Favoriting Techtonic with Mark Hurst: Playlist from January 22, 2018 Favoriting

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Conversations with creators and thinkers who are charting the way forward in a tech-saturated society. In our shift to a digital future, we need alternatives to Big Tech. Homepage: techtonic.fm

Monday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 10th, 6pm - 7pm: Mark Hurst and his Co-Host Matt Warwick

Favoriting January 22, 2018: Parents of kids who use tech, feat. DJ Scott Williams

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This week on Techtonic, Mark Hurst and DJ Scott Williams talk about parenting kids in a world full of tech.

I spotted this recently in the World Trade Center Oculus. Below, the image in context...

And from last week...

About the Hawaii missile alert: Honolulu Civil Beat reported an image of the offending user interface.

Thanks for tuning in. -mark

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Artist Track Images Approx. start time
  Scott Williams and Mark Hurst talk about parenting and tech.
Tomaš Dvořák  Game Boy Tune   Favoriting   0:01:37 (Pop-up)
  Mark's intro  
0:03:51 (Pop-up)
  Scott Williams and Mark discuss parenting in a tech world  
0:19:40 (Pop-up)
  Your calls and comments  
0:47:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Hi guys
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Linda Lee:

good evening Mark!
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Webhamster Henry:

Hi Mark & Scott!
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Linda Lee:

super important subject tonight.
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Great piece of public art!
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Webhamster Henry:

Ongoing question: what if we call Techtonic listeners "chthonics"?
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Melinda, was your name for listeners,"Techtones"?
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Phil with the phone:

How the hell do you pronounce that?
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Linda Lee:

personally i just don't. no upper teeth at all.
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Andrew S:

Saturated by kids too
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Greetings, Mark, Scott and Techticians!

Listeners should be dubbed "Drifters." Get it? Tectonics?
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is idle refreshing "time well spent"
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Andrew S:

It's a hallow resolution
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Is this a good place to mention that I just bought a brand new top-of-the-line MacBook Pro with the most-recent peripherals (directly from Apple) ... and that the cables provided didn't allow for connections to the laptop?
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Linda Lee:

please! 'meaningful social interaction' does not go with facebook.
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Andrew S:

Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

i don't miss facebook at all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Zuckerbird has always wanted fb to 'Personal' - not a platform for people to repost Public stuff. That was the original model.
This is like WalMart using the tax break (which will gut social funds) as an excuse to raise wages they had to raise anyroad...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

hi, Mark and Scott and folks. time for another refreshing skeptonic.
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Linda Lee:

haha. ever hear a dealer tell an addict, 'you gotta quit this stuff'? they do it all the time. then the relationship continues.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

What was the other Facebook update announced the other day? People rate how fake the news entries are? Covert Russian operatives will give top ratings to their fake stuff and it'll be the same crock it is now.
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ooh, Chris, good one!
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Andrew S:

I kinda do miss it sometimes but not enough to participate again
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes LindaLee. He cares about me.
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@Dean: Geological puns are the best puns.
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Any social network mediated by a corporation will only serve the interests of the corporation; never the users.
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Linda Lee:

& that goes double for governments!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

here's an abacus, now go do your homework
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& what they're saying is the effect will be that reputable News will go down the algorithm - after fb helped destroy Journalism commercially...
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Linda Lee:

that reminds me of a youtube video: a couple of pre-teens given a cassette tape. kept looking for the bud port.
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(just as dentists wont touch that poison they stuff into your teeth)
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@chris: That kid will learn how to think about problem-solving, at least.
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i'm a dedicated instagram user and i know i should quit that too but it's hard
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...the Tools change...but the Apes - not so much...
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Tommy in Neversink:

I wish Facebook would filter out the fake news and let us worry about meaningful social contact
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Linda Lee:

what's critical is awareness of the actual purpose of the technology. without awareness of what you're using, your use is different than if you know.

Anybody working closely with technology during the '80s, '90s, could smell the BS. Total hype, disconnected from concrete reality, held aloft only by malarkey about democracy and individuality.
Avatar 6:17pm

I use FB maybe once or twice a month. It has gotten me in touch w/ music and art events in the town I moved to, so, it has facilitated positive change in my life. But it's just a tool, you get out of it what you use it for.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

if i were given an abacus, i'd need youtube to figure out how to use it, to your point LL.
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i kind of want to go to this meet up movie
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once or twice a week... (my brain's on blink).
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Linda Lee:

unfortunately, i sitll get enough from fb to keep using it. important communication & group activism. damn it.

