Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from March 10, 2018 Favoriting

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Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting March 10, 2018

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Ben Rath  The Devil in Disguise   Favoriting Black Heart Music  Eilean  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bird People  On the Lake at Sunrise, pt. 1   Favoriting Tapes World: Rare Tracks From Cassettes (Shrunken Planet 2018 Marathon Premium)  WFMU  0:07:14 (Pop-up)
Delphine Dora  Crowds vs. Empty Spaces   Favoriting A Stream of Consciousness  Wild Silence  0:13:43 (Pop-up)
Buck Curran  Song For Shylah   Favoriting Morning Haikus, Afternoon Ragas  ESP-Disk` / Obsolete Recordings  0:16:29 (Pop-up)
Mary Lattimore  The Warm Shoulder   Favoriting Collected Pieces  Ghostly International  0:19:57 (Pop-up)
Andrew Weathers  Swing South at Needles, Straight Shot to Quartzite   Favoriting Tapes World: Rare Tracks From Cassettes (Shrunken Planet 2018 Marathon Premium)  WFMU  0:32:42 (Pop-up)
Ezra Feinberg  Experience Near   Favoriting Pentimento and Others  Related States  0:35:59 (Pop-up)
Judy Roderick  Someone to Talk My Troubles To   Favoriting Milk of the Tree: An Anthology of Female Vocal Folk And Singer-Songwriters 1966-73  Grapefruit  0:49:03 (Pop-up)
Leah Senior  Where Have You Been?   Favoriting Pretty Faces  Flightless  0:51:27 (Pop-up)
Robert Haigh  From The Mystery   Favoriting Creatures Of The Deep    1:04:03 (Pop-up)
Susan Pillsbury  I Thought I Knew the Answers   Favoriting Milk of the Tree: An Anthology of Female Vocal Folk And Singer-Songwriters 1966-73  Grapefruit  1:07:17 (Pop-up)
Caitlin Pasko  The Still   Favoriting Tapes World: Rare Tracks From Cassettes (Shrunken Planet 2018 Marathon Premium)  WFMU  1:17:51 (Pop-up)
Brigid Mae Power  I'm Grateful   Favoriting The Two Worlds  Tompkins Square  1:22:55 (Pop-up)
Sharon Van Etten  Keep   Favoriting Because I Was In Love  Language of Stone  1:27:19 (Pop-up)
The Weather Station  You and I (On the Other Side of the World)   Favoriting The Weather Station  Paradise of Bachelors  1:44:06 (Pop-up)
Judee Sill  Jesus Was a Cross Maker   Favoriting Milk of the Tree: An Anthology of Female Vocal Folk And Singer-Songwriters 1966-73  Grapefruit  1:48:39 (Pop-up)
Simon Joyner  Hail Mary   Favoriting Step Into the Earthquake  Ba Da Bing  2:02:48 (Pop-up)
The Otis Brothers  Alabama Camp Meeting   Favoriting Tapes World: Rare Tracks From Cassettes (Shrunken Planet 2018 Marathon Premium)  WFMU  2:06:16 (Pop-up)
Valerie June  If And   Favoriting The Order of Time  Concord  2:08:17 (Pop-up)
Krystle Warren  If Memory Serves Me Well   Favoriting Three the Hard Way  Krystle Warren  2:11:42 (Pop-up)
Buffy Sainte-Marie  The Dream Tree   Favoriting Milk of the Tree: An Anthology of Female Vocal Folk And Singer-Songwriters 1966-73  Grapefruit  2:21:19 (Pop-up)
Mt. Eerie  Crow   Favoriting A Crow Looked at Me  P.W. Elverum & Sun  2:23:51 (Pop-up)
Angharad Drake  Honey in the Rock   Favoriting Ghost  Angharad Drake  2:31:47 (Pop-up)
Bridget St. John  Autumn Lullaby   Favoriting Milk of the Tree: An Anthology of Female Vocal Folk And Singer-Songwriters 1966-73  Grapefruit  2:35:46 (Pop-up)
Perfume Genius  Wreath   Favoriting No Shape  Matador  2:42:07 (Pop-up)
Julien Baker  Even   Favoriting Turn Out the Lights  Matador  2:50:47 (Pop-up)
Lesser Kestrels  Rosemary   Favoriting Tapes World: Rare Tracks From Cassettes (Shrunken Planet 2018 Marathon Premium)  WFMU  2:54:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:01am

