Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from February 24, 2018 Favoriting

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Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting February 24, 2018

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Aaron Martin  Depth of a Glance   Favoriting A Room Now Empty  Preserved Sound  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Emmanuel Witzthum  Against Tree. Eyes Look To Sunset. In Summer   Favoriting Songs of Love and Loss  Eilean  0:06:31 (Pop-up)
Visionary Hours  Rippling River Drifts Blue and Green   Favoriting Beyond the White  Preserved Sound  0:10:29 (Pop-up)
Robert Haigh  European Dusk   Favoriting Creatures of the Deep  Unseen Worlds  0:16:26 (Pop-up)
David Shea  Magnets   Favoriting Piano I  Room40  0:18:30 (Pop-up)
Trigg & Gusset  Avant Noir   Favoriting Legacy of the Witty  Preserved Sound  0:22:43 (Pop-up)
REZZETT  Yunus in Ekstasi   Favoriting Rezzett  Rezzett  0:29:27 (Pop-up)
Meredith Monk  Change   Favoriting Key  Increase  0:32:41 (Pop-up)
Ben McElroy  It Beckoned Across the Yard   Favoriting 1,000 Sewing Machines  Unknown Tone  0:36:30 (Pop-up)
Buck Curran  The Sun Also Rises   Favoriting Morning Haikus, Afternoon Ragas  ESP-Disk` / Obsolete Recordings  0:45:24 (Pop-up)
United Bible Studies  Captain William Coey   Favoriting The Shore That Fears the Sea  Deadslackstring/Deserted Village/Truenote  0:50:26 (Pop-up)
Joanna Brouk  The Space Between   Favoriting Hearing the Music  The Numero Group  1:04:04 (Pop-up)
Delphine Dora  Last Things   Favoriting Eudaimon  Three:Four  1:25:39 (Pop-up)
Fronds  Xelia   Favoriting Cold Across My Skin  Gold Robot  1:33:24 (Pop-up)
Loma  Who Is Speaking?   Favoriting Loma  Sub Pop  1:39:13 (Pop-up)
Nighttime  Back & Forth   Favoriting Summer EP  Nighttime  1:41:40 (Pop-up)
Bipolar Explorer  Lost Life   Favoriting Sometimes in Dreams  Slugg  1:44:55 (Pop-up)
Siloah  Road to Laramy   Favoriting Folk Music From Obscuristan (Shrunken Planet 2005 WFMU Marathon Premium)  WFMU  1:52:30 (Pop-up)
Ed Askew  Peter and David   Favoriting Child of the Sun  Drag City/Galactic Zoo  2:07:39 (Pop-up)
Pat Ament  Right Kind of Lover   Favoriting Pat Ament  Grapefruit  2:13:20 (Pop-up)
Dave Deporis  Swan King in the Snow   Favoriting (no album)  Dave Deporis  2:18:31 (Pop-up)
VanWyck  Whole Again   Favoriting An Average Woman  Maiden Name  2:23:05 (Pop-up)
The Weather Station  Trying   Favoriting All of It Was Mine  You've Changed  2:27:16 (Pop-up)
Caitlin Pasko  Favorite Dessert   Favoriting Glass Period  Caitlin Pasko  2:30:00 (Pop-up)
Joan Baez  The President Sang Amazing Grace   Favoriting Whistle Down the Wind  Razor & Tie  2:32:53 (Pop-up)
Wilder Atkins  Smoke Signals   Favoriting Hope & Sorrow  Wilder Adkins  2:35:59 (Pop-up)
Joey Pratt  Visit Soon   Favoriting Until Then  Joey Pratt  2:41:06 (Pop-up)
Cory Branan  Don't Go   Favoriting Adios  Bloodshot  2:43:31 (Pop-up)
Courtney Marie Andrews  Not the End   Favoriting Honest Life  Mama Bird  2:48:16 (Pop-up)
Alice Boman  Waiting   Favoriting EP II + Skisser  Adrian Recordings  2:50:41 (Pop-up)
Bob Dylan  4th Time Around   Favoriting Blonde on Blonde  Columbia  2:54:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Good morning, Jeffrey, from four-weeks-early Spring in Nova Scotia.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05am
Dave in Vermont:

Good morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning earlybirds Sem and Dave in Vermont. We're up in studio B, preparing for the fundraising Marathon, which starts in about a week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16am

Good morning Jeffrey, Sem and Dave. I've listened for years, and here's my 1st hello!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19am

Good morning Planeteers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24am
Jeffrey Davison:

PJMcE: thanks for listening, and surfacing! And welcome once again duke.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27am

Hiya, duke.
Avatar 6:28am

good morning...-great set
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30am

I'm really enjoying this set. Perfect for a grey morning.
Avatar 6:32am

Good morning-agreed- love this set-perfect for this morning too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am
Jeffrey Davison:

And greetings kimgland, 3d-nyc.

