Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from June 4, 2018 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting June 4, 2018: Optimism Is Its Own Reward

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Terry Callier  Occasional Rain   Favoriting First Light / Chicago 1969-71  Premonition  1998  CD  live 1971    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Minnie Riperton  Only When I'm Dreaming   Favoriting Come to My Garden  AIM  1996  CD  From 1969    0:07:16 (Pop-up)
Kadhja Bonet  Joy   Favoriting Childqueen  Fat Possum  2018  CD    *   0:10:43 (Pop-up)
Mary Lattimore  On the Day You Saw the Dead Whale   Favoriting Hundreds of Days  Ghostly International  2018  CD    *   0:14:53 (Pop-up)
Mauricio Abate  Odonata   Favoriting Standing Waters  Boring Machines  2018  CD    *   0:24:03 (Pop-up)
Alexander Möckl  Tagesschimer   Favoriting single  Randstock  2018  45    *   0:28:18 (Pop-up)
Noonday Underground  On a Quiet Night Intro/On a Quiet Night   Favoriting On a Quiet Night  Hands Full  2018  CD    *   0:41:28 (Pop-up)
The Verve  Bittersweet Symphony   Favoriting Urban Hymns  Virgin  1997  CD      0:44:26 (Pop-up)
The Soup Dragons  I'm Free   Favoriting single  Big Life  1989  MP3      0:51:01 (Pop-up)
The Asteroid No. 4  Ghost Garden   Favoriting Collide  13 O'Clock  2018  LP    *   0:54:43 (Pop-up)
Klaatu  Sub Rosa Subway   Favoriting 3:47 E.S.T.  Daffodil  1976  LP      0:58:38 (Pop-up)
The Moody Blues  Meanwhile   Favoriting Long Distance Voyager  Threshold  1981  LP      1:03:12 (Pop-up)
The Invisible Girls  Scandinavian Wastes   Favoriting single  Finders Keepers  2018  45  From 1982  *   1:07:32 (Pop-up)
Barbara Manning  Optimism Is Its Own Reward   Favoriting Barbara Manning Sings with the Original Artists  Feel Good All Over  1993  CD      1:12:31 (Pop-up)
Mitzi Gaynor  Cockeyed Optimist   Favoriting South Pacific - Original Sound Track  RCA Victor  1958  LP      1:15:32 (Pop-up)
Geoff & Maria Muldaur  Brazil   Favoriting Pottery Pie  Omnivore Recordings  2018  CD  From 1968  *   1:18:04 (Pop-up)
Single File: a bunch of 45s lined up all in a row
Donovan  Sunshine Superman   Favoriting single  Epic  1966  45      1:27:59 (Pop-up)
Ronnie Spector  Tandoori Chicken   Favoriting single  Apple  1971  45      1:30:51 (Pop-up)
Jack Scott  Oh, Little One   Favoriting single  Top Rank International  1960  45      1:33:05 (Pop-up)
Flash Cadillac & the Continental Kids  See My Baby Jive   Favoriting single  Private Stock  1977  45      1:35:07 (Pop-up)
Bobby Womack  How I Miss You Baby   Favoriting single  Minit  1969  45      1:38:38 (Pop-up)
Lulu  Oh Me Oh My I'm a Fool for You Baby   Favoriting single  Atco  1969  45      1:41:47 (Pop-up)
Scuffy Shew  Moody   Favoriting single  Metromedia  1973  45      1:44:32 (Pop-up)
Polyrock  Your Dragging Feet   Favoriting single  RCA  1980  45      1:47:25 (Pop-up)
Joe Jackson  The Band Wore Blue Shirts (A True Story)   Favoriting I'm the Man  A&M  1979  LP      2:04:35 (Pop-up)
Paul Hampton  Gordon Entertaining Nightly   Favoriting Rest Home for Children  Crested Butte  1973  LP      2:08:51 (Pop-up)
Nick Winters  Live at Meatloaf Mountain   Favoriting Saturday Night Live Season 3, 1977–1978  Universal  2008  DVD  From Jan. 28, 1978 episode    2:12:45 (Pop-up)
Tom Waits  Straight to the Top (Vegas)   Favoriting Franks Wild Years  Island  1987  LP      2:19:39 (Pop-up)
Helena Vondráčková  Die Nachtbar (Noční bar)   Favoriting Písně Billyho Joela  Supraphon  1981  MP3      2:23:41 (Pop-up)
Friends and Company  Medley from "Tommy"   Favoriting Friends and Company  Mark  1976  CD  one of my favorite "show band" lounge acts ever    2:28:44 (Pop-up)
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band  I Left My Heart in San Francisco   Favoriting History of the Bonzos  United Artists  1974  LP  From 1967    2:35:09 (Pop-up)
La Luz  Floating Features/Cicada   Favoriting Floating Features  Hardly Art  2018  CD    *   2:41:38 (Pop-up)
Virginia Wing  Eight Hours Don't Make a Day   Favoriting Ecstatic Arrow  Fire  2018  CD    *   2:46:29 (Pop-up)
Dear Nora  Creature of Habit   Favoriting Skulls Example  Orindal  2018  MP3    *   2:50:39 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Steiner in Whately:

