Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from July 20, 2018 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting July 20, 2018: Supposed To Put The Needle On The Record & Write Graffiti On The Bus (Yes Indeedy)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
PTNOTRremixProject  Supposed To Play A Record + Write Graffiti on the Bus (Yes Indeedy)   Favoriting     2018    *    
DJ Muggs & MF Doom  Death Wish (feat. Freddie Gibbs)   Favoriting     2018    *   0:01:26 (Pop-up)
Marlowe (L'Orange + Solemn Brigham)  Not So Paranoid After All   Favoriting Marlowe  Mello Music Group  2018    *   0:03:35 (Pop-up)
Canibus  Ghetto People Song   Favoriting     2018    *   0:05:11 (Pop-up)
Westside Gunn  MEAN Gene   Favoriting     2018    *   0:07:55 (Pop-up)
The Alchemist  In Case You Forgot (feat. Roc Marciano)   Favoriting     2018    *   0:09:55 (Pop-up)
Lord Apex  High Stakes (produced by Delicasteez)   Favoriting     2018  West London’s Lord Apex who's sound is perfectly complimented by dope producer Delicasteez whom I reached out to today to invite him to tune in and join comments - if he sees in time -  *   0:12:47 (Pop-up)
Bub Rock  Miracle Water   Favoriting     2018    *   0:14:26 (Pop-up)
Philanthrope  Cutting In Reverse (feat. Sugiwa)   Favoriting     2018    *   0:16:51 (Pop-up)
Marlowe (L'Orange + Solemn Brigham)  Palm Readers   Favoriting Marlowe    2018  Marlowe “Palm Readers” = song that last week's interviewee Solemn Brigham of Marlowe discussed meaning behind -  *   0:18:18 (Pop-up)
Solemn Brigham  WFMU Marlowe Freestyle   Favoriting PTNOTR Vol 5    2018    *   0:21:08 (Pop-up)
Marlowe (L'Orange + Solemn Brigham)  Medicated   Favoriting Marlowe  Mello Music Group  2018    *   0:21:45 (Pop-up)
Kaotic Style  Hip Hop Jazz   Favoriting Kaotic Style Compilation (1994 - 96)      old school mid nineties reissue of forgotten act Kaotic Style "Compilation (1994 - 96)"    0:23:52 (Pop-up)
Redman  I Love Hip Hop   Favoriting     2018  brand new Redman - backyard party bbq song of the summer of 2018?  *   0:26:45 (Pop-up)
Klaus Layer  I Get Money (feat. Blu & Simple One)   Favoriting     2018    *   0:28:36 (Pop-up)
R.A. The Rugged Man  Dark Streets (feat. Malik B & Amalie Bruun)   Favoriting     2018    *   0:31:54 (Pop-up)
Rast  illmatic   Favoriting     2018  this is a truly powerful emotionally packed interpretation of a hip-hop classic  *   0:35:47 (Pop-up)
Skillz “  In A Minute (produced @theDJBuddha) EDIT   Favoriting I’m The DJ and The Rapper    2018  wait.....this isn't end of the year......rap up.....nope Skillz is back with this bouncy summer jam - edited down a bit here to fit in more music overall in whole hour - find the full length its from - an update on old school hiphop classic "I'm The DJ He's The Rapper" on SoundCLoud  *   0:39:13 (Pop-up)
Darko The Super  Got To Get Out remix (feat. Dillon)   Favoriting     2018  few weeks ago played another by dope Darko The Super - Totally different and featuring Dillon, this is also off the hook new hip-hop  *   0:40:50 (Pop-up)
The Pharcyde  Takeover Freestyle (KUSF 1993)   Favoriting Put The Needle On Billy Jam's 30 Years In Radio [2014 WFMU Marathon Mix]    1993  from back in early 93 in San Francisco - Pharcyde on my kUSF show HipHopSlam - before their DNA show showcase by The BOMB - Dave Paul - amazing time in hip-hop history    0:45:04 (Pop-up)
The Pharcyde  Passin' Me By (Inka Remix)   Favoriting     2018  new remix of classic from early 90's  *   0:49:35 (Pop-up)
Career Crooks  Corrup Novelist (SP's Revenge Mix)   Favoriting     2018    *   0:54:09 (Pop-up)
Superbad Solace  Wet Cement   Favoriting     2018    *   0:57:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Gwop Sullivan 