Morning friends.
Avatar 6:45am
Linda Lee:

good morning! what sweet sounds for a chilly grey day!
Avatar 6:50am

Morning Jeffrey and Folks, let me go put on the tea water...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there Zetti, Linda Lee, TDK60. Thanks all. Glad you're enjoying the music.
upstate sean:

Hey all!
upstate sean:

This show is so good
Avatar 6:55am

sneaking into class pretty late... i am now here and listening.. good mornng planeteers.!
Avatar 6:57am
Linda Lee:

hi annie! good for you! :-)

Hey, Ben McElroy & I share a surname!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00am

The google top hits for Captain William Coey are this track. There was a Pvt. William Coey in the SC regiment in the American revolution. Maybe They promted him.
Avatar 7:02am
Linda Lee:

actually a bit of a relief to hear your voice w/o bed music.
Avatar 7:04am

We don't need "bed" music when we're struggling to get outta bed, hee.
Avatar 7:04am
Linda Lee:

ha! i'm not struggling ..
Avatar 7:06am
Linda Lee:

shame on me for missing this show for so long!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey there annie. Thanks duke. Merits further delving. Linda Lee: thank you, and there are years of archived shows on the WFMU website. TDK60: ha!
Avatar 7:07am

Morning Linda. Let me speak for myself.
Avatar 7:08am
Linda Lee:

you do that. i'm just staying in bed. :-D
Avatar 7:08am

linda, there's an "open arms" policy on this planet, you are always welcome back after any hiatus.
Avatar 7:09am
Linda Lee:

@annie ~ i'm a first time listener! can't believe it.
Avatar 7:09am

you'll never look back
Avatar 7:10am
Linda Lee:

i know. :-D
Cooh John:

Good morning JD and planeteers. How is the garlic looking, Sem?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13am

Morning Jeff! Perfect radiant calm pre-work listening from Sunny Bristol, UK. Might I enquire how one might get in touch with you personally?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15am

Cooh John: our ground has been snowless for two weeks now, wit intermittent freezing and thawing, and lot of rain. I see other of the alliums coming up---crocii, for example, but no signs of the garlic as yet. Fingers crossed. How's everything where you are?
Avatar 7:17am
Linda Lee:

Sem ~ wow. you make me hungry for spring! we're a month away from the crocii here in the catskills ~ always a time of rejoicing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am

Forced some forsythia, its cheery yellow flowers greeted me this morning, Linda Lee. Can't stop Spring, but sometimes the timing!
Avatar 7:19am
Linda Lee:

so early for you! amazing. strange & amazing.
Avatar 7:20am
Linda Lee:

forsythia!! my gosh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey Cooh John...
Sem: I'm waiting for the ramps. Must still be pretty early yet.
Gavin: welcome. It's shrink at wfmu dot org
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am

Here on a tidal estuary, we're a zone 6. Up at altitude where you are, everything later, I suppose?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am

I wasn't familiar with Joanna Brouk but I'm going to check her out in teh future
Avatar 7:23am
Linda Lee:

yes, definitely later. lots of little microclimates up in the mountains here ~ i'm currently at 5, half an hour's drive up the mountain & we're at 4 :-)
Avatar 7:23am

linda, i'm an ex-upstater myself, i hail from del-otse-nango region, hamden was my last home. now i live in asheville, nc..
Avatar 7:23am

Bristol Gavin welcome. // I've seen small white and yellow flowers in Central Park. // Ahhh caffeine.
Avatar 7:24am

spamoni is running late this am...
Avatar 7:24am
Linda Lee:

@annie ~ do you! i lived there for about 8 years in the 90s. lovely town. just great. i lived in & around. how long have you been there?
Avatar 7:25am
Linda Lee:

just can't leave the appalachian chain :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am

Thanks for a mellow start to the day, Jeffrey. Will catch the rest on the archives. See you and all next time, walking into town now. Bye!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am