Why say such a thing about Black Sabbath?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

i'll allow it
Avatar 9:06am
Lixiviated Life:

Joe, hello!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Avatar 9:07am
Brendan in Carroll Gardens:

the Sabbath comment was a serious HOT TAKE! Not sure if I was ready for that on a Monday morning. lol
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:07am

America...by the Nice!
Readie Righteous:

Nice transition Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Good morning, Joe! I would gladly donate to a large shepherd's crook for Monday mornings, so you can whisk Clay off at exactly 9 am. I love the guy, but if I wanted mindless prattling I'd tune in to Fox & Friends in the morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

damn, harsh
Readie Righteous:

Yes, queems- it’s harshing my mellow
Avatar 9:10am

It's marshing my mallow
Avatar 9:11am

i'll donate to that crook cost pantz. good morning joe..!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Krys O.:

Howdy, Joe!
Avatar 9:11am

I recently decided to avoid comments on music I don't like. Every once in a while I'll do so, but I like to focus on the wealth of sounds I *do* like; there's so much!
Avatar 9:12am

Greetings to Joe from the Land of June Gloom.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

i like this vibe so far
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

I liked the Black Sabbath bomb. Also like the Clay transitions, very much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Joe McG:

Good morning, ladies and gents. Hope your Monday is treating you well!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Krys O.:

Transitional moments are some of the best parts about FMU.
Readie Righteous:

Agree, Krys O!
Avatar 9:16am
Vincent Nifigance:

I like people being nice to one another. It's good.

what a sad song for a gloomy monday... my heart is weeping..

Amazing strings, arrangment.
Readie Righteous:

This is so nice

Hey Joe, good morning! On my way to Lansing for https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

I'm feeling quite stressed and rather glum but I find this soothing and affirming.
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Irene Trudel:

As usual, a very sweet start to our Monday, Joe!
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Diezel Tea:

Sup Joe, the South Caucasus are checking in)))
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Sorry to start the day so mean-spirited, but I'm like a baby without his rattle on Monday mornings if someone interrupts my McGasko time.
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South Caucasus! Not Secaucus.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Yay, more Mary Lattimore!

This takes a lot of pluck

I tuned in for mindless prattle! Rant! Rave!
Jk music is good.
Avatar 9:24am

Good for you Jonzon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am
Joe McG:

This music suits my mood as we begin the show, but I promise we'll see the sun come out in Set 2.
Avatar 9:25am

WFMU: We have it all: mindless prattle to didactic music history to...great music.

Don't you mean HEAR the sun come out?!

