Favoriting Gig Talk with Kevin S. and Matt M: Playlist from January 18, 2018 Favoriting

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Call and share your gig problems, horror stories, or gear / instrument / gig questions, with gig expert hosts Matt Mottel & Kevin Shea.

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Favoriting January 18, 2018

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Gig talk with guest Andrea and Matt  Call at 201-209-9368 with your gig, tour, band issues and they have answers! 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:02pm

volume mas!

ok, that's better....
Avatar 6:03pm

Hi all! Welcome to Gig Talk! Call in at 201-291-9368 and give Matt your gig problems~!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm

i like when i can hear the keyboard
Avatar 6:03pm

This ones for you queems!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm

it reminds me that there are real people inside the radio
Avatar 6:05pm

Were real!
Avatar 6:07pm

I'd call in, but I'm really swamped at work, and prefer to leave before 10 if possible. Have fun lads and lasses, I'll be listening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Is this Bronwyn C calling?
Avatar 6:10pm

I once was at a gig for one of my friends' band, and the sound guy was clueless. When he went to the bathroom, I took over, and everything was copacetic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

I've been at a gig.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

Avatar 6:13pm

John Olson (Wolf Eyes) had a noise band called Taliban.
Avatar 6:15pm
chocolate monk:

I once saw a young pre talibam member sport some screenprinted knickers on stage at an afternoon gig at the Tonic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

ok jethro tull now i'm interested
Avatar 6:17pm

@chocolate monk: There was a very good change I was at the gig. (I was there about 4-5 days/week), and was usually w/ Matt when he was there.
Avatar 6:18pm

Lea! (and Ed!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

so many dirty floors...so many
Avatar 6:18pm

First time checking into this show, it's cool.
Avatar 6:19pm

I used to have some Metalux sceenprinted tighty-witeys.
Avatar 6:20pm

I volunteer my pad for musicians all the time (scored some good records that way).
Avatar 6:20pm
chocolate monk:

@northguieneahills it was march 1999
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

At some blues band bar once, it was the birthday of an elderly gentleman and the band served cake to everyone in the house. Made me feel special to have shared the experience with the small crowd that night.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Krys O.:

When I hosted bands who were friends of my ex, I made sure that they had the basics: food, drink, comfortable sleeping spots and clean towels. It wasn't luxurious, but they appreciated it.
Avatar 6:30pm

@chocolate monk: Damn, I didn't move to nyc until Aug 2000.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

Avatar 6:33pm

Let's guess what his band is...I'm guessing...Weezer
Avatar 6:35pm

Give us a call on Gig Talk and talk to Audrey and Matt at 201-209-9368 and ask them to help you with your gig problems.
Avatar 6:49pm

I once got asked by a HS friend to play a gig at her new club in my hometown. So, I was playing a a mellophone (marching French Horn) w/ a contact mic in water through fx and turntables, and my band mate was playing analogue synths and tapes. The other bands were teenaged pop punk, and 15 minutes in, one of the other bands literally pulled the plug on us. However, two teenaged kids, said they never heard anything like it and asked me for music recommendations.
Avatar 6:50pm

It's just bad form not to try and see a few other bands on your bill.
Avatar 6:51pm

Sounds fascinating northguineahills, I'd love to hear what that sounds like!

What fast food is the best fast food to eat healthy while touring? McDonald’s salads? Or Taco Bell?
Avatar 6:54pm

Called in last week, I have too much to get done tonight to call tonight

I've been surprised by how attentive audience are here for inventive music here in Gainesville, FL. Everyone shuts up and is very supportive. (I just moved here from NYC).
Avatar 6:55pm

One point for Florida!

Woo! Soups and salads are consistent and usually don’t screw with your gut.
Avatar 6:57pm

These are healthy looking musicians. They don't look very fast foodish.
Marty "Farty" Escalante:

take a big bag of almonds with you and buy apples at the supermarket, that keeps me going for 2/3 meals.
Avatar 6:57pm
Jeff Moore:

Describing Burger King in the same terms as Heroin...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Krys O.:

Great show!

Dumpster pizza.
Avatar 7:00pm

Thanks Matt y Andrea!
K G:

I've listened to this show two weeks in a row and its amazing.
Kid Millions:

I think the show was sold out at Brownies - so there were prob more than 50 people. . .still it was a small show! I wasn't there.
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