Favoriting Pseu's Thing With A Hook: Playlist from January 9, 2018 Favoriting

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Riff rock for riff raff, pop fizzle for the frazzled, chord changes of life for the menopausal teenagers, a safari in the jingle-jangle jungle. (Visit homepage.)

Thursday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, Noon - 3pm: Pseu and her Co-Host Jessica

Favoriting January 9, 2018

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Artist Track
doug gillard  thing with a hook (pseu's theme)   Favoriting
sheridan fox  bus broke down   Favoriting
brian jonestown massacre  psychic lips   Favoriting
omni  multi-task   Favoriting
sweet apple  she wants to run   Favoriting
america  ventura highway (demo)   Favoriting
michelle phillips  victim of romance   Favoriting
blush  daisy chain   Favoriting
phil seymour  better to me than you   Favoriting
feltworth  forget this feeling   Favoriting
gary lewis and the playboys  look through any window   Favoriting
peter gabriel  humdrum   Favoriting
chris thile  feedback loop   Favoriting
the millenium  just about the same   Favoriting
ty segall  talkin'   Favoriting
pilot  just a smile   Favoriting
cherry  dumbness   Favoriting
jon brion  didn't think it would turn out bad   Favoriting
ocs  memory of a cut off head   Favoriting
brendan benson  tiny spark   Favoriting
odd hope  temptation   Favoriting
kai danzberg  welcome to the show   Favoriting
plates of cake  no use for the sun   Favoriting
summer twins  florence   Favoriting
the twin  humaniera   Favoriting
burgess meredith  when we were born   Favoriting
sequoyah tiger  punta otok   Favoriting
sitcom neighbor  pimp mobile   Favoriting
glaze  mercury   Favoriting
altered images  don't talk to me about love   Favoriting
surfer blood  summer song   Favoriting
the tor guides  dynamo   Favoriting
del amitri  drunk in a band   Favoriting
mike o'neill  tidy up   Favoriting
spinning coin  money is a drug   Favoriting
foo fighters  next year   Favoriting
luna  let me dream if i want to   Favoriting
april fools  things go better with you   Favoriting
the golden boys  cincinnati   Favoriting
jagwar ma  uncertainty   Favoriting
sex clark five  raymond and christobel   Favoriting
lightning dust  i knew   Favoriting
muffs  my crazy afternoon   Favoriting
what made milwaukee famous  hellodrama   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Krys O.:

Blasting the show! Yay, Pseu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

"Bus Broke Down" ... I hope that's not your situation, Krys O.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Krys O.:

Thanks, but, nope, Ken. At my desk and eating lunch with no one else around.
Avatar 12:08pm
Mayor Frank:

Shimmy shimmy shimmy...Hi Pseu.
Avatar 12:09pm
ron in S FL:

Hey Pseu.

Rail broke on the Manhattan Bridge, sick passenger in the train in front of me and then when the trains finally got past the bottleneck, some woman is holding the doors open screaming “What’s the next stop!” and we are all yelling what that stop is and adding, “Are you in the fucking train or not? WE GOTTA GO!” Not just me, EVERYBODY on the train… A full spectrum of frustrated humanity.

What a happy morning.
Avatar 12:09pm
Mayor Frank:

Before I knew anything about them, I was scared of the name Brian Jonestown Massacre.

Anyway, what’s the deal with sheds? Imma go now!
Avatar 12:10pm

hello pseu and everyone!

Avatar 12:11pm

jake, that sounds awful, when the trains stop in the tunnel i get claustrophobic and panic so i would not be happy
Avatar 12:12pm

This is a comically strong start, even for the mighty PTWAH show!
Avatar 12:12pm

the rush hour subway, one thing I don't miss about my commute.

Worst new year ever. Sheds shred!

@BronwynB: Yup. But what was even worse is you know hwo all announcements are now done by the conductors? And not prerecorded anymore? Instead of just getting to the point, they do some overly schmoozy “customer service” oriented announcement. So everyone was also just mumbling… “Just close the doors and go!”

Worst commute ever… At least until the L train shutdown ruins all the other lines.
Avatar 12:17pm
V Priceless:

alligator lizards! Hey Pseu!
Avatar 12:18pm

this sounds very stephen stills to me
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

Nothing to see here. Alligator lizards in the air. No drugs here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm
Krys O.:

Alternate mix? Very cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Krys O.:

Ah, demo. Nice!
Commodore Vic:

alligator lizards.

