Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from April 20, 2018 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Fri. Mar 14th, 9am - Noon: John Allen and his Co-Host Clay Pigeon

Favoriting April 20, 2018

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
neil rolnick  wake up   Favoriting         0:00:00 (Pop-up)
m kat ensemble  serpent slide to event horizon   Favoriting         0:11:43 (Pop-up)
mike dilloway  track 1   Favoriting hay bale paws        0:18:29 (Pop-up)
dead rider  ramble on rose   Favoriting         0:23:55 (Pop-up)
amon dunes  freedom   Favoriting         0:27:28 (Pop-up)
malletman  my destiny   Favoriting         0:34:48 (Pop-up)
quincy jones  everything must change   Favoriting         0:39:53 (Pop-up)
john eddie holmes  i'm leaving you   Favoriting         0:49:25 (Pop-up)
whetzel  jaqueline   Favoriting slow waves  olin place  2018  CD  0:50:26 (Pop-up)
forbidden music  the red car / ugly   Favoriting         0:58:46 (Pop-up)
elephant9  mystery blend   Favoriting         1:04:39 (Pop-up)
daryl hall  babs and babs   Favoriting         1:15:27 (Pop-up)
mike patton  9. claremont hotel atl. ga rm 12   Favoriting adult themes for voice        1:24:53 (Pop-up)
f.p. & the doubling riders  smell into a dream   Favoriting doublings & silences        1:28:46 (Pop-up)
pearls before swine  regions of may   Favoriting         1:31:49 (Pop-up)
mammal  i needed you   Favoriting come see my dream        1:35:17 (Pop-up)
merch  ten quetzales   Favoriting amour bohemian        1:37:51 (Pop-up)
john cale  ghost story   Favoriting vintage violence        1:43:34 (Pop-up)
craig burk  there and now   Favoriting         1:47:19 (Pop-up)
pacific  last track side b   Favoriting         1:48:54 (Pop-up)
dennis young  electrovox   Favoriting         1:53:51 (Pop-up)
robert rental & glenn wallis  b1   Favoriting         1:56:01 (Pop-up)
eric chenaux  slowly paradise (lush)   Favoriting         2:05:54 (Pop-up)
espers  byss & abyss   Favoriting s/t    2003    2:11:12 (Pop-up)
bruce langhorne  riding thru the rain   Favoriting the hired hand        2:15:50 (Pop-up)
felt  a preacher in new england   Favoriting         2:18:30 (Pop-up)
david garland  more numerous of windows   Favoriting verdancy        2:23:03 (Pop-up)
tor lundvall  a dark place   Favoriting a dark place  dais  2018  LP  2:28:53 (Pop-up)
christina vantzou  staircases   Favoriting         2:33:50 (Pop-up)
mind over mirrors  lanterns on the beach   Favoriting bellowing sun  paradise of bachelors  2018  CD  2:37:32 (Pop-up)
danielle dahl  interlude   Favoriting loosening orion's belt    2018  LP  2:40:45 (Pop-up)
trevor babb  warmth   Favoriting warmth        2:43:47 (Pop-up)
weeping bong band  b2   Favoriting         2:51:55 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:03am

Wake up little Johnny! Good morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am
George of Troy:

Ahoy, John!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

Good morning. I don't usually hear this part. Happy to be listening.
Avatar 9:08am

Love this trippy intro.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Rich from Bay Ridge:

Good daze everyone....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Wake up, little Süsie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

Dream on, Ken.
dei xhrist:

yay morning vocoder
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am

is "All I have to Do is Dream" about masturbation?
Scott in Tokyo:

I love this song
Avatar 9:15am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

This M Kat Ensemble is pretty heavy jazz. Clickety click!
Avatar 9:16am
John Allen:

steveo, i always appreciate your input, but what KIND of masturbation?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
WFMU listener WADE:

Some days JA's opening track fills me with dread and anxiety. And then the rest of the show happens. I'm in a cold sweat, pacing back and forth by 11.
Avatar 9:17am
Lixiviated Life:

wait... there's different kinds?
Avatar 9:17am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

@JA-I can answer that. Solo! Am I right?
Avatar 9:19am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

A lot of doom and anxiety in this song. Wow. All the animals are like whining and crying and scared now (don't ever play this for horses or in a zoo. Horses like country music but NOT classic rock, I heard there was a study. )
Avatar 9:19am
John Allen:

WRONG! masterbation for ensemble
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am

I can find some support for my thesis in the literature (where "the literature" = the internet). It's about a guy who "thinks" about his gal whenever he wants her.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am

(Or maybe the object of his affection is not a gal, I guess it's not mentioned, and it's not really relevant.)
Avatar 9:26am
Lixiviated Life:

... different kinds...
who knew?
... could be I've been doing it wrong.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am

wow, a dead cover i don't know. happy 4/20, JA!
tom from Glasgow:

this whole set has been insane, in the good way

Amen Dunes new album... best yet
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:33am

that damn intro gets me every time. such a good trippy start to friday.
Avatar 9:33am

good morning and happy 4/20 john and morning pals
Avatar 9:33am

sure is a nice warm day for it NOT
Avatar 9:36am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Snow flurries in Cambria, NY today. Predicted.
Avatar 9:39am

Only supposed to get up to 73F/23C today here in FL. Oh, the horror!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am

Malletman cares not for sticks.
Avatar 9:39am

Never heard Mike Dilloway. I have tons of material from his brother.
Avatar 9:45am

Angelic piece of Rhodes piano.
Avatar 9:45am
Wild Neil||Peace All:

@NGC-better get your light jacket ready. It's almost room temperature!
Avatar 10:03am

Amen Dunes... Jason "Malletman" Taylor......Whetzel - Transitions like this are clandestine, dangerous for radio waves. Happy i am tuned in.
Avatar 10:06am

What @robotrattle said.
Avatar 10:14am

This music is complementing my whisky selection nicely!
Avatar 10:15am

Dirty Leeds!
Avatar 10:16am

That's a soccer reference, nothing malicious. I promise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am

is all i have to do is dream about susie?

this Daryl Hall record is the dang finest.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:20am

rats that was me, wasn't signed in.
Avatar 10:21am

Disco mutha-effer... turn up the power! #HallandOates
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am
George of Troy:

Indeed, Sacred Songs is a great record.
Avatar 10:22am

Yacht Rock is still one of the best things to ever grace the internet.
eric from lake hiawatha:

Thanks for Mr. Hall
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Daryl Hall runs a music venue in Dutchess County, NY, these days. www.darylshouseclub.com

Avatar 10:30am

This sounds like Hitchcock's The Birds.
Avatar 10:30am

The movie with no music in.

Love Patton. This one is especially grand.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am

Pearls Before Swine always sounds good.
Avatar 10:37am

My brain feels like butter listening to this. So gud!
Avatar 10:38am
Chris from DC:

Just in time for Pearls Before Swine
Avatar 10:48am
Jeff Moore:

Is it terribly shallow of me that I find it pretty much impossible to enjoy a song in which someone sings "between you and I"?

I don't think so. It's like fingernails on the chalkboard of my soul.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am
Passaic River Blues:

Here comes the Avalanches break. I could probably listen to "Vintage Violence" and "Church of Anthrax" on endless repeat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am
Rich from Bay Ridge:

Was in a meeting and am devastated to learn that I missed that song from Hall and Fripp! Love those mid-song Frippertronics.
Avatar 10:53am
John Allen:

jeff, sounds like intimacy problems in the 3rd person
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am

@Jeff I understand.
Avatar 10:54am

They can't be called problems if you have nothing to do with them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am

I often don't fully register lyrics so that one slid past me, but hearing it spoken in conversation does grate.
Avatar 10:58am

I make a point of not looking up the lyrics to songs I love.
Avatar 11:00am

I prefer a mumbled, incoherent mess of a message.
Avatar 11:01am

Robert Rental is from the town next to mine.
Avatar 11:03am

Love his early electronics with Thomas Leer.
Avatar 11:03am

Hi John, great show!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:19am
joe mulligan:

can never get enough of this hired hand OST!
Avatar 11:25am

Close your eyes, people. What a trip!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am

Ahoy Hoy Freeform People!
Avatar 11:33am

This track reminds me of Beck's Lost Cause.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34am

Hey John, do you by chance have the new Sarah Davachi record? The mellow shift in direction made me remember it was out.
Avatar 11:40am

The sound of death, a pleasant death.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:42am
joe mulligan:

I am loving this new wave of electronic ambient women musicians. Sarah Davachi at the Issue Project Room in January was a great show
own crabapplesatellite Johnson:

Lol @themutante "I prefer a mumbled, incoherent mess of a message." Lovin' your message sibling!!
own crabapplesatellite Johnson:

Yacht rock is a great name
Avatar 11:49am

Damn, thank you @OCJ
Avatar 11:50am

I've found my audience of 1.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Lovely set of tunes this morning, JA. Nice lead-in to the Bryce sonics.
Avatar 11:51am

I celebrated that by throwing myself back in my chair away from the keyboard saying "I'm Sandra Bullock!"
Avatar 11:55am

Feel like Flaeetwood Mac's The Chain is going to drop.
Avatar 11:55am

Nice spelling asshole @themutante
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

LOL, Mr. T. Mutante!
own crabapplesatellite Johnson:

Speaking of Western MA, you familiar with Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth?! My friend says they're the greatest Western MA band of all time! Idk. Random comment.
Avatar 11:57am

Cheers, JA! It was a trip, fella.
Avatar 12:00pm

See everyone on the other side of this record.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
George of Troy:

Ciao, JA.
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