@geeze it was Techtons.
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Linda Lee:

@chris ~ unless you were actually with someone who could teach you!
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i'm putting this on my calendar
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the fake news is another decoy. (like the "government shutdown", the "bomb cyclone", the sexual harassment witch hunt,etc.)
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The Road Movie ... where do I sign up?
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Andrew S:

My only real regret about not being on social media, I have a few smaller ones, sure I liked to see peoples kids and cats. But I cant comment or even read comments on news articles anymore. It's like get on facebook or stfu so I stfu
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Melinda, it's a good one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm

true, true, Linda Lee!

Linda I get a lot from FB too, met some great people in private groups.

Thanks G!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's increased Social Interaction - w/out Bodies...the 1st thing Zuckerbird asks is your whole Timeline history - & your RealName. Bang - a dozen people I knew from living on the WestCoast were on my desktop...everybody fro everywhere...When joining fb - I felt I was nekkid in the middle of a new TownSquare...or - @ least where everyone could see me...it's an adjustment. & it's considerable....Yes, you can Block people - which I love to do (haha) - but you're still there...Then there's the 'which movie star do you resemble' bollocks...
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Tommy in Neversink:

Some news sites are based on reality and some aren't. Irresponsible journalism is what got us in the mess we're in
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Andrew S:

this guy again
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Webhamster Henry:

Social Media ! I was on the Well, ECHO (I still am), lots of BBSes, most swept under by the tsunami of internet connectivity.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

$10 for the movie sounds good, but I suspect there's a catch: You have to bring your own chair (office chair with wheels) and leave it after the show.
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Andrew S:

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Linda Lee:

i'm actually able to order the medicine that keeps me upright & functional on fb, & speak to my vendor. this is sort of important.
i'm also involved with at least half a dozen groups looking to keep it legal for all, via fb. & assisting others with its use.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'm so glad I Grew Up before everyone had cameras to put everything online forever...it's bad enuff now!...
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Linda Lee:

i'm on FB helping others with their questions for at least an hour daily. that's where they are, so that's where i am. sadly.
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Phil with the phone:

Check that IMDB link below, I'm more excited than I should be for this movie.

We should have enough chairs for most of you. Chair donations are always welcome.

Ken that's funny.
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Tommy in Neversink:

Oh come on, You don't have to bring a chair...desks and file cabinets are also acceptable
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

We always jabbered about technology that would link everyone's nervous systems - we just didn't expect to live to see it & have to deal w/ the true implications...
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Webhamster Henry:

I just got a phone for my daughter so she can have something to use in college in the fall. She didn't want a non-smart phone, though, because she's used to iOs devices.
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I just picked up an iPhone 7 since my iPhone 5 I had for 5 years finally died.

I would never recommend giving unfettered access to a smartphone. It's very difficult for a non tech person to limit access to 'undesirable' content.
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Andrew S:

helping people is nothing to be sad about. Lets face it, it's ubiquitous. You can still do good things in a bad environment

Now, see, a teacher at my junior high school used to show 35mm ski movies in reverse, including the apres-ski fondue into which people would deposit the morsels they extract from their mouths.

Rather, 16mm
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Michael 98145:

pre-FB BBSs were fun. never took the FB bait.
oh, and this flip-phone works just fine.
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I love the smartphone for the fact that I can easily get the diacritics and grammar right when sending texts. Otherwise, I feel like a slouch.

Much of the online gaming now has a gambling component too.
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Linda Lee:

@Andew S ~ indeed!
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Webhamster Henry:

Non smart phones are now called "Feature Phones" , and there should be one that is really good at telephony and texting, but is also a wiFi hotspot. Most of the time, it would have pretty good battery life!
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Linda Lee:

have any of these phones ever been actually proven safe for use near the head? i don't think so.
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Andrew S:

theyve never been proven unsafe. Its hard to prove something is safe
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Webhamster Henry:

"Food comes first" is shouted out when a phone appears at the table.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The Screenagers movie I mentioned once has a newsletter, "Tech Talk Tuesdays," that emails a different subject each week. www.screenagersmovie.com...
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i have a pocket computer ("smart phone") but no smart phone plan. (tracphone only has pocket computers, even though they sell regular phone plans.) i fucking hate the touch screen bullshit.