Mornin' Jeffrey and ambienters, folklorists, and freaky folx!
Avatar 6:02am

good morning jeffrey!! good morning all you planeteers..!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Good morning, Jeffrey, inhabitants of the Shrunken Planet, those dipping their ears into the stream, annie, TDK60, and all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05am

Good morning Jeffrey, TDK80, annie, sem, and etc. Pledge to keep the planet from shrinking more.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning TDK60, annie, Sem, duke and all early risers pledging to WFMU! Marathon week one...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10am
Jeffrey Davison:

Comments board people!! And people of Earth...tell your friends about WFMU, tell them to support us with a pledge!
First prize to give away: Delphine Dora "A Stream of Consciousness", gorgeous solo piano CD from one of my favorite musicians...limited release on Wild Silence.
Avatar 6:12am

Ah! Jeffrey your premium is a compact disc of tracks from cassettes-- intriguing.
David in London:

Great opener here. And greetings everyone from old London Town.
Avatar 6:13am

Greeting to David in Olde London Town. Still morning there too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14am
Jeffrey Davison:

Greetings, David. A pleasure to share music with the FMU family, as always.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15am

Hello Jeff and all. I'm done pledging, but I'll be getting your premium
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks, fred! Thanks to everyone who has pledged already. Good to get it done early. But of course, all new pledges welcome, first-timers, old-timers.
Avatar 6:18am

it was a surprise to speak with cooh!!! i threw some of my sfl in your direction jeffery!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19am
Mr. Pumpy:

Good morning, Jeffrey and all Planeteers. It's been a while. I hope all are well!
Avatar 6:21am

Actual sunrise in Jersey City: 6:17.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22am
Jeffrey Davison:

welcome Mr. Pumpy...(relatively) all is well. Some computer glitches here this morning...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25am
Mr. Pumpy:

Ghost is the machine?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25am

I would love to see Mary Lattimore live
Avatar 6:30am

Sun up, skies clear over NYC/NJ. // Hello Steve K., longtime Woofmooer.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40am
Jeffrey Davison:

Mary Lattimore doing a tour in June. In NYC end of June.
Avatar 6:42am

Cassettes are off most people's "radar?" Really?
Avatar 6:43am

same scenario here TDK, clear skies looking to the northwest, my only window. the sunglow is starting to show more. we have 46 degrees and it will stay overcast today, and the wind has stopped... maybe i'll get some lunch at Chai Pani down the street, indian street food..
Avatar 6:45am

And where is that, Annie? Geographically curious. // Make sure those Emergency WFMU Technicians have all the coffee/tea they need.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46am
Bas NL:

(Pledge system stops on me with a red bar, but no mention what's wrong?)
Avatar 6:47am
Lixiviated Life:


this is nice
Avatar 6:51am

oh, yeah, sorry TDK, it's in asheville nc. it's owned by family members of the Baba people in myrtle beach. the food is spectacular. it's what "authentic" would be if it was a picture in the dictionary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52am
Jeffrey Davison:

Don't know, Bas. Some server issues. Working on it...(not me, or there would be clouds of smoke rising in Jersey City)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am
Guido from Cologne:

I'll send aler-mail to Ken!
Avatar 6:53am

Asheville in the mountains, never been there. Tho I have lived in another part of Appalachia.
Avatar 6:56am

it's another part of this planet which has unbelievable beauty. the draw for me has to be trees, water, clean air, and not-so-populated. although asheville itself is growing way too fast.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56am
Bas NL:

Just so you know i got a pledge in your name waiting Jeffrey!
Avatar 6:59am

Would like to visit Asheville someday. Most of Appalachia is beautiful...except the parts that have been strip-mined.
Avatar 7:00am
Jeff Moore:

Apparently there were physical issues at the server farm - a cabinet lost power. They're scrambling to get things set aright.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02am

Global village.
Avatar 7:02am

i can recommend some breath-taking places to see, feel free to ask. i especially love the Nantahala forest, and we have pisgah, and the smoky park highway.. .. if you're a hiker, it's perfect.
Avatar 7:02am

steve!! be sure to mention the clicky-star!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04am
Bas NL:

Just gave it a try again.. no go..
David in London:

Station Manager Ken gave a moving summary of the FMU ethos earlier in the week on Clay Pigeon’s show. Fed up with the gloomy naysayers of the mainstream media, would much rather hear positivity and great alternative music here. You’d have to be mad not to.
Avatar 7:06am

Yes Annie, love to hike. // I'm commenting via the interwebs, listening via radio on my Big Old Tuner. (Recently started posting broadcast reports from NYC.) // Hello Sem in Nova Scotia.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am

