Favoriting Techtonic with Mark Hurst: Playlist from August 13, 2018 Favoriting

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Conversations with creators and thinkers who are charting the way forward in a tech-saturated society. In our shift to a digital future, we need alternatives to Big Tech. Homepage: techtonic.fm

Monday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 6pm - 7pm: Mark Hurst and his Co-Host Matt Warwick

Favoriting August 13, 2018: James Bridle, author of "New Dark Age"

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This week: James Bridle, author of New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future.

Pointers to James Bridle:

Jamesbridle.com, his website

@jamesbridle on Twitter

Video interview of James Bridle, produced by his publisher, Verso

Recent Tech News

The Information on School Websites Is Not as Safe as You Think (NYT, Aug 2): "Many school sites are hosting software from third-party companies whose primary business is buying and selling data for the detailed dossiers of personal information on finances, lifestyle and buying habits that advertisers prize. Those third parties may invite still other trackers onto the site, without the school’s knowledge or control. 'The price of getting information about your child’s school should not be losing your privacy to online ad brokers.'"

Google tracks your movements, like it or not (AP, today, Aug 13): "Even with Location History paused, some Google apps automatically store time-stamped location data without asking. For example, Google stores a snapshot of where you are when you merely open its Maps app... some searches that have nothing to do with location, like 'chocolate chip cookies,' or 'kids science kits,' pinpoint your precise latitude and longitude — accurate to the square foot — and save it to your Google account."

Jack Dorsey's Dangerous Defense of Alex Jones (The Atlantic, Aug 8): "What serves the public conversation best, [Twitter CEO] Dorsey argues, is for one media company to reject the idea that publishers are responsible for the quality of what appears on their platforms, to ignore the larger record of information people publish—and instead to rely on other publishers to uphold standards such as seeking the truth and reporting it, holding the powerful accountable for lies and corruption, and doing so in a way that serves the public good and minimizes harm."

• The business model of Big Tech: GROWTH AT ALL COSTS.

Tonight's outtro is from Cult Fantastic. Thanks to Cheyenne Hohman, director of WFMU's Free Music Archive, for the pointer.

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Artist Track Album Label Images Approx. start time
  James Bridle, author of "New Dark Age," describes our entanglement with digital tech, climate change, and the worst of capitalism.
Tomaš Dvořák  Game Boy Tune   Favoriting Machinarium Soundtrack  No label 
  Mark's intro      
0:01:25 (Pop-up)
  Interview with James Bridle, author, "New Dark Age"      
0:14:37 (Pop-up)
  Your calls and comments 201-209-9368      
0:36:54 (Pop-up)
Cult Fantastic  Screens   Favoriting I Love My Selfie  No label 
0:56:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:04pm

Hello, Mark!
"What fresh hell is this?" (Dorothy Parker, I think...)
Avatar 6:05pm

hi. it may be Tech News but it's also Tech Noose.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Bas NL:

Hi Mark & Techtonauts!
Avatar 6:11pm
Linda Lee:

so awfully pathetic!! total surveillance isn't even based in an overarching ideology like, say, totalitarian fascism. it's just business. sheesh.

Hi all
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

hoo boy
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:12pm
Bas NL:

Growth is Good! Muhahahaahaaa!
Warren from Australia:

Hello Techton trillionaires
Avatar 6:12pm

ooh, mark said PENETRATION. yeah baby!
Avatar 6:12pm
Jeff Moore:

Cancer and kudzu!
Avatar 6:13pm
Linda Lee:

Avatar 6:13pm

Google can't track you to w/in a foot. If there are 8 GPS satellites w/in the constellation of your viewshed, then you might be able to get a location w/ a margin of error of 1.5m if you're lucky. Triangulation via cell towers is less accurate. (Geographic pendant is a geographic pendant).
Avatar 6:13pm

does capitalism say "growth at all costs"?
Patty D:

Mark, do you think people like Alex Jones should be censored by big tech companies or does freedom of speech mean you have to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly?