@jake i actually kind of appreciate the more detailed explanations- i have more empathy when i imagine an actual sick passenger. the automated messages just remind me that the mta is a dumpster fire and doesn’t give a shit about me or my shitty commute
Avatar 12:21pm

Drat. i MUST go running but my headphones are broken! :-(

@queems: “i have more empathy when i imagine an actual sick passenger.” NewsFlash™: That phrase “sick passenger” can mean anything. Actual sick passenger, someone hit by a train, homeless person dragging their bags of belongs laboriously off the train and getting confrontational with people… One “sick passenger” situation I saw late at night was some woman and man getting into a fight and she was beating him with a shopping bag.

Don’t pretend that human voice announcement thing is more accurate.

She was sick of the guy and he was sick of being beaten with a shopping bag.

Anyway, I wish I had a shed right now.
Avatar 12:27pm
Wild Neil:

PEACE All. Brian Jonestown Massacre guy is involved with the committee to keep music evil....Florian. So there is a reason for your fear I guess. They sound really awesome, though!
Avatar 12:28pm
Wild Neil:

@Jake Gould-I could use a shed for my lawnmower, make more space in the garage!

@jake at this point i don’t care if i have to imagine a false subway reality as long as i can get to and from my office without lighting myself on fire
Avatar 12:31pm

I once had a job I had to clock in for (the only one in my life). To account for the subway, I could get there an hour early, or just show late occasionally and get reprimanded. I chose the latter and told my boss likewise. He told me it was out of his hands.
Avatar 12:32pm

(that was one of the joys of working for the federal gov't).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Krys O.:

Sweet Hollies cover.
Avatar 12:37pm
Mayor Frank:

This is before he climbed up that hill and had that thing with the bird.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

Lordy, those first four Gabriel (and half the 5th) solo albums.
Avatar 12:37pm
V Priceless:

Avatar 12:38pm

The song by the boy with the runny nose
Avatar 12:39pm
Wild Neil:

@North Guinea Hills-wow, did you get a COLA for living in NYC?! I was GS-11 living in shithole desert town called Ridgecrest, CA. I got a little bit....

@northguineahills i clock in and out and it blows
Avatar 12:40pm
Wild Neil:

"sick" passenger. Yeah, sick in the head!
Avatar 12:42pm
Jeff Moore:

I understand. Too many sweets on an otherwise mostly empty stomach can give you that weird blood sugar thing which makes you crave a big savory plate of fatty meat to set you right again.

Or maybe that's just me.

I have some nice black n white photos of Gabe at the Capitol theater Passaic NJ support his first solo lp.was a memorable show
Avatar 12:43pm

@Wild Neil: Yes I did, but it was the max and the same as DC, so it did not make up for the cost of living. I started at GS-10 and four years later, I made GS-13. However, once all of the analysis of the Census was over, all jobs were cut, although I was offered a position in DC, which I refused. In retrospect, the last 7 years would have been more steady workwise if I accepted, but I'm happier today, just w/o savings.

@queems: That would drive me insane (I showed up today at 9:45 for work).
The Slugger:

YEAH!! I'm in!!! At my desk listening!!!Luckily stationery today.
Avatar 12:47pm
Aaron Working In Newark:

just got in from lunch and back to work going to pause you and checkout that brian jonestown massacre psychic lips on youtube
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm
Mark Hurst:

I think it's "TEE-lee" but I could be wrong.
Brian in New Orleans:

Hi Pseu! long time listener Brian here. just checking in from the Big Squeegie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
Pseu Braun:

YES thanks Aaron I hit replay on that 4X yesterday already....

@northguineahills i get to my office before 7am on most days so it’s extra good. it wouldn’t be a problem except for the uncertainty of mass transit. when i lived in queens and walked to work, i was early every day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
Krys O.:

It's Theel. You got it right. He was in a bluegrass band in the 90s. Superb artist.

Chris’s last name is pronounced Theel-EEY

Like catching feelies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Krys O.:

To clarify, it's pronounced Theel, as you said, Pseu.

