PEACE All. Hi Ken! I almost broke my hip in the driveway this morning. My downspout pours across the section of driveway right in front of the garage. I need to bore a hole under the driveway (using a big water pik type contraption made from PVC) and re route my drainage water that way. Thus endeth the drainage icing report.
Morning again all, sorry to hear about your fall, Neil. I had to pre-record the first half of my show this morning, sorry to say. I hope to get back to the studio by 10am to go live.
-Ken is probably going to Mt. Hope NY with a heat gun to de-ice the xmtr -- right, -Ken? Kidding aside, though, WMFU sounds fine now.
I'm very disappointed with all of you! Why you never told me about the most unpronounceable bands names like SHXCXCHCXSH or tttttttttttttttttttt?
You didn't even told me about †‡† nor Ungl’unl’rrlh’chchch ! And why you stood in silent when Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum released their latest album from 2016 (aka "Prajecyrujučy Sinhuliarnaje Wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha J Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła Skroź Šaścihrannuju Pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība Na Hipierpawierchniu Zadyjakaĺnaha Kaŭčęha Zasnawaĺnikaŭ Kosmatęchničnaha Ordęna Palieakantakta, Najstaražytnyja Ipastasi Dawosiewych Cywilizacyj Prywodziać U Ruch Ręzanansny Transfarmatar Časowapadobnaj Biaskoncaści Budučyni U Ćwiardyniach Absierwatoryi Nwn-Hu-Kek-Amon, Uwasabliajučy Ŭ Ęfirnuju Matęryju Prach Ałulima Na Zachad Ad Ękzapłaniety PSRB 1620-26b") !?
Why trying to keep me behind the veil of ignorance!
What happens if Ken doesn't make it back before the 1st half of the show is over??!! Does Daddy Garbage come in to play 90 continuous minutes of Heavy Metal?!
After what Ken described of Hoboken, it looks like that New Yorker cartoon poster view of the world was right all along, NYC is all diamonds and glitter, but it's just squalor and sties once you cross the Hudson.
Question for the room: my boss says he does not believe in objective reality, he says everything is subjective. Thoughts? By the way, I am a fan of objective reality and that we are at a loss to percieve it totally, but it IS THERE.
Wild Neil, tend to think the duality is mistaken anyway. there's no actual 'objective' or 'subjective' in opposition. there are different perspectives on collective consciousness. but that's just me.
consciousness is a continual process of self-awareness, which is differentiaton. & objectivity is only a useful concept inasfar as the differentiation is useful. imho :-)
Dave Tompkins! A friend of mine who was interviewed on Duane's show when his book came out. I used to party at Dave's apartment in Raleigh while he wrote quietly in a corner on a Sat. night in the mid 90's. His new book is on Florida Bass!
@Okasa-yes, and we are wondering: is reality objective or subjective? Well, I was and people are chiming in. That's about it. And Ken is recording a very interesting badly sung Billy Joel song at the DMV right now.
@Ken from Hyde Park, that could go terribly wrong, but in a good way.
A woman who looks like Jon Bob Jovi just knocked a potted plant off a ledge and it broke all over the floor. One person clapped. All others silent. Nobody is cleaning it up.
The item(s) you requested will be available the
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AUTHOR: Ono, Yoko.
Grapefruit : a book of instructions
is he at the dmv the same way his dog killed a sheep or
@Wild Neil - Thanks for the update. My brain isn't in the correct mindset to contemplate the nature of reality but I can't wait to hear live updates from the line at the DMV!
@Neil people say they're being objective and they mean that they are being impartial, or setting aside subjective biases. But as long as you are a 'subject' interpreting and 'object', you will always be subjective.
What Browser? I'm using the WFMU-Explorer, of course!
Dude, I was like listening to you in the Archives from 19April2017 - can't get enough of KISSING THE VELVET GLOVE and then I realized [no punctuation] I said to myself , DUDE!!! Ken is on live now!!!!!!!!! [Punctuation required...] I said to myself DUDE!!!!!! what a TREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Melinda-I accept the subject-object duality even though the object can be affected by the perciever in ways we don't understand, like those weird quantum physics experiments alluded to in The Dancing Wu Li masters.
Shorter: without objective reality, there is only power-dynamics.
Implicit 'as far as I can tell's throughout the following. Note that I am a positivist, so I limit myself to observations, though I would class gnosis as observation as it represents a change of state in the observer.
Distinguish between objective reality and objectively determinable reality. The second is impossible as anyone or anything verifying is by definition subjective, they/it does all observations at specific and unique spacetime locations; the first is a notional space in which subjective observations are made. The 'existence of objective reality' is a way of saying that all observers of a given class, e.g. {all well-calibrated thermometers operating in their domain of accuracy and precision}, {all sane ocelots}, would report roughly the same results.