I understand the difference here is a company is doing the censorship and not the government.
Avatar 6:14pm
Linda Lee:

that's modern hypercapitalism, yep.

@herb capitalism, religion, carbon-based-life, the universe itself...
Avatar 6:16pm
Linda Lee:

"in a corporatist system of govenrment, corporate censorship is state censorship.' ~ that's caitlyn johnstone. we need to forget there's a difference in the US, because there currently isn't.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm
Mark Hurst:

Hi Linda! Chud! Patty! Herb! ngh! WFMU's own Jeff! Queems! Bas! Melinda! Geezerette!
Avatar 6:19pm

Shallow knowledge, shiny beads, Trojan horses.
Avatar 6:20pm
Linda Lee:

organic forms of life are self limiting. that's sustainable. growth without limit isn't sustainable & so of course, it's also self-limiting. it's just that there's no allowance for that in practice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
Mark Hurst:

Patty, if I have time I'll try to answer your question on-air. I think there's a categorical difference when a "platform" isn't neutral at all but instead is designed to amplify toxic content.
Avatar 6:20pm
Linda Lee:

even cancer will eventually kill the organism.
Avatar 6:20pm
Linda Lee:

hey there Mark!
Avatar 6:22pm

(2005 37cent American Scientist, John von Neumann - i have some of these stamps, brand new)
Avatar 6:23pm

Any 91.1 listeners getting dodgy reception? Station seems to be fading in and out here in Brooklyn.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

@snortley it's been a little fuzzy for me today
Avatar 6:25pm

91.1fm reception has been fine in lower manhattan
Avatar 6:30pm
Linda Lee:

excellent interview
Avatar 6:31pm

i see the "stop looking at your phone" image on the techtonic page - at last night's summerstage "greenwich village" show, singer john sebastian said, in middle of song, "hey everyone, put down yr cellphone...".
Avatar 6:31pm
Linda Lee:

this cannot be sustainable whatsoever.

Apropos of ditching the cellphone: https://twitter.com/OriginalYoni/status/1027988511192834048
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

climate change is not a threat to the planet. it is a threat to life on earth. the planet will be fine, given time. its important to keep that in mind. battling climate change is about the survival of life on earth.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm
Mark Hurst:

Good ones, Herb & Dean, thanks! @Linda, I agree
Avatar 6:37pm
Linda Lee:

continual utilization of the net isn't sustainable in terms of energy usage.. so then continual mass surveillance isn't sustainable either.
Avatar 6:37pm

(gotta run, take care all. will catch up on archives!)
Avatar 6:37pm
Linda Lee:

we just refuse to stop killing ourselves off, don't we.

Bridle is doing a great job of highlighting the costs of new technologies we often conveniently choose to ignore, thereby skewing our back-of-the-envelope cost-benefit analyses. But I disagree that we don't need more data...or at least the implication that we don't need more (or better) data processing. Ars Technica today reports on the computational limitations of climate change analysis:

"The simulations took up a year of NCAR supercomputer time, so they were also only able to look at one climate change scenario—the average of all 19 different climate models in a 'business-as-usual' emissions scenario. Ideally, it would also be good to know what the projections look like under additional climate scenarios."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

we do seem to be pretty good at it, LL. :(
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:38pm
Bas NL:

Internet power usage is dwarfed by energy use in shipping, airplanes and industry.

Climate story at Ars: https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/08/a-warmer-world-means-a-greater-risk-rain-lands-on-snow-triggering-floods/
Avatar 6:39pm
Linda Lee:

interconnected = entangled. note Mr Bridle' s term.
Avatar 6:39pm
Linda Lee:

correct Bas!
Avatar 6:40pm

this was predicted decades ago. Nevertheless, inaction is not an option.