Thanks Jeff! Will be in touch. Have a great day over there everyone!
Avatar 7:26am

i've been in asheville 6 years now, march 6th is the day i split. i understand about the hills, yes. i took a ride with a friend out cherokee way a couple of days ago..always breathtaking.. see ya sem!
Avatar 7:27am
Linda Lee:

early spring yet, annie? must be!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am

bye sem
Avatar 7:28am

Good morning to all hi @annie I've been here all along just hiding in the shadows today
Avatar 7:29am

Never been to Asheville, heard it's a fine place. Tho I did live in the Appalachians most my life.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey spamoni...welcome
Avatar 7:31am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ 'san francisco south' they called it when i lived there. amazing town, diverse, peaceful, interesting, incredible music scene. alas, also deeply segregated ~ hope that's changed a bit.
Avatar 7:32am
Linda Lee:

spamoni! mysterious comment by annie now clarified. :-) thought the spamoni were the local river fish there in wnc! i'm new, what can i tell ya
Avatar 7:32am

Thanks for that LL. Our whole country needs more work on that last part.
Avatar 7:35am

oh yes, linda, spring is here in full force. way too early for my taste, though Mother knows best. rumour has it the redbud are blossoming.. i live in a small high-rise-type building, so no nature to speak of out my window.... linda, there are many leftovers of race issues still here. we are fighting gentrification, and it's winning; the tourist industry is killing what used to be the charm of this locale. in the short time i've been here there have been close to 10 hotels built in the downtown area.. it's awful. it's happening everywhere, even tiny little cooperstown is succumbing, i heard the plea from the town matriarch that the baseball stores have to stop... i say that's closing the barn door way too late.
Avatar 7:35am

A warm welcome Linda Lee you'll find this the best morning crew anywhere !
Avatar 7:36am

here here spamoni!
Avatar 7:37am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ indeed. the depth of racism intrinsic to the culture reveals its ugly face a bit more each day.
@annie ~ having been gentrified out of 4 different nyc neighborhoods, i'm pained to hear it.
thanks for the welcome, people! :-)
Avatar 7:37am

Quaintness under siege almost everywhere. Annie, what's a "baseball store"?
Avatar 7:38am
Linda Lee:

thinking of the downtown i remember in asheville ~ where in hell did they jam 10 hotels?
Avatar 7:38am
Linda Lee:

i'm guessing baseball stores are like tourist stores on Times Square ~ pricey memorabilia mass-produced in China for the tourist trade.
Avatar 7:39am

Enticing sound there by...Fronds?
Avatar 7:40am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ the authentic under siege everywhere indeed ~ so bits of true authenticity are going for astronomical prices wherever it can be found. & the cycle continues.
Avatar 7:41am

a baseball store is any establishment that sell baseball-related items.. it's beyond me that there can be so many.... i guess it's akin the the many "thrift" stores that sell "vintage" items. anything is commodified now

zone 5b and my narcissus are breaking ground, hundreds of tiny bright green tips... beautiful.
Avatar 7:43am
Linda Lee:

who'd a thunk it? our history, our community, our uniqueness all monetized & up for grabs, as well as actual experience.
@Zetti ~ fantastic. at about this time in the catskills we start to doubt spring will ever come. so nice to get reports of the real thing..
Avatar 7:45am
Linda Lee:

@annie ~ that sure sounds like the nyc tourist stores. 5 stores on one block selling exactly the same items. weird.
Avatar 7:47am
Linda Lee:

at least with vintage stores there's a little variety. speaking of, one of the greatest things about asheville when i lived there were the thrift stores. not vintage stores. thrift stores. coats for a quarter. that sort of thing. habitat had a truly great store there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:49am
Jeffrey Davison:

It's no surprise that in NYC whole neighborhoods have been completely transformed, and now Long Island City in Queens is morphing by the minute. Giant buildings on the waterfront, huge hotels near Court Square, small hotels everywhere (and growing like fungus in Manhattan also). Not that LIC was beautiful. It's an old neighborhood with some old buildings but mostly industrial over the last century. Condos everywhere now.
Avatar 7:50am

they still do, but they have fallen to the high-ticket pricing... i will say, though, that there are many ways to get what you ned here. the free food nd sharing community is thriving.. you will NOT go hungry here if you land flat on your ass.. housng is another story; the joke of "affordable" housing is sad.. and they rant on about how it has to be a certain way. acquiescing to a gubmint standard is shameful.. break the mold and stap out of the box!!
Avatar 7:51am
Linda Lee:

@Jeffrye Davidson ~ saddest thing about this: those condos will largely sit empty ~ functioning mainly as investment, often to foreign entities. empty space, no community. & without actual community & actual neighborhoods, what is NYC? why bother? (i was born & raised there.)
Avatar 7:52am
Linda Lee:

@annie ~ lovely to hear about food sharing! i did a little volunteer work for food not bombs there & it's one of the best things i've ever done.
Avatar 7:53am
Linda Lee:

very satisfying just giving people food.
Avatar 7:54am

Yeah, Brooklyn and Lower East Side-- all these mushrooming modern mini-high rises. And lots of empty apts. And 60,000 homeless.
Avatar 7:56am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ ugly in many ways. not that nyc has ever been a 'for the people' town ~ but there was balance. now? can't imagine how working people really make it.
Avatar 7:57am

in 20 years the whole city-scapes will be very different, with the lower classes enmassed in subsidized housing. linda, there is a wonderful group of people, Firestorm, who have literally swung the pandulum back to those in need. they are an anarchist group and have opened a free lunch kitchen down in west asheville.. they are on facebook.. the program they host is called "12 Baskets".... food donations, clothing donations.. the "fighting back" is in the gerosity of those who can help and do.. even restaurants are donating end-of night meals in trays-full of meals... my mobility issues prevent me from actively participating, but the altruist part of me is joyful at the bounty
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58am
Jeffrey Davison:

There were, not too long ago, lots of affordable neighborhoods. Okay, I'm basically going back 20 years or more, in some instances. Even 10 years ago there were some.
Avatar 7:59am
Linda Lee:

@annie ~ nice. very nice. lots of that going on when i was there as well. we do what we can, even if only sharing good will. that's pretty important now.
Avatar 7:59am

NYC was never fair. But in the 1950s thru '80s one could afford rent. Then property owners jacked up rent. Gettin' pullitical here but so did some great folkies we all know.
Avatar 8:00am
Linda Lee:

right. balance in all things ~ even community ~ is essential to the health of the whole.
Avatar 8:01am
Linda Lee:

what good is to to a community or a city when the rapaciousness of landowners is so extreme that it pays them to have living space empty?
Avatar 8:03am

Linda and Annie have already pointed us to the simple but difficult-to-reach solution: a caring society!
Avatar 8:03am
Linda Lee:

forgive the nostalgia, but in nyc 70s - 80s a creative person could live in such a way that selling wasn't the priority ~ you could do the work you wanted to do & survive as well. that made for vital & interesting work.
Avatar 8:03am

good morning all. Jeffrey, just awesome show as always.

I see we're talking gentrification and ... whew. I live in a small city north of Boston that still has a goodly number of independently-owned small stores and restaurants, even a comix store that seems to be doing OK, and a new bookstore that's part of a small local chain.

Where the gentrification is coming in is in housing: the city council seems hellbent on putting in as many apartment buildings as possible: they're cheaply constructed, even the "luxury condos", and residents old and new are not happy.

The DSA is doing some good work to resist and combat gentrification, as are many local orgs. But those efforts seem best organized in Boston and cities like Lynn that have been despoiled by white flight and funding drain for decades, leaving the poorer folks to fend for themselves against late-stage capitalism.

That's my tome/rant for the morning. I'm off to a DSA meeting today: my hope is that we regular folks can organize and stop the gentrification combine permanently.
Avatar 8:04am
Linda Lee:

wishing you luck!!
Avatar 8:07am

I lean more to the sorts mentioned by Annie in Asheville. But I'm glad DSA is growing. What city, TestingW.F.? Lynn?
Avatar 8:12am

there was a time when a city's population actually took and interest in its future and the people who lived there. i'm sad that the current generation of "adults" here is unaware of social activism.they hit the hot topics, march and shout, then go home. the activism ends when the action is over. i see very little continuous effort from the millenials, whose focus is on the issue of the moment, ignoring the on-going troubles. no one wants to interact with the dirty smelly old people or homeless. thank god we have our active older folks....
Avatar 8:15am

Gosh, the music is wonderful this morn. Gotta go strengthen the caffeine potion...be right back...
Avatar 8:16am

i was thinking that very thing TDK

I remember the NYC squatter wars.
In the 1990s, I attended the east village gentrification protest. Giuliani set in the police, beating everyone with badges covered.
Avatar 8:18am
Linda Lee:

just more narcissistic self-expression, seems like. how boring.

Happy to hear you playing Dave Deporis.
Avatar 8:21am
Linda Lee:

he-who-shall-not-be-named, as former DA, basically handed the city to the NYPD ~ though he only came out of the fascist closet after 911 (with the rest of them).