I clock in and out and we don't have a time clock anymore! We have to do it via ADP app
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
Krys O.:

Check out Nickel Creek. Really great group of kids at the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
Mark Hurst:

Ahh found it online... "Thile's last name sounds like 'THEE-lee' with the 'th' in the word 'thumb'" ... from www.mprnews.org...

i really like this
judy from croton:

He's so cute and earnest that I had to avert my eyes but he's so good! Took over garrison keillor's show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Krys O.:

Well, it was pronounced Theel in the 90s when they were interviewed on CMT.
kevin w:

it's pronounced thee-lee
he's also Garrison Keilor's successor on "A Prarie Home Companion"
Avatar 12:53pm
V Priceless:

thought this was the Association version for a sec

i can’t handle him on prairie home companion
judy from croton:

Was there anything in the shopping bag?
Avatar 12:54pm
Mayor Frank:

New Superchunk single Erasure: www.youtube.com... is a Thing With A (poppy) Hook.
Avatar 12:55pm
Aaron Working In Newark:

or is it Days, Weeks And Moths I am suppose to be listening to? I walked in while you were talking about it.
Kevin w:

Although I now see they've changed the name to "Live From Here with Chris Thile". NPR dropped the Prarie Home name after sexual harassment accusations against Garrison

Hi everyone
Avatar 12:58pm

@queems: Every since primary school, my brain wouldn't turn on until 11am, I'm useless in the morning. Although I have no problem working until 8pm or later if need be.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
Pseu Braun:

It will be my MISSION to mis-pronounce Thile. Maybe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Uncle Michael:

I love this Pilot track.

I heart huckabees!
Avatar 1:05pm
Listening Out There:

One of the great things about FMU is DJ mispronunciations. The DJs are real people. Someone there ought to make a supercut of it...
Avatar 1:07pm
Listening Out There:

Clipboards are truly h-tek. They work. They don't crash..
Avatar 1:08pm
Listening Out There:

Are you...certified to use that clipboard?
Avatar 1:09pm
Mayor Frank:

Take a bite!!
Avatar 1:12pm
Listening Out There:

Balkans eat Balkan Burgers

Donner party party

i snorted out loud at “other balkans”
Avatar 1:13pm
Mayor Frank:

I snorted at cannibals...
Avatar 1:14pm
Mayor Frank:

Can you please play the Fine Young Cannibals? Found a 1994 IRS sampler at the Salvation Army the other day.
Avatar 1:15pm

Well, everybody said what I was going to say, so.... carry on!

play Summer Twins
Avatar 1:23pm
Mayor Frank:

Wow! This is an wonderfully obscure wonderfully poppy song by Brendan Benson. Hate the video.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm
Krys O.:

Ruben Blades vs. Ruben Blades

i feel like i have heard the “yeah” before but none of the rest of it sounds familiar
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 1:32pm
Mike Sin:

So glad to be hearing the show live today! After hearing Pilot and their one US hit in the '70s as a young'un, it took me about 15 years to discover so many of their other great tracks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm
the Master:

Eating large piece of cake.
Avatar Pseu's Thing with A Hook Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 1:37pm

Krispy Kremes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm
Uncle Michael:

Being drunk.
Avatar 1:37pm
Itzall Ablurr:

LOTS of very good whiskey. Great! Tomorrow; PAIN.
Avatar 1:37pm
Listening Out There:

seth from muddy creek:

A foot long Italian sub. Tastes great initially. Then you wanna go to sleep when you’re done.

Drinking! Starts out good, often doesn’t end up like that.
Avatar 1:38pm

Your first workout in several weeks ends up with you
in excruciating muscle soreness two days later
Avatar 1:39pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

Unprotected sex.
Avatar 1:40pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

Premium CD name: "Jangly Unchained".
Avatar 1:40pm
Listening Out There:

Some of My Best Friends Are From Philadelphia
Avatar 1:41pm
Mayor Frank:

You're welcome.
Avatar 1:41pm

hell yeah philly gets it done!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm

Unprotected play with an over-excited sharp-clawed kitten. Gotta have that oven glove.
Avatar 1:41pm

*high fives mayor frank*
Avatar 1:43pm
Mayor Frank:

BronwynB! *slap *slap *turnaround *slap *slap (then we end by folding our arms and pointing at each other).
Avatar 1:43pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

Dunkin Donuts[sic] are worse: they can smell good, but are barely down your throat before they turn into greasy lead shot. Then their odour starts to exude from your skin.

I'm seeing LADY BIRD tomorrow; it should be OK, Jonas Mekas likes it and he's 95.