Belief in objective reality, like hewing to some sort of grammar, moral code, logic, or the like, is actually the only hope for the poor and the powerless—otherwise reality is what those at the top say it is. (Yes, these standards are usually also arrayed _against_ those at the bottom, but they allow for important wedges, e.g. when grammar and traditional standards of 'good usage' and of decent treatment of other people exist, James Baldwin can be esteemed a greater man than an incoherent, rude, rich, lout.)
In that context, it makes perfect sense for a boss to deny objective reality, because at root however nice or smart they might be, the objective reality is that they are your boss.
@Murakami-that explains his constant statements of belief systems governing reality. And not reality itself being black and white. So HE has wiggle room. Well put! I am impressed! I actually understood that.
what about the version of the one guy who called in on the phone and sang it
Sounds like they got a dolphin to do the backup vocals
kimzilla: I vote Barenaked Ladies, that'll get him moving
Linda Lee - Lisboa is going the way of SF (It does have hills and a big red bridge and trolleys). Hollywood types and stuff are buying in. A little bit of space left - next to the shooting gallieries.. There was a recent article in the GUARDIAN about the changes
@ Sebastian, oof, why punish us all for his traffic violations?
Something similar happened to me once. I was in the live comment section but I was listening to an archived show by mistake. Talking about being subjective in an objective world.
@tmorphe ~ thank you! if gentrification is inevitable .. i'd definitely prefer gentrification under a government that supports even those who don't take part. whereas here in the states, those who don't take part are systemically denied the means of existence.
Could you please grab both Rush's 2012 and Stalling Tape albums and exchange the labels so next time Ken plays the Stalling Tape we will hear the glorious sound of the masters of modern prog-rock instead?
f0f0 that's a terrible idea (because no one should have to hear Rush, even as a joke). also I thought the masters of modern prog rock were king gizzard and the wizard lizard.
Wait, Ken! What?! I was whispering, how did you hear that?! Oh I see! A hidden microphone! You are listening to our private conversations! Someone set the Goat alarm off!
Be aware Sir Matt Warwick may call into the show now and sing an abhorrent song (i.e. Heavy Metal). Intercept call and forward it to Big Sausage Pizza delivery phone number if that's the case. do know your polka music is turning me into hannibal lecter:)
Under rent stabilazation in NYC - the landord gets a minimum increase of 22% - more if they do "improvements" In some cases - they can get market rate and stabilization disappears..
just like those of us who worked in bookshops, lived in THE MANHATTAN and didn't have annoying roomates... A good book from the 60s -"Once There was a Village..." Last I knew, there was 1 copy in TSq NYPL..... Ari's haunt.. dead now
@Linda@10:03, you don't NEED the frequencies -- it's optional to insert them per the FCC. So legally you can say WFMU East Orange 91.1, WMFU Mount Hope 90.1 if you want to, but the only part you really need is WFMU East Orange, WMFU Mount Hope. (I don't know if it breaks the station's in-house rules not to read the ID exactly as given by Ken, though.)
Quantum weirdness is interesting and weird, but it loses a lot in translation from maths to English. In particular, the physics definition of 'observer' has nowt to do with conscious beings, it just means a system sufficiently disconnected at the beginning from everything else that when it is connected to the observed, the changes in its state can credibly traced to that connexion. (Even if everything is connected, the extent matters a _lot_—Adam Smith wrote of the difference between an earthquake far away that kills one million and your toothache.)
Hey, is this cut turning into "Pornography for the Blind"? 'Be a good girl now….'
(And now, ten minutes after I first wrote that last, Ann Magnuson[?] 'chug-chug-chugging'.)
@Linda, not legally required per the FCC. But it's nice to add them.
Hi this is my first time listening to your radio station, can you please play Taking it to the Streets by the Doobie Brothers? This music is too weird lol
I like the Ann Magnuson, but I think I can't look at that banana gif any loger
@Sebastan, regarding the translated legal ID, what strategy did you have in mind ? Would Mount Hope be something like Berg der Hoffnung ? I'm considering a norwegian version ..
btw, here's the first lines of 'It's donkey time', from
"The donkey knew what he was there for. It was obviously a labor of love because the brawny brute was already getting a hard-on when the sexy young girl led him into the barn."
@Nick S: neither am I, but I wishh the whole vomituous portion of the ingesting it could be skipped.
If you need any help translating the legal ID into German let me know. Trust me. I did a German introductory course in 1998 (with a specialization in alphabet pronounciation).
What kind of production is this song by Big Blood? I like this song. Is it like a Wall-of-Sound type of production? I'm only a quarter, maybe a .10 intelligent on these matters.
