Favoriting Vocal Fry with Dan Bodah: Playlist from February 12, 2018 Favoriting

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Music with vocals weird & wonderful -- beatboxing, yodels, auction chants, Tuvan throatsinging, & eerie polyphonies.

Tuesday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Tue. Mar 11th, 8pm - 9pm: Dan Bodah and his Co-Host Stashu

Favoriting February 12, 2018: 120: Seas of seasalt and dreams

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Lioudmila Khandl  Yakut Song   Favoriting Songs from the Cold Seas  N/A  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Stepanida Borisova  Yakut National Song   Favoriting N/A  N/A  0:03:01 (Pop-up)
The All-Seeing Hand  Death of St. Cosmos   Favoriting Fog & Debris  Muzai Records (NZ)  0:06:04 (Pop-up)
Phil Minton  Wilkins Rejoice   Favoriting A Doughnut's End  Fataka  0:08:47 (Pop-up)
Huun Huur Tu  Kargyraa   Favoriting Live on Transpacific Sound Paradise on WFMU  Free Music Archive  0:10:56 (Pop-up)
Stimmhorn  Raureif   Favoriting Schnee  Traumton Records  0:13:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Necks 

Sex   Favoriting


Fish of Milk 

0:16:46 (Pop-up)
Sayo Ogasawa & Utae Ehara  Rekuhkara (Ainu throat-singing)   Favoriting N/A  N/A  0:24:56 (Pop-up)
Steve Balsamo  Harmonic Overtone Meditation   Favoriting N/A  N/A  0:25:42 (Pop-up)
Sainkho Namtchylak, Grace Yoon, Iris Disse  Coutdown   Favoriting Tunguska-Guska: ein Meteoriten-Oper  EFA  0:29:04 (Pop-up)
Carton Sonore  Dans La Forêt   Favoriting Animago  Wamhmp  0:35:15 (Pop-up)
Phew  Scat   Favoriting Voice Hardcore  Mesh-Key  0:38:26 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Necks 

Sex   Favoriting


Fish of Milk 

0:42:24 (Pop-up)
Jaap Blonk  Popocatepetl   Favoriting Flux de Bouche  Staalplaat  0:46:56 (Pop-up)
Iva Bittová with Netherlands Wind Ensemble  Quatuor Pour Cora   Favoriting Dance of the Vampires  NBELive  0:48:39 (Pop-up)
Rastaba Chorus  Duopoly 2 for Overtone Singer   Favoriting Works for Voice  Rastaba Chorus  0:51:53 (Pop-up)
Mikuskovics  Fujara & Overtone Singing   Favoriting N/A  N/A  0:55:11 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:04pm
Richard S:

Hello! Happy Monday!
Avatar 7:04pm
Linda Lee:

fantastic! from AI to the thoroughly human! hi Dan!
Avatar 7:05pm

I've heard that first piece before! Where?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Avatar 7:06pm

Linda, you're "here." If it's ethical to even do so [?] we can continue our talk about albums/tapes.
Avatar 7:07pm
Tom Miller:

Stepanida! This style is called toyuk, a typical Sakha (Yakut) genre full of glissandi and glottal shakes.
Avatar 7:08pm
Tom Miller:

She told me "I don't know why I do it, but at all my concerts I loosen my hair. It's a tradition that a woman frees her hair at the most important moments of life: birth and so on. I think it's a way of connecting with the upper worlds."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Dan Bodah:

Hello all! @Tom, thanks for the info -- when did you meet Stepanida?
Avatar 7:10pm

LL: You'd asked about older, shorter pop albums and EPs?
Avatar 7:10pm
Linda Lee:

yes i did. i'm not up on the latest.

"All Seeing Hand" indeed.
great tune !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Dan Bodah:

@TDK60, I believe it came out on a comp from Touch or some such label at some point? Also there's a video that Bart Plantenga (Wreck This Mess) put up.

joiku its another way to spell yoik
Avatar 7:13pm
Linda Lee:

Huun Huuur Tu!! just amazing..
Avatar 7:13pm
Tom Miller:

A couple of times. I first heard her in 1992, later I interviewed her in her house in Yakutsk in 1999 for my dissertation. Also used her music in a 2008
installation in Germany.
Avatar 7:14pm
Linda Lee:

interesting .. ingestion of southeast asian herb kratom makes those throat-tones really pop.
Avatar 7:15pm

Thanks DJ Dan.
Avatar 7:15pm
Tom Miller:

Also used her singing for a piece I did for NPR on Sakha rock.
Avatar 7:16pm
Tom Miller:

Dan, thanks for your help yesterday at the Bad Princess book launch! You look good in a crown.
Avatar 7:19pm

Linda, You'd asked about shorter albums and EPs. Mini-LPs were around in the New Wave era with usually 5, 6, 7 tunes on a 10" or 12" disc. EPs were usually 7" (like 45s) with 3 or 4 maybe 5 songs. Sound right?
Avatar 7:19pm

I don't know this piece by the Necks. Recent?
Avatar 7:21pm

If anyone missed Rob W.'s recent show, hear it in the archives -- great Korean music to coincide with the Olympics.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Dan Bodah:

@Brian, that's the Necks' first record -- Sex.
Avatar 7:29pm
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ hmm. i''m not recalling the 7" or 10" mutli-song disc too well. 12" yes. that's what I was calling an EP.
Avatar 7:30pm