Music of the spheres
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Vincent Nifigance:

Mary Lattimore touring with Iceage. How things change.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am

i'm sitting with my cat whose asthma is flaring up and this set is relaxing me. i can't speak for her though
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Diezel Tea:

@TDK60 I was always wondering how to pronounce that town's name.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am
Joe McG:

@Johnzon: Yes. Yes, I do!
Avatar 9:28am

this is so beautiful
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am
Joe McG:

@queems: I'm sorry about your kittycat with asthma. :(
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Ack! Now I'm feeling sorry for the dead whale.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am

good morning joe; whoever gave you this timeslot is a genius
(also, boy i thought that was becky's theme for a sec)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30am

@joe thanks! she will be ok, i think. gotta up that steroid dose. i'm just a worrier.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Joe McG:

@steveo: Oh, thanks, steveo, I'm really happy to be here for another season in this lovely place with you wonderful people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am

Healing vibes to the kitty
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..the wacky to the weird to the wonderful to the...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am

This sounds kind of like an early 80s pop hit the name of which I can't remember
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am

Sounds great!

Feel better meow meow!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am

thanks @melinda & @johnzton!
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melinda - how are you doing?

i've always been curious...why ned sparks on your profile?
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Goyim in the AM:

@melinda -- "Wouldn't it be Good" by Nik Kershaw?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Uncle Michael:

Good morning.

joe this set is beautiful!!!

I have entertainment options?! What are my options Joe?! It's ok... even if I knew I'd still pick youfmu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am
Goyim in the AM:

Tagesschimmer = the light at dawn

Did Boring Machine put out Inane and the Prattles?
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45s! Get your spindle mojos out...
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The Oscar:

Mornin' all! Glad to be here for the season premiere!
Avatar 9:46am

How does one move from Wake and Bake to this mellow show? I do love this show I just think it should be first then W&B.
Avatar 9:46am

@Joe - not to rub it in, I found a copy of "Come to My Garden" at a flea market for 50 cents a few years back, couldn't believe my eyes!

I know that people revere producers like Axlerod and Lee Perry, but people are sleeping on Charles Stephney productions, and they can be found for cheap (ex. his work w/ the Dells).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47am
Joe McG:

@PKNY: Aargh! I have all the Dells stuff, but I've never turned up Minnie. I'm not really a Discogs/eBay shopper. I guess I could get it that way, but that's no fun. Good find!

Hey Joe.. where you going with that vinyl in your hand...
A sad, for me/my loss confession = Until last week after Clay, I never tuned in to your show or Archive because I associated your name with heavy metal stuff - boy was I wrong .. Thanks so much for spinning
Avatar 9:48am

Good morning Surface Noisers. Thats for the chill tunes this AM Joe McGasko.

Great opening set (as pretty much always). Many an artist or lesser known track has served as a starting point for new exploration and the ‘start of a beautiful freindship’ . Your show is like a musical Mr. Rogers neighborhood . So many things to learn, hear and feel. All courtesy of a darned nice guy.

This “Noonday Underground” riff sounds like the Stones’ “I’m Free.”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am

@TDK hangin' in there.
@Goyim maybe, I'd have to look it up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am

this song was my first ringtone :')
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Vincent Nifigance:

@JakeGould you got the theme!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51am

ooh, I love Bittersweet Symphony

oh god the goosebumps again
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Vincent Nifigance:

@JkeGould ...Before we even knew there was a theme!
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Diezel Tea:

3rd time I've heard Bittersweet Symphony in 2 weeks on FMU. Pay for play, hmmmm?!?

The first time I heard “I’m Free” was the version by “The Soup Dragons.” Then I expanded my Rolling Stones vocabulary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am
Joe McG:

@Morphe: Ha ha, that's really funny! I'm one of the least metal people around here, I'd say. @Brendan: That's such a swell thing to say...being compared to Mr. Rogers...can't do better! @jake: You're right! I need to get that Primal Scream song.
Avatar 9:52am
Vincent Nifigance:

There's that Mr Rogers manifestation again...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Joe McG:

Os is that the Stone Roses? Someone remind me and I'll get it and play it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:53am
The Oscar:

The most ridiculous thing about the whole lawsuit is that I've heard the Loog Oldham piece it samples on its own, and it sounds exactly nothing like "The Last Time."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Krys O.:

Feel better, queems and kitty. I'm asthmatic myself and can relate. Steam helps.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Joe McG:

Ah, Soup Dragons, thanks, Jake!

