Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from January 30, 2018 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting January 30, 2018: Tony Coulter Presents Tape Hiss: John Hinds, Takashi Kazamaki & Kalle Laar, Ernie Althoff, and Hapunkt Fix [PLEASE NOTE: "Tape Hiss" shows are not archived.]

Artist Track Album Label Year
The In-Theme  Holger Hiller: Toyshopshoptoy   Favoriting      
John Hinds  Interstellar Highway   Favoriting Contrasts  Omni Sonic  1983 
John Hinds  There Is...1   Favoriting Contrasts  Omni Sonic  1983 
John Hinds  There Is...2   Favoriting Contrasts  Omni Sonic  1983 
John Hinds  There Is...3   Favoriting Contrasts  Omni Sonic  1983 
John Hinds  Jumping Bowls   Favoriting Contrasts  Omni Sonic  1983 
John Hinds  Mr. Mystery 1   Favoriting Contrasts  Omni Sonic  1983 
John Hinds  Mr. Mystery 2   Favoriting Contrasts  Omni Sonic  1983 
John Hinds  Unspoken Factor   Favoriting '84  Omni Sonic  1984 
John Hinds  Common Detonator   Favoriting '84  Omni Sonic  1984 
John Hinds  Move   Favoriting '84  Omni Sonic  1984 
John Hinds  Dream   Favoriting '84  Omni Sonic  1984 
John Hinds  Ready Go Stop   Favoriting '84  Omni Sonic  1984 
John Hinds  Listen   Favoriting '84  Omni Sonic  1984 
John Hinds  Vacuum   Favoriting '84  Omni Sonic  1984 
John Hinds  In the Canyon   Favoriting '84  Omni Sonic  1984 
Takashi Kazamaki & Kalle Laar  side A (no track titles)   Favoriting Live in Tokyo & Yokohama  no label  198? 
Takashi Kazamaki & Kalle Laar  side B (no track titles)   Favoriting Live in Tokyo & Yokohama  no label  198? 
Ernie Althoff ‎  For Two on Blue (1987)   Favoriting For Two on Blue / Saturday Stories  NMA  1990 
Ernie Althoff ‎  Saturday Stories (1987)   Favoriting For Two on Blue / Saturday Stories  NMA  1990 
Hapunkt Fix  Deutsche (1982)   Favoriting Transitvisum  no label  1983 
Hapunkt Fix  Demokratische (1983)   Favoriting Transitvisum  no label  1983 
Hapunkt Fix  Republik (1981)   Favoriting Transitvisum  no label  1983 
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting      

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Helo all!

Today's mystery LP-under-the-cassettes should be relatively easy to ID -- any guesses?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Is it a Lawrence Welk LP? Hi Tony. Hi everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

Greetings, Tony. Coincidentally, Matt WW just played a Sandy Denny track.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

Greets from out here to you over there, Tony. Hello, JtotheK.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
listener james from westwood:

In for the Hiss! Release the Hinds!
Avatar 12:05pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, hey, hey, JtotheK, steveo, Sem, & Listener J!
Avatar 12:07pm
Tony Coulter:

steveo has obviously recognized today's mystery LP, and has even offered up a clue. Anyone care to make a guess?

Oh, and no, it's not Lawrence Welk .. or even Lawrence Whelk.

Don Felder's Lawrence Welk tribute album, Heavy Metal Accordion?
Avatar 12:11pm
Tony Coulter:

And Dean is our winner!

Er, no, he's not. (Heya, Dean!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm

Available on Discogs starting at £1.50 (for a CD)

Hello Tony hello all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm

this tape sounds great
Avatar 12:13pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, Psychspaniolos!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

hi, Tony and friends. thanks to steveo's hint, i was able to find the FC album on discogs: what we did on our holidays. i honestly never would have found it otherwise.

also, tape hiss! yay!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

@Dean - did you just come up with a premium idea? I like the idea of a tribute album done in the style of Welk!
Avatar 12:16pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Chris! You are our lucky winner! You win a free trip to Flumdiddle!!
Avatar 12:17pm
Tony Coulter:

And here's the Fairport album, for those who don't know it: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 12:18pm
still b/p:

I took the clue and looked and found it immediately with first search for FP albums. Conveniently answered? Yes. Satisfyingly through process or personal memory straining? No. Maybe I should've gone outside and flagged down a driver or two to describe the art and ask them, so it would seem like more active and intense effort.
Avatar 12:19pm
Tony Coulter:

Ha! Heya, still b/p!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

i should have waited on the hint but I can't resist a coincidence

@JtotheK: I wouldn't be surprised if there were a heavy metal accordion album out there somewhere...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

(also I'm pretty sure the F in WFMU stands for Fairport)
Avatar 12:23pm
Nick S.:

Tony! Coulter!
Avatar 12:24pm
Tony Coulter:

N! i! c! k! S!
Avatar 12:24pm
still b/p:

Sometimes internet aid questionable, sometimes internet good: found a Macbook Air computer sitting in a yard down the street recently, in the grass just a reach off the sidewalk. IT was so unusual a lfind that I doubted the property owner would've lost or left it there without fast recovery, so I took it home after my errand. Called a friend who has Mac products to get a power cord. Eventually it powered up; with the names that appeared on the screen, I Googled my way to a likely local connection and phone number, talked to Mom whose son had lost the computer and other goods to a car-break. Dad and sone came to my place to retrieve. So back in his hands same day I found it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26pm

cool story
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

Hello radio friends!
Avatar 12:27pm
Tony Coulter:

Ahoy, Yvang!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

i would like to donate my free trip to Flumdiddle to you, still b/p. you deserve it more than i.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:28pm

Ok it's a Faiport Convetion Sleeve, no?
Avatar 12:29pm
still b/p:

Sweet! What currency and what shots do I need?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

convention sorry
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

Hurrah! Yvang got it!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:30pm

Avatar 12:31pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Yvang: yep! It's "What We Did On Our Holidays" ... but it's already been ID'ed ... so I'm fresh out of grand prizes.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:32pm

Ooops! I missed the previous comments...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

and thus the purest correctness
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

this reminds me a lot of an organ my grandmother used to have with a "glissando bar"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

is the organ type listed, Tony?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm

(for Contrasts)
Avatar 12:39pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Steveo: nope: for keyboards, it just sez organ and synth
Avatar 12:45pm
Tony Coulter:

Assuming it even is a keyboard synth -- which, on reflection, maybe it isn't.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm

thanks for checking Tony -- true that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

it's past my lunchtime but I can't bear to leave John Hinds
Avatar 12:50pm
Tony Coulter:

Sadly, the cover of "Contrasts" makes me think of Kenny G (the evil one, not FMU's own)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm

I just searched and found the type of organ my grandmother had. A Thomas Californian 263. I used to think all organs had a glissando bar. Here's a PNG image. goo.gl... For Arpeggio, you would hold one or more keys on the actual keyboard and then only those tones would sound when you ran your finger across the buttons on the bar.
Avatar 1:11pm
Tony Coulter:

I think I've diddled on organs that give you automatic arpeggios. And *maybe* ones with a glissando bar -- that sounds like fun, actually, so you'd think I'd remember.

David Schafer did a Kenny G-ish (FMU's own) take on Kenny G (the evil one) with "Forever in Love Forever."
Avatar 1:12pm
Tony Coulter:

The cassette on now is the red one on the left -- that's Kalle Laar on the cover.
Avatar 1:21pm
Tony Coulter:

Of course, it says "Kalle Laar" right on the cover -- but well, you know, just in case you forgot your spectacles....
Avatar 1:35pm
Tony Coulter:

Note the Zorn-esque duck call action here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm

Head down in work, but listening along w/ enthusiasm and gratitude.
Electric Chair:

Is A Music Machine/Homemade Instrument theme
Avatar 1:41pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Sem: Glad to hear it, Sem! Was wondering if the tape on now had cleared the room.
Avatar 1:43pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, Electric Chair!

This is live improv, mostly featuring guitar and percussion.
Avatar 1:52pm
Tony Coulter:

By the by, percussionist Takashi Kazamaki has recorded with Takehisa Kosugi, of Taj-Mahal Travellers should-be-fame ... and also Danny Davis of the Sun Ra Arkestra.
Avatar 1:54pm
Tony Coulter:

That's Kazutoki Umezu (Dr. Umezu) on sax
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm

Been listening!
Avatar 2:00pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, Ike! Glad your ears are here (and still on your head too, hopefully).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm

Had to go out, but I'm back now. Sorry I missed the room-clearing tape.
Avatar 2:05pm
Tony Coulter:

Apologies to the inhabitants of Yokohama -- just corrected the spelling of your fair city.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm

Why, I never heard of such a crazy thing. Of course my ears are still on my head. I may need to FedEx out my nostrils and septum out for some work, though.
Avatar 2:16pm
Tony Coulter:

Another mistake on my part: NMA (the label that released this Ernie Althoff tape) stands for New Music Articles, not New Music Australia. That'll teach me. www.rainerlinz.net...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm

whatever the label, this stuff is excellent!

Avatar 2:19pm

Digging this Ernie Althoff!
Avatar 2:20pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, NGH!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:22pm

Love the Althoff's windchimes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm

Story time on Tony's show! Ernie's pretty great, new to me. Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm

i imagine Bo Bandicoot is narrating this story... trove.nla.gov.au...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm
Listener Bob in PGH:

I'm really enjoying the Ernie Althoff piece. Thanks for introducing me to him!
Avatar 2:39pm
Tony Coulter:

Hola, Listener Bob! Glad you're enjoying the Althoff...
Avatar 2:46pm
Tony Coulter:

Re Hapunkt Fix: More like, tape collage and electronics using records and radio....
Avatar 2:48pm
Tony Coulter:

By the way, the cover of this Hapunkt Fix cassette is an actual East German visa.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm

thanks, Tony!
Avatar 2:51pm

Thanks Tony!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51pm

thanks, Tony!

Thanks a lot Tony

Two of Passport's albums--their first two--feature West German passports. Whether actual or not I'm not so sure.
Avatar 2:52pm
Tony Coulter:

Mr. Fix: www.discogs.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:52pm

ditto ditto ditto ^^^^
Avatar 2:53pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, everybody! See you next week....
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:54pm

thanks for the tunes, Tony.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
listener james from westwood:

Glad to have five, count'em, five tapes today, Tony—thanks!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

Thanks Tony!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm

I admire Hapunkt Fix.

"now ve danz"
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