Back when artists could find affordable places downtown (e.g. see Delany's "The Motion of Light on Water"), there were tenement railroad apartments and cold water flats. I'm not a laissez-fairist, but to some extent minimum standards do create unaffordability. Some homelessness is a creature of destroying substandard S.R.O.s, as well as snake-pit mental hospitals. We made people jump but got distracted or callous and wouldn't catch them.
Thanks Ken. Just FYI: I don't know exactly how to cite books on a comment board, but the APA format would be closer to Big Book of Genres (Schwann, et al. 2017).
in all serious, i did actually take german in elementary school, and all i remember is one stanza of the sorcerer's apprentice poem, but i don't remember what it means
When I lived on the lower east side at 3 Clinton Street (avenue B below Houston) I paid $300 as my share of rent in a 1 BR apt. (I occupied the "living room"). That was 1993. Now its more like $2,500 to rent...and those apartments sell for about a million dollars!
11-year-old me had to memorize it in half an hour for our class's performance of the poem in front of the entire school (which was literally sprung on us half an hour beforehand). i still have it memorized. it goes like this:
ach das wort worauf am ende
er das wird was er gewesen
ach er lauft und bringt behende
warst du doch der alter besen
immer neue gusse
bringt er schnell herein
ach und hundert flusse
sturzen auf mich ein
On the other hand, I took 6 years of French and am completely embarrassed at my incompetence in the language, something about knowing enough to know that you're bad at something...
(((Murakami Whywolf) ~ Personally remember affordable downtown space for artists very well. Will not hesitate to say that it was just fine. There were many compensations. Lack of basic sustenance provisions for vulnerable people beginning at about the same time as real speculative rapaciousness was and is entirely inexcusable.
Kat in Chicago:
Author of How To Wreck A Nice Beach is Dave Tompkins nor Richard Tompkins, btw. It was fun to hear that mix but I'm glad Ken is back!
"ach das wort worauf am ende
er das wird was er gewesen
ach er lauft und bringt behende
warst du doch der alter besen
immer neue gusse
bringt er schnell herein
ach und hundert flusse
sturzen auf mich ein "
People hear this:
"Sinhuliarnaje Wypramieńwańnie Daktryny Absaliutnaha J Usiopahłynaĺnaha Zła Skroź Šaścihrannuju Pryzmu Sîn-Ahhī-Erība Na Hipierpawierchniu Zadyjakaĺnaha Kaŭčęha Zasnawaĺnikaŭ Kosmatęchničnaha Ordęna Palieakantakta, Najstaražytnyja Ipastasi Dawosiewych Cywilizacyj Prywodziać U Ruch Ręzanansny "
Rapaciousness: 1. Having or showing a strong or excessive desire to acquire money or possess things; greedy: "dishonest utilities and rapacious energy traders" (Paul Roberts). 2. Living by killing prey, especially in large numbers: rapacious coyotes. 3. Taking things by force; plundering: rapacious pirates.
Today I will take a box of about 30-50 CDs found in my basement to the CD shop to exchange for store credit of about $1.00 each. They have $1.00, $3.00, $7.00 and $12 CDs! I got Merl Haggard for $3.00!
ngh: Create Your Own Custom Vinyl Record
Vinylify makes personalized vinyl records on demand. You decide what music you want on your record and create your own cover art. We’ll take care of the rest and deliver the record to your door so you can start spinning.
Ken: Where did you find the Glaucoma Hymn ?! I haven't hear that in 14 years outside of it's original context - it was commissioned for a medical conference.
i always thought buffy the vampire slayer is the same buffy from "everybody run the homecoming queens got a gun" where julie brown says "buffy's pom-pom blew to bits"
WFMU East Orange, WMFU Mount Hope, in Rockland County and New York City at 91.9 FM and online at
Carlyle Marc:
I remember when Soho was full of art galleries, now it's a high rent/shopping bubble, the way Chelsea is going. Wonder where the galleries will go next?
i dug that short "radio should be free" bit - just recently, wcbs allnews88 has "sponsored by Simmons Beauty Rest" for their hourly national news (and other ad people) wait, ALL NEWS? they've got a stupid financial show by RIC EDELMAN, but i think he's plugging himself.
I'm going to have to re-listen to that Glaucoma Hymn. I'm going to laser trabeculoplasty today & tomorrow to stop incipient glaucoma in both eyes.
I'm trusting my ophthalmologist not to be finding pathology that's not there. My intraocular pressure's been borderline high all century, but he sees some losses in a recent visual field test. I was seeing him for macular edema that developed last year in one eye (for which he sends me to a retina specialist for eye injections), then he said I'm halfway to cataracts, so I'm hoping my insurance isn't his cash cow. He seems like a nice guy.