Greets, TDK60!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am

What's holding you back, Jeffrey?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks David, Bas, Sem. Assuming we're going to get a surge of pledges when the fix the server. Sem: No Cape Breton fiddle music with me today...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am

Happy tp hear whatever delights you have in mind, JD.
David in London:

Jeffrey, dependent on ‘life’ and what it throws up in the next 12 months, if do-able, I’m toying with a plan to take some time off this time next year, come over to NJ, and spend a week volunteering at the 2019 fundraiser.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am
Jeffrey Davison:

David: great!
Playing from SVE to bring some luck...
Avatar 7:29am

>broadcast report> north manhattan> 91.1 fm clear; 91.9 ok, a bit static-y. /stop/
Avatar 7:30am

Good morning Jeffrey and all. Rough start this am,some here know in the last couple months i lost Batman (cat) Fruitloops (bird) and yesterday my last bird Mary passed 18 years.It's just Bella and me now.Having cancer they all helped me in some way .I am happy to still have the Saturday morning crew to cheer me up. BTW jd pledge is on the way
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am

Good mornin' from central OH. The checks in the mail. Thanks back at you for all you do.
Avatar 7:35am

Brigid Mae Power has caught my attention recently; she's climbing the WFMU charts. // Lynns Brother: Columbus? // Spamoni, I salute your furry and feathered friends.
Avatar 7:38am

aahhhh, good to see you spamoni, although the news is not good.. music will always be there.
Tommy Lee White:

Anyone else unable to pledge online, or is it just me? Will try to call in shortly.
Avatar 7:40am

Bas, Is there a folky scene in Utrecht?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45am
Jeffrey Davison:

hey spamoni, LynnsBrother, Tommy Lee White. Computer server issues this morning...no pledges coming through the server. They're working on it...thanks for your support!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46am
Jeffrey Davison:

This Weather Station self-titled CD is the next thing we're offering up as a prize. Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for this album. Hang in there, FMU supporters!!

hey jeffrey listening at a more reasonable hour from london -- soon to be my new home. will try and call to send a pledge and get langford's t shirt. need to see the mekons here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50am
Jeffrey Davison:

Avatar 7:51am

Not much of a sports person but I see English football right now has its biggest rivalry game going: Liverpool vs. Manchester United.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52am

Our servers are still down, but overseas listeners can call the pledge line from this number: 201-413-9368
Avatar 7:52am
Jeff Moore:

We have people on at least two continents poking at the servers trying to figure out how the magic smoke got out. In the meantime - please give those good old fashioned telephones a workout!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am

For US listeners the 800-989-9368 works as always
Avatar 8:08am
Jeff Moore:

Looks like online pledging is back in business!
Cooh John:

@LynnsBrother: I am from central Ohio and working the phones. All you buckeyes, please pledge.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Jeffrey Davison:

Ken and Jeff Moore: roger, all systems go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am
Guido from Cologne:

Valerie June!
Seen her last year!
Live even better than on record!
Sweet person as far as I have been told.
Avatar 8:12am

Valerie June hits my Ear. Primal sound.
Cooh John:

Hi Sem, from the WFMU phone room.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19am
Guido from Cologne:

Last year's pledge form did not offer Germany!
Avatar 8:21am

thanks SO much to Cooh John for making the trip to the right coast to volunteer for the marathon. it's an inspiration to me to travel up there and volunteer myself.
Avatar 8:25am

Columbus folks: still all those rock clubs along North High Street? // Buffy goes all the way back to the '60s folk times. Her "Fire & Fleet & Candlelight" album still a fave.
Avatar 8:33am

Hi Jeffrey,this is Dean from Matamoras,Pa. Thank You !
Avatar 8:40am

Spamoni, thought you meant one of your pets has cancer. You? We're with ya. Matomoras, PA, at the NW corner of NJ, right?
Avatar 8:41am

@TDK60 yes to both questions,thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am
Jeffrey Davison:

This Perfume Genius double LP up for grabs!! $20 or more gets you in the running...
Avatar 8:54am

jeffrey, much love and thanks; let's do this again in a week!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
Jeffrey Davison:

Thanks to the greatest community of listeners in the universe!!

Yesterday I could not pledge to your programm, Jeffrey. Site didn't miss me from contact information page to page for pay. I think I filled in this info right, but there was small red stripe above ( without any text) and I didn't go to next step.Unfortunatly :-(
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