@JoeMcG: Sometimes I nail it… Other times I just screw myself!
Avatar 9:53am

Is this Verve one of the greatest songs of the '90s or overplayed hoo-ha? I go back and forth.

Occasionally played live as Bitter Sweet Sour Salty Umami Symphony
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am

Not-so-fun fact: The Verve didn't just have trouble with the Rolling Stones. At some point prior to this, they were just "Verve", but they had to change it to "The Verve" because the jazz label sued them or threatened to sue them. Stupid jazz label! (Also, their first album, "A Storm in Heaven", is great as I recall, but it sounds nothing like this. Very atmospheric & shoegaze-y.)

Don't I realize my mistake... love the sounds!!
Avatar 9:55am

i truly dig the reason W&B is on when it is, it's the fan-base they have to have to generate financial security. that being said, i think it also behooves ANY deejay to graciously give way, in a timely manner, to the next player. it's just courtesy, is all.
Avatar 9:56am
ben abs:

Hey Joe and everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Rob Weisberg:

Yes, Bittersweet Symphony is a truly pop pop song, but I always loved it, thanks Joe for daring to play it on FMU!
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Vincent Nifigance:

@Annie Courtesy? So is talking to someone who wants to talk to you. This is WFMU not BBC News.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am

@krys o. thanks! i feel for you.
Steiner in Whately:

How about some Sabbath?
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i love it, too, Rob. it has a haunting feel
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Flashback Monday
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Joe McG:

@Rob: My pleasure! Soup Dragons may be beyond the pale, not sure.
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Marc Francis:

Hahahahahahaaaa. Holy shit! I haven't heard the Soup Dragons in a decade or so! This is grand.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am
Joe McG:

@Steiner: ha ha ha

Oh damn, I hate this version of “I’m Free!”
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Vincent Nifigance:

@JakeGould reaping what you Sow, Jake! Is this one of those screwing yourself occasions?!
Avatar 9:59am

Haven't heard the these stewish Scottish dragons in two decades....
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The Oscar:

Enjoying this "ecstatic Britpop" set!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am

I loved the Soup Dragons when I was 12, but that was probably their worst song. LOL.

Wait, Joe said something bad about Sabbath? That's awesome. I'll have to go back and listen to that on the archives.

This isn't the BBC?! So you're not going to read the cricket scores then?
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ben abs:

Missed the beginning of the show, so not totally sure what happened, I will say that I like the interaction between the dj's though, they make for fun little transitions
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Santos L. Halper:

LOVED that Soup Dragons back when, perhaps hasn't worn so well. Great show Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am

Yeah I think you should totally read some fake made-up cricket scores now!

I really don’t believe a WFMU DJ expressed a contrarian opinion on the air. Tsk.

Ancient proverb says ‘more he blows on soup , more soup dragon burns tongue’ .
Avatar 10:05am

I too appreciate the Britpop theme!
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Wait, Ike was once 12!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:05am

This isn't Paul McCartney?
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Vincent Nifigance:

@Johnzon They did have Mark E Smith read the football scores in his own inimitable manner, so maybe that wasn't the best analogy...
Avatar 10:06am

oh, please, I want to hear cricket scores, ploxxxxxx!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06am
Joe McG:

@Ike: ha ha, cricket scores! And the E report.
Avatar 10:06am

truth be told, i was in the kitchen at the top of the hour and came in at around 6 minutes after, and i have a practice of waiting 'til the last minute to turn FMU on on monday mornings. as we are all creatures of habit, my habit is to just wait for the yupyupyups. it's my preference, is all.

