Favoriting Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine: Playlist from July 27, 2018 Favoriting

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One hour; 23 or 24 soul 45s.

Friday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Monday 8 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio

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Upcoming events:

Fri. Mar 14th, 8pm - 9pm: Mr Fine Wine and his Co-Host Michael Shelley

Favoriting July 27, 2018: Ear action

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Artist Track Album Label Format
Chuck Edwards  Downtown Soulville   Favoriting 45  Punch  45 

Music behind DJ:
Bob Bain 

Loosey Goosey   Favoriting



Joe Weaver  Standing on the Corner   Favoriting 45  Daco  45 
Hannibal  Motha Goose Breaks Loose   Favoriting 45  Pan World  45 
Willie Jones  Mary   Favoriting 45  Big Top  45 
Nookie Boy  I've Got a Feeling for You Baby   Favoriting 45  A.F.O.  45 
Eddie Bo  Hey Bo   Favoriting 45  Apollo  45 
Mabel King  Go Back Home Young Fella   Favoriting 45  Amy  45 

Music behind DJ:
The Peppermint Stiks 

Theme From the Peppermint Stik   Favoriting



The Jewels  Papa Left Mama Holdin' the Bag   Favoriting 45  DynaMite  45 
Clint West  Night Train   Favoriting 45  Jin  45 
Lorenzo Holden  The Wig   Favoriting 45  Cee-Jam  45 
Bro Robert  Alcohol (Pt. 1)   Favoriting 45  Jo Ann  45 

Music behind DJ:
The Promised Land 

Nightcrawlin'   Favoriting



Rufus Thomas  Somebody Stole My Dog   Favoriting 45  Stax  45 
The Nasty Dogcatchers  Nasty Dog (Pt. 2)   Favoriting 45  Reedsville  45 
Bobby D. Husband  Man's Best Friend   Favoriting 45  Mid-Way  45 

Music behind DJ:
Arthur Ponder 

Dr. Strangelove (Pt. 2)   Favoriting



The Rotations  A Changed Man   Favoriting 45  Frantic  45 
The Lovelles  Pretending Dear   Favoriting 45  Atco  45 
Belita Woods  Grounded   Favoriting 45  Moira  45 
Albert Jones  Fifteen Cent Love   Favoriting 45  Kapp  45 

Music behind DJ:
Black Nasty 

Mama Didn't Lie   Favoriting



Johnnie Mae Matthews  Mama Didn't Lie   Favoriting 45  Big Hit  45 
The Showstopping Super Sonics  Ear Action (And You Better Quit It)   Favoriting 45  Detroit Sound  45 

Music behind DJ:
Rudy Robinson and the Hungry Four 

Close Your Mouth (Pt. 2)   Favoriting




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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm

Good evening everyone! Is it just me and you, MFW?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11pm
Mr. Fine Wine:

It would appear so, loveless.
Avatar 8:12pm

I'm here unless I through my office workstation through the window (don't think my boss would smile upon that).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm

I'm here, too, in the corner waving!
Avatar 8:13pm

throw (can't english anymore, work is screwing w/ my brain).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm

Where do you work?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Mr. Fine Wine:

Hey, folks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm

Woo woo, now it’s a party.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm

greetings Mr.Fine Wine & townies
Avatar 8:19pm

Fine Wine. Friday night. Everything's right.
Avatar 8:19pm

@chresti: at an environmental science startup. Been here for 11 months, but the last 3 weeks have been brutal 50-80 hour weeks, and my simple MS crap keeps on crashing for some unknown reason. We mostly do geobiochemical analysis of the Everglades restoration.