LL: I think 12" isn't correct for an EP but I may be wrong.
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Linda Lee:

just going by my memory here .. admittedly not always on point :-D
Avatar 7:31pm
Linda Lee:

now i guess vinyl producers are doing whatever they darn well please with the medium :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm
Dan Bodah:

@LL, yeah, I'd say an EP is any release with a few songs (usually around 5) -- not enough to be a full record (in the 35-45 min range minimally) but longer than a single w/B-side track. I'd use the term EP for that in any format (vinyl of any size, CD, cassette etc).
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@Dan B: Thanks. I didn't realize they went that far back. Just saw them last spring in Chicago. Really excellent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm
Dan Bodah:

@Brian, yeah -- that record was out in 1989
Avatar 7:33pm
Linda Lee:

thanks, Dan. that's how i used the term too. didn't seem to me that the size mattered .. for once :-D
Avatar 7:33pm

Their seminal "release," as it were.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Dan Bodah:

BTW, drummer on this Sainkho Namtchylak is Sunny Murray (RIP)
Avatar 7:35pm
Linda Lee:

incredible recording.
Avatar 7:37pm

LL & DB: See, I didn't know that. Does this mean a mini-LP 12" is the same as a 12" EP? 45-sized 4-song EPs were common in '60s UK pop, not so much here it seemed. 7" EPs got big again in the punk/new wave era, here too.
Avatar 7:39pm
Tom Miller:

Still waiting for the cassingles revival though.
Avatar 7:40pm
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ yes i think we're talking about the same thing.. mini LP = EP. do remember the multi-song 45s here too, in the 50s & 60s. generally 2 tracks per side ..
Avatar 7:41pm
Linda Lee:

@Tom Miller ~ actually still have a bunch of those. funny little waste of materials. :-)
Avatar 7:41pm

Now I've been set aright and maybe can sleep a full night again. MINI LPS ARE EPS!
Avatar 7:42pm
Linda Lee:

glad i had my memory confirmed too :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

This is nice.
Avatar 7:43pm
Linda Lee:

it is. nice tone palette
Avatar 7:43pm

I do still have @ 700 space-taking plastic cassettes (60 or 90 m.). But the cassingle always annoyed me.
Avatar 7:46pm

Boom! That must've been something.
Avatar 7:46pm
Tom Miller:

Boxes of cassettes by the thousands here. Occasionally I grab a handful of them and go on a bulk digitizing jag.
Avatar 7:47pm
Linda Lee:

cassingles: utterly unstable medium offering minimal real product .. as if cassettes weren't bad enough trash wise! :-)
Shopping bags upon bags upon bags of cassettes await me at a house i've just sold .. can't imagine what to do with them, as there's nowhere to bring them to. are they worth trucking into storage? are they potential hipster-bait?
Avatar 7:48pm

Then, there's the Double Album. // Great music tonight.
Avatar 7:48pm
Linda Lee:

ho! the double album! or the extra-special Triple gatefold!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@Linda Lee - I wonder if Craigslist or Ebay can help find a home for them?
Maybe Pizza Box Guy knows a collector.
Avatar 7:51pm

I betcha there are mix tape fanatics needing tapes to tape over.
Avatar 7:52pm
Linda Lee:

@ Ken From Hyde Park ~ here in the states sales prices barely justify shipping. so much effort to list em all too. i think i'd rather just pull my own eyes out :-D
Avatar 7:53pm
Linda Lee:

the kids do love them in the UK. crazy for cassettes. but talk about shipping! :-)
Avatar 7:54pm

I once found a record store (2008) had thrown thousands of tapes into their dumpster. I took as many as my pack could hold, to tape over.
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Linda Lee:

wow .. what were you putting on them in 08?
Avatar 7:55pm

I'd love to hear these guys do the Mah Nà Mah Nà song.
Avatar 7:56pm

Ha! Well, maybe Six Organs of Admittance, Miles, Stereolab, Fahey, the Searchers.
Avatar 7:56pm
Linda Lee:

question i have is, now that we have digital, what advantages do cassettes really have utiility-wise? they were great when there was nothing else to tape on .. i was part of a network that sent mixtapes all over the world .. but!
Avatar 7:58pm
Linda Lee:

wow .. love the Mikuskovics.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

Me too!
Avatar 7:59pm
Richard S:

Cassettes don't change format. (WAV, MIDI, MP3, OGG, whatever...)
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Kamp Climax:

I can understand the cassette revival. We all recorded on Tascam 4 tracks, so it's a medium we created on, so the love for that medium is understandable. But can somebody please, I'm begging, explain to me the VHS revival, because that one completely goes over my head. I could even understand the old reels of film, but VHS?
Avatar 8:00pm

Tapes are silly. Tapes are space wasting. They should also from now on only be made of veggie fibers and sold by artisanal vendors. There should be a large warehouse archive of all tapes.
Avatar 8:00pm

To say nothing of 8-track.
Avatar 8:00pm
Linda Lee:

there's a VHS revival? :-D
is it really just a matter of tangible materials?
Avatar 8:01pm

Thanks Dan.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08pm
Dan Bodah:

Re the conversation about tapes: there is a cardboard box in the WFMU dining room where people leave stuff, mostly old recordings, for others to take. Tonight it contained a pile of 8-tracks (I remember listening to those as a kid!) - and... an unopened jar of Nutella.
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