Been watching “The Prisoner” lately. As an adult, it’s not really that great a show past 4 episodes. But man, BRITAIN!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:07am

Wait--now it sounds like Nick Lowe?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07am

@NGH@10:05.2, and before that, I apparently liked Milli Vanilli! I don't remember that too well, but I still have one of their cassingles!
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Vincent Nifigance:

@NorthGuineaHills Here goes "Mid on, third over, and its 198 for 5." There's only one game, one score and that game goes on all week.
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:07am

More Emmitt Rhodes than Paul McCartney.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:08am
The Oscar:

Has anyone ever made a mix of bands once rumored to be the Beatles? Klaatu, the Residents, the Holy Mountain soundtrack...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am
Santos L. Halper:

Wow, the refrain to this Klaatu has been a recurring ear worm for me for decades, but never knew exactly what it was. Thanks Joe! Sounds like the end of It's All Too Much
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am

i LOVE 80s moodies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am

@The Oscar, I think that's Gaylord's specialty, isn't it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am
Krys O.:

Thanks for the Moodies!!
Avatar 10:10am

@Vincent: I often watch cricket. I still on only have a passing grasp of what the stats mean, but I've figured out the rest of the game.

@ike: I don't remember the Soup Dragons until '94ish.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:11am
Irene Trudel:

Wow, one of the few late Moody Blues tunes I like! Great set!
Readie Righteous:

Oh my, Klaatu and Moodies - heavenly set, Joe!
Avatar 10:11am

Has a kind of Andy Partridge quality to it....
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V Priceless:

heya Joe!
Readie Righteous:

@santos, my thoughts exactly!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:12am

late moodies reminds me of driving around with my mom in the car
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am

also for those who like bluegrass, you should check out moody bluegrass

Rumor has it the Moody Blues were a typo. They were originally to named the Bloody Moos
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am
Joe McG:

@Santos: Yes, those guys were geniuses at Beatles synthesis. @Irene: Thanks, Irene, high praise indeed. :) @queems: I wish that were a real thing!
Avatar 10:15am
Diezel Tea:

See y'all later folks, Joe thanks for the set, the Britpop onslaught was a perfect way to close out the end of Monday at work)))
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This is like a like a ride though hilly country with the top down... G'day Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am
Krys O.:

I loved the Moodies as a kid and still do. The Blue Jays with Justin and John were great, as was Justin's solo stuff. And, yes, I did like the original band, but mostly when Mike Pinder sang.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am

@joe it is! en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am

blue jays is my favorite
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am
Krys O.:

Thanks for the bluegrass tip, queems!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am
Greg from ZONE 5:

Morning, Joe and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am
Joe McG:

@queems: That's great. Put 'em with the guys who cover AC/DC and the other guys who cover "Tommy" and I'm a happy fella.

Isnt this Hannett and Hopkins fom the album "The Invisible Girls"?
Avatar 10:23am

love the soundtrack to this musical.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:24am
The Oscar:

YES! Was just thinking I need to give this movie a rewatch.
Avatar 🎸 10:24am

This set is doing wonders for my mood. Thank you Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:24am

Love Brazil. Always makes me think of the movie. One of my favorite Gilliam's

Brazil! They're cumin' for you! You didn't file the Appropriate form and you're gonna die!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am
Krys O.:

Lovely and terrifying at the same time.
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my head is bobbing, that's a good thing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am
Joe McG:

I'm so glad, Sheila! :)
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The Oscar:

So hard not to whistle along. Not sure my office would appreciate it, though.
Avatar 10:28am
Vincent Nifigance:

@TheOScar every office should be constantly aware of the Tuttle/Buttle factor.
Avatar 10:32am

Ack, missed the Verve!
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Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:36am
The Oscar:

A friend and I once realized we both dismissed Donovan for years based entirely on the swipe in "Turning Again" by Frank Zappa.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am
Krys O.:

Wow! You're plumbing the depths of my memory banks today, Joe. Excellent!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:38am
The Oscar:

Welp, I have a new favorite song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am
Krys O.:

Dang, this has me thinking about poor Mal Evans.