/I just want a beer and a dram of scotch, or a two fingers of mezcal.
Avatar 8:20pm

oh, I also do the cartography and spacial database management here.....
Avatar 8:21pm

Finishing our half-yearly report for the FL DEP and the US EPA.
Avatar 8:22pm

This is me right now....: www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm

a common refrain I hear about startups is about the excessive hours
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm

my son works at a startup

Waiting with baited breath for “Alcohol (Pt. 2)”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29pm

Diggin' the 'riddim guitar on Alcohol.
Avatar 8:30pm

I usually only work 40-45 hours, I and I love the work I do (compare what I did in the City), and set my own hours. But I just hit the que pinche, necesito un cerveza! To the office fridge!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm

I'd probably dig it sober as well...
Avatar 8:30pm

Jake and DP are full of good ideas
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm

my poison is strictly herbal- that's my alcohol pt.2
Paul in the OC:

Mabel King? Mama from What's Happening?
Avatar 8:34pm

herb is for sleep por moi...
Avatar 8:34pm

That Rufus Thomas was heartbreaking....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm

that song is too cheerful for anybody to return his beloved dog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm

Coffee and some green crack...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm

Hi coel! do you have a dog?

Damn… Lots of dog problems in R&B.
Avatar 8:36pm
Billy Jam:

lovin every record you're playing - as I always do - thank YOU Mista Fine Wine @ Downtown Soulville

Of course “Bobby D. Husband” would favor a woman over a dog.
Avatar 8:40pm
Billy Jam:

Dogtown Barkville with Mr. Cane Nine
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm

I think I've heard of people marrying their pooch...
Avatar 8:42pm
Billy Jam:

and I've heard of pooches marrying their bitches
Avatar 8:44pm

@chresti: I can't drink coffee, it destroys my GI tract. Yerba mate in the morning, tea in the afternoon, no milk or sugar....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm

I liked George Clinton's dog song "doing the dogcatcher"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
Mr. Fine Wine:

Hey everybody! Sorry for the lack of comments from me tonight...more labor-intensive than usual here because of an equipment issue that I shall not name!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
Mr. Fine Wine:

Ha ha, not my personal equipment, mind you.
Avatar 8:45pm
Billy Jam:

#Turntable 2
Avatar 8:45pm

Turntable #2?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm

chresti @8.35 it wasn't me i swear! i won this dog fair & square in a poker game!
Avatar 8:45pm

@Billy: jinx!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm

Ha ha! @coel
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm

I always hated that $#!++4 turntable #2!
Avatar 8:48pm
Billy Jam:

bear in mind that - unlike near every other DJ on WFMU who typically play a combo of formats - Mr Fine Wine plays vinyl exclusively and all 2 to 2 1/2 minute 45 singles - which means he needs 3 functional turntables
Avatar 8:52pm

(I use multiple formats, and need four turntables, two walkmen, a cdj, and laptop, and I play songs that are usually 4-10 mins long, sometimes much shorter. AND, I usually have my dj partner do the playlist and comments.) So, much respect, Mr. Fine Wine!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52pm

ngh- I can't imagine a day without coffee! It's the elixir of life!
Avatar 8:53pm

@chresti: It's why it almost takes me almost 3 hours from waking up until leaving for work. No caffeine until the office...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm

And I can't imagine Playing 45s as seamlessly as fine wine doea!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm

chresti honestly though i don't have 3 dogs; but 3 dogs have me.
...they're not mine they're my sister's, but i'm the alpha - even when she's home. i take better care of them when i'm here and they know it. (even though i'm more strict with them also) i'm a good daddy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55pm

coel, that's like my mom with the dogs and cats my brother brought home.
Avatar 8:56pm

Back before I moved south last summer, I saw Mr Fine Wine at Union Pool. He's schiichzit in person w/ the zounds. (I used to live nearby, can't remember which times, as I was there very often).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

chresti i've had dogs before, but my lifestyle makes it very impractical to have sole responsibility for a dog.
Avatar 8:59pm

He's the schiichzite in person, (I can't even butcher english anymore, I give up).....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

Thanks Fine Wine! good to hear you not whilst driving. (though it's great for driving)
Avatar 8:59pm

ShowstoppingSuper Sonics, new to me, and digdug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

now i have to drag myself away from Daniel for a kinks extravaganza not an easy thing for me.
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