Pronounced "T-HEEL-EE"
Avatar 1:44pm
Listening Out There:

Tee Lee
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:45pm
Krys O.:

Ted Healy!
Avatar 1:45pm
Listening Out There:

(Tee Hee)
Avatar 1:45pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

Still preferable to Peter Thiel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:45pm
Krys O.:

Chris Tea Leaves

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Pseu Braun:

HAHAHAA thanks all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Krys O.:

Lil Chris T'healot
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm
Pseu Braun:

Avatar 1:46pm
Listening Out There:

No, it's actually pronounced "Chris the Dopey Mandolin Player"

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Chris T, like the Aerial View DJ.
Avatar 1:48pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

Garrison Keillor? I just met her…and gave her an unwelcome touch, then wrote a script in which a beatiful seventeen-year-old falls in love with a sixty-year-old English major.

@listening out there nailed it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm
Uncle Michael:

I'm not talking about *later*...the hangover...I'm talking about *being* drunk (or stoned). Eventually, for me, that becomes unpleasant.
Avatar 1:53pm
Listening Out There:

NPR dismissed Chris Tealeaves for sexual harassment allegations. It involved a small stringed musical instrument...
Avatar 1:56pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

I think just playing the mandolin makes one look a little dopey, like the player has been plucked from the Middle Ages. (…when malnutrition and orthodoxy brought down mean intelligence, though anyone escaping shovelling dung or dying in childbirth might well have been _brighter_ than our average.)
Avatar 1:58pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

But Kris Tearoom didn't work for NPR, it's APM.
Avatar 2:01pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

Uncle Michael:
I don't like alcoholl's effects at all, but I find your description accurate for pot insofar as that if I do more than a little it's briefly pleasant then turns into depression and bed-spins.
Avatar 2:03pm
Mayor Frank:

Pseu - do you have any McCarthy? Pre-Stereolab.
Avatar 2:04pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

It's not the size of the musical instrument that matters, but how you use it, e.g. as a blunt instrument to destroy a banjo.
Avatar 2:04pm

This is one of the best PTWAH's ever.
Avatar 2:05pm
(Murakami Whywolf))):

I'll shut up now; pardon my over-posting, it was taking my mind off the food poisoning.

Dave Hill's band Valley Lodge will be at Mercury lounge tonight. I think I will "talk about love" with him.

@ mayor frank. I have one McCarthy CD from thrift shop, two years ago, "banking violence and the inner life today"

@murakami whywolf i personally enjoyed your rant, thank you
The Slugger:

Good cover
Avatar 2:12pm
Mayor Frank:

P.S. this entire Surfer Blood album is fantastic. Warms you up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm

Always enjoy being hooked!
Avatar 2:17pm
Listening Out There:

"I'm just a Trump / And I'm bland..."

@UncleMichael: I’m kinda done with drinking purely to socialize. I’ll have maybe one beer to be social, but I’m done with drinking being a thing for me. I’m happy being connected. Pot is fine and I have no problem with it, but a lot of times I get the same feeling by just having a nice solid nap.

Also, I don’t really like those huge apples they sell nowadays. If I am forced to eat one, I eat half of it and then see if I can toss the rest to the squirrels.

Who the fuck decided apples need to be huge? They are sold by weight anyway.
Cliff back in the U.S.S.A.:

Smaller apples have more flavor anyway

@Cliff: I tried to give some of a nice small apple to a baby squirrel—maybe toddler squirrel—and it rejected it. Old lady passing by saw this and shouted, “You gotta eat your fruit!” Another, older squirrel took the apple.
Cliff back in the U.S.S.A.:

Sounds like my 4-year-old niece! She always asks if tonight's dinner "has any sauce", and if it does, she won't eat it.
Cliff back in the U.S.S.A.:

"Does this have sauce on it?! ... I don't want any sauce."

Maybe another school kid threw sauce on your niece.
Avatar 2:30pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

I thought that was 'tie me up'….
Cliff back in the U.S.S.A.:

Well we're in Wisconsin, so it was probably cheese sauce.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm

That Luna tune was "Let Me Dream if I Want to" - a cover of Mink DeVille
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:43pm
Pseu Braun:

thanks for the correct, noted Dom
Avatar 2:46pm
Mayor Frank:

With 15 precious minutes left, I sing praise to the DJ. Thanks Pseu. This was a great show.
Avatar 2:48pm

Perfect set for this afternoon Tony - thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm
Pseu Braun:

Avatar 2:50pm

Yours is good too Pseu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm
Pseu Braun:

hahahaaa thanks Michael
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm
Pseu Braun:

We can do Hippy Noise too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm

Yay! Muffs
r.d. fox:

Been a while since I listened. Keep rocking, Pseu!

Yet another fantastic show, Pseu. I lurve it. Gotta say, "Summer Song" is one of my favorite songs of all time. Really dug this version. Thanks!!!
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