Mr Hill   Favoriting






0:59:27 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:39pm
Billy Jam:

thanks to YOU for supporting WFMU and for tuning into this show today - Also stay tuned for Mr Fine Wine (back from London) who comes on next and major shout out to Becky/Honky Tonk Radio Girl who did an amazing job filling in for Downtown Soulville last week - she played some incredible soulful tracks - albeit a lot of heartbreaker themed ones - Also shout out to fellow WFMU volunteer Mark R. who is handling the board-op/engineering duties today back in Jersey City while I am on location in CA and doing the show from here in the Bay Area - Mark R. is the host of “Circle Time” on WFMU whose music mix, one that might include Duck-Duck Goose, caters to “sensory experiences, socialization and fun.” NOTE that MARK R. will be filling in for Matt Fiveash on Weekly World Blues on this upcoming Tuesday night. Meanwhile check out Mark R’s archives page where you can listen back to his most recent show from July 7th ("Hello, it's me…..again") URL link to playlist and archive = wfmu.org...
Avatar 3:47pm
Billy Jam:

today's show (like most shows I have been doing this year) is nearly all brand new 2018 hip-hop music -that I have chosen from approx 5 hours of new music I went thru recently - picking what I consider to be the best of the best -just one person's opinion -but it is genuine and consistent. I will also include a few older cuts but they are new-ish too since one is a reissue of a long forgotten track/act, another is a little heard freestyle from back in the day and another is a new mix of an old / golden era classic by the same group who did freestyle on my show back in 93 and whose lyrics are referenced in the title of today's show and intro song / speaking of today's show and the image atop the playlist - NOTE: the first person to hear/notice and identify (with first comment) the sample of Randy Savage/The Macho Man will win a prize. All you got to do is to post the first comment on this comments board to I.D. the late great 80's/90's professional wrestler star. After your comment has been qualified as correct answer I will post a comment to u with more info. OK? thanks to YOU and thanks to F M U
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

hey, Billy Jam, Mark R and everyone. mrs. and i have been watching GLOW on the flix. fun 80's/wrestling show. :)
Avatar 7:05pm

What up PTNOTR peeps? Hello Mark R.
Avatar 7:06pm
Billy Jam:

hey mb + Chris and Mark R. and all others tuned in live and in later archives
Mark R:

Hey you guys, thanks for tuning in! This sounds like a good soundtrack for that, Chris.
Avatar 7:08pm

"oh YEAH" Macho Man Randy Savage

Avatar 7:09pm

Blinetle has been on repeat these past few weeks. Those beats, though...
Avatar 7:09pm
Billy Jam:

@mb. CONGRATS U win by I.D.ing the macho man Randy Savage - shoot me your (snail) mail address to billyjam@wfmu.org for your prize to be mailed to u
Avatar 7:12pm

que chinga, I was in the other room moving crap at work, couldn't email in...
Avatar 7:20pm
Billy Jam:

am already planning the PTNOTRWorldTour2018/2019 - thanks to Spidermank's idea - and thinking of going to either or both Washington State and North Carolina to do show with member of Marlowe
Avatar 7:21pm
Billy Jam:

again reminder to check out Mark R.'s archives and his upcoming show next Tuesday
Avatar 7:21pm

yeah, been vibing to Marlowe's drop lately, very deep!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Peace and Blessings everyone! Right now I’m in Okinawa, Japan getting some rest and relaxation! It’s so funny that back on August 17, 2005 Billy Jam conducted an phone interview on me at WFMU while I was stationed here serving in the Air Force in Okinawa. You can check it out in the archives. It was a pretty interesting interview. During the interview, I couldn’t say any negative things about Bush at that time because I would’ve definitely got in trouble.
Avatar 7:25pm
Billy Jam:

besides the whole lyrical flow and production values the lyrics of this song are truly locked in a different time period - examples including "always live never DAT" :)
Avatar 7:25pm

@ALF: ahhh, you were stationed at Kadena (I grew up at NAF Atsugi outside of Yokota)
Avatar 7:25pm
Billy Jam:

Avatar 7:26pm
Billy Jam:

BTW - in the intro mix for this week's show I included a tiny bit of ALF at beginning - few seconds in was ALF working "Pu the needle on the......." on his turntable composition intro for this show - ALF has been down since Day 1 and is part of WFMU + PTNOTR
Avatar 7:29pm

Thanks Billy + Alf et al, gotsa leave work, 78 hours is too much for no OT. Salud, y que todos tengan un gran fin de semana!
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