@Brian clumsy texting on my flip phone is one of the things that will soon drive me to the smartphone.

Berkeley passed an ordinance that has so far survived judicial scrutiny. It requires retailers to give notice of possible radiation effects of devices.
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Phil with the phone:

Call in at 201-209-9368!
Use your dad's phone if necessary!
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Linda Lee:

right .. we're in a world of guinea pigs, basically.
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i just got rid of my 10 year old dumb phone. i got a NEW dumb phone because the screen and keypad was bigger - my eyes are not what they used to be.
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Webhamster Henry:

Coding for those constraints was lots of fun!

There was an internet at the time. There was virtually no public access to the 'net, and there was no web.
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Ted Kennedy was one such guinea pig, I guess.
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Linda Lee:

the proof of danger occurs as we sicken & die. think of cigarettes. & even with proof, our deaths are basically immaterial. this is what we contribute to every day of the week. this paradigm.
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Linda Lee:

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well, they have to be unsafe. an understanding of how the body works with an understanding of the way a cell phone (any cell phone) works makes this obvious.
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Andrew S:

cigarettes we know are unsafe. Microwaves there is a case but its still theory
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Linda Lee:

yes of course he was. an 'early adopter'. the brave guinea pigs go first.
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Linda Lee:

at one time we didn't know cigs were unsafe. we really didn't. this is where we are re cell tech.
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Webhamster Henry:

The massive processing power of the iPhone X: purposefully used to make talking poop emoji.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

That sounds like the South Park episode "Freemium Isn't Free" with the phone games.
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Linda Lee:

'we' meaning the general public .. the great unwashed. the consumer.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...like the labrats who press the lever hooked to their brain rather than eat - & die...
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You could say Ted Kennedy's brain was "re-wired."
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...ALWAYS now the fast buck - over EVERYTHING & ANYTHING...
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The Old Arcade game Bezerk was a great game, but insidious. It used to say"detect coin in user's pocket"!
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f cigarettes were a new invention, with what we know now about how the body works, they'd never get off the ground. they'd be declared unsafe before ever being marketed.
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Linda Lee:

so now we know everything & they're still with us.
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Andrew S:

we dont know lettuce is unsafe either. Im not saying holding your phone to your ear is safe but there is nothing that has proven it isnt.
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Webhamster Henry:

in re: Smoking risk: here's a comedy routine from 1959 by Bill Dana (RIP) in period ad-speak about how they were to spin the fact that cigarettes will kill you. 1959.
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Linda Lee:

on a certain level our knowledge is irrelevant. on that same level human life is irrelevant too.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thing is: They KNEW tobacco was addictive & cancerous - but they created an Industry to DENY it. DENIALISM.
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Linda Lee:

we basically don't love ourselves sufficiently, as a species. a real fatal flaw.
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..like the milk scam.
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@Linda Lee: I don't think I've used a phone near my head since my my old dumb phone had an 'intercom' option 14 years ago, Now, having my phone in the proximity of my groin (front pants pocket), that could be a potential issue.
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Linda Lee:

ho! yikes!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

This is just begging for the invention of the lead phone case.
Derek in Atlantic City:

My 13 yr old daughter is a JUNKIE w her phone.
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Linda Lee:

does it have to be lead?
if someone can make it cool to protect your brain .. wow
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Michael 98145:

iCod Piece
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@Michael 98145: We have a winner!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Less Rebellious. Got that? No Rawk'n'Roll : iPhones....
Lead - heavy & soft - all wrong :) ...
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@NGH: Discount vasectomy, yo.
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i hold my phone right against my face, so i can hear it; but i'm only on the phone for maybe 15 minutes/week. my downfall may end up being having my face too close to the computer screen. man i feel that after an hour or 2.
Derek in Atlantic City:

Absolute addiction and personality changes apparent when she has excessive time on it.
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Linda Lee:

i'm horrified that we'll wind up losing an entire generation prematurely with horrendous cancers. what a fucking nightmare.

The Berkeley ordinance implicated a suppressed CA Dep't Public Health brochure that intimates certain risks. The Dep't unsuccessfully argued that the brochure was merely a draft, based on uncertain science. The group filing a FOIA request to release it argued, to the contrary, that it was in final form, but that the cell phone industry wanted it suppressed. The brochure:
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Krys O.:

I suggest Greg Toppo's book, the Game Believes in You for a different viewpoint about gaming and education.