Bhindi Masala, Garlic Naan too. Please.
Avatar 10:40am

I found a Donvan album in a thrift store when I was 18 and loved it immediately. This was way before I went on my psyche folk kick....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am
Joe McG:

@Krys: Ha ha, believe it or not, the first Ronnie S. solo track I ever heard!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:42am

Was this a Sha Na Na knock off?
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donovan has always been on my top ten fave singers, loved his flowery optimism
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am
Joe McG:

@pantz: Kinda, but they were a bit more varied. I don't think Sha Na Na ever would cover Roy Wood!
Avatar 10:45am

Great show Joe!
Avatar 10:47am

i'd love to know if i can reformat my ipod touch (4th generation, i thnk) back to factory settings. it seems to hate me lately. has it gone full-on dopey.
Avatar 10:48am

i just miss using the ipod for radio
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am
Joe McG:

Thanks, Davee! I love Bobby Womack (and Lulu!) so much.
Bill W:

Hi Joe! I only know this record from the Buster Poindexter cover...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:49am

@annie I believe you can restore it from the iTunes web site when plugged in.
Avatar 10:50am

i'll try that, thanks...my guess is it hasn't gone obsolete, just wonky
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Blow a genie from a cigarette??? Kinky!!! Best Aladin remake evar!!!!
Avatar 🎸 10:50am

You're killing it Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am

I believe Lulu was in Asbury Park right around this time one year ago!
Doc Rock:

Re. See My Baby Jive - I prefer the Roy Wood /
Wizard version.
Avatar 10:51am
Vincent Nifigance:

Now you're talking.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am
Joe McG:

@ChrisB: Is that a year ago already? It was such a thrill to meet her!

Scuffy Shew?
Listener Alexandra:

Good morning, Joe! Delightful show so far :-)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:53am
The Oscar:

Scuffy Shew sounds kind of like Kermit's nephew Robin.
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Hughie Considine:

Polyrock is just unmistakable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am
Joe McG:

I've been in love with this Scuffy Shew 45 forever. If anyone can tell me anything about this mysterious person, I'd be most grateful!
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Yeah, Polyrock!
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Goyim in the AM:

I know that Philip Glass played on the Polyrock album!
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ben abs:

this Polyrock is pretty fantastic too! - Joe, just curious, how often do you have a deep 45 session at home?
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Hughie Considine:

Phillip Glass produced it, not sure if he played on it.
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really, Hughie, I had no idea!!!!
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Vincent Nifigance:

" A friend of mine told me Shew was an Apple find, during the company’s “This man has talent” days. From what I was told, he almost made it, but the money and the budget went to James Taylor. Whatever. Metromedia picked him up because they heard McCartney was interested in producing the guy. Very cool stuff." www.rocktownhall.com...
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Vincent Nifigance:

"Whoah, whoah, WHOAH!

Check *this* out!

Uncredited performers on Wilson’s original “Smile” sessions included Paul McCartney on “Vege-tables,” Danny Hutton on “Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow,” Lou Rawls (!) on “Good Vibrations,” and Scuffy Shew on “Heroes and Villains.”

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Goyim in the AM:

Glass did play on it -- not sure if he played on this track. He's down in the album credits for keyboards.
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Hughie Considine:

Ah, Ok then, @Goyim. I love the astringency of Polyrock, which feels akin to that of the Necessaries, another NYC band of that era. @NGH, I used to see Phillip Glass in Tompkins Square Park playground all the time -- he'd be watching his grandkids.
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Awesome! Man, I used to hang out in Tompkins Square Park, never saw Phil.
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ben abs:

hear some duck baker on the monk special show, sounded really nice
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Wait--I love Broadcast! I love Stereolab!

According to Library of Congress's Catalog of Copyright Entries, Scuffy Shew is a pseudonym for Harold J. Yoergler. In mid-1980 he (Yoergler) was credited as a producer of Mary Burns' MCA s/t album. According to Billboard, "Already being compared to Janis Joplin, this female baritone is grabbing attention with her debut single, 'California Radio,' a hand-clapping, gutsy rocker."

To me, Scuffy Shew sounds like Canada's Ferron, a female folk singer.

Lots of money on Piano Man
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Hughie Considine:

"Lounge Act"

In late '97, early '98, Billboard published a brief obit: "Hal Yoergler, music publisher, producer and A&R executive, in Los Angeles. Yoergler had been a publishing executive at Capitol Records and ABC-Dunhill Music and became the West Coast VP of A&R at Polydor Records."
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Joe McG:

@paul: Time will tell!

