Favoriting Vocal Fry with Dan Bodah: Playlist from July 30, 2018 Favoriting

Dan Bodah's avatar View Dan Bodah's profile Favoriting

Music with vocals weird & wonderful -- beatboxing, yodels, auction chants, Tuvan throatsinging, & eerie polyphonies.

Tuesday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Tue. Mar 11th, 8pm - 9pm: Dan Bodah and his Co-Host Stashu

Favoriting July 30, 2018: 142: Rocking Help

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention  Help I'm a Rock   Favoriting Freak Out!  Ryko  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Kongar-Ol Ondar  Medley of Throat-Singing Styles Accompanied by Doshpuluur   Favoriting     0:04:16 (Pop-up)
Francis Bebey  Bissau   Favoriting     0:09:45 (Pop-up)
Alien Voices  Oourz9   Favoriting     0:12:15 (Pop-up)
Jerome Rothenberg  Horse Songs XI   Favoriting     0:15:48 (Pop-up)
Natascha Nikeprelevic & Michael Vetter  Ovetone Singing Duet   Favoriting     0:20:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Overtone Choir Spektrum 

Villarosa Sarialdi   Favoriting



0:22:02 (Pop-up)
The Feral Consort  Stiff Leg   Favoriting     0:32:03 (Pop-up)
Arrington de Dionyso  All is On!   Favoriting     0:35:39 (Pop-up)
Batzorig Vaanchig  Chinggis Khaanii Magtaal   Favoriting     0:37:05 (Pop-up)
Alex Glenfield  The One and None Epic Pt. 17   Favoriting     0:41:03 (Pop-up)
Mikuskovics  Fujara & Overtone Singing   Favoriting     0:45:31 (Pop-up)
Haider Leghari  Balochi Song   Favoriting     0:52:16 (Pop-up)
Kuular  Rolling in the Deep   Favoriting     0:55:39 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Mark Hurst:

Yeah Vocal Fry!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Michael 98145:

this doesn't sound like polka

Avatar 7:05pm
future transport:

!!!!!FREAK OUT !!!!!
Avatar 7:05pm
Linda Lee:

those mothers is crazy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good evening, Dan and frybabies!
Avatar 7:07pm
Linda Lee:

hi Dan! looking forward to beautiful human sounds.
Avatar 7:07pm

Frybabies, heh!
Avatar 7:08pm
Linda Lee:

not the Fryers' Club?
Avatar 7:08pm
Mister Dobalina:

Oh gosh I really like this show!
Avatar 7:08pm

Is this the show where we hear everything in Fry from Futurama's voice?
Avatar 7:09pm

sounds a little like a caller at a square dance!
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Richard S:

Nothing like some throat singing to start the week!
Avatar 7:10pm

Fryer's club!!! ha ha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

This guy does throat singing like I do; one style right into the next. I'm not this good, though.
Avatar 7:10pm
Linda Lee:

do we have to be of a certain age to get that one? :-D
Avatar 7:11pm

Throat Coat, anybody?
Avatar 7:11pm
Mister Dobalina:

I'll definitely be at this show on Sept 20th at Carnegie Hall : Mongolian Nomadic Folk Music Concert. If you're in the NYC area, dig it.

Hey there Dan!

i like when the little kids throat sing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Dan Bodah:

Good evening to all members of the elite Fryers Club.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

i think Scott W needs some, geezerette! was thinking about throat coat today while listening to Scott's show. :)

hi, Dan and everyfryer.
Avatar 7:14pm

Linda Lee, the actual Friar's Club is still in Bevely Hills and next door is atuxedo rental shop called Friar Tux.
Avatar 7:15pm

Chris, works ,but tastes terrible!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm
Michael 98145:

@gz'ette, :)
Avatar 7:15pm
Linda Lee:

this is the one Sinatra would never join.
Friar Tux. oy. :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16pm
Dan Bodah:

If anyone wants to remix the Friars Club logo into a VF logo, don't let me stop you! goo.gl...
Avatar 7:17pm
Linda Lee:

we're a talented gang. let's have at it! :-)
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Michael! :)

