally probe her? From my understanding they're all about that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

omfg I googled male chastity belts, whoa. Here's entry: Amazon.com: Chastity Devices: Health & Household
Tommy in Neversink:

Emma Hutchens ?
Alien Hats:

Here's a link to the anti-abduction hats the interviewee mentioned:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49pm
cosmic matrix:

I couldn't find a Teresa Conte on-line that had anything to do with aliens.
Avatar 7:50pm

Caressa Conte. Her website is intwoworlds.net
Avatar 7:50pm

Melinda, he's pretty fun. Many interesting guests. Although like I do with Marc Maron, I frequently skip the introductions.

Alien hats. Tytyty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm
cosmic matrix:

Thanks Kimzilla!
Avatar 7:51pm

I had experiences in childhood that I've never been able to explain, and was convinced throughout my teen years that I'd been abducted. This freaked me out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
cosmic matrix:

Got it: Carissa Conti
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

maybe rosemary kennedy had been abducted. a frontal lobotomy cured that!

fox, is your last name mulder
Avatar 7:53pm

Sounds like a case for Mulder and Scully!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
cosmic matrix:

Great, something new to worry about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

that sounds like the current republican administration. we are their slaves.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

what's great about this station ,, anything is possible !
Avatar 7:55pm
Chucks Paranormal:

Ugh gotta run have a good night everyone
Kim and Emily big surprise for you tomorrow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

Illuminati? Lizard people?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

kiryas joel could be a village of hybrids too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Kat in Chicago:

I have the same thoughts about a lot of the new construction in Chicago - who can afford to live in these places, and who would want to? Hybrids would explain a lot.
Avatar 7:57pm

How do you know the world isn't already full of high-brids, in high places.

You know germans were dreaming of a black troll while the Nazi party took the entire culture over.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

I told my sister about last week's episode and she reminded me of a story our cousin shared about being with someone at a restaurant who spotted a hybrid while they were visiting. I'll have to ask her what they looked like.
Avatar 7:58pm
Number Six:

If there are any hybrids listening, I'm selling my home. Email me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

The Alien Trilogy

my mom always joked that my sister is an alien and i’m pretty sure she’s a hybrid
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

Yes, I was reading about the history of demon visitations after last week's show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
cosmic matrix:

Also, HAARP probably vibrates us. But hey.
Avatar 7:59pm
Richard S:

See you next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
cosmic matrix:

Life is but a dream! Great show, thanks!

It is the critical minds sudden acknowledgement of an idelogical phenonenalogy .... the regualtion of sexuality to insu r e the continuity of production. .. the c singularity of available thoughts that have an influence beyond your personal control.... a projection of your relized h e lplessness in a society of determined outcomes... not possible right???

We think we know what it takes to survive. But we don't know what qualities of mind and perhaps body are required. Maybe these individuals are hypersensitive in a way we dont understand. Maybe there are conditions where people are physically or conciously effected by the constant bombardmanet of electromagnetic projections ... cell phones etc. The diversity of the himan genome is most definately unknown. Perhaps our greatest resource for survival.
breadbasket hammertoe:

oogoo, this is William the emailer from Portland. You blew my mind at 8:18pm. Regulation of sexuality is how to control humanity, not just for production. Look at what religions do with it. I'd like to talk to you more. Message me if you want.
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