Morning all
Avatar 8:22am
Linda Lee:

that comment about narcissistic self-expression is for annie.
Avatar 8:22am
Linda Lee:

hi melinda!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey melinda, Kenneth.
Avatar 8:26am

Avatar 8:26am

I'm often a fool for the tremolo effect on guitar, piano.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am
andrew in florida:

mornin all. very nice jeffrey, thank you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey andrew in florida...glad you're enjoying the show.
Avatar 8:30am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ me too. when i ived with my dad as a little girl, weekends had him playing guitar at home with the tremelo on high. loved it even then.
Avatar 8:30am

hey andrew , I moved to FL (gainesville) 6 mos ago from Brooklyn. How's all?
Avatar 8:30am

Thanks to Bo Diddley, for the tremolo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31am
Jeffrey Davison:

and hello to northguineahills...
Avatar 8:32am
Linda Lee:

hey! actually saw Bo Diddley perform in Vegas in '77! wild show. masterful player. truly fantastic sound. shakes your boots for you.
Avatar 8:33am
Linda Lee:

my dad picked his up from Chet Atkins though.
Avatar 8:34am

Oh, didn't know Chet A. was a tremolo pioneer.
Avatar 8:35am

Its been a while since I've been awake to hear you live Jeffrey!
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Glad Joan B. is still with us.
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Linda Lee:

my dad thought so :-)
Avatar 8:37am

aahhh, i thought i recognized that voice..!! if you ever want to read a lovely book, "whistle down the wind" by mary hayley bell, hayley mills mother.... yes, TDK, i am too
Avatar 8:37am

@Linda Lee: The downtown plaza where music fest/famer markets/etc occur here in gainesville is named Bo Diddley Square. He grew up and lived just a few kms outside of town. As an undergrad I saw him around a few times.
Avatar 8:38am

I often say: folks say Edison or Tesla harnessed electricity. No, it was Link Wray & Bo Diddley!
Avatar 8:39am
Linda Lee:

@northguineahills ~ wow. nice! i'll never forget seeing him play, myself. just great.

@Linda & Annie I agree about the narcissistic self-expression bit. I think most change happens as a result of persistent and often boring work behind the scenes.
Avatar 8:46am

agreed, melinda..
Avatar 8:46am
Linda Lee:

no doubt. it's a shame, but dissent for too many means marching ~ & there's no understanding there that change isn't about marching (while marching is the prime tool of manufactured consent now.)
Avatar 8:47am

i prefer the quiet steady activism of volunteerism, it casts a wider ripple
Avatar 8:47am
Linda Lee:

sorry, meant to write 'manufactured dissent' there .. manufactured consent is media, not marching :-D
Avatar 8:48am
Linda Lee:

@annie ~ not so splashy or titillating :-D
Avatar 8:49am

yes, linda, every marching or protest action now has become another commodity in some ways..
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Linda Lee:

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Linda Lee:

flash political action without sustained commitment is easy to manifest .. easy to manipulate.
Avatar 8:51am
Linda Lee:

it's a bit of a snooze :-D
Avatar 8:51am
Linda Lee:

plus, by now the powers that be know just how to deal with it.
Avatar 8:52am

jeffrey, you are SO loved. thnks for all you do. the time has come fo me to hie me to the kitchen and put the morning meal together.... yes, exactly linda^^
Avatar 8:52am
Linda Lee:

have a great morning annie! thank you Jeffrey!
Avatar 8:52am

formulaic protests..
Avatar 8:54am
Linda Lee:

yep. nearly meaningless. look at the literal millions who protested in feb 2003 before the iraq invasion. meh!
Avatar 8:54am

I think we need both: hellraising and the longterm organizing. // Thanks for the music this morn, Jeffrey.
Avatar 8:55am
Linda Lee:

@TDK60 ~ just need to lose the complacency, mainly.
Avatar 8:56am

the machine is in full bore and practically unstoppable.. see all you lurkers in the BBrainen room.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks for listening, and for the various discussions here on the comments board. Eat the rich!
Avatar 8:56am
Linda Lee:

i'll be happy with oatmeal this morning Jeffrey! ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am

Thanks Jeffrey!
Avatar 8:56am

Ah...that great double album again.
Avatar 8:56am

Super happy thanks, Jeffrey, and Woofmooers!

Thanx Jeffrey!
Wendy Smith:

Thanks for turning us on to Joanna Brouk. It’s rare that I wish a piece could just go on forever...
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