Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from June 9, 2003 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Monday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting June 9, 2003: The Twin Atlas spins in, I spin out for the summer.

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By now, some of you have discovered that I've not been included on WFMU's 2003 Summer Schedule. After a good 16 & 1/2-year-long run I've been asked to sit out the next on-air schedule to give someone else a chance at a better air slot. (To be honest, I've been hosting the Monday afternoon slot since June of 1994 --a good long stint in one spot for a WFMU DJ-- and it's just my turn to sit out.) Sure, I’m a bit disappointed in the decision but in a way it’s really not so bad for me. I get the summer off, which means I get an extra day off every week like normal people (Wednesday through Sunday, is a typical work week for me --although I wouldn’t exactly classify myself as "normal"). The time off will give me a chance to recharge as well.

Program Director Brian Turner has reassured me that I’ll return to the schedule in the autumn, and I may also do the occasional fill-in, so I’ll be back before you know it. Check my home page (linked above) from time to time --I'll post any upcoming fill-ins as they come up. And don’t forget my archive shows are all still available to check out through my playlist pages.
The Millennium  "Prelude" /"To Claudia on Thursday" /"I Just Want to Be Your Friend"   Favoriting Magic Time: The Millennium / Ballroom Recordings  Sundazed 
Spanky and Our Gang  "Hong Kong Blues" /"Nowhere to Go" /"Give a Damn"   Favoriting Without Rhyme or Reason  Mercury (out of print) 
The Left Banke  "Nice to See You" /"There's Gonna Be a Storm"   Favoriting There's Gonna Be a Storm  Mercury 
The Nazz  "Crowded"   Favoriting Open Your Eyes NAZZ the anthology  Sanctuary 
Colin Blunstone / Rod Argent  "Only the Rain"   Favoriting Out of the Shadows  Koch Records 
The Sharp Things  "It Took Forever to Get Home Tonight"   Favoriting Here Comes The Sharp Things  Dive Records 
Ruben  "Paperback"   Favoriting Dusk  Clutter Records 
The Kitchen Cynics  "Irridium"   Favoriting Seasonings  (released by artist) 
Dave deCastro  "Where She Goes"   Favoriting Over the Past  Ampco Records (released by artist) 
XTC  "One of the Millions"   Favoriting Oranges and Lemons  Geffen/Virgin 
Live performance by The Twin Atlas (Sean Byrne / Luke Zaleski / Kevin Allens) (photos soon)
Dreamy, atmospheric acoustic-pop is what comes springing from the mind of Sean Byrne (who's also spun a few tunes with Lenola, Mazarin, and Matt Pond PA) and Luke Zaleski. The Twin Atlas' 3rd CD is "Bring Along the Weather," and they played this time as a trio, adding guitarist Keith to the pleasant mix.
  -"Wind at Your Back"
  -"Sun Touches Down"
  -"Nineteen Lives Back"
  -CD: Sound in Town" [Inside the Skate Scandal]
  -"The Golden Seas"
  -"Plains of Saviors"
  -CD: "Calling for You" [Inside the Skate Scandal]
  -CD: "Church Bells" [Bring Along the Weather]
  -"Inverted Torches"
  -"Legal Tender" (B-52's song)
  -CD: "Signals and Plays" [Bring Along the Weather]
The latest album by The Twin Atlas is "Bring Along the Weather," available on their own label, Tappersize. A new album, titled "Inside the Skate Scandal," is a new release for Summer 2003.
Frou Frou  "The Dumbing Down of Love"   Favoriting Details  MCA 
Wall Matthews  "Silent Tears"   Favoriting The Dance in Your Eye  Fretless Records 
Neil Finn  "Last One Standing"   Favoriting Try Whistling This  Work/Sony 
Sky  'Make It In Time"   Favoriting Don't Hold Back  RCA (out of print) 
Robbie Basho  "Black Mare Moan"   Favoriting Basho Sings  Takoma 
Reverend Gary Davis  "You've Got to Move"   Favoriting If I Had My Way  Smithsonian Folkways 
The Marx Brothers  "Hooray for Captain Spaulding" (from "Animal Crackers")   Favoriting The Marx Brothers Sing and Play  Chansons Cinema 
Ralph Litwin & Al Podber  "Rock Island Line"   Favoriting The Fabulous Furry Harmonica Brothers  Funny Wisdom (released by artist) 
The Beatles  "I'll Be Back"   Favoriting A Hard Day's Night  Capitol 
Victor Krummenacher  "Beyond Tonight"   Favoriting Nocturne  Pitch-a-Tent/Magnetic 
Danny Kalb  "Over the Rainbow"   Favoriting All Together Now  (released by artist) 
The Byrds  "We'll Meet Again"   Favoriting Mr. Tambourine Man  Columbia 

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