Discogs confirms the pseudonym: https://www.discogs.com/artist/1009619-Hal-Yoergler
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Hughie Considine:

And of course the posthumous tribute, "Keep on Yoerglin'"

I miss the days when there was live music in the hotel bar on a regular basis. Sports and DJ's have run me from most hotel lounges.

I think I just affected the odds.
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Beast of Boonton:

I saw Joe Jackson at Great Adventure way back 79/80
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Joe M, you've read Joe J's book A Cure for Gravity?

Kurt, you should come to south Florida. But you'd better like Jimmy Buffet songs.
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Hey, I've dj'ed and handful of hotel lounges (3 to be exact, one was the Chelsea).
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Vincent Nifigance:

@Dean great digging.
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@paul: I'll be down in SoFla in three weeks for a noise fest, and pick WFMU's Gig Talk lads to take them back to G-ville to play w/ them up here.
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The Oscar:

I was just about to comment on the pronunciation of "wand," but he beat me to it.
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Joe McG:

@jillydg: I haven't. Is it a good read?

I like this. Ten times better than Piano Man.

Last one I can remember was a solo guy in a hotel south of Mexico City. He wasn't necessarily great but he was fun. We helped him out with the English lyrics to Hotel California
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I wanted to see Joe Jackson in Madrid in 1986 but the cutie I was trying to get to go with me was all "nooo I don't wanna see Joe Jackson" so I didn't go :(

ngh: Go Gators!

I heard Big Jay McNeely when he had a regular gig at a bar on the outskirts of East Los Angeles. More than once.
listener monica:

wow joe thanks for sharing your dad story. did he play weddings by any chance?
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Michael 98145:

@Roberto, having a cutie in Madrid sounds pretty good by itself.

A friend of mine’s dad was such a musician himself . When we were growing up I’d go with him to help his dad (drummer). Lots of hotels , VFWs , Elks Clubs, etc. He had an offer to drum for Buck Owens but stayed local (lotsa kids). Seemed like a good living- plus I remember lotsa free food- the festivals and smaller gigs were cool- amazing home cooked food and dancing- was fun to help .

Dont overlook Nick Winters (Bill Murray’s SNL lounge character)
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I did get to see a different Jackson though. Jackson Browne.
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It was a study abroad program. The cutie was from Long Island.

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Martin Mull? Bonzos?
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@paul: jaja, laughter out loud! (yep, it's omnipresent here)
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is this Bill Murray?
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Oh my, this is funny!
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@Joe M, yes, he's a dang good writer. It's about the lead up to his success. I gave mine to Gaylord but asked him to pass it to Joe B recently. Feel free to hunt it down. I don't need it back.
Bill W:

Man, Murray sounds so young.

Absolutely it is Bill Murray from SNL

Anyone know Lounge-a-Poluza? Great compilation!
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Heya Joe and fellow Mondayers.
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i always found those skits painful..
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Krys O.:

Reminds me of Fred Lane and Ron Pate!
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This is a pretty amazing set.

ngh, I know. I worked at UF for 5 1/2 years.
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Rich in Washington:

Is that Ralph Carney on sax? I do believe it is.
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Rich in Washington:

ach, mein gott...
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@Paul, I moved here 10 month ago from Brooklyn for an environmental startup. I love it. I did my undergrad here, and there's a much more vibrant art/music scene then before I went to NYC for grad school (and stayed around for 16 years).
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Krys O.:

Rich, yup, that was Ralph.
Bill W:


Digging the lounge set.
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Not exactly a song *about* lounge singers, but shortly after their original release some guy did lounge covers of a couple Sex Pistols tunes.

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No Richard Cheese?

The Buddy Scott Trio (of BBQ fame )did a drop dead hilarious lounge act commercial: https://youtu.be/dkdTHB7SGn8

Much easier to navigate that Ft. Lauderdale. And much friendlier folks in Gainesville. Too many New Yorkers down here. :)
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@paul: Yeah, everyone is so friendly here. I was almost taken aback by it.
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Joe McG:

@pantz: I thought about it!