Really good jams. 40 oz beats! Thanks Billy Jam!
Avatar 7:30pm
Billy Jam:

love this song - love the dreamy beat production and the flow - and of course the flow (am biased with anything featuring Blu) of all on the mic - played another by Klaus Layer recently - like this shit
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Billy Jam. If the World Tour includes a visit with Sammus, that would be great.
Avatar 7:31pm
Billy Jam:

hey NGH and Smilty69 and Ken from Hyde Park - good to have u along today - greetings from CA and from NJ studios (Mark R. engineering in Studio A of WFMU)
Tall Paul:

What up Alf n Bill, Alf have the craic in Japan. Dublin checking hope everyone is good. Head nodding to this super scratching.

Deeeep shithot beats and treats. Beeellly Jam Slammin it. Yeah World Tour Mu v v a f u k k a. Skratched like a man possessed last week ALF, wikkid shit
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

@northguineahills Sweet! While I was in the AF, I only went to Yokota AB once. Mainland Japan is cool.
Avatar 7:34pm
Billy Jam:

hey TALL PAUL in Dublin Ireland (what did people in Ireland have to say about Trump thinking Ireland was part of UK?) - say wot up to all in JAPAN ALF who have contributed to this show and to WFMU
Avatar 7:34pm
Billy Jam:

ah shit the Manchester area has checked in - lorries and gentlemen - SPIDERMANK is here......
Avatar 7:35pm

(well, Norn Iron is part of the UK ;p
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

@spidermank Thanks man! It was pretty cool briefly sessioning with Quest during his stay in Maryland for the Skratchpad DC showcase.
Avatar 7:35pm
Billy Jam:

yeah SPIDEY - props to you and QUEST ALF for amazing three part session exclusive to PTNOTR
Tall Paul:

You all need to check out the new tune by Black Thought https://youtu.be/cq3yrAvUltk

hahha gentlelorries and truckmen. Scratchin hits a spot that no other art even targets (IMO), you smacked it right down ALF
Tall Paul:

The Irish people aren't happy with Trump's comment saying Ireland is part of the UK. To say we are pissed is being polite
Avatar 7:42pm

looks like a deep vid/song Tall Paul. Thx
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

@Tall Paul When did the nimrod say Ireland is part of the UK?
Avatar 7:43pm

Everyone's keeping me from leaving the office. Fine, I'll have a beer first before leaving.

cheers northguineahills

Wow - The Pharcyde Takeover Freestyle (KUSF 1993) - doin my head right in - feckin awsome
Avatar 7:47pm

Nah, it's all good. Going to a dem politician meet and greet in 20 mins, to grill the hoser to see he's worthwhile. Citizenship for my Mexi wife should start next spring, and let's just say after our green card encounter last year, we not looking forward to it. Enjoy the weekend spidermank!
Tall Paul:

Yo Alf he said this on the 12th of July, which happens to be the worst day of the year in Northern Ireland, due to the Marching season by the Orange men.
Avatar 7:49pm

(been married for 4 years, and every year before this one, it was a rubber stamp affair, as she has a decent job)
Avatar 7:50pm

(and we have means to afford a decent lawyer, most don't have that luxury)

she keeps on .....
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, just checked your homepage. Nice pic of Randy Macho Man Savage "Oh Yeaaahhh" n Miss Elizabeth. To great legends who unfortunately have passed on. RIP to both of ye.

ace remix
Avatar 7:54pm

@ngh: Give him hell. Took my "wife" from Mexico City 10years and she had a lot of help. The stress is palpable. keep pushing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Billy Jam. Have a good weekend on the west coast side.
Avatar 7:56pm

Thx Billy J and Mark R. Great start to the weekend!
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, end of the show. Will have to check back in the archive to check the earlier part. Wishing everyone a dope weekend. North Guinea Hills best of luck with your wife getting her getting her citizenship next Spring. Peace, One Love y'all catch ya next time
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

Cheers, Billy!

mobile Billy yaaaaaaaay
Avatar 7:59pm
Billy Jam:

thank YOU all for listening to this show - thanks Mark R. - thanks to Bronx producer Gwop Sullivan for providing the "I'm supposed to play a record" sample off this final instrumental track - have a safe and fun weekend - see u here next week - wot up Ike -
Avatar 🎧 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

thanks, Billy Jam and Mark R! peace and beautiful weekend, all!
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