@Linda, I think all of the things I listed are self-limiting. I also believe that technology's rise is as inevitable as a hole being smoothed over with time. Every energy gradient ends up being exploited
Avatar 6:41pm
Linda Lee:

ah ok. got it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Rich in Washington:

Dagnabit! I forgot to tune in until now!
Avatar 6:43pm
Linda Lee:

of course Alex Jones will not ultimately be censored, because he's a very useful tool of controlled opposition.
Avatar 6:45pm
Linda Lee:

if he were serious opposition to the status quo he'd be long gone or tempered under threat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

@chris I think when people say the planet is threatened it's really shorthand for "the ecosystems which sustain us on this planet". Not technically accurate but less cumbersome and conveys the dire nature of our situation.
Avatar 6:46pm
Linda Lee:

same with that other shit-head.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

@Linda good point.
Avatar 6:47pm
Linda Lee:

we can assume this is so because of what's happening to voices of actual opposition.
Avatar 6:47pm

My awareness of Alex Jones I owe to Oscar nominee, Richard Linklater.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

melinda, i've thought this for a while, and am a bit of a poo-head for semantics. so, i do agree with you. somehow bringing humanity into it means something more to me. maybe only rhetorically, i'll admit.
Avatar 6:49pm

I'm too sad to comment further. We do what we can.
Avatar 6:49pm
Linda Lee:

right right right right re sociopahtic corporate leadership.
Avatar 6:50pm
Patty D:

Thanks for the response Mark. I think Twitter, FB, Google, etc. has the right and responsibility to censor people as they see fit. My only concern is the fact that they are the ones who get to decide what is and is not appropriate.
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:51pm
Bas NL:

I've met many hateful and opinionated people in real life.. why should internet be any better?
Avatar 6:51pm
Patty D:

Love the show by the way.
Avatar 6:51pm
Linda Lee:

what will sustain & help us go forward, if anything can, is communication & community.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

@chris I get it. I'm never sure what the most effective language is, because we're trying to appeal to different minds.
Avatar 6:53pm

I believe Public Enemy has a song for that, as Chuck D said, "Shut it Down!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

@Patty I agree, it's their right but I don't trust them to do a good job of it. They need to be broken up.
Rando Jones:

Not to plug a different show but On The Media in their latest episode has a decent discussion about the free speech issues around Alex Jone with his lawyer in the law suit. In the lawsuit, the first amendment does apply because it's about the law. Mark is pretty much spot on with what he's saying about Twitter they only care about profit. To use the example of the Illinois Nazis from the Blues Brothers (which was based on a real case btw) Twitter allowing Alex Jones to spread his garbage would be like WGN allowing the Illinois Nazis to advertise their rally on their airwaves which is something that never would have happened back then.
Doug C:

Interesting line of thought. The Washington Post had an editorial on NPR hosting white supreme it’s
Prior to their March and handing them softball questions and a forum for their hateful views. Shouldn’t Facebook and twitter be held to the same standard.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

Rando thanks for the reference, I'll have to check that out.

@chris: it also seems to leave open the possibility of colonizing other planets
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Rich in Washington:

I live near where one of the biggest alt/right douchenozzles in the Pacific NW lives and our only daily paper loves writing fawning pieces on him, taking his jesus talk at face value, etc.
Avatar 6:56pm

thanks for doing this, Mark.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

Yay, enjoying the crossover of different shows/DJs.
Avatar 6:56pm
Jeff Moore:

On The Media is one of the essential weekly listens. Has been for years.
Avatar 6:56pm

not only nutrient intake, but skeletal and muscular structural issues beyond 10ft fr humans as well as the size one's lungs and surface area of one's alveoli w/ today's current O2 content would make it nearly impossible...
Avatar 6:56pm
Linda Lee:

have a good break, Mark. we'll miss you!
Doug C:

That was supremecists but spellcheck...
Avatar 6:56pm

salud, Mark!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

thanks, Mark! and thanks, wonderful people for comments!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Bas NL:

Thanks Mark & have a nice break!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

thanks mark!
Avatar 6:58pm
Jeff Moore:

Thanks, Mark – pray have a good and re-energizing time away.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Mark Hurst:

Thanks, everyone! I'll miss you. See you in 3 weeks. Have a good end-of-summer!
Avatar 🤖 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
listener 126464:

Thanks Mark!

Kill your selfie
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