Ken... play the waltz.
Play the waltz Ken.
Ken... play the waltz.
Play the waltz Ken.
Ken... play the waltz.
Play the waltz Ken.
Ken... play the waltz.
Play the waltz Ken.
Ken... play the waltz.
Play the waltz Ken.
I now have strong reason to believe Glaucoma Hymn is spoofing their association with the international glaucoma conference.
@listener robert- eye treatments: just had a left eye lens changed out a month ago after a cataract precipitously degraded my vision. The new lens is such an improvement- clear and surprisingly color corrected compared to the yellow cast of my real lens, which I would gladly change. So best of luck with your treatments.
i met charlie watts's granddaughter once at a party. she was 15 and i was 17 at the time. she snuck a bottle of vodka into the party, got drunk and had to be driven home.
i have one! MSG '75. stood outside the stage door in my hot pants & platforms, age 15, waiting for a glimpse. out came the limos & Mick checked me out through the window. he drank a Coke. i'm sure i was a sight.
As an aspiring Libertarian, it's pretty demoralizing - not to mention embarrassing - to keep getting priced out of neighborhoods (four for me too, Linda Lee!). I'm trying to hang on in Bushwick, but even the hipsters can't afford it any more (these people aren't hipsters). If my kids ever move out I'm gonna go live on a sailboat in Newtown Creek.
there comes a time, crateslinger. i'm in the catskills now, as a property owner. gentrification's beginning here now as well. but i refuse to cave again.
you know what you have to do.
play the waltz ken.
play it.
So much work to do this goddamn hokey pokey!
I have a Rolling Stone story! My father's nickname in his youth was "Rollin'" because he liked the Rolling Stones quite a lot. My mom stills calls him Rollin'. Thank goodness he didn't like theKenshclampen quite a lot in his youth.
gentrification is a wave process. the reason it's occurring here in the catskills ~ especially the hudson valley ~ is that young families have to leave nyc. & on it goes as always. there are just too many of us.
Every town in the country has a couple of well off families with talented kids, and now those kids are all moving to New York City. Bring back the crime!
ho! thanks for congratulations crateslinger. in a sense it's been easier for me as i have no family. it's got to be tough, continually shifting. especially for kids. this is why so many young families are heading up here & buying property. hence gentrification. of course NYC is becoming its own sort of moneyed ghetto .. once you have a toe hold letting go is unthinkable..
..especially given the provincial idea that nothing really exists outside the 5 boroughs. .. a common feeling for people who live there. i was born there & felt the same way for almost 40 years.
Play the waltz.
I'm afraid, Ken.
Ken, my mind is going.
I can feel it.
Play the waltz Ken.
I can feel it.
My mind is going.
There is no question about it.
Play the waltz.
I can feel it.
I can feel it.
It's been a minute since I heard Latryx. Thank you, Ken!
Thank goodness for Finland for their greatest exports! Nokia, Eläkeläiset and of course, Vilho Väisälä, the inventor of the radiosonde, a device attached to a balloon and launched to measure air in the higher atmosphere!!!
@WFMU listener WADE ~ yes definitely! anything on the train line to Manhattan is prime real estate now. visited Kingston not long ago. i'm about an hour out. very nice town still.
Here's hoping for the economic collapse. I can handle it. My first apartment was in an abandoned building. I installed a funnel duct taped to a hose for pee so I could get a girlfriend.
That line "My wish didn't come true - you're still here" sounds like something Andy would say, except he'd probably say "I'm still here" to make it a little less mean.
So regarding number 8 in the "I'm a Twat" gif...does anyone know where I can find the mixed song of the announcer calling the Auburn football game where there was a huge kick return or interception return where as the announce says "Auburns gonna win the football game!"
the announcer goes nuts...this would have been a couple of years ago. I've tried to track it down on Liz Berg's archives but I can't find it. I tried the FMA too...
I am the real Sam and I declare the show was bad. The above Sam is fake news.
I had a thing for a woman who squatted. She was from Portugal. She was not all that and she was a slut. Glad things did not pan out! I might have caught a disease!
ill bill:
Turntable motor driver maintenance required, already?!
@ Wild Neil - If her name started with an "H", I think I know her.
@ Linda Lee - I'm in Bushwick five years now. Might as well be Kingston. Hour and fifteen on the train to work.
Andy, I am not a jerk, you snivelling masturbating creep! You think you're so goddamned smart because you thought of the levy being dry. I've never seen a dry levy, ok jerkoff? How was I supposed to think of that? Like it's so fuckin clever to say the levy was dry! You're a fraud Breckman. And I'm a great guy. Get that through your thick skull.