And https://youtu.be/HhcIyZZaMyY
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Thank you for playing a foreign version of this song. My Billy Joel auto-mute circuit didn't kick in ...
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How does The Piano Man translate as the Night Bar?
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Jeff Moore:

Ha! I was wondering if / how you'd deal with this particular elephant lurking near the piano.
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Rich in Washington:

There was for a while a clip circulating that had Devo's Gerald Casale singing a lounge version of Mongoloid, recorded at a party, I believe.
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It's the thought that counts, Joe.
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Devo used to do that strange act called Dove, The Band of Love.

I also lived there in 1961 about a block south of Tom Petty. But I never knew him.
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Rich in Washington:

Oh, yes. Sadly, never got to see that. They were their own opening 'band'. I think around 1980.
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Rich in Washington:

I collect self-produced LPs by lounge acts, especially if they're local to my area (the Pacific NW).

yes pantz. can't take the junk bits. leave the songs alone.
sorry to be late for Joes's show- he's always good

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Joe McG:

@Rich: That's genius collecting, Rich.
KP in DC:

I’ve heard a lot of Tommy covers, and this is one of them
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@paul: I like the fact that the music scene draws a crowd 25-70. I stayed around for two years after I graduated before grad school, and at age 24 (at the time) I was nearly one of the oldest in the crowd. I was relieved when I found I was the medium age here.

@Jeff genius solution!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:42am

The genius that is Vivian Stanshall!...Yea!

Viv stole the show in Magical Mystery Tour.
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:43am

PS..they were the Bonzo Dog Doh Dah Band then.

Doo Dah :)
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:46am

Yes Paul...Doh!

Actually, Doo-Dah
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Michael 98145:

yes, La Luz, thanks
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@ngh: I went to a jazz concert in Naples a few years back, and the crowd demographic was hilarious: Social Security types, stoners, skateboarders, young families. Very odd. But a great band.
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Joe McG:

@tadpoles: You have the perfect name to tell me this fact!

I like Tom's The Piano Has Been Drinking, Not Me
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:49am

Yes Joe.. a big fan. Of Viv and you. Will Viv's lovely ode to his penis ever be played on FMU?

Good call, Melinda!
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Joe McG:

@melinda: That's a good one! I should've brought the weird live version from Dublin.
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Joe McG:

@tadpoles: It's hard to believe that it hasn't!

How about John Hiatt's "Since His Penis Came Between Us"?

The French Toast Man, he lives around the block...
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Joe McG:

@paul: I've always wanted to play that, not sure I can.

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tadpole (dgg):

this is very good

@Joe I haven't heard that one, it must be good

Another classic show for the Archives Vault.

eight hrs a day as a response to the wonderful Fassbinder TV 70s series released inUSA in restored film version this year?
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@Carmichael: Yeah, that's the crowd when they have Latin, jazz, blues bands play the weekends at Bo Diddley plaza during the day, or when my friend plays international club music at a former railroad depot park during Saturday afternoons. I was just surprised at the diversity of people who showed up for noise and performance art and multimedia art installation/happenings that go on until 2am on weeknights.
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tadpole (dgg):

that's not a professional opinion but I am an enthusiastic amateur.
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oops, coming back onto the comments to say thanks for the great show today joe!!
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Joe McG:

Making way for the great Joe Belock and 3 Chord Monte! Have a great first week of June everybody!
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Great show, Joe! See you next week.
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Krys O.:

Many thanks, Joe!
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Rich in Washington:

thanks for a great show, Joe!
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Mark Hurst:

Great show today, Joe!

Excellent show!
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Hughie Considine:

Great stuff, Mr McG!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Joe. WFMU is rolling out the new schedule this week, so look for some changes here and there.

great show!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:59am

Just caught your pun Joe...in reference to Viv's willy. Great show thanks!
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ben abs:

thanks Joe, that was a wonderful show :)
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