All of the first gen video games just sped up as levels got higher. Just more and more stressful.
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Is it "less happiness" or fewer "happiness?"
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...than again - always wonder if these naysayers are like the honky bourgeois ladies who crapped on Comics & RawkaRolla...
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Ken From Hyde Park:

That tagline would make a good screensaver.
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Andrew S:

The radio show is much more interesting, the psychological impact. I think the "cancer danger" is much smaller in scope
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This little taser says "I'm thinking you're not so bored."
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iGenerally can't put down any sort of interweb connected device. If my parents take away my phone, I grab Aelexa and take her to my room.

I'm a big fan of boredom. Not enough of it these days.
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Linda Lee:

why are adults so afraid to take control of their kids' lives!

I gotta say that maybe som of the Gen X-ers may have invented some of this technology. ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

Just to play devil's advocate, wouldn't a pre-literate hunter gatherer say almost everything you're saying about phones/technology about books and/or reading as well?
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(I kid, I kid ...)
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By the time I was 13, I actually embraced what my parents drilled into me, (if you're bored, you're not very smart).

Playing video games in the 1980s kinda saved my life. Made me social in an anti-social way and such… But by the time I was in college, I don’t really care too much about games anymore.

But nowadays I know people who are in their 20s and 30s who are still into videotapes despite having a real life option and I find that bizarre.
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Linda Lee:

boredom means imagination. imagination is good for the brain.
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I need to interact with a screen to listen to this show and to make this comment.
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“…who are still into video games…”
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@mrdonutsu: Or of Snivelisation itself? So much for Terence McKenna's Archaic Revival - bringing us back into our Bodies after Print Culture...
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Love the "Metal Blockheads" pic!
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I'm never bored, or, I enjoy being 'bored', so....
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I check FB compulsively, at least 4 or 5 times a year.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

But now you can get the Amazon Echo Show ... an Alexa with a screen.

That said I still have one very strong video game muscle: I have very, very good at “Mr. Do!”
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Linda Lee:

a facebook vision of reality? like staring into a cesspool & seeing your reflection.
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War, slavery, rule by élites—all were made easier by another new technology of control: writing.
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i'm never bored either. there's always something to think about.
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Andrew S:

I am jake, I still like video games. I'll only play one every couple of years but when i do man its bad, its like a month of immersion
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Fredericks: Absolutely. W/out this - I got a Library full uh other smelly lowrent NewHampshuh losers...
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Webhamster Henry:

Printing was responsible for the Reformation and all that implies.
Derek in Atlantic City:

Intervention/ monitoring needs to be the role of the parents.

Default mode.

Speaking of New Yorker, I'd love to find the piece from several years ago, perhaps the '90s, griping about the even then worn out trope about computing power, "This greeting card has more power than the Apollo that wen to the moon." Haven't been able to locate it, even using indexes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

Walter Benjamin, the great German Jewish cultural critic, who committed suicide while trying to escape Nazi-controlled Europe, said that “there is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.” He meant that every complicated and beautiful thing humanity ever made has, if you look at it long enough, a shadow, a history of oppression. As a matter of plain historical fact, that seems right. It was a long and traumatic journey from the invention of writing to your book club’s discussion of Jodi Picoult’s latest.

For both sides, of the argument, I believe the parents need to teach the wisdom and discipline and timing of screens activities, maybe teach them something high tech but less addicting, and something non-tech such as gardening.

According to my kids, Facebook isn't really cool anymore. It's something middle-aged moms do. There's a lot of Snap Chatting going on though.

Elizabeth Eisenstein was a forceful proponent of the "printing is revolutionary" thesis. Adrian Johns takes her to task for it in The Nature of the Book. I incline toward Johns.
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Krys O.:

Depression is mostly tied to brain chemicals and can be genetic. Saying that it is caused by external circumstances is not helpful in treating depression.
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Linda Lee:

dead on, mr donutsu. of course.
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Andrew S:

there are so many good tools for kids but keeping them from the distractions must be a challenge
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Linda Lee:

different shoes, same path.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Who doesn't enjoy the embrace of a screen's warm glowing warming glow?
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Michael 98145:

"Alexa, what is wrong with us ??"
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Andrew S:

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Linda Lee:

we were well trained in loving that glow with Captain Kangaroo, right Ken?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

my son had a lot of screen time when he was in middle school. by the time he was in high school, he was spending most of his time outside. he still prefers "doing" something to spending time online.