LL, I know, it's so Catskills isn't it?
Avatar 7:18pm
Linda Lee:

indeed. old catskills, not new catskills. :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Dan Bodah:

Not sure what Latin motto would be best...perhaps "voces prodigiosum terras"
Avatar 7:19pm
Linda Lee:

nice one!
Avatar 7:19pm
Linda Lee:

maybe the illustration is a human larynx :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Dan Bodah:

"maxime mirum voces hominum"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

"Epiglottis something something"
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LL@7:18: Of course old! :D
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Linda Lee:

a human larynx in a frying pan? :-D
Avatar 7:24pm
Linda Lee:

i'm living as a witness to 'the new catskills' right now. odd & frightening transformations ~ while the hotels gently fall to bits.
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Richard S:

Et vox humana gloria - The Glory of the Human Voice
Avatar 7:25pm
Linda Lee:

it's really funny to have one's home 'discovered'.
Avatar 7:27pm
Linda Lee:

overtone choir track is powerfully wonderful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar 7:30pm
Linda Lee:

very, very cool concept, Mr. Rothenberg!
Avatar 7:31pm
Linda Lee:

**highly** recommend ubu web too.
Avatar 7:36pm
Richard S:

(listens closely) I think I was at this party....
Avatar 7:39pm

Speaking of old Catskills, I helped my friend build a cabin out in the middle of nowhere (a good 7miles/10km from the neared paved road) in Westerlo, NY (Albany County). It was the site of what was the site of the first mass killing (not including native americans) when a guy killed his nephews and their family and the family next door in the early 19th c. There was still a two stone house foundations, a grave yard w/ gravestones from 1790-1834, and a wagon switchback trail etched into the ridge.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Dan Bodah:

Vocal Fry pin designed by listener JakeGould: twitter.com... -- in lower right
Avatar 7:42pm
Richard S:

Nice work!
Avatar 7:44pm

Waiting for the 'echo' piece which is sung in a carved ' crack " piece" tunnel' beneath a glacier. The cut out pieces are access and seating

Hey Dan! Of course I get to login right when you hype my button design. Thanks!
Avatar 7:46pm
Linda Lee:

gee, ngh. how did the place feel?
Avatar 7:48pm

@ Linda Lee -- my thoughts exactly!
Avatar 7:50pm

(as i am looking at the website for "The Sinner" and wondering if those are Datura plants/flowers)
Avatar 7:51pm
Linda Lee:

what plants?
datura is pretty showy, iirc.
Avatar 7:52pm
Linda Lee:

big trumpets!
Avatar 7:53pm

@Linda Lee: It was beautiful and peaceful. I'll explore around and find old artifacts, which was fun. The unpleasant parts of its history had no bearing of it. We went once in a blizzard, there was so much snow an ice we had to crawl across the small wooden bridge. (another time when we were help build the cabin).
Avatar 7:54pm
Linda Lee:

i know that kind of storm so well i wish i didn't :-)
good. clear then.
Avatar 7:54pm

The only electricity was from the solar cell shingles on the roof of the cabin. By 2014, the phone coverage was good enough in there, a friend of ours lived in his cabin permanently since he could work from there w/ phone/internet connection.
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Linda Lee:

nice! most of the folks in my home valley still can't do that..
Avatar 7:56pm

saw ads over the weekend on TV -- appeared to be plants & flowers in the design, i looked closer and thought "holy Henbane, is that Datura??"
so i finally had a chance to look at the website:
Avatar 7:57pm
Linda Lee:

now i see. those seem a little small for datura.
Avatar 7:59pm
Linda Lee:

i think those might be virtualia. ;-)
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@ ngh -- that actually sounds Heavenly! pretty and peaceful and out in the middle of nowhere :)
@ Linda Lee -- right? then discovered that there are different types of datura, depending on the area, and also that their growth can be effected (affected?) by the environment (as with most living things, but it struck me that Datura seems to be especially "sensitive")
Avatar 8:00pm
Richard S:

I *WON'T* catch you next week - I'll be on my way to Amsterdam. So until the week after....

now its yolk time

this is the only time I have ever enjoyed an adele song.
Avatar 8:00pm
Linda Lee:

hmmm .. i guess it's possble to have a little cultivar ..
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