“Alexa, Siri just said you are conceited.”
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Linda Lee:

good for him chris! bravo! he's interested in his own life.

I tell my son he should find a video game that involves res-helving books in their proper order. I mean, c'mon, kids would love it!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@LL - Captain Kangaroo and Romper Room, yes.

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My ex-boss in his 70s used to play RPG games w/ people online from around the world of all ages and became good enough friends w/ some of them to go on trips together.
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Andrew S:

Alexa, tell me how to get to Sesame Street
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Michael 98145:

@LL, Princess Summer Fall Winter Spring
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Mike Sin:

Facebook is very much like a variety of TV shows -- it's similar in that it is entertainment, but TV was always built on a premise of fantasy... and most folks knew that. The depression resulting from Facebook rolls in because folks are measuring their own lives against and perceiving it as "reality"... and their own lives can't measure up to it... they don't realize it is primarily people's "marketing," "promotion," and "press kits"... just as much fantasy, ideal, and easy answers that TV always provided.
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Linda Lee:

do be a do bee. don't be a don't bee. early training babe!

@Dean: There are videotapes that allow you to pretend you work in a fast food job.

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Linda Lee:

yep yep yep
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's Connection - & it's No Connection @ All...
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Linda Lee:

it's conditional connection. very narrowly conditional
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i've spent more time as a parent teaching him to think for himself, be in touch with what he's feeling and be able to communicate both, than banning or preventing things.
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Linda Lee:

good parents make worthwhile kids. bravo!

That's priceless, @JakeGould. With my kids in the car I like to drive up to (closed) drive-up windows at, say, banks, and order a cheeseburger, fries...
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CogDiss: the bane of our era.
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Linda Lee:

sheezis .. poor little tykes. not a chance against the bright shiny things.
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Chris, yes, it's one of the best things you can do for them.

Working in a public library in the '90s, pre-web, we taught folks how to use Gopher, WAIS, etc. Showed them how to identify jobs. With the advent of the web we taught them how to search, navigate, and so forth.
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Abrigato Mark y Scott
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Mike, absolutely. also there's the physical effect of the facial muscles in a constant state of tension. it's quite obvious this would have a negative effect, physically - which results in depression as well.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

In today's society, parents are less apt to just send their kids outside to play in the neighborhood. Worried about kidnappers and such. They feel it's safer to keep the kids inside and then the kids go online where bad guys can prey on them anyway.

@Dean: Read up on “Animal Crossing: Pocket Campground.” Unbelievable that game exists… You have to just run errands and change your life to suit the needs of random—many snotty—animals.
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Linda Lee:

of course it's about the use of technology, not the technology. but who's teaching the best uses of new technology? we are! & we aren't the most appropriate teachers.
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meow meow turn off the computer meow and go meow outside
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Andrew S:

only my third time listening but right up my alley I'm hooked. Great discussion Mark & Scott cheers


Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I always id as a 'latchkey kid'. Rode my bike anywhere, anytime...Always a Media Head too - TV, radio...now this....
Avatar 6:59pm
Linda Lee:

we're being trained to develop the attention span of bacteria
Avatar 6:59pm

For me, TV just lost relevance in the early 80s. But when I discovered Gopher, I thought this is kinda interesting ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

I struggle against the youtube vortex.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Thanks Mark and Scott!
Avatar 7:00pm
Linda Lee:

i don't have a problem with youtube. i think the ads make it repellant enough that i can't hang out
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Webhamster Henry:

I was a gopherhamster before I was a webhamster.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

ah, gopher...memories.
Avatar 7:00pm

@LLee: Yes, exactly.

great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

thanks, guys!
Avatar 7:01pm

Mark and Scott, fantastic show!

Well done fellas!
Avatar 7:01pm
Linda Lee:

thanks guys
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Webhamster Henry:

Thanks ! You need to do a fill in some time so you get more time!

No sleep till
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's all funneled thru too few Corporations for my liking...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
Phil with the phone:

Thanks for joining us, tune in next week! And the next week! And the next week! (etc...)
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Linda Lee:

absolutely Rev. thanks to media deregulation! whee!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

"Don't just sit there ... go watch some television!" comics.azcentral.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Krys O.:

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